20 Best Responses When Someone Asks If You’re Pregnant 

Expecting a child can be one of the most exciting moments of a woman’s life. However, hearing people ask if you’re pregnant can bring mixed feelings.

Whether you’re expecting or not, this question is intrusive and can get you annoyed.

So, how do you respond when someone throws this question at you?

Knowing what to say when someone asks if you’re pregnant can be difficult. That’s why you must be ready if you know you’re likely to hear this question from people around you.

To help you be prepared, in this article, I’ll be explaining the best responses when someone asks if you’re pregnant.

20 Best Responses When Someone Asks if You’re Pregnant 

There are many ways to respond to someone who asks if you’re pregnant. Depending on the person, whether or not you’re pregnant, and your day, you might feel sad, angry, confused, and even frustrated.

However, giving the right response at any time is important. Also, your response will depend mostly on the relationship you share with the person.

You can choose to give funny answers like, “Now that you asked, I think I feel pregnant,” “Would you like to be the mother if I were?” and “No, I just swallowed a watermelon.”

Also, you can be blunt with them with responses like, “I don’t know, but you’ll be the first to know when I’m sure, but right now, you should mind your business,” “Do you ask all the women you meet or just the fat ones?” and “what makes you think I’ll tell you if I were?”

Here are 20 best replies to give someone who asks if you’re pregnant. 

Now, That You Asked, I Think I Feel Pregnant 

Best Responses When Someone Asks If You're Pregnant 

“Now, that you asked, I think I feel pregnant” is a hilarious response to give someone that asks if you’re pregnant. You can give this response whether or not you’re pregnant if you don’t want them to know about it.

This reply will tease them and leave them guessing whether or not you’re pregnant. Also, it shows that you’re not angry about their question. It’ll work for a friend or colleague who wouldn’t mind their business.

Would You Like to Be the Mother if I Were? 

“Would you like to be the mother if I were?” is another funny and sarcastic thing to say to someone who asks if you’re pregnant. This reply will turn the question back on them, and leave them too stunned to answer.

It’s a great comeback that’d work for someone who wouldn’t mind their business. It lets them know that their question was intrusive.

Depending on how you feel at the moment, you can use a lighthearted tone to cause a laugh or a sarcastic tone to express your irritation.

No, I Just Swallowed a Watermelon

“No, I just swallowed a watermelon” is another funny response to give someone who asked an annoying question.

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If someone asks if you’re pregnant, probably because you have some belly fat, this is a befitting reply to give them.

It’s a humorous reply that intends to cause laughter. However, it’ll tell them that their question was unnecessary. It’ll work for just anyone.

Nope, I Won the Best Pie Eater Last Week

“Nope, I won the best pie eater last week” is another befitting response for someone who wouldn’t mind their business.

This is another hilarious comeback to give someone who asks if you’re pregnant because of your weight. It shows that you’re not bothered about their insensitive question.

Also, this response should get a laugh out of everyone around at their expense.

No, But My Dog Is

Best Responses When Someone Asks If You're Pregnant 

Another hilarious answer for someone who asks if you’re pregnant  is, “No, but my dog is.

This is a very funny response no one will be expecting. Giving this response with a serious expression will cause some serious laughter. 

Saying you’re not pregnant but your dog is, should tell them that you’re also expecting a baby, albeit a puppy.

So, you can add that they come to celebrate with you when that puppy arrives. It’s a perfect way to play with loved ones.

Yea, We’ve Got a Puppy on the Way 

“Yeah, we’ve got a puppy on the way” is another thing to say to get people laughing when someone asks if you’re pregnant.

Just like the above, they wouldn’t be expecting this response. Saying that you’re pregnant with a puppy should leave them confused for a moment until they get the joke.

Whether or not you’ve got a dog that’s pregnant, you can give this response to let them know their question is unnecessary. It’s a perfect comeback for someone who looks at your weight before asking if you’re pregnant.

I Don’t Know, but You’ll Be the First to Know When I’m Sure. But Right Now, You Should Mind Your Business 

“I don’t know, but you’ll be the first to know when I’m sure, but right now, you should mind your business” is another perfect answer for someone who asks if you’re pregnant.

Sometimes you just have to be blunt with people who ask intrusive questions or concern themselves with your matter. This response will do the job perfectly by letting them know that they should mind their business.

Do You Ask Only the Fat Ones or Every Woman You Meet?

“Do you ask only the fat ones or every woman you meet?” is a sharp retort for someone who pays attention to your size.

If someone asks if you’re pregnant because you’re fat, this response should shut them up. It directly tells them that they’re being intrusive and that they should mind their business. 

When you ask them this question, you can calmly wait for their reply and watch then struggle to come up with one.

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Does My Weight Bother You? Because It Doesn’t Affect Me

Another perfect response that’d suit someone who asks if you’re pregnant because of your size is, “Does my weight bother you? Because it doesn’t affect me.

They wouldn’t be expecting this comeback that turns the question on them. It lets them know that being fat is not a problem for you, so it shouldn’t be a problem for them.

What Makes You Think I’ll Tell You if I Were?

A very blunt reply that lets someone know exactly how you feel when they’re meddling in your matter is “What makes you think I’ll tell you if I were?” 

When someone asks if you’re pregnant, use this comeback to shut them up. It’ll work for a nosy colleague, neighbor, relative, or stranger. Also, it’ll express your irritation and teach them to mind their business.

Are You Sick?

Best Responses When Someone Asks If You're Pregnant 

A sarcastic comeback to someone who asks if you’re pregnant is, “Are you sick?” They wouldn’t be expecting this reply and are very likely to get offended.

It’s a good thing if they do, as it’ll teach them to learn to mind their business. This response is a way to tell them they should be prepared for what they give out.


“No” is another response that’d work for someone who asks if you’re pregnant.

You can give this response in a dismissive tone and then go on to ignore them. 

No, Are You?

“No, are you?” is another thing you can say to someone who asks if you’re pregnant.

This is an amusing reply that returns the energy to them and lets them know they’re not the only ones who can ask silly questions.

Using this response should get them confused at first, as they wouldn’t know what to reply.

And when they do get the point you’re passing across, it should make them color in embarrassment.

So, What Next?

Another question to ask someone who wouldn’t mind their business is, “Yes. So, what next?” 

When someone asks if you’re pregnant, telling them “yes” and asking what next should tell them that they shouldn’t have asked the question in the first place.

Use this response if you want to shut them up; believe me, they wouldn’t know what to say next.

You Wouldn’t Be the First to Hear About It, Trust Me 

“You wouldn’t be the first to hear about it, trust me” is another perfect retort for someone who asks if you’re pregnant.

This response tells them that they’re not in a position to ask that question. Also, it’s a response that would hurt their feeling, as it tells them they’re not important to you.

Give this response to anyone you want to shut up.

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I Don’t Think You Should Concern Yourself with Such Private Matters 

“I don’t think you should concern yourself with such private matters” is another direct response that fits someone who wouldn’t face their business.

If someone asks if you’re pregnant this response tells them that it’s not their question to ask. It’s a perfect clapback to shut up anyone asking unnecessary questions.

What Will You Do with Such Information?

“What will you do with such information?” is another retort for someone who asks a question that is none of their business.

This answer is perfect for someone who asks if you’re pregnant. Returning this question to them should keep them speechless. You can calmly give this response and watch them feel awkward.

Do You Enjoy Poke nosing?

“Do you enjoy poke nosing?” is another thing to say to someone who always shows interest in someone’s business.

When someone asks if you’re pregnant, give them this response and wait for them to answer. I bet that they wouldn’t know what to say in reply.

Awww! Thanks for Asking 

“Awww! Thanks for asking” is another reply that’ll work for someone who asks unnecessary questions.

When someone asks if you’re pregnant, giving this response will make them feel silly. Sounding like you’re grateful for their question without providing an answer is a perfect way to make fun of them.

Also, when they hear this reply they wouldn’t have it in them to ask a second time.

That’s a Wonderful Question, We’ll Check and Get Back to You as Soon as We Can 

Another sarcastic reply for someone who wouldn’t mind their business is, ‘That’s a wonderful question, we’ll check and get back to you as soon as we can.”

This is a perfect way to make fun of someone who asks if you’re pregnant. It’ll let them know that it isn’t their place to ask. Moreover, giving this long teasing response should get people around laughing and get them embarrassed.

I Can’t Say, What Do You Think?

“I can’t say, what do you think?” is another way to make fun of someone asking if you’re pregnant. This response is a perfect way to turn back on them and get them to feel uncomfortable.

Giving this answer with a serious expression makes it fun because it sounds like you don’t know whether you’re pregnant and you need their honest opinion.

Wrapping Up


If someone asks if you’re pregnant it can get you angry and irritated. Depending on how you feel, you can give them an answer that expresses your mood.

You can make a joke out of it, be sarcastic, or bluntly let them know that they’re intruding. This article has a handful of examples that’ll suit you appropriately.


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