15 Best Ways to Ask for Money Owed

Most people find it hard to lend money because of the rigors involved in getting back.

You would have to remind them that you need the money, try to give convincing points, you would have to make new payment or agreement plans if they can’t pay back when due, and a host of things that make you just wonder if it was worth it.

If you dread asking for your money back because you don’t know how to, I have a few answers that will guide you.

These answers cover a range of categories so just read through and choose the one that fits your situation.

15 Best Ways to Ask for Money Owed

  1. Concerning the money, when do you plan to pay it back?
  2. Do you know what would help? The money you’re owing me
  3. According to the agreement we had, I believe payment is overdue.
  4. We are heading towards the festive season. With all the expenses to be made, I will be needing the money you promised.
  5. If you don’t mind, I would like to have the money I lent you
  6. I will appreciate it if I can have the money by the end of tomorrow
  7. It’s time for you to return the favor. There are pressing demands and I want to take care of them immediately
  8. Can I come for the money this evening/ will you be sending the money in the evening
  9. Remember that mini loan? I kind of need it myself.
  10. I know I said you can pay anytime but I am really skint
  11. Friendly reminder, I will be needing the money I lent you sooner than I thought. When will you be able to return it?
  12. I understand you have a lot going on for you right now but I need the money. Can you at least send it in half?
  13. I am pressed for cash currently. Some things need to be taken care of, so I would be needing that money I lent you
  14. It’s been a while since I heard from you. If you are avoiding me because of the money, I think we can work out a new plan that we can both agree on
  15. I should have stressed this earlier but I’m depending on that money to get me by til the next paycheck

Concerning the money, when do you plan to pay it back?

If you are lending someone money, this question is asked before you give the money out. It is how an agreement is made.

If you are later in need of the money and they are not forthcoming, you can also ask this question again.

It will remind them that it is time to pay and you want to know when they can pay back.

Do you know what would help? The money you’re owing me

It might seem sarcastic but it’s just about how you say it. You can call them aside and explain that you are in a tight corner, or a pickle, or a fix (whatever you want to use to describe our situation), and one thing that would go a long way or be of great help is the money you lent them.

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Many people will believe that you still have money and will be reluctant to pay you back so you have to give solid reasons to get your money back fast.

According to the agreement we had, I believe payment is overdue

If you signed a contract or you had a similar agreement, this reply is telling them that you haven’t forgotten all the clauses and dates and times and you want your money.

You have to use this reply a few days after the due date so that it can be overdue. You can also decide to say: “according to the agreement we had, I believe the payment is due in a few days”.

This is for if it isn’t due yet and you want to inform them.

We are heading towards the festive season. With all the expenses to be made, I will be needing the money you promised

Ways to Ask for Money Owed

Christmas, Easter, Thanksgiving, or any celebration takes a lot of money out of the pocket no matter how fun it is. Even birthdays.

That said, a reason like this should tell them to hasten up with payment. This reply sounds a bit impatient but it is still polite.

It tells them that it is urgent so you can start planning and it will prevent them from making excuses about postponing payment.

If it’s not an issue of the festive season, you can say that something is coming up and you need the money. You are not obligated to tell them what you do with your money.

If you don’t mind, I would like to have the money I lent you

If you are a stickler for routines and perfect timings then you should use this reply m it sounds very business-like.

You rap on their doors, they open up and you use this reply to tell them, “without excuses or defaulting, please give me back my money”. If they have it they will give it to you immediately.

This reply is very good if you want to be taken seriously and you don’t want to be told to wait a few more days.

I will appreciate it if I can have the money by the end of tomorrow

If they have delayed paying the money so many times, you can use this as a final reminder that if they don’t pay you will take a different course of action.

This reply will tell them that you are serious but at the same time don’t insult them or appear rude. It will be a very simple message passed across. Trust me they will pay back.

It’s time for you to return the favor. There are pressing demands and I want to take care of them immediately

This reply sounds like they are lending you the money even though it is yours. By returning the favor, you mean you did a good thing by lending them money and you would want that same favor.

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Since it sounds so casual, they might not take you seriously so the next part of the reply should help.

Making it sound urgent will tell them that they are inconveniencing you if you don’t have the money and they will not want to do that.

Can I come for the money this evening/ will you be sending the money in the evening?

This reply is good if you had a prior discussion on this topic. If you sense that they are not willing to pay, whether they are to pay money for labor or they are to pay you the money you lent them, you can use this to tell them that you need the money and you don’t want them to default.

They will see how serious you are because you are willing to come and get the money.

Remember that mini loan? I kind of need it myself

Ways to Ask for Money Owed

This is another fun way to remind people that you need your money. It’s not as serious as the ones above and it makes the money you lent them sound like a lot.

This will give them the impression that you see it a lot and that “a lot of money” will be very helpful to you.

It has a bit of urgency in it so that they know you don’t want them to delay it. This way everyone is happy.

I know I said you can pay anytime but I am really skint

The word skint means poor, broke, or penniless. It’s not really common but it’s not slang, it’s a real English word and you can use it to describe how things are for you financially.

We have those friends that mean so much to us and we wouldn’t let something as little as money ruin that great friendship, so we tell them to pay back when they feel like it because we don’t need it at that time, and they are very close to us.

When things change, you might need that money earlier, at a defined date and you can use this to inform them.

They won’t be very happy, especially if that can’t pay back at the time but at least you have told them politely and they have learned a new word.

Friendly reminder, I will be needing the money I lent you sooner than I thought. When will you be able to return it?

If you don’t want to give details on why things changed or what you need the money for, then this is a good way to tell them.

They might have forgotten, humans have so much more going on in their busy lives than the money they owe you.

Adding the first two words tells them that you mean no ha and you want to remind them in case they have forgotten.

I understand you have a lot going on for you right now but I need the money. Can you at least send it in half?

Ways to Ask for Money Owed

Negotiation and trying to reach an agreement are something that makes things a whole lot easier.

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If they are not able to pay the full sum you lent them, then maybe they would be able to provide half or any other substantial amount.

This will tell them that you are looking out for them and you are just not after your money alone.

Also, the fact that you are willing to take half first tells them that whatever you need the money for is so important that rather than delay receiving the full sum, you would go with half first and get the rest later.

I am pressed for cash currently. Some things need to be taken care of, so I would be needing that money I lent you

I like this answer because of how it says “I am broke” or “I need money” in a different way. It passes across the message: “that you need the money and you need it immediately”, in a different way.

It just says it in fancy English so you don’t seem distraught. They will appreciate the way you said it and admire how you said it and be quick to pay back.

It’s been a while since I heard from you. If you are avoiding me because of the money, I think we can work out a new plan that we can both agree on

Ways to Ask for Money Owed

Borrowing money can make people feel ashamed and embarrassed. It gets worse if after borrowing the money they are not in a better financial state and can not pay you back.

They will start to avoid you by hiding if they see you coming, ignoring texts and calls, and feigning that they are very busy.

If you send this as a text or try to reach them through a medium they won’t be able to ignore, they will feel better and you can make another agreement.

There is no need to destroy a good friendship with a measly matter like money.

I should have stressed this earlier but I’m depending on that money to get me by till the next paycheck.

Some people live paycheck to paycheck with little gifts in between. If you are one of those people, this money would have been a huge sacrifice.

When it then seems that you might not be able to survive without the money, you would ask for it immediately. This reason for needing the money sounds very serious.

If you know they won’t take you seriously for that reason, you can say: “I should have stressed this earlier but I’m depending on that money to pay my taxes and handle all other utility bills.


Lending money can be messy, but asking back is messier. These replies should help make it all easier.

I hope these help. If you have more ideas on how to ask for your money back or you want to share an experience, pop them in the comments below and I will be happy to read them. Thanks.

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