15 Different Ways to Say “I Have Exams Today”

When you say certain things over and over, it makes it boring and even takes away listening ears or water down the message.

Today we will be looking at different ways to say “I have exams today”.

These are 15 brilliant, creative lines to use for “I have exams today”

  1. I am writing some papers today
  2. I will be writing three papers today
  3. I have a paper in half an hour.
  4. It’s finally here. The first day of exam
  5. I can’t believe I’m writing the last paper today. It all went by so fast
  6. Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I have to revise for the next paper
  7. Maybe we can see later today when I round up my papers
  8. I will be writing exams throughout the afternoon so we won’t see till 4 pm
  9. Today’s paper is …
  10. Terrible day for an exam
  11. Nothing good on an exam paper
  12. Wish me luck on today’s paper
  13. If I survive today’s paper, I can probably survive anything.
  14. I’m really not sure how I will do in today’s exam
  15. With the way he teaches, no one really knows how today’s paper will be

I am writing some papers today

If you are speaking to someone, you can use this very vague response to tell them that you have an exam. This is a good response to a question something like “what’s up” or “what’s good?”.

You can replace the word papers with exams or tests. If you are having something like practicals you can say that too. If you don’t want to give too much information, you can use this.

I will be writing three papers today

How to Say I Have Exams Today

This is very similar to the one above but there is a difference in how you say this. Telling them the number of papers you have means you want to talk to them.

You can also tell them the type of exams you have. For example:

I will be writing an online test today by 2 pm


My class has four assessments on the same course today.

I have a paper in half an hour

There is always the awkwardness of having to end a conversation either in person or via a phone because of an exam.

I should know I have sent people in that predicament. With this line, however, they will understand that you have more important things to take care of than chatting around with them.

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You can of course use it another time. Now when I say this, try to sound urgent or pressed for time. They will do the needful.

Related Reading: Other Ways to Say “My Exams Are Coming”

It’s finally here. The first day of the exam

You can say this in absolute joy or abject horror depending on how prepared you are for the exam. This doesn’t really say that you are writing an exam but you also won’t be saying this if you didn’t have a paper.

Saying it’s finally here sounds like you have been waiting for it and you can’t wait to enter the exam hall and ace that paper.

I can’t believe I’m writing the last paper today. It all went by so fast

Alternatively, it can be the last day of the exam and you can be rounding up your papers. If it was a pleasant experience then you can say: “It went by so fast”.

You know what they say when you are happy time goes by really fast. If you don’t feel so elated, then you can say: “I can’t believe I’m writing the last paper today. It seemed like it would never end.”

Sorry, I can’t talk right now. I have to revise for the next paper

How to Say I Have Exams Today

This works well if you are on a call. The next sentence after telling them you can’t talk gives them a good enough reason.

It’s not smart to prepare for an exam a few days before the paper but it is good to revise all you have studied so that all you have read will remain fresh.

If you use this response they will know that the exam is at hand so it is the same day and in a few hours or a few minutes. This is a very good reason and they should understand it immediately.

Maybe we can see later today when I round up my papers

Although saying that you are rounding up your papers sounds like it is something you are in charge of, it can also mean that your exams are ending that very day and you just have a few more papers to put the whole examination completely behind you.

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This response is good because you give them time – later – and they know that since it’s later, you have to write those exams soon.

If you don’t want to see them physically, you can say you will talk to them or text them later.

I will be writing exams throughout the afternoon so we won’t see till 4 pm

This is more detailed than the response above. If you are trying to make an arrangement or an appointment with someone, or you are informing them of your schedule, this is a great way to tell them.

You are saying that you are preoccupied from the hours of afternoon till 4 pm so they shall schedule anything they want to have with you after that time because of your exams.

With this response, no one will feel unattended to or snubbed.

Today’s paper is (name of the exam)

This response goes straight for what you are writing. For example, if you have a mathematics test, you can say today’s paper is mathematics.

Aside from talking about the subject or course, you can also describe it. You can say, “today’s paper will be a breeze” which means the examination will be easy.

Another example is: “Today’s paper is after the morning assembly”. You can describe it however you like, the start of this response already tells people that the paper is that day.

Terrible day for an exam

It sounds ancient and more of a proclamation. It will make someone laugh and you can say this to people who are in the same school as you or your friends. It might really be a terrible day for an exam.

You might have a stomach upset or have gotten up on the wrong side of the bed. You can make it sound like a greeting in fact. For example:

A: Morning James

B: Morning Julie

A: Terrible day for an exam isn’t it?

B: It sure is.

Nothing good on an exam day

If you’re not very excited about the exam then you can use this response. Whenever you’re going through something that you hate, you will seem to find the bad side of everything.

READ:  15 Best Ways To Say "Exams Are Going On"

An exam day might be just the same thing. That makes this the perfect response to a “good morning”. It will surprise or crack people up.

Say this with a full look on your face, you will amuse a lot of people.

Wish me luck on today’s paper

For happy students ready to crush the test, they will like to use this. You might also use this if you are hoping to get some luck to move things to your advantage.

Either way, it is a great line to use if you are leaving for the exam hall or trying to inform someone of your exam.

If I survive today’s paper, I can probably survive anything

How to Say I Have Exams Today

You can use this line if you really have nothing to do about the exam. That is, you have resigned yourself to the fact that passing the class is a snowball’s chance in hell.

Using this line in this case will tell people just how serious things are. Good people will pray for you to survive it.

After all, whatever doesn’t kill you, makes her stronger.

I’m really not sure how I will do in today’s exam

If you are not really prepared or you are just anxious you can tell your friends this. This will tell them how you feel and they might give you a few tips on how to scale through the exam.

It might also make you feel better and help you with your exam.

Related Reading: How to Say My Exams Are Over

With the way he teaches, no one really knows how today’s paper will be

How to Say I Have Exams Today

Have you ever had that teacher that is famous for giving impromptu tests, or really tough questions?

Well in this situation, you can use this to communicate your worries about how the exam you are having that day will turn out.


And that is all I have for you in this article folks. No matter the type of student you are, or your level of preparedness, one or two of the answers on this list should serve you.

Be sure to add your own twist, and own it. If you have any other suggestions, I will be happy to read them in the comments below. Thank you.

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