25 Best Replies For ‘As You Wish’

The phrase ‘as you wish’ is often used in response to a request or command, indicating a willingness to comply.

However, sometimes this phrase can be used in a way that is dismissive or sarcastic, which can make the person on the receiving end feel frustrated or belittled.

In order to navigate these situations with grace and humor, it can be helpful to have a few witty and effective responses at the ready. 

In this article, I’ll show 25 of the best replies for ‘as you wish,’ ranging from assertive and boundary-setting to humorous and playful.

Whether you’re dealing with a bossy friend, a pushy colleague, or a demanding family member, these responses will help you to maintain your boundaries and communicate your needs with confidence and style. So let’s dive in and explore the world of ‘as you wish’ replies!

I appreciate your flexibility.’, ‘Let’s discuss this further.’, and ‘Sorry, I don’t have a genie in a bottle,’ are the 3 best replies to ‘As you wish’.

These three responses work well together to show appreciation, create space for dialogue, and inject a little humor into the conversation.

25 Best Replies For ‘As You Wish’

1. ‘I appreciate your flexibility.’

Best Replies For As You Wish

If someone tells you ‘As you wish’ in the context of making plans or schedule, this reply is a great way to acknowledge their willingness to work with your schedule. It shows that you value their time and effort and helps build a positive relationship.

2. ‘Thank you for considering my request.’

If you have asked someone to do something for you, and they respond with ‘As you wish,’ this is an excellent way to acknowledge their willingness to help. It shows that you appreciate their effort and respect their decision.

3. ‘What do you mean by that?’

If someone says ‘As you wish’ in a way that is unclear or ambiguous, this reply can help you gain clarity. It shows that you are interested in understanding their perspective and can help prevent any misunderstandings or miscommunications.

4. ‘Let’s discuss this further.’

If someone tells you ‘As you wish’ in the context of a decision, this reply is a great way to show that you value their opinion and want to have an open discussion. It helps build a collaborative relationship and can lead to a better outcome for both parties.

5. ‘I trust your judgment.’

If someone tells you ‘As you wish’ in a situation where they have more experience or expertise, this reply can be an excellent way to show that you respect their knowledge and trust their decision-making abilities. It can help build trust and strengthen your relationship.

6. ‘Thank you for being clear with me.’

If someone says ‘As you wish’ in a situation where you are unsure about their intentions or motives, this reply can help put your mind at ease. It shows that you appreciate their straightforwardness and honesty, and can help build a positive relationship.

7. ‘I’m glad we’re on the same page.’

If someone tells you ‘As you wish’ in a situation where you both have the same goal or objective, this reply can be a great way to acknowledge your mutual understanding. It helps build a sense of teamwork and can lead to a more successful outcome.

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8. ‘I’d like to hear your thoughts.’

If someone says ‘As you wish’ in a situation where you are seeking their input or opinion, this reply can be an excellent way to show that you value their thoughts and ideas. It can help build a collaborative relationship and lead to a more successful outcome.

9. ‘Let’s take some time to think about this.’

If someone tells you ‘As you wish’ in a situation where you need to make a decision, this reply can be a great way to suggest taking a step back and considering your options. It shows that you are thoughtful and careful in your decision-making and can lead to a better outcome.

10. ‘I respect your decision.’

If someone says ‘As you wish’ in a situation where they have made a decision that you disagree with, this reply can be an excellent way to show that you respect their autonomy and decision-making abilities. It can help build a positive relationship and prevent any potential conflict.

11. ‘Sorry, I don’t have a genie in a bottle’

Best Replies For As You Wish

The phrase ‘Sorry, I don’t have a genie in a bottle,’ is a humorous reply to someone saying ‘As you wish,’ as it cleverly subverts their implied request for you to fulfill their desire.

By invoking the idea of a genie in a bottle, which is traditionally known for granting wishes, the speaker playfully suggests that the other person’s expectation is unrealistic.

The humor lies in the unexpectedness of the response, which simultaneously acknowledges the other person’s statement while refusing to comply in a lighthearted and witty way.

12. ‘I appreciate your offer, but I have other plans’

The reply ‘I appreciate your offer, but I have other plans’ is a humorous response to the phrase ‘as you wish.’ It’s a subtle way of telling someone that you don’t want to do something without being rude.

The humor lies in the fact that the phrase ‘as you wish’ is often associated with the movie The Princess Bride. The main character, Westley, repeatedly says this to Princess Buttercup, and it becomes a running joke throughout the movie.

So, by responding with a different quote from the movie, you’re not only politely declining the offer but also acknowledging the pop culture reference. It’s a lighthearted way to lighten the mood and prevent any potential awkwardness.

13. ‘Thanks, now I feel like I’m in a fairy tale. Do I get to ride a unicorn too?’

This response is suitable because it makes light of the phrase ‘As you wish’ and adds a whimsical and lighthearted tone to the conversation. The reference to fairy tales and unicorns adds to the humor and playfulness of the response.

14. ‘I know you’re secretly a genie in disguise. Can you grant me three wishes?’

This response is suitable because it plays off the idea of wishes and genies, which are both associated with granting desires. It also creates an element of playful curiosity, as the speaker is suggesting that the other person has the power to grant wishes.

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15. ‘As I wish? Wow, it’s like I have a magic lamp and you’re my genie.’

This response is suitable because it references the classic fairy tale of Aladdin, where the main character has a genie that grants him three wishes. By making this connection, the speaker is adding a humorous element to the conversation and creating a light-hearted tone.

16. ‘Ah, I see you’re a fan of The Princess Bride. Does this mean you’ll be dressing up as Buttercup for Halloween?’

This response is suitable because it references The Princess Bride, a well-known movie where the phrase ‘As you wish’ is a running theme.

By bringing up the movie and asking if the other person will be dressing up as one of the characters for Halloween, the speaker is adding a humorous and pop-culture reference to the conversation.

17. ‘Do I get a magic wand too? I’ve always wanted to turn people into frogs.’

This response is suitable because it brings up the idea of magic and spells, which are often associated with wishes. The mention of turning people into frogs adds a playful and silly tone to the conversation.

18. ‘Can I wish for something cool, like a dragon or a unicorn, instead of something boring?’

This response is suitable because it turns the phrase ‘As you wish’ around, making it sound like the speaker is the one granting wishes. The playful tone and flip of power dynamics creates a fun and amusing element to the conversation.

19. ‘As I wish? You must really like taking orders from me.’

This response is suitable because it makes light of the idea that the other person is obeying the speaker’s every whim. The sarcastic tone and humorous suggestion that the speaker has power over the other person adds a lighthearted and playful tone to the conversation.

20. ‘So, can I wish for a lifetime supply of chocolate and pizza? Asking for a friend.’

This response is suitable because it adds a sense of humor and whimsy to the conversation by suggesting outlandish and fun wishes. The mention of a lifetime supply of chocolate and pizza is a silly and amusing addition.

21. ‘You know, I always wanted to be a dictator. Now’s my chance.’

This response is suitable because it adds a sarcastic and humorous tone to the conversation, by referencing the idea of being a dictator. The exaggeration and absurdity of the response adds a lighthearted and playful element to the conversation.

22. ‘As I wish? Wow, I didn’t know I had that kind of power over you.’

The response ‘As I wish? Wow, I didn’t know I had that kind of power over you’ is a playful and funny comeback to the phrase ‘As you wish.’

It’s a reference to the popular movie ‘The Princess Bride’, where the character Westley says ‘As you wish’ to Princess Buttercup repeatedly, indicating his love for her.

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By using this witty response, you’re turning the tables on the person who used the initial phrase and implying that they’re under your control. It’s a lighthearted way to tease someone and add some humor to the situation.

The phrase is also a nod to the power dynamics in relationships and the playfulness that can come with them. Overall, this response is an excellent way to show off your sense of humor and make the other person laugh.

23. ‘Can I use my wishes to make you do all my work for me? It’s worth a shot.’

The reply ‘Can I use my wishes to make you do all my work for me? It’s worth a shot.’ is a humorous response to the phrase ‘as you wish.’ It’s a clever way of using the concept of wishes to your advantage.

The humor lies in the fact that everyone has a secret desire to have their work done by someone else. 

By responding with this humorous comment, you’re indicating that you’re willing to take a chance on your wishes and get someone else to do your work.

It’s a playful and witty response that adds a touch of humor to a potentially serious conversation.

Moreover, it makes the other person laugh, and both of you can enjoy the moment together. It’s a great way to turn a potentially awkward situation into a fun one.

24. ‘I wish for a million dollars! Wait, does it work that way?’

This response is suitable because it adds a sense of humor and whimsy to the conversation by making an absurd and outlandish wish. The playful tone and exaggeration of the response create a lighthearted and amusing element to the conversation.

25. ‘As I wish? Great, now I feel like a medieval king. Bring me my crown!’

This response is suitable because it adds a sarcastic and humorous tone to the conversation by referencing the idea of being a medieval king. The playful suggestion to bring the speaker’s crown adds a lighthearted and amusing element to the conversation.


In conclusion, the phrase ‘as you wish’ can be both endearing and frustrating, depending on the context in which it is used.

However, by using one of the 25 best replies discussed in this article, you can take control of the situation and assert your needs and boundaries in a way that is respectful, assertive, and even humorous.

Whether you choose to use a polite but firm response like ‘I appreciate your offer, but I have other plans’ or a more humorous response like ‘Sorry, I don’t have a genie in a bottle,’ the key is to communicate your needs in a clear and confident way.

By doing so, you can establish healthy boundaries and foster more positive and respectful relationships with those around you. So the next time someone says ‘as you wish,’ don’t be afraid to speak up and let your voice be heard.


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