20 Clever Responses to ‘Come Sit On My Face’

The phrase ‘come sit on my face’ is one of those awkward, yet often hilarious, moments that can come up in conversation.

Whether they are trying to be funny or they are making an inappropriate comment, it’s important to know how to respond.

But never fear, as I have compiled 20 clever responses to this uncomfortable phrase that will help you handle the situation with finesse.

From witty retorts to lighthearted quips, each of these clever responses will help you take control of the conversation and leave you feeling empowered and in control of the situation.

So, the next time someone tells you to come sit on their face, you’ll be ready with your perfect response.

20 Clever Responses To ‘Come Sit On My Face’

When someone tells you to come sit on their face, it can be a confusing and uncomfortable situation.

Whether it’s a joke or a serious request, it’s important to know how to respond in a way that is both respectful and appropriate. Here are 20 clever responses:

  1. That’s not something I’m comfortable with. 
  2. No, thank you. 
  3. I’m not into that kind of thing. 
  4. That’s inappropriate. 
  5. I’m not into that sort of thing. 
  6. I think I’ll keep my bum where it belongs, thanks. 
  7. I don’t think that’s the kind of bonding I had in mind.
  8. That’s not my style. 
  9. I’m not sure that would be very comfortable. 
  10. No, I don’t think so. 
  11. That’s not something I do. 
  12. I’d rather not, but I’ll sit on your lap if that’s okay. 
  13. Wow, it’s really flattering that you want me to sit on your face, but we’re not close enough to do this. 
  14. Are you sure you know what you’re asking? 
  15. I’m flattered, but no thank you.
  16. I’ll take a rain check on that offer. 
  17. I’m sorry, I will make a pass
  18. I don’t think I’d be comfortable with that. 
  19. Well, I’d rather not, but I’ll sit on your couch if that’s okay.
  20. I don’t think I’m the right person for that job.

That’s not something I’m comfortable with. 

This is a straightforward and honest way to let the other person know that you’re not interested in what they’re proposing.

No, thank you. 

This is a polite way to decline the request without making the other person feel bad.

I’m not into that kind of thing. 

This response is suitable for many reasons; it is direct and to the point and does not leave any room for confusion or misinterpretation.

It also shows that the individual is comfortable expressing their boundaries, and is not interested in participating in activities that do not appeal to them.

Additionally, this response implies that the individual is confident in who they are and what they want, and is not willing to compromise their values or beliefs.

That’s inappropriate. 

This phrase clearly communicates that the speaker believes the request is inappropriate and should not occur.

It is an effective response because it conveys disapproval without being confrontational and can be used by either gender or in any type of situation.

It is important to use an appropriate response when someone makes an inappropriate or unacceptable request.

This is especially true when the request is of a sexual or intimate nature and the speaker needs to make it clear that they do not condone or approve of the behavior.

It is also important to follow up with the person who made the inappropriate request and explain why it was inappropriate and why it should not happen again.

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By using the phrase That’s inappropriate, the speaker can effectively convey their disapproval in a direct yet non-confrontational way.

I’m not into that sort of thing

This is a gentle way to let the other person know that you’re not interested.

I think I’ll keep my bum where it belongs, thanks. 

This response is humorous and implies that the person’s offer is inappropriate. It’s also a good way to express your discomfort without making them feel bad.

I don’t think that’s the kind of bonding I had in mind.

This response implies that there is a different type of bonding that is more appropriate.

That’s not my style. 

This response conveys a firm and direct message that the suggestion is completely out of bounds and not acceptable.

It is a polite yet firm way of saying that you do not appreciate the suggestion and do not wish to engage in it.

This phrase also reflects the sentiment that there is a clear boundary of what is appropriate to say and do, and the suggestion that was made is not within this boundary.

I’m not sure that would be very comfortable. 

This response is lighthearted and humorous. It’s also a great way to express your discomfort without directly rejecting the person’s offer.

No, I don’t think so. 

This is a suitable response to when someone tells you to come sit on their face. It is a respectful way to decline the offer as it conveys a clear message that you are not interested.

It also shows that you value your own boundaries and are comfortable enough to express them.

Additionally, this phrase implies that you are not seeking to engage in any type of activity that you find uncomfortable or inappropriate.

This response is important because it allows both parties to maintain mutual respect for one another and ensures that no one is put in an uncomfortable or potentially dangerous situation.

It is a simple and straightforward way to say no.

That’s not something I do. 

“That’s not something I do” is a suitable response to when someone tells you to ‘come sit on my face’. This phrase is a polite yet firm way to politely decline a request that you are uncomfortable with.

It conveys to the other person that you are not interested in engaging in the activity without being overly confrontational.

Additionally, this phrase does not put the other person down or make them feel bad about the request, but simply states that you do not wish to participate.

It is important to be able to say no to requests that make you feel uncomfortable, and this phrase is a great way to do just that.

I’d rather not, but I’ll sit on your lap if that’s okay. 

This is a suitable response to when someone tells you ‘come sit on my face’ because it shows respect for a person’s boundaries and feelings.

It is a way of expressing a polite refusal without offending the other person. It is also a way of making it clear that you are not interested in engaging in the activity they have suggested.

By expressing this opinion in a polite and respectful manner, it is much more likely that the other person will respect your opinion and not pressure you into doing something you are not comfortable with.

Oh wow, it’s really flattering that you want me to sit on your face, but we’re not close enough to do this. 

Oh wow, it’s really flattering that you want me to sit on your face, but we’re not close enough to do this is a suitable response when someone tells you ‘come sit on my face’.

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It is a polite yet firm way of declining the invitation while still showing appreciation for the gesture.

It acknowledges that the offer was flattering, but at the same time, it conveys that the two of you are not close enough to engage in such an intimate act.

It also implies that, if the two of you were closer, it may have been an option that could be explored.

The response is respectful and leaves the door open for further exploration if the relationship evolves to a more intimate level.

Are you sure you know what you’re asking? 

When someone tells you to come sit on my face, the phrase Are you sure you know what you’re asking? is a suitable response.

This phrase implies that the person making this request might not be aware of the implications of their request, or may not realize the awkwardness of the situation.

Additionally, it could be interpreted as a warning to the asker that such a request could be considered inappropriate or offensive.

The phrase also implies that the person being asked should take a moment to consider if this is truly what they are asking for, as well as if it is appropriate or not.

Ultimately, this phrase serves as an effective response to such an unexpected request, as it allows the asker to stop and think before going forward with it.

I’m flattered, but no thank you

Responses to Come Sit On My Face

This is a polite, yet firm response to when someone tells you ‘come sit on my face’. It is an appropriate way to handle a situation in which someone is making an inappropriate request, while still being respectful.

It conveys that you are aware of the request, and that you are not comfortable with it, but that you are not offended by it either.

This response is ideal for any situation in which someone is making a suggestion or request that you are not comfortable with, but do not wish to be rude by rejecting it outright.

By conveying that you are flattered, it shows that you appreciate the gesture, while also expressing that you do not want to proceed with it.

I’ll take a rain check on that offer. 

The phrase I’ll take a rain check on that offer is a suitable response to when someone tells you to come sit on their face.

This polite but firm response implies that the person is declining the offer, and also expresses a desire to not offend the other person.

It is a polite way to make it clear that the offer has been declined, while still maintaining respect for the person who made the offer.

The phrase also implies that the offer may be accepted in the future, which can help to keep the conversation lighthearted and respectful.

I’m sorry, but I will make a pass

Responses to Come Sit On My Face

This phrase communicates that the speaker is not interested in the offer and is declining it in a polite manner.

It is a polite way to reject the offer while still maintaining respect and professionalism between both parties.

This phrase also implies that the speaker is not comfortable with the offer and is not interested in pursuing it any further.

It is a respectful way to decline and avoids any awkwardness that could arise from an overly blunt refusal.

It is an appropriate response to an inappropriate offer and should be used whenever someone is asked to do something that they are not comfortable with.

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I don’t think I’d be comfortable with that. 

Hearing someone tell you to come sit on their face can be quite jarring, and it’s important to have a suitable response.

A good response in this situation is I don’t think I’d be comfortable with that. This conveys your discomfort with the request without being confrontational and gives the person an opportunity to explain their intentions.

It also allows you to avoid potential awkwardness if the request was made in jest.

Furthermore, it is a polite way of saying no to a potentially uncomfortable situation, and also gives you time to consider if the request is something you would be willing to do.

Well, I’d rather not, but I’ll sit on your couch if that’s okay.

The phrase Well, I’d rather not, but I’ll sit on your couch if that’s okay. is a suitable response to when someone tells you ‘come sit on my face’.

This phrase is very appropriate in this situation as it shows an understanding of the other person’s feelings while making it clear that the request is not something that you are comfortable with.

It is polite and respectful, but also shows that you are standing your ground and not providing a response that could be misconstrued as agreement.

By suggesting an alternative, such as sitting on the couch, it allows the person to have their request met in a way that you are both comfortable with.

It is also a great way to indicate that you are not open to further negotiation and that you respect their boundaries.

I don’t think I’m the right person for that job.

In response to the suggestion to ‘come sit on my face’, it is an appropriate response to say I don’t think I’m the right person for that job.

This statement allows the speaker to express their discomfort with the suggestion in a polite manner, while also making it clear that the suggestion is not something they are interested in.

The phrase implies that the speaker understands the context of the suggestion and that they are not interested in pursuing it.

It also implies that the speaker is asserting their own boundaries and values, and is not willing to compromise on them for the other person’s benefit.

Furthermore, it sets a precedent for the speaker to be taken seriously in the future and that their opinions and values should be respected.


In conclusion, while ‘come sit on my face’ is a phrase that can be taken as a joke, it is important to remember that it can also be taken as a serious coital invitation.

Ultimately, the best response to this phrase is to take the time to assess the situation and decide what the most appropriate response would be.

Whether it’s to laugh it off, make a joke of it, or take it seriously, the choice should ultimately be yours.

Whatever you do, make sure it’s something that you feel comfortable with and that expresses your boundaries.

There’s no wrong way to respond to this type of situation – as long as you feel safe and respected in the process.

No matter how you decide to respond, keep in mind that it is your right to refuse any unwanted advances or invitations. Being aware of your rights and boundaries is always the best policy.

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