20 Different Ways to Respond to “I’ll Make It up to You”

Promises are as futile as empty jars until they’re fulfilled. That would be the feeling you’ll likely get when someone says “I’ll make it up to you” because it is all shades of promises and nothing substantial.

Perhaps, the person wronged you and he or she is trying to soften your mind by saying the statement to you.

But before that, you might want to know the right set of replies to throw in after someone says to you, “I’ll make it up to you”.

Let’s get into the article properly, as I discuss a couple of replies for the phrase. Keep reading on!

20 Diverse Ways to Respond to “I’ll Make It up to You”

When someone says “I’ll make it up to you”, it means they’re out to please you for probably something bad they’ve done to you.

Are you going to allow for that or is it still going to remain invalid till you feel you need to give him or her a waiver for the wrongdoings? I’d leave you to answer that.

However, you might want to serve a well-deserved response to the person in question. If you’re not well versed with what to say in this situation, then I will have to step in and save the day.

Below are 20 different ways to respond when someone says “I’ll make it up to you”.

  1. Time will decide
  2. I hope you do
  3. I wouldn’t risk believing you
  4. You certainly won’t
  5. I don’t believe you
  6. I’ll be counting on you
  7. Your words, not mine
  8. When it happens, we’ll see
  9. It’s not your first time saying that, how will this be different?
  10. I wish you keep to your words
  11. I don’t trust you enough to agree
  12. Lies, vain words they are and will remain
  13. Whether you do or not, it doesn’t matter
  14. You don’t really have to, it’s not necessary
  15. Do you think you can?
  16. Don’t make empty promises
  17. How do you intend to do that?
  18. You really did me dirty
  19. Even that won’t be enough to heal the hurt
  20. No need for that, just change for me

Time Will Decide

Leaving time and nature to decide the outcome of someone’s promise of reparation to you is a good step at ensuring you don’t get attached to it mentally.

With this checked, you also unconsciously check for issues concerning disappointment. This is because you wouldn’t be so disappointed when you leave the whims of time to deal with the person who had said ‘I’ll make it up to you’.

The person will also understand that you’re cut out for any games, as you would rather move along with your life than bug yourself with an issue that can potentially turn south on you.

I Hope You Do

The cry for hope brings about fulfillment when you finally achieve what you’ve always wanted.

However, this line of response doesn’t come in as any cry; rather it is a clear and concise line that seeks to bring the light of hope into what you’re doing.

When someone promises to make it up to you, and they mean it, you can use this line to reassure them that you’re looking forward to that.

It is also an emotional call to the person who had promised to make it up to you.

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I Wouldn’t Risk Believing You

Just like you would love to hope for the possibility that someone promises, some people are not to be trusted at all. No matter how convincing they sound, their attitude still reeks of dishonesty.

This reply poses such a scenario, where a person who has betrayed your trust once seeks to redeem themselves by promising to make it up to you.

You would be damned to place hope on the side of such a person because it’ll be a futile effort at being positive.

Hence, you can get audible with what you feel and perceive with this line of response, rather than just conceive it in your mind and not get verbal about it.

The best part of this response is that it comes in plain words and its readability need not be stressed before you the person you’re directing it to grasps what you’re saying.

By saying “I wouldn’t risk believing you”, you make the thin line bold that you believe neither them nor their words.

You Certainly Won’t

The adage “once bitten, twice shy” is a good statement and I would like to incorporate its standards into this particular line of response.

Has this person who wants to make it up to you wronged you several times, that you can say for sure that they won’t change?

Do you think the person’s atrocities on you combine with being untrustworthy, so much that you can tell their lies from a distance?

If the answer to all of these questions is “Yes”, then I suppose you should use this line of response when he or she says they’re making it up to you.

If you noticed…there’s no vibe of uncertainty in this line of response. It is all a wrapped-up proclamation. There’s no room for cutting corners because it is a known fact that they won’t ‘make it up to you’.

I Don’t Believe You

Ways to Respond to I'll Make It up to You

It is one thing to be certain that someone won’t turn up for you after they had said they will make it up to you, and it is another thing to not believe them.

Belief is wavering and certainty is not. This line of response gives credit to the former as you posit that you don’t ‘believe’ the person.

Spoken plainly, you can use this line to dismiss any insecurities you might have from having hope in someone who might come up with a farce of an excuse when they can’t fulfill their promises to you.

I’d suggest you maintain a strong frame while saying this line, as any form of jittery tone will downplay the authenticity of your claims of disbelief.

I’ll be counting on You

I see no harm in giving someone a chance to prove themselves worthy of either your company or trust.

It will only be harmful if the same person has done wrong to you far too many times and all you seek now is the sanity of mind.

However, you could afford the person some time to ‘make it up to you’ if their offense is not grave.

On that note, you can use this line of response to push play to your agenda of hoping on him or her.

This line is an idiomatic expression that denotes that you hope for the person who promised to prove their worth to you.

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Your Words, Not Mine

This line is a careful and well-articulated response to when someone says he or she will make it up to you.

In the real sense of the order of things, they’re the ones who uttered the words so it would in their responsibility to uphold what they have said to you.

With this line, you exempt yourself from any consequences that follow suit if you fail to uphold your words.

In that same vein, you’re also positing that you would mete out any punishments due to the person for failing their ‘own’ words.

When It Happens, We’ll see

Giving someone hope is one thing and looking forward to the execution of the promises they made is another thing.

This line of response suggests that you’d only believe what the person says to you when he or she fulfills it. This is so much like the adage ‘seeing is believing’.

If this reply is uttered, I’m sure the person who said they’d ‘make it up to you’ wouldn’t have much choice than to first strive to fulfill their words to you.

And the reason is that it is now clear that you won’t have any of their excesses until you’re sure that they’ve done as they promised.

It’s Not Your First Time Saying That, How Will This Be Different?

If you cast a person’s wrongdoing in their face, it doesn’t make you a naysayer, or does it now?

I firmly you’re no naysayer for doing that, so that’s exactly what I plan to achieve with this line of response.

When you tell the person that it is not their first time saying something of that sort to you without fulfilling it, would make them less reluctant to do as they’ve promised.

The question “how will this be different?” is a strong query to the person, as it questions the validity of their present promise as against their past one which wasn’t upheld.

The person would have no other choice than to affirm their effort to fulfill their promise or they may back down on it.

This would be because their ingenuity has been questioned as a result of their previous acts.

I Wish You Keep to Your Words

Wishes are mere heart pleas made to the universe, with a 50/50 chance of coming to pass.

Suffice my meaning of wishes to this scenario, and then you’ll discover that this line of response faults the person’s promise to make things up to you.

For you to wish they keep to your words means that you may have hope for them, but it is not enough for you to have total trust in them.

I Don’t Trust You Enough to Agree

So much like the previous line, this reply plainly states that you don’t trust the speaker well enough to agree to their promise.

In other words, this is a blatant refusal to acknowledge the person’s promise of making things up to you.

Lies, Vain Words They Are and Will Remain

Talking about blatant refusal…here we have an even more daring one. This line of response completely displaces the words of the speaker as vain words.

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You might need this if you no longer have the air coming out from the nostrils of the speaker.

Whether You Do or Not, It Doesn’t Really Matter

If you don’t care whether the person makes it up to you or not, you use this line to make them realize that without going into the details.

You Don’t Really Have To, It’s Not Necessary

Just like the last response, you can also use this line to convey the same message but in another light, while maintaining your stand that reparation is not necessary.

Do You Think You Can?

It’s time for the questions to start coming in already because you need to question the speaker on certain this.

Asking the person if they think they can make it up to you is a sarcastic way of discouraging them.

Don’t Make Empty Promises

While you try to query the speaker on how the effectiveness of their fulfilling their promise, you can also lend them some advice.

I’m sure they’d appreciate the advice if they’re truly sorry for their wrongdoing and intend to ‘make it up to you’.

As you tell them not to make empty promises, you’re indirectly allowing them to reevaluate themselves and consider if they can go ahead with what they’ve said to you.

How Do You Intend to Do That?

Ways to Respond to I'll Make It up to You

When someone appeals to embark on a journey, they’re often asked how they intend to survive.

You can employ the same query tactic in this line of response if you desire. With this reply, you’re asking the person how he or she intends to make it up to you.

You Really Did Me Dirty

We’ve been talking about how to query, advise, and even say comebacks to the speaker, and we’ve forgotten to remind the speaker of their wrongdoings.

Well, this reply does justice to that exemption and relives the person’s memory of that. It’ll serve as a tormenting memory to them, hopefully, they’ll make quick with ‘making it up to you’.

Even That Won’t Be Enough to Heal the Hurt

It will interest you to know that no matter the depth of the person’s effort to make things right, it wouldn’t heal the hurt they’ve caused you, especially if they did great damage to your mental health.

No Need for That, Just Change for Me

If all you need for the person who promised to make things right for you is just change, then you can be verbal about it with this line of response.

This response clears the air of any promise and fails, and reinstates change as the new order because that’s all you need from the person.


I get it…it’s hard for some people to accept they’re ever wrong. However, the few who do try to make amends for their bad actions. And this is what may prompt the person to say “I’ll make it up to you.”

In the course of this post, I’ve discussed at length a couple of responses to the speaker about this type of promise.

You should know that these replies fit different scenarios, so you might want to consider which situation you find yourself in before picking an appropriate line of response.

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