How Do You Respond to Shavua Tov | 20 Appropriate Responses

As we start the week, it’s important to take a moment to recognize the meaning of Shavua Tov – and to think about how we can best respond.

This blog post will explore the traditional significance of this Hebrew phrase, as well as dive into ways that we can use it in our lives.

Read on to learn more about how you can appreciate and respond to the blessing of Shavua Tov!

Shavua Tov is a Hebrew phrase that roughly translates to ‘good week’ and serves as an informal greeting among Jews and those in the Jewish community.

You may not be Jewish and that doesn’t stop you from using this in your conversations, however.

When one person says ‘Shavua Tov,’ the appropriate response is to return the sentiment by wishing them a ‘Shavua Tov’ back or employing another expression of goodwill such as ‘B’Shalom.’

20 Correct Responses to “Shavua Tov”

How Do You Respond to Shavua Tov

  1. Shavua Tov
  2. Have a great week too
  3. The same goes for you
  4. Thank you very much
  5. In peace
  6. Wish you the same
  7. Thanks! Hope yours goes well
  8. I appreciate it
  9. All the best
  10. I have no choice
  11. I will! You too
  12. Likewise
  13. Will do
  14. Cheers
  15. I’ll try
  16. See you
  17. Sure! I will
  18. Catch you later
  19. Hopefully, I will
  20. Have a wonderful week too.

Shavua Tov

Saying this would mean you are wishing the person the same thing that he or she has wished you.

This may be one of the best options, as long as you are comfortable with saying ‘Shavua Tov back as a response to ‘Shavua Tov.

The phrase ‘Shavua Tov is often used as a polite response to acknowledge the person who initiated the conversation.

We may add a slight inflection at the end of the phrase to evoke warmth and friendliness. It has always been used to say hello in social situations, including meeting someone or bidding farewell and often begins informal conversations between two people.

‘Shavua tov’ conveys respect and good wishes between individuals and is therefore an appropriate response for any situation where politeness is desired.

Have a great week too

Shavua Tov means Have a great week, as mentioned earlier. It is a way of wishing a person a wonderful week ahead.

When a person says this to you, he or she is definitely hoping to have a great week too. Therefore, it will be pretty nice if you can wish him or her the same.

Instead of simply saying Wish you the same, you can say it fully i.e. Have a great week too.

It is similar to praying for someone or having a person pray for you. When a person prays for another, he or she would also be happy to know that someone else is remembering him or her in prayers.

The same goes for you

This is a simple way of wishing a person the same thing that you have been wished. This statement can mean several things in different contexts.

We can use this statement when talking to two different people whom we have similar messages to pass to.

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When you give advice or a warning to one of them, you can turn to the second one and simply say ‘The same goes for you’.

This implies that the same advice or warning you have given to the first person applies to the second one.

When a person says Shavua tov, this response can be used to wish him or her the same thing about the week.

Thank you very much

This is a way to show appreciation in English. You can say Thank you to almost anything. The phrase can even be used to reply sarcastically to insults. The phrase works well in this case too.

When a person has said something beautiful to you or wished you well, you can say Thank you or Thank you very much.

Responding with Thank you very much shows that you care about people who give attention and show that they care about your welfare.

When a person has wished you a great week ahead of you, you should be happy for the prayers that have been said on your behalf.

An even better alternative to this option is Todah Rabah. It means the same thing but saying this would elicit a special reaction if you are talking to a Hebrew.

This is because Todah Rabah is a Hebrew word and the person would appreciate your effort in trying to speak his or her language.

In peace

Saying ‘In peace’ would be implying that you hope or pray to spend the week in peace.

Similarly, one of the most common responses to Shavua Tov among the Jews is B’Shalom and which translates to ‘in peace’ or ‘with peace.’

B’Shalom does not only function as an acceptable response to Shavua Tov. It is also an expression for greeting among Hebrews.

It is commonly used for both formal and informal occasions, such as when saying goodbye or when greeting someone.

B’Shalom can also be used to express goodwill and to wish blessings upon another person or group of people.

The use of the traditional expression expresses appreciation and creates a peaceful atmosphere between parties involved in conversation or interaction.

This term has been used by religious Jews since ancient times, but it has expanded beyond religious groups over the years.

The phrase can be used for any season or occasion, including the start of a new week, holidays, birthdays, or other special occasions.

Wish you the same

This is another way of throwing a compliment or a prayer back in a friendly way. You would be accepting the compliment while also saying it to the person that has said it first.

‘Shavua Tov’ is a traditional Jewish greeting that literally translates to ‘a good week’ or ‘has a good week.’

As such, one of the most appropriate responses is ‘Wish you the same’, which indicates that you wish them a good week as well.

Thanks! Hope yours goes well

This combines appreciation and well-wishes. The phrase ‘Hope your week goes well’ is a positive expression that can be used as an encouragement or to wish someone well.

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It conveys the sentiment of hoping that the individual will have a successful week, full of positive experiences and outcomes.

The idea behind this wishing phrase is rooted in the concept of optimism, emphasizing that we should take on each day with a hopeful outlook in order to perform our best and achieve our goals.

Thus, this phrase encapsulates the idea of looking forward with positivity toward what could be achieved during any given week.

I appreciate It

This is another set of words to express your gratitude for the good wish. When a person has wished you a great week, the response of ‘I appreciate it’ is an appropriate way to express one’s gratitude for the sentiment, as it implies acknowledgment and appreciation of the kind words of another.

All the best

How Do You Respond to Shavua Tov

This has no particular meaning. It can be linked to ‘Wish you all the best’ which is used to show support for a person.

The phrase ‘all the best’ typically serves as good luck or encouragement to someone who has a huge task or challenge ahead; in this case, it would express your good wishes for success during the upcoming week.

It may be used as a show of support to reassure and bolster confidence amidst the challenges that the individual may face throughout the week.

The phrase can also be interpreted as expressing hope that whatever opportunities come their way, they make the most of them.

Therefore, ‘all the best’ serves to remind us that we are not alone and that there are people around us wishing for our success.

I have no choice

This is a funny option. You may consider this if you are talking to a friend or a colleague.

This implies that you have no other option than to have a great week and you can’t choose to have anything other than that.

This statement would be found amusing. It shows your wits. The person would probably have expected you to respond as everyone else does (i.e. saying Thank you or wishing the person a good week too).

The person may just smile and keep walking or try to respond in an equally witty way. Expect the person to suggest other options that negate your necessarily ‘good’ week.

He or she may even lay down a mouthwatering offer to ruin your week.

I will! You too

‘Shavua Tov figuratively serves as a blessing that the upcoming week will bring good tidings.

In response, saying ‘I will’ implies that one wishes for the same, expressing hope and goodwill for the upcoming seven days.

This phrase is a common response in many cultures when someone gives another person well wishes, as it shows appreciation and acknowledgment of the sentiment.

Not only are you accepting the blessing but also wishing the other person the same good wishes.


If it sounds weird to say Shavua Tov back to the person but you want to wish him or her the same, this may be the option you’ve been looking for.

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‘Shavua Tov or ‘have a good week’ is generally used to express best wishes for one’s upcoming week.

A response of ‘likewise’ indicates that the speaker reciprocates this sentiment and wishes for the other person to have a good week as well.

Will do

Short responses may seem dismissive but that does not make them wrong. This response is totally correct. By saying this, you are accepting the prayer or good wish that has been said to you.

In the English language, ‘will do’ is an informal way of saying that a person will take the requested action.

In this particular context, it expresses acknowledgment and agreement with the request and an intention to comply.

It conveys a sense of enthusiasm which adds an additional level of positive sentiment to the exchange.


Cheers has several meanings, depending on the context in which the word is used. Cheers may be used to mean Thanks. It can be used to mean Congratulations. It may also be used to mean Goodbye.

When you say Cheers as a response to Shavua tov, it will most likely be taken as Goodbye.

If you want to thank the person, you may have to consider another word that does not simultaneously mean Goodbye.

I’ll try

This is an ironic way of accepting good wishes. You can say this after saying ‘Thank you’ to the person. Saying I will try will sound like you doubt that your week will go great.

However, you can say this as a joke.

See you

Shavua Tov may be a sort of blessing but it is also something we may only hear when two people are parting.

Therefore, other greeting expressions for departure should naturally fit in as correct responses to Shavua Tov.

While one person is saying Shavua Tov as a form of Goodbye, you can also say See you as a form of Goodbye.

Sure! I will

This should sound quite enthusiastic of you. By saying this, you are implying that you are sure you will be having a great week. You can also wish the person a great week ahead after saying this

Catch you later

This is another way to say Goodbye when a person says ‘Shavua Tov’ to you. This implies that you both will be meeting again soon but neither of you is sure of when.

Hopefully, I will

This is another quite doubtful option. This may be truly how you feel. You may also choose to say it as a joke.

Saying this implies that you are not sure of how your week will go but you hope to get surprised.

Have a wonderful week too

You can respond to Shavua Tov with this statement. When a person wishes you a great week, you can thank the person and wish him or her a great week too.

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