34 of the Best Responses to ‘Where Have You Been Hiding?’

We have to concede that the question stated above is quite awkward. It’s like every other rhetorical question out there.

You may not be expected to answer this question as it has been literally asked. Of course, you have not been hiding. Why would you be hiding? From whom would you be hiding?

 Below are several ways you can respond to this question. We have grouped our 34 suggestions into four sections. If you want a flirty response, it’s here.

If you want a sarcastic response, it’s down there. If you want a funny response, scroll down. If you want normal cute responses, we have a list of them to. Help yourself.

9 Flirty Responses to “Where Have You Been Hiding?”

Best Responses to 'Where Have You Been Hiding'

  1. Deep down in your heart. You should have looked there.
  2. You’ve been searching? I’m flattered.
  3. From your love. Looks like I failed.
  4. Someone must have missed me. 
  5. I wish you found me.
  6. Away from your closed eyes. I finally succeeded.
  7. Wrong places. I want to hide with you now.
  8. I was hiding. My heart wasn’t.
  9. How far did you go to find me?

Deep down in your heart. You should have looked there.

This is number one here but it should be at the bottom of the list like every number one usually is. Believe me. If you say this to a girl, you will be putting one hell of a romantic smile on her face. You won’t even have to try so hard. She won’t be able to help it.

You are directly saying that you have been hiding somewhere in her heart but she’s failing to check there for you. This could be interpreted in several ways, one of which could mean she likes you and she’s yet to realize it.

You’ve been searching? I’m flattered.

Does this sound flattering? You can precede your flirty chat with a sweet statement. You bet you will be getting a cute smile when you say this to a girl.

 First, she has not been searching. She probably doesn’t even care. She just hasn’t seen you around. Second, why are you flattered? When you manage to get a smile on her face, say a comment about how cute you find her smile.

 In no time, your whereabouts in the last few days will be obliterated from your discussion.

From your love. Looks like I failed.

 Ha-ha. Consider this a funny one but it’s flirty. She will probably object to this when you say it. Why have you been hiding from my love? Why do you need to? You failed?

 She’ll probably admit that you succeeded in hiding just to point that she’s not in love with you. Talk about the smile on her face for a while, then go back to saying how all the hints point to love.

Someone must have missed me.

 This one is quite flirty too. It may not sound so romantic but you can kick off a flirty chat with this statement. You will get her to smile when you say this or she will probably pretend to not have missed you in any way.

 You have this option also if you are just not willing to talk about where you’ve been. You can just repeat this statement for a number of annoying times, then change the topic abruptly.

 As a flirty statement, you can start flirting immediately this brings a smile on her face.

I wish you found me.

 This is not what she expects to hear from you, even though she doesn’t think you’ve been actually hiding anywhere. One of the ways to begin a flirty chat is to act like you’re heartbroken and make her beg you for a second.

 When you say this and sound genuine, she will probably wonder what you mean and where she went wrong. Then you can just talk about how disappointed you are. After watching her beg for just a second, you can say you forgive her and you can continue your ongoing love story.

Away from your closed eyes. I finally succeeded.

 This sounds quite cryptic. She will probably interpret as you wanting to be seen by her. You can further say ‘Search no more for me. Your love is here.’ She may laugh about this.

 If a girl says ‘Yes’ to you calling her ‘love’, don’t get fooled. It happens and it’s just a word. However, you can laugh about it, play along, and joke about how many kids you will be having with your ‘love’.

Wrong places. I want to hide with you now.

 This will seem like a romantic attack if you say this with a sincerely serious look and take one step closer. She will probably take a quick step back and laugh about it. She would still be wondering what you meant by it.

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 You can talk about running away with her. It will be a joke but you should be sounding as serious as possible. When she starts talking about not wanting to go anywhere or asking if you are okay, you can start to joke about her not being deeply in love with you like she says.

 Let her rant about never having told you about love or any similar topic. 

I was hiding. My heart wasn’t.

 This will be a flattering joke also. Immediately she asks where you have been hiding, you can switch to the cutest and gentlest version of you. Take a step closer and put one hand on your chest. Make your voice sound as whispery as possible when you say this; ‘I was hiding. My heart wasn’t’.

 You can further add that your heart was with her all through. Say that your heart is with her every day and night. Say your heart follows her everywhere she goes. Say how your heart follows her to the kitchen and to the bathroom. Say how your heart watches her misbehave in front of the mirror.

How far did you go to find me?

 While this is a simple question, you can start a flirty chat by challenging her for not coming in search of you. She’s going to find it ridiculous and probably laugh about it.

 Then you can talk about how you would have gone around the world if she went missing for a second. You can even joke about it and say you are only waiting patiently for her to go missing so you can go around the world in search of her. 

7 Funny Responses To ‘Where Have You Been Hiding’

Best Responses to 'Where Have You Been Hiding'

  1. Where have you been looking?
  2. Far from you as I can
  3. Everywhere you failed to check.
  4. Before your open eyes.
  5. On social media. I did a good job.
  6. Here in public.
  7. Even the blind would find me if they looked.

Where have you been looking?

When a person asks where you have been hiding, he or she is just trying to ask where you have been. Sometimes, it is not even a question. Rather, the person is just trying to tell you that you haven’t been seen in a while.

You can ask this equally rhetorical question if you have always been around. There is a chance that you may have seen the person a couple times during the period which he or she claims to not have seen you. The situation on its own is a funny one.

Far from you as I can.

You can joke about wanting to hide away from the person asking this question. Firstly, the response is not what’s expected from you.

You can say this and add “Oh my… what am I doing here?!’ Act disappointed after saying this and you will just get the person to laugh at the joke.

Everywhere you failed to check.

This should definitely crack somebody up. This suggests that you have not been hiding anywhere. Someone just chose to pocket the part of his or her eyes that could see you.

 You can even mention that you have seen him or her recently.

Before your open eyes.

This implies that you have been in the neighborhood and the person would have seen you if he or she just looked.

You should state seriously and concernedly at the person’s eyes as though you were checking something. If you are asked about the weird stare.  You can say ‘Sorry. Are these things working?’

Point to the person’s eyes while saying this. You can even move your body in front of the person and ask if he or she can see what you’re doing at that moment.

On social media. I did a good job.

 You can say this or you can choose to replace ‘on social media’ with ‘in front of the world’. 

 If the person says he or she has not seen you on social media, you can say you’ve been hiding. He or she will definitely crack up hearing this.

Here in public.

This is as funny as it is sarcastic. After saying this, you can say ‘looks like I did a good job with you without even trying’. This will sound like you are pissed with him or her for not having seen you in the past few days.

There are two possible consequences to this; the person will probably think you are being serious and apologize for not actually looking for you. The person may actually see the joke and laugh about it.

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Even the blind would find me if they looked.

 Irrespective of what you mean when you say this, It will get the person to laugh first. This statement implies that you were not hiding anywhere or from anyone and the person would have found you if he or she looked.

 After this statement, you can add ‘I wonder why you didn’t find me’. Say the sentence slowly while staring into the person’s eyes, as though you are wondering if the person is blind.

6 Sarcastic Responses To ‘Where Have You Been Hiding’

Best Responses to 'Where Have You Been Hiding'

  1. Where everyone could see me.
  2. Guess where.
  3. Everywhere I could think of.
  4. On TV. I hid pretty well.
  5. In front of everyone that has eyes.
  6. Not in a cupboard. 

Where everyone could see me.

 You can say you were hiding where everyone could see you. This is definitely true but it can be used to infer that you were never hiding and you were never away.

 It could also be a mere joke said for its sarcastic nature. You will probably get the person to laugh. He or she may have actually looked for you.

Guess where.

This is extremely sarcastic in nature for several funny reasons. One of these reasons is the person does not even care where you’ve been hiding. He or she doesn’t think you’ve even been hiding at all.

When the person asked where you have been hiding, it was intended as a form of ‘hello’ or ‘what’s up’ and no special response was required from you. The person does not expect you to answer the question as it was asked.

Finally, why would she guess where you have been hiding? She can play along with you and answer the question by guessing where. Then you can say you don’t think you’ve been hiding there. 

 You can even play a joke by touching the side of her head and saying you’ve been hiding in there. ‘You just have to look inward.’

Everywhere I could think of

The first sarcastic part of this response is in the fact that you even answered the question at all.

Secondly, it will sound very clear that you are kidding. The person will probably ask if you have actually been hiding. Then you can say ‘I don’t think so. You may be tight’

On TV. I hid pretty well.

This is clearly sarcasm because no one is on TV for the purpose of hiding. Rather, a person gets on TV to be seen by the public.

You may crack the person up with this. You can further ask if the person has seen you on TV recently. When he or she says ‘no’, you can say ‘I must have done a good job. I didn’t see myself on TV either’

In front of everyone that has eyes.

This sounds sarcastic and also angry but that depends on how you are staring back at the person. If you keep a serious look on your face, it may be mistaken for anger.

This statement, like some of the options stated earlier, infers that you have not been hiding and neither have you been away. You are indirectly telling the person that everyone could see you while emphasizing ‘everyone that has eyes’

Not in a cupboard.

Ha-ha. You will get the person to laugh with this. First, the person definitely wouldn’t have thought you were hiding in a cupboard. Why would anyone choose to hide in a cupboard? You could be chatting with someone that has a great sense of humor and he or she would play along with the joke or even snatch it from you right away.

After mentioning that you’ve not been hiding in a cupboard, you can emphasize it by saying ‘just in case you thought so. I have never hid in a cupboard. I would never do that’

12 Cool Responses To ‘Where Have You Been Hiding’

Best Responses to 'Where Have You Been Hiding'

  1. Where do you think?
  2. I’ve always been around.
  3. Were you searching?
  4. I haven’t seen you around too.
  5. I see you often.
  6. I just got back from travel.
  7. I have stayed indoor for a while.
  8. My job has kept me away.
  9. I have been pretty busy.
  10. I didn’t go anywhere.
  11. I should be asking you.
  12. I’ve missed you.

Where do you think?

As mentioned in the earlier sections, a person does not really expect a direct answer from you when you are asked where you have been hiding. It is mostly used as a greeting expression when you come across someone whom you unusually haven’t seen in a long time. It is like ‘what’s up’ and ‘how are you’ as greeting expressions.

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You can respond to it with this rhetorical question. This question will not be taken seriously. Rather, the person will just continue with the discussion.

I’ve always been around.

This answers the question. An answer may be demanded from you so you can simply say where you have been.

This question only implies that you have not been seen by the person in a while so he or she is asking where you may have gone to. You can answer by saying where you have been within that period.

Also, you may have gone nowhere. You can simply say you have always been around.

Were you searching?

The question feels weird so you may respond with an equally weird question. This response is not rhetorical. It may be found amusing, however.

It does not suggest whether you have been around or gone anywhere. The person will probably say no to the question, then you can say where you went to during the period when you were away.

 It is possible that you may have been indoor all through that period or both of you just haven’t met in a while and you didn’t go anywhere.

I haven’t seen you around too.

You can simply respond by saying you haven’t seen the person around. This response is suitable because the question was only asked because you haven’t been seen around by the person.

This response may not seem like it answers the question of where you may have gone to. However, it implies that you have been around. The response directly asks where the person has been since you also haven’t seen him or her around. 

I see you often.

 A person only asks where you have been if he or she has been in search of you or if he or she just hasn’t come across you for a noticeably long time. You can answer the question by pointing out that you see the person often, even if he or she doesn’t see you.

This response suggests that you have always been around and the person just hasn’t seen you or noticed you in a while.

I just got back from travel.

When you are asked about where you may have been, you can say exactly where you are. You can simply say you have not been in the neighborhood. You may simply admit that you haven’t been around. You may also just mention that you just returned from wherever you went to.

Since this response does not suggest where exactly you have been within the period you were absent, the person may ask where you traveled to. The person may also choose to just continue with the conversation without asking about your travel.

I have stayed indoor for a while

The reason you haven’t been seen around may be because you haven’t walked out of your home in a while. The person can’t tell if you are home or not so it may be assumed that you just haven’t been in the neighborhood.

You can simply mention that you chose to stay in your room and you just got out recently.

My job has kept me away

When this question is asked, you can also respond with your reasons for being away from town. It may be the only true answer if you have not been in one place.

You may be someone who leaves home very early in the morning and gets home very late at night.

I have been pretty busy.

This can be your excuse for not being seen in the neighborhood in the past few days or weeks.

You don’t have to say where exactly you have been.

I didn’t go anywhere.

This answers the question directly. You didn’t go anywhere. You have been in the neighborhood and both of you just haven’t come across each other in a while.

I should be asking you.

This indirectly implies that you have been in the neighborhood and you think the person hasn’t been in the neighborhood.

In this situation, you both have been in the neighborhood, even though you didn’t meet each other in a long time.

I’ve missed you.

Since the question is usually taken as a greeting, you can just mention how you feel about having been away from the person for so long.

This does not say whether you have actually been away. However, it acknowledges that you also haven’t seen the person in a long time.

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