20 of the Best Responses to “Received With Thanks”

You may agree that we all fall in the dilemma of having to think of responses to certain phrases. One of them is ‘Received with thanks’.

If you don’t know what to say in response to the phrase above, you have come to the right source for answers. Your desired solution is somewhere within the 20 suggested responses in the list below.

Saying ‘Received with thanks’ is simply saying ‘Thanks’ but it is often used in situations where ‘Thank you’ isn’t needed. It is rather used as an acknowledgement. Therefore, the best responses to the phrase are ‘Good to hear that’, ‘Good luck’, etc.

20 Responses To Received With Thanks

20 Responses to "Received With Thanks"

  1. You are welcome.
  2. No, thank you.
  3. Good to hear that.
  4. It was my pleasure.
  5. Don’t thank me.
  6. Shall we move on then?
  7. Happy to help
  8. Don’t bother.
  9. Have a great day.
  10. Good luck with it then.
  11. Expect to hear from you soon
  12. I was waiting to hear from you.
  13. Alright. Enjoy.
  14. So, what next?
  15. Great.
  16. Is that all?
  17. Okay.
  18. Talk to you later.
  19. Keep me posted.
  20. Ciao!

20 Responses to "Received With Thanks"

You are welcome.

If you feel the need to respond to the phrase being discussed, why not use the regular response that comes from everyone. One of the most used responses for ‘Thank you’ is ‘Welcome’ or ‘You ae welcome’.

You can equally use this phrase when a person says ‘Received with thanks’. Although the ‘thanks’ in the statement is sometimes unneeded, you should still respond like you know what the person meant.

You just don’t need to react to the unnecessary appreciation as though you have done something special that deserves to be worshipped.

  • “Received with thanks.”
  • “You are welcome, sir.”

No. Thank you.

This phrase has one meaning and we probably already know it. You may have used it. If you haven’t, then you are about to hear certain situations where you should have said it.

We have all being in this situation sometimes in our lives and we may still fall into situations like that. Keep this response in mind.

The situation being referred to here is one in which you exchange favors with a person and the person thanks you first.

Sometimes, the person has done you even a greater favor than the one you received from him or her but he or she chooses to appreciate you as a show of modesty.

You can reject the person’s appreciation and show yours. This would be indirectly implying that you appreciate the person’s favor while the one you did for the person was basically nothing. This will make you appear modest too.

  • “Received with thanks”
  • “No. Thank you”

Good to hear that.

This is usually a simple acknowledgement of the fact that you have heard something that you are happy to hear but, sometimes, you are not necessarily happy. You have to admit that you have said this to people even when you don’t care about what they said to you.

You can consider saying this to acknowledge that you got the person’s message which is a response to a message you sent earlier.

Asides from being an acknowledgement, it is something you can say to end a conversation or a particular topic. Often, when a person says ‘Good to hear that’, it may lead to the end of the particular topic and bring up another one, although that doesn’t happen every time.

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In this case, it functions as an acknowledgement and also doesn’t force a further conversation with the person.

  • “Received with thanks” (This usually ends a conversation)
  • “Good to hear that.” (This acknowledges the message and doesn’t necessitate further discussion)

It was my pleasure.

As discussed earlier, when a person says ‘Received with thanks’, it is not often to appreciate you for something special that you have done. It is even used when you have performed your duty.

You may have simply sent something you necessarily have to send. In that case, the person is simply telling you that what you sent has been received. The ‘thanks’ added is simply a way of appearing polite.

Saying this in response is short and does not prolong the discussion which has already ended. With this, you are simply acknowledging the ‘Thanks’. However, this is even more appropriate if you have done something truly special or worthy of the person’s appreciation.

  • “Received with thanks.”
  • “It was my pleasure.”

Don’t thank me.

Since the ‘thanks’ added to the statement is often not meant, you don’t have to respond to it. However, you may have sent something  or helped out in a way that the person truly appreciates. In that case, you can respond to the appreciation that has been showed.

Saying ‘Don’t thank me’ should come in when the person has expressed further appreciation asides from ‘Received with thanks’. Otherwise, your special effort is not truly appreciated.

He or she is only acknowledging what you sent and trying to sound polite to you. Responding with this statement will make you appear modest to the person.

  • “Received with thanks.” I am truly, truly grateful for this.
  • “Don’t thank me. It’s nothing.”

Shall we move on then?

If I have not mentioned it earlier, I am mentioning it here. ‘Received with thanks’ ends a conversation or a topic, at least.

Before a person says ‘Received with thanks’, both of you must have had a discussion earlier on what you were going to send. Then the person says ‘Received with thanks’ to acknowledge what you have sent to him or her.

Saying this implies that you both had an unfinished discussion before you sent what he or she has received. By saying this, you are asking the person if you can continue your earlier discussion.

  • “Received with thanks.”
  • “Shall we move on then?”

Happy to help.

The phrase, ‘Received with thanks’, may still show genuine gratitude. It is often shown by saying more words of gratitude than simply saying ‘Received with thanks’.

If you have rendered some sort of assistance that is not your responsibility, you can accept the gratitude by saying you are happy to have helped. This will sound slightly modest.

Also, you won’t be forcing the conversation to go any further. If the person is willing to continue the discussion, he or she will bring up a new thing to discuss.

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You can also continue the discussion after saying this if you want to.

  • “Received with thanks.” I appreciate this.
  • “Happy to help. Can you fill me in on the….?”

Don’t bother.

You can respond with ‘Don’t bother’ when a person says ‘Thank you’ but it would be really unnecessary if you don’t even deserve to be thanked.

People may even say you are full of yourself. When you get a text that says ‘Received with thanks’ , your response should be based on what the person is showing appreciation for.

If you have assisted the person in a truly commendable way, then you can fully accept the appreciation that is shown to you. However, it is still awkward to say something like this or ‘You are welcome’ when a person has not said ‘Thanks’ to you.

Oftentimes, ‘Received with thanks’ is simply ‘Received’ so responding to the ‘Thanks’ is not expected of you. If the person shows further appreciation after the initial phrase, then you will know it’s genuine and you can respond by saying ‘Don’t bother thanking me’.

  • “Received with thanks. I am grateful.”
  • “Don’t bother.”

Have a great day

Since ‘Received with thanks’ often ends a topic and warrants no response, you can go ahead and say your goodbye. When a person sends this phrase to you, a response is not expected.

However, if the person is willing to continue chatting with you, he or she would say something that you are expected to respond to.

Saying ‘Have a great day’ will officially end the conversation since you do not plan to continue talking. You don’t necessarily have to respond with this if you still have something to say to the person.

  • “Received with thanks.”
  • “Have a great day.”

Good luck with it then.

Before a person sends a text message saying ‘Received with thanks’, you must have sent something to him or her.

The message, ‘Received with thanks’, does not suggest whether what you sent was important or not, neither does it say what it will be used for. However, you know what it will be used for.

By saying ‘Good luck with it then’, you are wishing the person success with what he or she wants to use it (what you sent) for. If you do not know what the product will be used for or how important the person will find it, you don’t have to say this.

 Also, this ends the conversation well enough.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “Good luck with it then!”

I expect to hear from you soon.

‘Received with thanks’ may end a topic finally. It may also just be a temporary pause. Whatever you have sent to the person may be something that he or she will have to send back to you later. It may also be something you need feedback on.

Saying this implies that the person needs to give you another response asides from ‘Received with thanks’ and you don’t expect to hear that response immediately.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “I expect to hear from you soon.”

I was waiting to hear from you.

What you have sent may be something of great importance so you expect to hear from the receiver as soon as possible.

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When the person finally sends ‘Received with thanks’, you can simply make this statement to show that you have sent it a long time ago, then you can proceed to end the conversation.

Saying this implies that you expected the message a long time earlier. If this is not the case, this response can perform no other function.

  • “Received with thanks.”
  • “I was waiting to hear from you… Good to know.”

Alright. Enjoy.

This is a perfect reply for ‘Received with thanks’. Just as the message has appeared shortly on your phone, you don’t need to type an epistle to acknowledge the message unless you have an important message to pass or you need to continue the discussion.

If you will end the discussion, one or two words is enough.

 By saying ‘Alright, enjoy’, you are simply acknowledging that you have received the message. The addition of ‘enjoy’ is simply a way of saying ‘bye for now’ or ‘talk to you later’.

  • “Received with thanks.”
  • “Alright. Enjoy”

So, what next?

When a topic ends in your discussion, you simply move to a different topic or you end the discussion. This is the case here.

If you have nothing else to say asides from what you both already talked about, you can simply respond to ‘Received with thanks’ with Goodbye. However, if you want to be sure that there is nothing else to say, you can ask this question.

Asking what is next will help you know if you have reached the end of the discussion or not. If not, the person will tell you what is left to discuss.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “So what next?”


This sounds dismissive but the person definitely wouldn’t care since a response wasn’t even respected. Even ‘Received with thanks’ can be considered quite dismissive but not if there really is nothing to discuss.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “Great!”

Is that all?

A person can say ‘Received with thanks’ after you sent something that he or she has demanded. You can ask this question to know if anything else is needed for you.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “Is that all?”


You can’t worry about sounding dismissive to a person who is not expecting to hear from you. If you find it inappropriate to not reply the text, you can simply say ‘Okay’.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “Okay”

Talk to you later.

This is a simple Goodbye. ‘Received with thanks’ is another form of Goodbye too, though necessarily used after something has been received.

You can respond to a parting greeting with another parting.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “Talk to you later.”

Keep me posted.

If the topic under discussion is not over, you can tell the person to give you updates as soon as he or she receives them.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “Keep me posted”


This is a word used in several languages to mean both ‘Hello’ and ‘Goodbye’. It is only used as ‘Goodbye in this case.

  • “Received with thanks!”
  • “Ciao!”



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