How to Respond to “I’m Going To Work” (Best 25 Responses)

There is no special meaning attached when a person tells you that he or she is leaving for work. Therefore, it does not have to feel awkward when a person informs you before leaving for work.

When a person tells you he/she is going to work, no special response is required from you. Sometimes, all you have to do is acknowledge that you’ve heard what the person has told you.

When a person says this, he or she is on the way out so the clause has been used to replace [Goodbye].

You can simply respond the way you would be responding to [Goodbye]. Below is a list of ideas on what to say back to [I’m going to work].

25 Great Responses to I’m Going To Work

  1. Good luck, then.
  2. Goodbye.
  3. See you later.
  4. When will you be back?
  5. I should be leaving soon too.
  6. Where is your workplace?
  7. Can I check up on you?
  8. I wonder why I have to know that.
  9. Should I come with you?
  10. Hold on. Let me see you off.
  11. See you by noon.
  12. Happy working!
  13. Are you allowed to have visitors?
  14. Put me in your bag. No one will know.
  15. I will be home all day.
  16. Wish you success.
  17. Stay alive.
  18. Good to know.
  19. My regards to the office
  20. Where else would you go?
  21. I didn’t know that.
  22. Have a great day.
  23. Don’t get stressed out.
  24. Love you!
  25. Me too.

Good luck, then

How to Respond to "I’m Going To Work"

[Good luck] is a phrase that is often said when two people are parting. It can mean other things too.

A person may be going out to perform a heinous or nearly impossible task so you can say [Good luck] as the person leaves.

However, it is often used to say [Goodbye]. Just as [Goodbye] can be a response to [Good bye], [Good luck] can be a response to [Good bye] but it is not used as a response to itself. It would sound absurd in that case.

Similarly, a person can say [I am going to work] as a parting statement. While it is always used in its literal meaning, it is usually said when a person is leaving a place or another person.

If you can say [Good luck] as a response to Goodbye, you can also say [Good luck] when a person says he or she is going to work.

The addition of [then] suggests that you both were in a conversation before the person made his or her comment about leaving for work. This is not important, however.

Alright. Goodbye

When a person tells you something that he or she is about to do that does not affect you in any way, you can simply say okay.

When a person tells you something you should know but does not need to respond to, you can simply say okay to show that you heard what the person said to you.

When a person informs you that he or she is going to work, a response may not be demanded or expected but an acknowledgment that you heard the statement would matter.

Asides from showing you heard, some people want to know that you care. A simple word like [Goodbye] would matter to them so this simple response would be much better than staying mute.

See you later

[See you later] is another phrase you can say when parting with someone or when a person is leaving your place.

It is synonymous with [See you soon] but the difference between Soon and Later makes the difference between the two phrases.

This phrase implies that you are separating but you can see each other some other time.

It is even used interchangeably with [See you around] but this synonym will be inappropriate in this case, just as [See you soon] may not sound good enough.

When a person has to go to work, it usually takes a while before he or she gets back so [See you later] fits better. However, if you plan to show up at the person’s workplace for one reason or another, you can say [See you soon].

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[See you around] means you have to part with a person but you two will be near each other so you may still see each other while walking around.

When will you be back?

This is a question but it suggests that a person is parting. When a person informs you about leaving for work, he or she would like you to acknowledge that you heard.

While you can simply say [Okay] or [Goodbye], this question shows care.

When you ask for the time a person will return from work, it shows the person that you care, even if you don’t ask any other questions. However, this is not a question you can use often so you don’t sound absurd.

Asking this question suggests that you don’t live in the same household as the person and you did not know when the person returns from work.

However, you can use this while staying in the same house as the person if he or she chooses the time to leave the office.

I should be leaving soon too

[I am going to work] can imply that a person is leaving you in the house. It may also serve as an excuse to leave a place early. This response is perfect but it has to be used in the right situation.

When you say you would be leaving too, it may imply that both of you are in a place that is not the home of either of you.

Therefore, when the person leaves the place to go to his workplace, you can also leave the place and go wherever you want.

The phrase above may also be used when you both live in the same house. However, it implies that you are also going to work and you will be leaving the house soon.

If this is not the case, you are probably going somewhere else that the person already knows about.

Where is your workplace?

This question does not only acknowledge that you heard the person but also shows that you care. You don’t have to ask any other options.

On the other hand, the person can ask why you asked about the location of his or her workplace. You may simply say you just wanted to know and say Goodbye.

You can also suggest that you would love to visit someday and ask if that is allowed in his office.

This question will sound weird if you are supposed to know about the location already.

However, if there is no special reason for you to already know the answer, you can ask about the person’s workplace before saying Goodbye to him/her.

Can I check up on you?

Like the other questions on this list, this requires the person to give you a response. However, this is quite different from the others.

While the other questions are about time and place which are fixed and cannot be controlled by the person, this one asks if you are allowed to check up on him or her.

The answer to this question will consider the company if it allows people to visit. It will also consider the person if he or she wants you to visit.

The person may also ask why you would want to check up on him/her and add that he or she would be back early.

You can ask about the person’s workplace first unless you already know the place, then you can ask about visiting.

I wonder why I have to know that

This is quite funny but a negative meaning can be attributed to it. If it is not what you mean, you may not want to use it. However, you can play a joke with it.

When a person informs you about leaving for work, you can say you didn’t think you were supposed to know. This suggests that you are not related to the person or the person does not inform you about other things.

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If that is not the case, it may mean that you are angry with the person and you don’t care about what the person says or where he/she goes.

The person will wonder why you said that. If the person waits and stares or asks what’s wrong, you can say you were just kidding and wish him good luck at work.

If the person ignores your comment, you can say [Goodbye. Be safe!]. This suggests that you are not angry and you care about him/her.

Should I come with you?

You can ask this question as a joke. It will not be taken seriously so you won’t have to explain that you’re just joking.

It wouldn’t make much sense to be serious about this, however. If you appear serious with this question, it will be found absurd unless he or she has offered to take you to work earlier.

It is very unusual to take a person with you when going to work unless the person is seeing you off to a point in the road

When you say this, it will be understood as the joke that it is, then you can simply say [Good luck] and wish him or her good luck at work.

Hold on. Let me see you off

This response shows care but it may sound quite creepy, depending on the relationship between the two of you. If you have never seen him or her off to work before, it may sound strange.

Although the person may not ask why you suddenly want to see him or her off, you should give a reason so it does not seem awkward. You can say you plan to get something on your way back.

It is much better if you’ve seen the person off before. That way, there won’t be a strange reaction and your walk together will not be awkward.

It may also sound less strange if you are new to the house. It would be seen as a way you show care. In this case, you don’t need an excuse. You can say you just want to see him or her off to work.

It will be totally normal if you are close friends, siblings, or in a romantic relationship.

See you by noon

This is basically the same as saying you will see the person later. You can say this instead if you know the time the person will return from work. If he or she will not be back by noon, he or she would inform you.

If you think the person will be back at night, you can say [See you by night]. If the person will be back the next day, you can say [See you tomorrow]. This phrase replaces [Goodbye] so you don’t have to say anything else.

Happy working!

This wears an unusual excitement. It will be seen as an exaggerated joke. You won’t be serious about it either. You can decide to use it if the person has just resumed work after a while or has gotten a job in a new company.

The person may feel stressed out with his or her work so this comment will sound quite amusing. Don’t forget to say Goodbye after this.

Are you allowed to have visitors?

You can ask questions when a person informs you about leaving for work. However, the questions have to be related to the topic and must not take the person’s time.

This question suggests that you are thinking of visiting the person at work. If you are not, this question would be useless unless you have an excuse for asking.

The person will answer your question and ask if you wish to pay him or her a visit. The person may also add whether your visit may impede on his/her work or not.

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Put me in your bag. No one will know

If you are looking for a funny response, it’s this one. The person will find it hilarious unless he or she is late for work already and has to rush out.

This implies that you want to go to work with the person.You can express that you are joking, then say Goodbye.

Okay. I will be home all day

As mentioned earlier, the major response required in this case is an acknowledgment that you hear what the person said.

Therefore, saying Okay might be enough. You just shouldn’t say Okay only so you don’t sound like you are carefree.

The person has stated where he or she is heading to. You can also respond by saying where you will go or what you will do. With this response, you are telling the person that you won’t be going anyway.

Wish you success

How to Respond to "I’m Going To Work"

This short response works just fine when a person informs you about leaving for work. It acknowledges that you heard what the person said.

The words in your statement do not really matter as long as they are not negative. However, it would matter if the person were going for an interview or a contract application.

[Wish you success] is often used in competitions, not situations where a person can win or lose. However, it may also simply mean [Goodbye].

Stay Alive

This sounds like you expect misfortune to happen and you are warning the person to stay away from trouble. This does not have to be the case before you consider this response. It will not be considered serious.

The person may laugh about it and give a funny response or just agree to stay alive. You can say Goodbye as the person walks out.

Good to know

Since all that is required from you is an acknowledgment that you heard, you can simply say Okay. However, it sounds dismissive. It is like saying [I have heard you].

This response is not better. You can use it if you don’t care about sounding dismissive to the person.

My regards to the office

You can tell the person to pass your regards to the office. You don’t have to be serious about it.

The person does not expect you to be serious about it anyway and the message will not be delivered to the office unless you know some people at his or her office.

Where else would you go?

If you are pissed with the person, you can consider this dismissive response. If you are not, this can be a joke. Just make sure to say Goodbye and wish him or her good luck so the person does not find it serious.

Wow. I didn’t know that

This will be considered sarcastic. You should wear a wide smile so it appears like a joke. You can also make a joke about being left home alone. You shouldn’t drag it for too long. Just say Goodbye and wish him or her luck.

Have a great day

You can acknowledge that you heard the person by telling him or her to have a great day. It’s better than using a dismissive response, even though no special meaning is attributed to it.

Don’t get stressed out

You can tell the person not to get stressed out before saying Goodbye. This does not only acknowledge that you heard, but it is also a reflection of how caring you are.

Love you!

[Love] is usually appreciated. You should only say this if you have a relationship with the person and the person is hurrying to work.

Me too

If you are also ready to leave for work, you can simply respond by saying you are also leaving for your workplace.

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