20 of the Best Responses to “You Did Not”

When someone says “You did not” it is a way that the person is shocked at something that you did that the person considers disgusting or weird, meanwhile, the person does not consider it disgusting or weird.

For example, if you consider eating raw tomatoes disgusting and a friend of yours eats them in your presence, you can say something like, “Oh my God, you ate raw tomatoes?? YOU DID NOT.”

That way, the person understands that you are shocked at what he did.

If this happens to you and you do not know what to reply to, this article is there to help you.

That is exactly why I wrote this, it will guide you on the different ways that you can reply if someone says, “You did not”. You can use any of the replies that I will explain in this article.

Here Are The 20 Best responses to “You Did Not”

  1. It is not a big deal
  2. Do not act surprised
  3. Well, if you do not like it, deal with it
  4. None of my business
  5. Do not bother about me, I will be fine
  6. Well I did
  7. You cannot do anything about it
  8. I am not weird, you can as well try it
  9. It is not harmful
  10. I will not say anything
  11. If you feel disgusted then it is your own problem
  12. Other people do it, so it is not a new thing
  13. Maybe you are not so exposed
  14. You should travel more, you will see diverse cultures that do this
  15. I am not telling lies, I did it
  16. You can choose to believe me or not
  17. You should know me by now, I do not cap
  18. You should try new things
  19. I bet you would like this if you try it
  20. I had to do it because I was sad

It is not a big deal

Responses to You Did Not

It could be that the person saw you eating something that seems so weird or something that the person has never eaten before and the person said “you did not” the moment you told him that you ate the food.

In your reply, you can simply say that it is not a big deal. It could mean that it is something that you are already used to.

Once you tell the person that it is not a big deal, he will understand your perspective and may even believe as well that it is not a big deal.

Do not act surprised

This is a reply that you can use if you know full well that the person is acting surprised. You can tell him directly that he should not act surprised.

When you notice that the person is acting surprised when you do that, just tell him upfront that he should not act surprised at all.

Some people are so good at acting or pretending, and the moment you notice it, let him know.

Well, if you do not like it, deal with it

This is a reply you can use if the person said “you did not” because he felt disgusted at what you did or what you ate, then you can tell him in your reply that if he does not like it he should deal with it.

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This is a reply showing that you do not care if the person likes it or not or if the person feels disgusted or not.

When the person understands this, he will not tell you, “you did not”, the next time you do something like that.

None of my business

This is a straightforward reply telling the person that whatever he tells you is none of your business or if the person says, “you did not” meaning that he finds what you are doing disgusting, then you do not care at all.

The moment he understands that you do not care at all, he will not bother telling you “you did not” next time you do something like that. He will just act like he did not see it.

Do not bother about me, I will be fine

You can use this reply if the person thinks that something that you did that seems weird will affect you in some way.

In your reply, you can let the person know that you will be found and he should not bother about you at all.

That way, the person will not have to bother too much and will also not have to think too much about how what you did will affect you.

Well I did

This is a short and direct answer. You can simply tell the person, “I did”, if the person says “you did not.”

The person may say “you did not” in shock ’ because he never believed that you did something like that.

In your reply, just say, well, I did. That way, the person will understand that you do not even care and you are not worried about what he is going to say.

This reply will go a long way to buttress your point well without having to talk too much.

You cannot do anything about it

This is a reply showing that no matter how disgusted the person is about what you did or said, he has no control over it and he is not in any position to tell him what to do or what not to do about it.

This reply will make the person not say anything to you, even if the person does not like what you are doing, he will not say anything to you.

He will prefer to keep it to himself. That is what this reply will help you achieve.

I am not weird, you can as well try it

You can use this reply if the person thinks you are weird because you are doing something very different that he has not seen before.

Let him know that you are not weird and that it will be better if the person can try it out before passing any judgment. This is a good reply, still.

It is not harmful

The person may exclaim “you did not” because he thinks that what you are doing is harmful to you. Probably because he has not seen anyone do it before or has not heard of it at all.

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In your reply, let the person know that it is not harmful and that the person does not need to panic in any way when he sees you doing that weird thing.

Now that you have told the person that it is not harmful, he may try it by himself.

I will not say anything

You can use this reply if you do not have anything to say to the person. Instead of keeping mute, you can simply tell the person that you will not say anything.

If you feel disgusted then it is your own problem

You can use this reply if the person says “you did not” in disgust’’. In this reply, you tell the person that even if he feels disgusted by what you did, you do not care and it is his own problem.

That way, he will not have to tell you ‘’you did what’’ when he feels disgusted by what you did.

This reply makes everything easy for you. You will not have to talk too much or even try to make the person see sense in what you are doing, you tell the person straight up that if he feels disgusted it is his own problem.

Other people do it, so it is not a new thing

If the person is surprised that you did such or the person has not seen any other person that has done such before, in your reply simply tell him that other people do it and it is not a new thing.

When the person understands that it is no longer a new thing and that others do it as well, he will not consider you weird in any way. He will begin to see you as someone who is not weird.

Maybe you are not so exposed

It could be that the person is not so exposed and has not been to places where they do certain things.

If the person has only been to a place once or has never left his city, he may see people do things and may think it is weird or that it is not supposed to be.

But the moment the person gets exposed, he will get used to those things and it will not be so much of a big deal anymore.

This reply will make the person understand that there is more to life than being in one place all the time.

You should travel more, you will see diverse cultures that do this

This is a reply advising the person to travel more. This is because the person has only been used to his culture and has not had the privilege to explore other diverse cultures across the globe.

In your reply, let the person know that he needs to travel more to experience other diverse cultures so that things do not look strange to him.

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I am not telling lies, I did it

This is a way of saying that you are not telling lies about what you said to the person. But note that it is best to use this reply only if the person said “you did not” in doubt.

In your reply, just say that you are not telling lies. This way, the person will even believe you more. This is a good reply that you can use.

But take note that you need to use this reply only if the person doubts what you are saying.

You can choose to believe me or not

You can also use this reply if the person doubts what you are saying. If you do not want to tell the person directly that you are not telling lies, you can simply say “you can choose to believe me or not”.

That way, you do not care if the person believes you or not and you are not even trying to convince the person to believe you.

This way, the person will not bother telling you to your face that you are not telling the truth.

You should know me by now, I do not cap

This is a reply showing that the person ought to have known you by now and that the person ought to have trusted you by now.

In this reply, you are telling the person that you have integrity and that the person should believe you even without you talking too much or explaining yourself.

You should try new things

If the person said “you did what” in shock because he has not seen or heard of that before, simply tell the person in your reply that he should try new things.

It may seem strange to the person because he is scared of or does not like trying new things.

I bet you would like this if you try it

This is a way of convincing the person to try what you did. It could be that you tried a new type of food that the person is not used to and the person said “you did not” in shock, thinking that what you are saying tastes so bad because it is strange.

I had to do it because I was sad

It could be that the person saw you doing something that you would not do on a normal day and he was so surprised.

In your reply, you can tell the person that you did it just because you were sad and that usually, you will not do such.

Final Words

If someone says “you did not”, that is a way of reacting to something shocking or that the person thinks is disgusting to do and you do not think it that way.

This article will help you to know the best way that you can reply if you are in this situation. You should make use of any of these replies if you find yourself in this situation at any time.

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