20 Ways to Ask for Money for A Party

Parties are fun gatherings of friends, acquaintances, colleagues, and family members.

Soliciting funds for a party is always a helpful idea when you don’t have adequate funds to get the groove to the right temperature.

It is okay to ask for help in raising some money to fund a party. When soliciting funds, it should be done politely to avoid appearing rude or disrespectful when asking.

You should use subtle words like donate, fund, be an angel investor, contribute, help, and chip in some cash.

Words like these are subtle and not harsh when used properly, try to make your request more like an appeal than a mandate.

In this article, I will discuss twenty ways to ask for money for a party.

How to Ask for Money for a Party

1. Ask A Friend

Explain to your friend about the cost you have to cover because of the party you are planning telling them that a little buck chipped in would go a long way in making the party epic.

Also, express your appreciation for their kind gesture towards the party.


Hello friend, we are planning a party and would appreciate it if you could chip in a few bucks to help cover the expenditure.

A well-constructed statement like this sounds subtle rather than aggressive.

2. Do A Fundraiser


I want to throw a memorable party, can you contribute some funds to make it possible?

I want to throw a memorable party, can you contribute some funds to make it possible? This statement doesn’t sound offensive and is okay to use.

When trying to throw a memorable party it is okay to ask for money to make things happen.

Depending on what you choose to do at your party, you can break it up by telling them what you would like to incorporate into your party to make it memorable.

Doing this would let them have a glimpse of what you want and the amount they will splurge on it.

3. Do A Crowd Funding


We are trying to host a party and need some financial help to make it successful, would you be willing to help?

When trying to ask for money for a party, it is okay to say “We are trying to host a party and need some financial help to make it successful, would you be willing to help?”

This is a good way to get money for a party without sounding too needy.

Talking this way about getting financial help for your party shows that you gave them the option to help for the party.

This shows you care and are not trying to live or loaf at their expense.

4. Ask Others To Co-Host


Our party is going to be epic, but we need your help to make it happen.

“Our party is going to be epic, but we need your help to make it happen” carries a promise about delivering an epic party that sounds interesting, this alone can spur a supporter for your party.

It’s okay to go forward and explain ways in which you can make the party epic so that you can keep to your words.

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Failure to deliver an epic party would make you not have enough support next time, it is wise to deliver an epic party to keep a credible party record.

5. Make Use Of Mailing List


Hey subscribers, We are trying to pull off the ultimate party, and we could use your help to make it happen. Would you be willing to donate some money to our party?

We are trying to pull off the ultimate party, and we could use your help to make it happen. Would you be willing to donate some money to our party?

This statement shows your fans and subscribers that you will make it the ultimate party.

Suggest to them if they can help you donate money for your party.

Suggesting for help shows you are not pushy or forceful in how you ask for it, tell them how their help would go a long way.

6. Organize a fundraising challenge


Hello friend!  you stand a chance to be part of our party by partaking in these Fun challenges. Winners will be given gifts and other incentives. 

Get money for your party by creating an interactive and fun challenge, surrounding the theme of your party.

It will excite and encourage many folks to join in.

This example doesn’t sound depressing or boring or too demanding when you are trying to ask for money for a party.

I mean who wouldn’t be giddy for a party?

7. Explain The Details Of What You Need


We’re gathering our resources to throw a remarkable party, and we’d love for you to be a part of it. Can you contribute some money to make it a success?

One of the twenty ways to ask for money for a party is to say to the speaker, “we’re gathering our resources to throw a killer party, and we’d love for you to be a part of it. Can you contribute some money to make it a success?”

Such a response implies that you have foremost attempted to gather your resources and are now soliciting for them to contribute towards your killer party, telling them you would love for them to take part in it and contribute to making it a success.

8. Get Brand Sponsorship


I am hosting my birthday party and would be grateful for any brand support you can provide, can you kindly support me as a brand?

You can use this method of asking for money for a party if the brand recognizes you through social media or other platforms.

You can go further to add that you would be very grateful if they can offer any help to your birthday party.

Remember you said you will accept any help, don’t be sad if you don’t receive any feedback.

9. Plan A Charity Event


We’re planning a charity event that’s going to be off the hook, but we need your help to fund it. Can you contribute some money, please?

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You can solicit money for a part by saying, We’re planning a charity that’s going to be off the hook, but we need your help to fund it. Can you contribute some money, please?

The charity event will have themes and other attractions that will draw guests in.

Don’t forget to charge a fee, and request for donations from those attending.

You can use these proceeds to get money for any party.

10. Explain An Emergency Situation


My organizers botched it and now I need some funds to secure a new location. 

This is an excuse or cause you could use to get some money for a party.

Often organizers or event planners flunk plans.

Asking to get some money to secure a new location as your organizers have flunked on getting a good location for the party.

Party planning is a serious thing to do and I advise that you have some extra cash at hand for miscellaneous events.

11. Get Donations For Refreshments


We’re trying to create a buffet for our party, and we need your help to make it happen. Would you be willing to donate some money?

A buffet for a party is one way to get money for a party, this sounds nice and thoughtful of you to add to a party.

Buffet at a party will ensure that people can find what they can munch or eat at your party.

Not everyone eats alike, some are vegetarian others eat meat while some are lactose intolerant or either allergic to fish or nuts, etc.

It would be thoughtful of you to provide a buffet so that everyone can get a bit of what to eat when hungry.

12. Talk About Gifting


I would like to give out souvenirs at my party and could use your help to make it happen. Would you be willing to chip in some funds?

Start by saying I would like to give out souvenirs at my party and could use your help to make it happen, would you be willing to cheap some funds?

Giving out souvenirs at your party is one way to get money for a party, souvenirs are handed over to guests at a party as a parting gift. Souvenirs are dear to our hearts because it is a reminder of celebration.

13. Create A Compelling Video


Hello, everyone. I would like to throw a surprise anniversary party for our parents but we need your help to fund it. Can you contribute some money to the success of the party?

This statement can get money for a party but should only be used for close family members or relatives as the party is a family-oriented one.

Planning a party through video can be tasking but rewarding.

Soliciting for help with funds would be dropping the video in family group chats and it would go a long way to get it happening.

14. Find A Co-worker To Invest


It’s my turn to host our annual office party, please can you be my angel investor? 

You can get money for a party when you tell whom you expect help from by saying, it’s your turn to host your annual office party and ask them to be your angel investor.

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Angel investors are people that are your secret well-wishers who would send love, help, and light your way when they can. Do well to reach out.

15. Seek Sponsors


Can you please sponsor my party cards and barcode entry system for my party? 

Imploring security measures when planning a party is very important, this ensures the entry of guests who have been given legit entry or access to avoid strangers, or loafers into the party premises.

Special party cards, barcodes, and other systems are now used for optimum security when planning a party.

Of course, such security features at a party would require some more funds to get incorporated into the event planning.

16. Create An Event-specific Page About Your Party Attractions

Create this event page on a website or social media page that illustrates what the party is about and what side attractions are there.

Side attractions could include a trampoline, chocolate fountain, champagne fountain, circus clowns, and more.

17. Have Personalized Meetings And Phone Calls

To get money for a party, you can apply a more personal approach by meeting family members personally or through phone calls.

It would be easier to ask for money for a party through scheduled meetings and personal phone calls.

18. Create A Social Media Post Soliciting for Help

You can get help for a party by creating a convincing social media post on platforms like Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram.

Everyone knows it is one thing to host a party and another to throw a party.

Even if you throw a party, you may not handle the hosting of events on the day’s brochure or table of events.

This is because you would be busy ushering in friends and keeping a warm aura for your party, trust me This alone is stressful.

It is important to use valid reasons such as organization when soliciting from social media platforms.

19. Use A Crowd Funding Platform to Ask for Help

This is a way to get money for a party by using the right crowdfunding platform with additional features to help your case.

Examples like gofund me and Kickstarter could start your donation campaign and show the public your budget.

Easy, transparent, and accessible platforms for payment will help you get money quickly.

20. Tailor Your Approach 

If you want to show a bit of personal touch. Reach out to a small group of people individually, and tell them about your party, tailoring your communication to each person and highlighting why their support will help you.


Our list of how to get money for a party is well-written and comprehensive. We took our time to make sure we explained each point to your understanding.

When soliciting funds for a party, use the right words to avoid sounding insensitive, rude, or brash. Always remember no one owes you anything and keep an open mind.

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