20 Best Ways to Respond “Hey” on Snapchat

These days almost everyone uses the internet. Gen Zs especially, use Snapchat to communicate and have fun. If you text on social media, you’ll agree with me that a “hey” message can be annoying, confusing, and frustrating.

Receiving this text, especially from someone you care about can leave you hurt. While seeing this text from a stranger may leave you unresponsive.

However, if you want to keep the conversation flowing, you’ll need a response for that. So, how do you respond to “hey” on Snap?

If you need good responses to “hey,” this article has got you covered.

Whether you’re interested or not in talking with them, you’ll find responses you can use to convey your mood.

How to Respond “Hey” on Snapchat

The best responses to “hey” will depend on the person texting you and whether or not you’re interested in conversing with them.

While you can simply ignore the message if you don’t want to chat with them, you can give a reply that conveys your mood.

You can give responses like, “What do you want?” “yes?” and “How can I help you?”

However, if you want to discuss with them, you can reply with, “What’s up? It’s been long,” “Hi, it’s good to hear from you,” and “How’re you doing?”

Here are the 20 best responses to “hey”


“Hey” is one of the responses to give someone who texts you “hey” on Snapchat. This response mimics their message and gives them the same energy.

This response shows you’re ready to converse with them. Also, it allows them to lead the conversation. So, if they’ve got more to say, it’s up to them to continue.

It’s a casual and simple response to give anyone who sends “hey” on snap, whether you know them or not.


“Hi” is another simple response for someone who texts “hey” on Snap. This response just like the above returns the same energy to them.

It’s a friendly reply to their “hey,” letting them know you’re ready to chat if they’re ready too.

Also, it’s an open reply that leaves them to lead the conversation. You can use it with anyone, especially with someone who’s just sending you a message for the first time.

However, with a good friend you’ve been chatting regularly with, this message is best accompanied by an emoji or some more engaging response.

Hello, Sweetheart 

Best Ways to Respond Hey on Snap

“Hello, Sweetheart” is another response for someone who sends a message on social media.

This is a more engaging response you can use with anyone, whether you’ve chatted with them or not.

When someone sends you “hey” on Snap, using this response shows you’re excited about receiving their text. It’s a flirty response to try with a crush or with someone you’d love to have an interesting conversation with.

Also, you can always give this response to a friend or someone you’ve chatted with for a while to express your readiness to chat with them.

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How’re You Doing?

“How’re you doing?” is another engaging response you can give to someone who texts you on social media.

When someone sends “hey” on Snap, asking them how they’re doing shows your readiness to converse with them. 

Moreover, it leads the conversation, making it easier for them to go on. So, whether or not you know the person, you can use this response.

Additionally, if it’s someone texting you for the first time, this friendly reply can set them at ease if they’re nervous.

Hey, How Have You Been?

Another response that’d work for someone who texts you on social media is, “Hey, how have you been?” This is a cool response that shows your care.

If someone sends you “hey” on Snap, this is another perfect way to respond if you’re ready for the conversation. In this case, it’s appropriate for someone that you’ve chatted with before or someone you know way back.

Also, this response doesn’t only show you’re interested in conversing with them, it also shows that you care enough to know how they have been.

What’s Up? It’s Been Long 

“What’s up? It’s been long” is another reply to give when someone messages you on social media.

If you receive a “hey” on Snap, this is another casual response that indicates your interest in conversing with them.

Also just like the above, it’s an appropriate response for someone you know or someone you’ve chatted with before. “What’s up” is a way to return their greeting and a way to ask “What’s going on with them?”

“It’s been long” is a common expression people say to someone they’ve not met with or spoken to in a long time.

Hi, It’s Good to Hear from You 

“Hi, it’s good to hear from you” It’s another way to respond to a greeting from someone. 

This statement shows that you’re glad you got a greeting from them. It’s one of the proper ways to respond to someone who texts you “hey” on Snap 

This response is appropriate for someone you’ve been chatting with or someone you recently exchanged Snap ID with, to let them you’re happy they chatted you up.

Also, you can give this response to someone you’ve been admiring when they respond to your message or text you themselves.

Wow This Is Quite a Surprise

“Wow! This is quite a surprise” is another way to respond to a message from someone.

When someone texts you “hey” on Snap, this response shows you’re surprised to receive their message.

If it’s the case that you’ve not chatted with them for a long time, they’re an old friend, or you’re not expecting them to text you, you can use this response to express your shock.

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Moreover, it’s also a way to show your interest in having a chat with them.

Hey Yourself 

Another befitting response when someone greets you with “Hey” is “Hey yourself.” This is another response that returns the same greeting to them.

This is a lighthearted reply to use with friends and even a stranger. If you receive a “hey” from a stranger on Snap, this response is a simple and friendly reply that encourages them to continue to chat.

It’s a cool response that’ll work with anyone to let them know you’re interested in conversing with them.

Hey, How’s Your Day Going?

Another great way to respond to a greeting from anyone is “Hey, how’s your day going?” 

When you receive a “hey” on Snap, you can give this response to encourage them to continue chatting.

It shows your interest and will help set them at ease with the conversation. Moreover, it’s a great way to engage with someone you haven’t chatted with before. It’s a friendly response they’ll love.

Good Day 

“Good day” is another response that’d work when someone greets you. Depending on the day, you can greet good morning, afternoon, or evening. 

This response is another way to show you’re interested in engaging with them. It’s a good way to respond to “hey” on Snap.

It’ll work for someone that you’re just chatting with for the first time.

It’s Good to Know You’re Alive. How’re You?

Another way to reply to a greeting is by saying, “It’s good to know you’re alive. How’re you?”

When someone sends “hey” on Snap, this response shows that you know each other. This is the kind of response you give someone you haven’t chatted with for a long time.

Saying it’s good to know you’re alive expresses that it’s been a long time. Also, asking how they are is a good way to lead the conversation.

Miss Me Already?

Another response that’d work for a text is “Miss me already?” This is a flirty response you can give to someone who texts “hey” on Snapchat.

It’s a response that’d work for someone you like. It shows that you enjoy their conversation. Also, you can always use it with your friends or someone you’re just meeting to keep your conversation fun.

Wow! I Just Thought About You Now 

“Wow! I just thought about you now” This is another beautiful way to engage someone in a chat.

When someone sends you “hey” on Snapchat, this flirty response shows that you enjoy chatting with them. It’s the kind of response you use for your lover or your crush.

It’s a beautiful way to keep your conversation interesting and to keep the feelings burning.

What Do You Want?

Best Ways to Respond Hey on Snap

Another reply you can give to a text from someone is, “What do you want?”

In this case, this response shows that you’re not interested in them or in conversing with them. 

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When someone sends “hey” on Snap, if you don’t want to chat with them, this cold question will effectively express your mood.

Also, “What do you want?” shows your impatience and irritation. They’ll get the message clearly with this response.


Another way to respond to a text you’re not interested in is, “Yes?” 

If someone texts you on Snap, just like the above, this response shows your impatience and unwillingness to converse with them.

“Hey” like “hi” and “hello” is a way of greeting, even if people don’t appreciate it. So, if someone sends this message, they would be expecting a sort of greeting too.

However, “yes?” shows that you’re not ready to engage them.

How Can I Help You?

“How can I help you?” is another way to show your disinterest when someone texts you on social media.

When you receive a “hey” from someone you haven’t chatted with before, this cold response can put off the energy in them.

“Hey” is a casual greeting. However, “how can I help you” is formal.

So, if you’re not interested in a chat, this is the kind of response you give.

It’s Quite Late

“It’s quite late” is another way to let someone know that you’re not ready to chat with them.

If someone sends you “hey” on snap in the night, and you don’t want to chat with them, you can use this response as an excuse to put them off.

However, if it’s truly too late to chat, probably you’re about to go to bed or you are busy with other stuff, this reply will work adequately.

Quite Busy, Chat Later 

“Quite busy, chat later” is another response you can give when you can’t or don’t want to chat with someone.

This response will work adequately when you don’t want to engage someone on Snap. If you receive a “hey” on Snap, but you don’t want to chat, use this reply to put them off.

Hi, Who Are You?

“Hi, Who are you?” is another unfriendly way to put off someone who wants to chat with you.

If you receive “hey” on Snap from a stranger, you can give this response to show your impatience.

Also, it’s a formal way to engage them and let them know that you may not be ready for the kind of discussion they might want to have.


When you receive “hey” on Snap, there are different ways you can respond if you’re interested in a conversation or you’re not.

If you’re interested in a conversation, whether or not they’re someone you know, you can return their greeting or lead the conversation by asking how they are.

However, if you’re not interested, you can give an unfriendly response or find an excuse to get them off the chat.

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