“Tens Of Thousands” Meaning: Here’s All We Know!

“Tens of thousands” is a phrase that has been used for centuries to describe a large quantity of something. It is often used to refer to a large number of people or objects, but it can also be used in reference to amounts of money or other measurements.

When it comes to understanding what tens of thousands means, it can be helpful to look at the etymology of the phrase, the various ways it can be used, and the implications of the phrase.

Understanding what tens of thousands means can be beneficial in various situations, such as discussing population sizes, accounting for large sums of money, and even talking about time.

To better understand this phrase and its implications, it’s important to take a closer look at what tens of thousands actually means and how it’s used in the real world.

From its literal definition to its figurative meaning and implications, this article will explore the concept of tens of thousands in-depth and provide a comprehensive overview of the term.

What Does “Tens Of Thousands” Mean? 

"Tens Of Thousands" Meaning

In everyday speech, the phrase tens of thousands is often used to express a large quantity. But what does it really mean? How big is tens of thousands? Does it refer to a specific number or is it a general term?

“Tens of thousands” can be used to describe money, people, or items. It is an important concept to understand when making decisions about investments, purchases, or any other activity that involves large amounts of something.

It is also important to understand that tens of thousands is not a specific number. It is simply a phrase used to describe a range of numbers, typically between 10,000 and 99,999.

So, when someone says that something is in the tens of thousands, it could actually mean anything between 10,000 and 99,999.

It is important to clarify the exact amount or quantity when discussing tens of thousands in order to have a better understanding of the scope of the situation.

In terms of money, tens of thousands typically refer to amounts of money that are in the range of $10,000 to $99,999.

This phrase can also be used to describe a population size, typically referring to groups of people with populations greater than 10,000.

It can also be used to describe the number of items or objects that are in a group, such as a collection of books or a set of tools.

6 Reasons Why People Say Tens Of Thousands Instead Of Using A Figure?

When it comes to quantifying the size of a group or the amount of something, people tend to use figures such as tens of thousands rather than specifying the exact number.

This phrase is used to provide a general sense of the size of the group or the amount of something without getting into specifics.

Here are 6 reasons why people say tens of thousands instead of using a figure:

1. To Avoid Being Too Specific 

One of the main advantages of saying tens of thousands is that it allows people to talk in general terms without getting too specific.

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This can be useful in situations where the exact number isn’t relevant or important, such as when discussing the size of a crowd or the number of people who have taken a certain action.

By saying tens of thousands, people can avoid getting into the nitty-gritty details and focus on the bigger picture.

2. To Avoid False Precision 

Using a figure can also create a false sense of precision. For example, if someone says seven thousand people attended the event, it may give the impression that the exact number of attendees is known.

However, this could be inaccurate since the figure may be an estimate or a guess. By saying tens of thousands, the speaker conveys that the number is only a general indication and not an exact figure.

3. To Provide A Sense Of Scale 

Saying tens of thousands can also provide a sense of scale to the situation.

For instance, if someone says there were tens of thousands of people at the protest, it provides a greater sense of the magnitude of the event than if they simply said there were a few thousand people.

This can be useful in situations where it is important to convey the size of the group or the amount of something.

4. To Avoid Unnecessary Counting 

In some cases, counting the exact number of people or things can be a laborious and time-consuming task.

For example, if someone is asked how many people attended a large event, it may be difficult to accurately count the exact number and so it may be easier to just say tens of thousands instead.

This allows the speaker to quickly provide a general indication of the size of the crowd without having to count everyone.

5. To Make A Statement 

Saying tens of thousands can also be used to make a statement.

For example, if someone says tens of thousands of people attended the protest, it conveys a sense of the size and strength of the protest that would not be conveyed if the speaker said a few hundred people attended the protest.

This can be useful in situations where the speaker wants to emphasize the size or importance of the group or the amount of something.

6. To Simplify The Discussion 

Finally, saying tens of thousands can help to simplify the discussion. For instance, if someone is asked how many people attended an event and say tens of thousands, it provides an easy way to quickly answer the question without having to get into the exact number.

This can be useful in situations where the speaker wants to provide a general sense of the size of the crowd or the amount of something without getting too bogged down in the details.

Saying tens of thousands instead of using a figure has several advantages. It allows people to talk in general terms without getting too specific, provides a sense of scale, avoids false precision, simplifies the discussion, and can be used to make a statement.

For these reasons, it is no surprise that people often say tens of thousands instead of using a figure.

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Is It Ten Thousands Or Tens Of Thousands?

When it comes to writing numbers, there is a lot of confusion and debate about the correct way to express numbers.

One of the most common questions is whether it is ten thousands or tens of thousands? To understand the difference between these two terms, we must first understand the concept of place value.

The place value of a number is the value of that number based on its position. The place value of a digit is determined by multiplying its value by the place value of its position.

For example, the place value of the digit 4 in the number 4,000 is 4,000. Ten thousands refers to the number 10,000. For example, the number ten thousand is written as 10,000. This is because the place value of the number 1 is 10,000.

Tens of thousands, on the other hand, refers to a number that is greater than 10,000 but less than 100,000. For example, if we have a number that is between 10,001 and 99,999, then we would call it tens of thousands.

This is because the place value of the number is greater than 10,000 but less than 100,000. It is important to note that when expressing numbers, the number should be written in the most precise way possible.

For example, if you were to express the number 20,000, it would be incorrect to write it as tens of thousands since the correct expression is twenty thousands.

In summary, the difference between ten thousands and tens of thousands is the place value of the number. Ten thousands refers to the number 10,000 while tens of thousands refer to a number that is greater than 10,000 but less than 100,000.

When expressing numbers, it is important to be precise and use the correct terminology.

4 Examples Sentences For Tens Of Thousands

When speaking about large numbers, it is important to know the right words to use. Tens of thousands are a large number that needs to be expressed in a clear and concise manner to avoid confusion.

For example, if you were trying to express the population of a city as being seventy thousand, you would use a different phrasing than if you were trying to express the population of a state as being seven million.

To better understand how to express large numbers, here are four examples sentences for tens of thousands.

The number of people living in the city is “tens of thousands.”

This sentence is a clear and concise way to express the population of a city that is in the tens of thousands range.

It is important to note that this sentence does not specify a specific number, as it could range from ten thousand to ninety-nine thousand.

The crowd size was estimated to be in the tens of thousands

This sentence is a great way to express the size of a large crowd or gathering. It is important to note that this sentence does not specify a specific number, as it could range from ten thousand to ninety-nine thousand.

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The number of books in the library was in the tens of thousands

This sentence is a clear and concise way to express the total number of books in a library. It is important to note that this sentence does not specify a specific number, as it could range from ten thousand to ninety-nine thousand.

The estimated attendance at the event was tens of thousands

This sentence is a great way to express the size of an event or gathering. It is important to note that this sentence does not specify a specific number, as it could range from ten thousand to ninety-nine thousand.

What Comes After Tens Of Thousands 

To answer this question, we must first consider the scale of the numbers we are talking about. A thousand is a large number, representing a great amount of something.

It is a full order of magnitude larger than a hundred and two orders of magnitude larger than ten. Tens of thousands, then, is an even larger number, representing an even greater amount of something.

The next step after tens of thousands is hundreds of thousands. This is a number with six digits, representing an even larger amount of whatever is being measured.

After hundreds of thousands come millions. A million is a number with six zeroes, representing an incredibly large amount.

Why You Should Use Tens Of Thousands 

Tens of thousands is a powerful and versatile phrase used to refer to a large number of people, objects, or amounts. It can be used to express a wide range of emotions, from excitement to awe and even fear.

As such, it is an invaluable tool for anyone looking to communicate a significant quantity in an impactful way.

Tens of thousands is a great way to emphasize a number that is too large to grasp in its entirety. When you need to convey a large amount of something, tens of thousands can provide the necessary emphasis without being too specific.

For example, if you were trying to describe the population of a city, you could say it has tens of thousands of inhabitants rather than saying it has 76,945 inhabitants. The former statement is more impactful and memorable.


In conclusion, the phrase tens of thousands is an excellent way to describe large numbers in a concise and easily understandable manner. It’s a great way to give a sense of scale and magnitude without getting bogged down in details.

Whether you are talking about the number of people in a large crowd, the amount of money in a large budget or the number of items in a large inventory, the phrase tens of thousands can quickly and effectively convey the size of the numbers being discussed.

As such, it is an invaluable tool for anyone communicating about large quantities of anything.

The use of the phrase tens of thousands is a powerful one and has many useful applications. Its ability to convey large numbers without having to provide exact figures can help to simplify communication and put a more concrete image in the minds of readers.

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