18 Best Responses to “Keep in Touch”

When you are told to keep in touch, it means you should contact the person regularly and give or receive updates on something.

If a person tell you to keep in touch, you must have been discussing something earlier. The person is telling you to keep informing him or her on a particular topic.

Your response may accept to give updates or call the person regularly. Your response may give an excuse to do so. Your response may also choose to address the original topic you were discussing.

Below are 18 possible things to say in response to “Keep in touch”

  1. I will.
  2. I have no choice.
  3. You too.
  4. I will give you a call.
  5. How often should I give updates?
  6. Whenever I can.
  7. You should remind me too.
  8. I may be very busy.
  9. Of course.
  10. That is inevitable
  11. Make sure to respond quickly too.
  12. You can’t escape it.
  13. I would like you to call me.
  14. I will keep that in mind.
  15. I still have some questions.
  16. Nothing is stopping me.
  17. I will do that regularly when I’m free.
  18. Can I know when you will be free?

Thanks. I will

Showing appreciation is probably needless. You can omit it if you want to. That only adds an extra word unless it relates to the topic you were discussing.

You have to show appreciation if the topic in discussion is about you. You may have something very important to do and the person is only offering to help you.

Anyone can offer some help and leave you to the rest without looking back at you to know how far you have gone.

If a person asks you to update him or her about such topic that does not even concern himself or herself. You should appreciate the care. This is why [Thanks] is cool as a response.

You should also add that you will.

I have no choice

Responses to "Keep in Touch"

This implies that there is no way you are choosing not to inform the person over whatever happens. This can fit into several situations but you will know when you have to.

When the topic is about you, you have the choice of informing the person and choosing not to.

However, if you really need the person’s help, you may have no choice but to inform the person, especially if there is no other person you can get to help you out.

The topic may also not be about you. This response implies that the person is important to be part of the topic’s development so you can say you have no choice but to keep informing the person.

Also, the phrase can be used to tell you to call regularly to get updates. You can say you have no choice if the information is important and you cannot get it from someone else.

You too

In this case, no one is greater than the other. You may be talking about a topic that is being handled by both of you.

In other words, while you may have some information to pass to the other person, the other person may also have some information to pass to you.

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This should be used in cases where the information is important to both of you. Your source of information may be diverse or even unknown so you can say this to one another since neither of you can go around checking every possible source for information.

You are telling each other that one person should inform the other when there is an update on a particular topic.

I will give you a call

When a person tells you to keep in touch, you can tell the person that you will give him or her a call.

This does not mean you want to share information on the phone call since you could simply share the information right there instead of postponing it.

However, it could be the case if one of you is in a hurry and you can’t discuss the topic at the moment. Then you can give your update in one phone call and stay in touch.

You can say this if you just want to discuss the topic or ask some questions. Over the phone, you can ask how often the person wants to receive your call or how often the person will be giving you phone calls.

How often should I give updates?

When you are told to keep in touch, you are asked to give updates but you don’t need to have important information before giving the person a call.

Some people just need to receive your call regularly and hear what you have to say about the topic.

Also, updates may come very often. If you choose to call after every update, you may be disturbing the person with a lot of calls.

The person may have busy moments and may be unable to take your calls so it is important to know when the person will be free.

The person can say you should call once a week. If you have updates on five days of the week, you should only call once to give all five updates.

Whenever I can

This response suggests that the topic may not be very important to you. However, it may be quite important to the person.

This response also suggests that you may be too busy to think of gathering updates, not to talk of giving a call or sending a text about it.

When you say this, the person will probably tell you to keep it in mind. That is if he or she finds it important and cannot get the information by himself or herself.

You should remind me too

Like the response suggested earlier, this gives the idea that you don’t find the topic as important as the other person.

It may be a topic that has to do with the other person and you may just be a source of information on the topic.

The person may beg you not to forget or just call you often if you happen to be the only source of information that he or she knows on the topic.

By saying this, you are telling the person to also call you often just in case you forget to call him or her for updates.

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I may be very busy

If you will not be available often to send updates, you can say this. If you will be too busy to remember to give updates, you can say this to let the person know.

This response suggests that you don’t consider the topic as important as the other person. You are also indirectly suggesting that if you are too busy, you will not give updates to the person.

So, the person does not get angry or think you are being selfish, you can tell him or her to give you regularly calls.

Better still, since you tend to be busy, tell the person the exact times you will be idle so he or she can give you a call if you forget.

Of course

This is simply saying [Yes, I agree] or [Of course, I will]. This suggests that you find the topic important or quite interesting.

It may not be important to you but this response will sound enthusiastic and it will make you seem interested in getting Information on the topic and keeping the person updated.

The person will be happy to see the enthusiasm. However, this puts a light burden on you. You have to keep it in mind since you have indirectly promised to keep giving updates to the person.

This response may come naturally if you are interested in the topic or just willing to keep helping the person with information.

That is inevitable

Saying it is inevitable means that you cannot avoid it. When you say this, you are telling the person that it is impossible for you not to keep in touch since you consider it extremely important.

This is an exaggeration but the message will be passed.

It may not be considered important by the other person actually. However, this implies that you consider it very important and you will have to stay in touch with the person to succeed with whatever you want.

This may also mean that you have no other option than to stay in contact with the person.

Make sure to respond quickly too

By saying this, you have agreed to stay in touch with the person and give regular updates. However, this response requires that the other person should also find it important.

If the topic is about you and the person is just assisting, you should not expect the person to stay up and ready just to get your calls. However, if the person finds it important, you won’t have to force the person to stay focused.

When you say this, you are simply reminding the person that it is important to both of you and you would rather not waste time with sending updates to him or her.

You can’t escape it

Responses to "Keep in Touch"

In this case, there is a high chance that the topic is not important to the person you are talking to. That is if this response comes out naturally from your mouth.

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By saying this, you are telling the person that you depending totally on him or her and you have not other options.

Whether he or she likes it or not, you will try to contact the person because you have no choice but to do so.

In this case, the topic has to be important to you and the person has to know it.

I would like you to call me

This does not sound like either of you finds it very important. Although you both want to pay attention to the topic and get updates, neither of you thinks it is very important. However, it may be just you.

The second person may find it important.

Also, this may not be the case. You both may find it very important but you may have a problem with having to give the person a call.

I will keep that in mind

Saying this will seem like you don’t find the topic important. It sounds a bit nonchalance but this does not mean it is.

The second person may not find it very important either. When you say this, you are agreeing to keep in touch with the person but indirectly implying that you may forget.

Sure. I still have some questions

This obviously shows that you have good reasons to call the person. However, you may not find it very important even though you are saying you will keep in touch with the person.

If the person finds it very important, he or she would be happy to hear you say this. While your excitement may be false, the second clause shows that you have reasons to call.

It also gives the person the assurance that you will, at least, try to give him or her a call.

Nothing is stopping me

This is you trying to say you will keep in touch as long as nothing comes in the way. You are also saying that nothing is standing in the way of you staying in touch with the person.

You are indirectly assuring the person that you will give him or her a call.

However, this does not show whether you find the topic important or not.

I will do that regularly when I’m free

This can be the final response unless the person is busy at times and thinks you should only call him or her at particular times.

You are directly answering that you will stay in touch with the person regularly. It does not show your enthusiasm but you are assuring the person.

Can I know when you will be free?

If you don’t like when your calls are not answered, you should ask this question first. By asking this question, you are agreeing that you can stay in touch but you are asking what times you can give the person a call.

The person can tell you what day of the week and what time of day he or she would be expecting your call.

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