20 Best Responses to ‘Is It Hot in Here or Is It Just You?’

Sometimes the room you are in could get so hot that you wonder if you are the only one feeling how hot the room is, you may be tempted to think you are the only one feeling hot while the other person is not. 

If someone asks you if you are the only one feeling hot, there are better ways you can respond to the person, I explained them in this article, and you should keep reading

Probably you are coming from a hot weather

You can say ‘Probably you are coming from hot weather’ if someone asks you if it is hot. 

This response suggests that the person is most likely coming from outside where it is hot and because of the sudden change in room temperature, the room starts to feel hot. The room feels so hot because the person came from outside where it was so hot. It also shows that you are ok and not hot. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • Probably you are coming from a hot weather

Yes, it is hot 

‘Yes, it is hot’ is a direct response you can use as well.

When you notice that the person asks you if it is hot there, it is a sign that the person is not entirely sure that it is hot there. You can be of assistance by letting the person know that it is hot. Sometimes, what you just need is to stay warm.

Here is an example for your perusal:

  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • Yes, it is hot 

Check, that the windows are closed, that’s why it is hot here

A good way to respond to ‘Is it hot in here or is it just you’ is ‘Check, that the windows are closed, that’s why it is hot here.’

Usually, when the windows of a room are locked you should expect it to get hot because there is no form of ventilation.

When you are in a room with someone and you notice that the person complains about how hot the room is, check to see if the windows are locked, that could be why the room is hot. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • Check, that the windows are closed, that is why it is hot

It’s not hot in here, what are you putting on?

A nicer way to respond to ‘Is it hot in here or is it just you’ is ‘It’s not hot in here, what are you putting on?’

You cannot put the blame on some people, they are used to putting in sweaters even when it is not required. Imagine putting on a sweater when it is hot, that is the obvious reason why you are hot. 

When you notice someone like this complains about being hot, ask what the person is putting on. 

You can look at this example: 

  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • It’s not hot in here, what are you putting on?

Check if the heater is on

‘Check if the heater is on’ sounds like a better way to respond if anyone asks you how hot it is.

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It is possible to forget that you have your heater on. The heater works to keep the house warm when it is cold. If you turned on the heater and did not remember to turn it off, that could be the reason why the room seems hot. 

This is an example you can peruse:

  • If you are asked if it is hot


  • Check if the heater is on

Maybe you need to step outside a bit if you are hot

Another good way to respond to ‘Is it hot in here or is it just you’ is ‘Maybe you need to step outside a bit if you are not?’

When it is hot outside and you just got home after a long busy day, when you get home, it could get so hot too because you are just coming from outside. Suggest to the person if he needs to step out a bit. 

Here is another example:

  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • Maybe you need to step outside a bit if you are not

I am not hot, what could be the issue?

‘I am not hot, what could be the issue?’ is a unique response to ‘Is it hot in here or is it just me?’

When two people are in the same room and one person is hot while the other person is not, there could be a reason why. When the person asks if you are hot you should let the person know if you are hot or not, maybe you both will be able to find out why one person is hot and the other person is not. 

Here is an example:

  • If someone asks if it is hot


  • I am not hot, what could be the issue?


You are right, it is hot here

You can respond to ‘Is it hot in here or is it just you’ by saying ‘You are right, it is hot here’

If you also feel hot you should not hesitate to let the person know how hot you are. In your response, let the person know that he was right for saying that it is hot in there. 

Take a look at this example:

  • If you are asked if it is hot


  • You are right, it is hot here

Didn’t you notice the change of weather?

‘Didn’t you notice the change of weather?’ is a way to respond if you are asked if it is hot.

If the weather gets hot you would expect that your home will also get hot. Perhaps, the person did not notice the change in weather, and that could be the reason why everywhere seems hot. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • Didn’t you notice the change of weather?

Winter is over, so expect it to get hot soon

‘Winter is over, so expect it to get hot soon’ can be used as a better way to respond to someone asking you how hot it is

Winter is usually cold, but when summer comes, you should expect it to be hot. Once you notice summer is here and that everywhere seems, then you should not ask so many questions about why it is hot. 

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  • If someone asks if it is hot


  • Winter is over, so expect it to get hot soon

Yeah yeah, you complain about it being hot all the time, I am not surprised

‘Yeah yeah, you complain about it being hot all the time, I am not surprised’ is another way to respond to ‘Is it hot in here, or is it just you?’

It shows you are tired of how often the person complains about how hot it is. The person has complained so much that you do not take what the person says seriously anymore. 


  • If someone asks you how hot the weather is


  • Yeah yeah, you complain about it being hot all the time, I am not surprised

Maybe you should have a bath

A better way to respond if someone asks you how hot the weather is ‘Maybe you should have a bath’

There are days when you get back from work feeling tired and hot, in situations like these it is best to go have a bath. Once you have your bath you will feel better. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • Maybe you should have a bath

Perhaps you need to change the clothes you put on

A nice way to respond when someone says it is hot is ‘Perhaps you need to change the clothes you put on.’

When you put on black clothes when it is hot you tend to sweat more because black can absorb sweat and keep you hot. If you notice the person is putting on black in hot weather, you can advise the person to change the clothes he has on. If you feel you do not want to change what you are putting on, you can simply go with the flow. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • Perhaps you need to change the clothes you put on

I am not hot, there should be an issue somewhere

‘I am not hot, there should be an issue somewhere’ is a straightforward way to respond if someone asks if it is hot.

Usually, when you are in the same room with someone and you notice that you are hot while the other person is not, then it is clear that there should be an issue somewhere, you both may need to find out what that issue is. 


  • When you are asked if it is hot


  • I am not hot, there should be an issue somewhere

How come you are the only one feeling hot?

‘How come you are the only one feeling hot?’ is a better way to reply if someone asks you how hot it is.

If you are not feeling hot the same way the other person is hot then it makes sense to ask why he is the only one feeling hot. This way, you show concern. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot
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  • How come you are the only one feeling hot?

I am just coming out of a cold bath, how can I be hot?

‘I am just coming out of a cold bath, how can I be hot?’ sounds cool as a response to a question if you are hot’

Usually, when you just come out of a cold bath, you are expected to be cold. If you entered a hot room from a cold bath, you would not feel hot that instant. it is a good thing to ask how the person expects you to be hot even after a cold bath. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • I am just coming out of a cold bath, how can I be hot?

It is hot because there is no ventilation here, open the windows

‘It is hot because there is no ventilation here, open the windows’ is a direct way to respond to a question if it is hot.

A room with no ventilation will be hot, that could be why the person is hot. Advise him to open the windows. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • It is hot because there is no ventilation here, open the windows

Maybe the air conditioner is not doing its job

‘Maybe the air conditioner is not doing its job’ is one of the best ways to respond when someone asks you how hot it is

The air conditioner is there to keep the room cool and prevent it from getting too hot. When you notice the room is hot and the air conditioner is working, then the air conditioner is probably bad, it is not doing its job.


  • When someone asks if you are hot


  • Maybe the air conditioner is not doing its job

It’s my fault, I left the heater on all night

‘It’s my fault, I left the heater on all night’ This sounds like another way to respond if you are asked if you are also hot

People often forget to turn things off at home, if you forget to turn off the heater, then you should expect the house to be hot. 


  • When someone asks if you are also hot


  • It’s my fault, I left the heater on all night

It’s hot here, but when you get outside it becomes cold

It’s hot here, but when you get outside it becomes cold’ is a better way to respond if someone asks how hot it is

It could be hot inside because you have the heater on or because you have your windows locked. Inside may be hot, but the moment you get outside, it gets cold. 


  • When someone asks if it is hot


  • It’s hot here, but when you get outside it becomes cold

Parting Words

When someone is hot, you may need to find out why the person is hot, it could be as a result of the hot weather or the type of clothing the person has on. This article contains the various ways to respond when someone asks ‘If you are also hot?’

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