15 Other Ways to Say “Come Visit Us”

Do you want to spend time with a crush or with your friends and you don’t know how to tell them?

Do you want to bring your family together and you don’t know how to present it to them? It might just be easy to say “come visit us,” but you don’t want to be direct with them.

Worry no more, for you’re in the right place. In this article, I’ll be discussing 15 other ways to say “come visit us.”

So, if you need to spend time with your loved ones and you’re looking for a subtle way to tell them, you’ve got all the help you need here. Stay with me.

15 Other Ways to Say “Come Visit Us”

There are a lot of ways you can say “come visit us.” Depending on the type of relationship you share with the person, you can be casual or formal with them.

Some of the expressions you can use in place of “come visit us” include: “come over,” “stop by later,” “check us at our new place, you’d love it,” “you can crash at our place tonight” and many other phrases.

That being said, here are 15 alternative ways to say “come visit us.”

  1. Come over
  2. Contact us at the…
  3. Drop by
  4. We are happy to host you at our…
  5. Won’t you come and know…?
  6. Come by
  7. Can we talk later at the…?
  8. We’ll be delighted to have you during Thanksgiving
  9. Check us at…
  10. Stop by
  11. Crash at our…
  12. My place is also your place, you can come whenever you like
  13. Call on us
  14. Drop in
  15. Pay a call

Come Over

“Come over” is one of the common phrases people use when they want someone to come to their place.

It’s an informal expression and very common among friends when they want each other over at their place. However, you can use this expression politely in a formal environment.

When you ask someone to come over, you’re inviting them to a place; it could be your office or your house, or any location you want them.

So, it’s a cool way to ask someone to pay you or your family a visit if you don’t want to use the expression “visit us.”

Below are ways you can use the expression:

  • I want you to come over to my office later so we can talk better
  • You can always come over to my place when you like
  • Come over during the weekend, please

Contact Us at the…

If you don’t want to say “come visit us” to an acquaintance or a colleague, you can always ask them to contact you wherever you wish.

Asking someone to contact you at your office or home is a good way to ask them to visit you without saying it.

For instance, if you met with a potential client and you want them to visit, you can tell them to contact you at your office or home to discuss further.

In this way, you’ve asked them to visit you without saying it directly. Additionally, it’s a formal expression you use with an acquaintance or within a formal environment.

Below are the ways to use the expression:

  • You can contact us at the office if you want to find out more
  • Tell them to contact us at home. It’ll be more convenient there
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Drop By

Another expression you can use if you don’t want to say “come visit us” is “drop by.” This is a cool way to invite someone to a place of your choice.

It’s another common informal expression that friends or anyone can use to ask someone to visit them somewhere.

However, you can also use this expression in a formal setting if you’re polite. So, if you don’t want to use the word “visit us,” you can tell anyone to drop by later at your place.

Below is a way you can use this expression to invite someone over to a place:

  • Can you drop by the house later? We’ve some unfinished business
  • You can drop by later and say “hi”

We Are Happy to Host You at Our…

You can always ask someone over to your place without making it obvious that you want them to visit.

If it’s the case that you want a friend or colleague to meet with your family, you can use dinner or lunch to bring them to your place.

One good way to achieve that is by telling them you’re happy to host them at your desired location.

It could be your workplace or your house; if you want someone to visit you, use a dinner or lunch to lure them where you want.

In addition, it’s a polite request that will be difficult to turn down. Also, this statement can both work in a formal and informal setting.

Below is how you can use this statement:

  • We are happy to host you at our house on Sunday
  • We are happy to host you at the office anytime

Won’t You Come and Know…?

Here, you’re tactical by appealing to their emotions. If it’s the case that you built a new home or office and you want friends to visit you, you can blackmail them into doing that.

Or if you’ve got a friend who has never visited you, good blackmail can work too.

A good example is by asking if they won’t come and know your house or office or club or whatever place it is.

A good friend or colleague should be moved and give in. Of course, they wouldn’t want to seem like a bad friend. So, this is a perfect way of asking someone to visit you without actually saying it.

Here’s how to use this expression:

  • Won’t you come and know our new office? You’ve never been there
  • Won’t you come and know where we live?

Come by

Another good expression that can work to invite someone over to a place is to ask them to come by.

This is another informal expression that you can politely use in a formal setting.

When you ask someone to come by your place, you’re letting them know that you want them at your place in clear terms.

So, this is the perfect way to ask someone to your place without using the words “come visit us.”

Below is a way you can use this phrase:

  • We’ll be delighted if you come by the office to check it out
  • I’d love you to come by later, there’s a lot to discuss
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Can We Talk Later at the…?

Here’s another tactical approach to inviting someone to your place without making it obvious. When you want someone over to your place, ask them politely if you can talk there.

This approach doesn’t give them plenty of options, especially if they’re your friends, or if it’s your workplace you want them to visit.

For instance, someone who isn’t comfortable with you might turn you down if you ask them to talk at your house. However, if you ask to talk with them in your office, they can hardly say no.

So, if you want someone to visit where you work or live, you can lure them with plans to talk.

Below is a good way to go about it:

  • Can we talk later at the house? This place is noisy
  • Can we talk later at the office? It’ll be a great place to relax and catch on

We’ll Be Delighted to Have You During Thanksgiving

Another tactical approach to asking someone to your place is to lure them during “Thanksgiving.”

“Thanksgiving” is a national holiday in some countries and states. So, it’s a good time to ask for a visit. A good way to go about that is to let them know you’ll be delighted to have them during Thanksgiving.

It could be friends, neighbors, colleagues, acquaintances, or even strangers; when you want someone to pay you a visit at your house, ask them for a “Thanksgiving” lunch.

Due to the nature of the holiday; a time of sharing and giving, people will hardly turn down this visit. So, try this approach when you want someone to visit you but you don’t want to spell it out.

Check Us at…

Another wonderful way you can ask someone for a visit subtly is by using this statement.

When you ask someone to check you out at a particular place, it tells them you want them there. It’s a good approach to use when discussing business with someone or talking casually to a friend or colleague.

For instance, if you want a client to visit your business area, this statement is a good way to make your request known.

Here’s how you can use this statement:

  • Check us at our new place, you’d love it
  • Can you check us at the house? We won’t be at the office today

Stop By

“Stop by” is another phrase you can use when you want someone to pay you a visit at your place.

This is another informal expression that you can use to make your request. Also, you can use it in a business environment or your workplace.

For instance, if you’re longing to see someone or have someone over at your place, ask them to stop by. This expression sounds like a simple thing to do.

It’s a good approach to use when you know they’ll pass by your place anytime.

Here’s a good way to use this phrase:

  • You can stop by before going to the market
  • Why not stop by on your way back from church so we discuss this better

Crash at Our…

Another way you can ask someone to visit is by asking them to crash at your place.

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This is a good approach to use when you know the person doesn’t have plenty of options.

For instance, if you’re both returning from a party and you know your house is closer, you can suggest they crash at your place.

In this way, you’ve got what you want without saying “come visit us.”

Here’s a good way to use this phrase:

  • Why not crash at our place for the weekend? It’ll be easier to get the bus from here
  • You can crash at our place tonight, you can’t drive in this state

My Place is also Your Place, You Can Come Whenever You Like

This is another tactical way to get someone to visit you without saying it out loud.

Also, this is another emotional statement you can use to get someone reluctant to come to visit you. In addition, it’s suitable to use with friends or someone you share a solid relationship with.

When you tell them your place is also theirs and they can come whenever they like, they should get it that you want them to visit.

Call on Us at…

“Call on us” is another wonderful phrase you can use to ask someone to visit you.

When you ask someone to call you at the office for a discussion, they should come to your office for it. So, in this way, you’ve gotten them to visit if that was your intention.

So, this is a cool way to get someone to visit you if you don’t want to spell it out.

Below are ways to use this expression:

  • Call on us at the office, we can’t discuss this over the phone
  • Make sure to call on us at home, we’ve all you need there

Drop in

You can also ask someone to drop in at your place if you want them to visit.

Using “drop in” is another good approach to get someone to come by your house or office without sounding obvious. Also, this is an informal expression that tells the person that they’re free to visit anytime.

When someone drops in on you, it means they visit you informally without arranging it.

Here’s how you can use this expression:

  • Why not drop in anytime you’re free
  • You can always drop in whenever you visit the town

other ways to say come visit us

Pay a Call

“Pay a call” is another cool expression you can use to ask someone to visit you.

This is a great expression that you can use formally or informally. However, it’s more formal. So, if you want someone to visit you, you can ask them to pay a call at your place.

Here’s how you can use the expression:

  • Pay a call at my office in the evening, I have something for you
  • Kindly pay a call at my house later, we’ve some pending discussions

other ways to say come visit us

End Note

As you can see from this article, there are numerous ways you can ask someone to visit you without saying the word.

So, when next you want someone at your house or office or any location, try any of these examples to get you that visit.

They are tactical approaches that can hardly be turned down. Also, don’t forget to add yours.

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