20 of the Best Responses to ‘More Life’

Are you fresh out of ideas for phrases to use in conversations? Look no further! Here is a list of 20 perfect responses to the popular phrase ‘more life.’

This article will give you plenty of options to choose from, whether you’re looking for something clever or more heartfelt.

With these responses, you can spice up your conversations and show someone that what they said really resonated with you. But first, let’s take a look at the meaning behind the life-affirming phrase ‘more life’

What does ‘more life’ mean?

The literal meaning of the phrase ‘more life’  is ‘living more’ or ‘living longer’. In this context, it expresses the idea of taking advantage of and finding pleasure in life, as opposed to being resigned to it.

The phrase is often accompanied by the idea of positivity and that life can be improved and can provide exciting and positive experiences. It is often used by people to express appreciation and gratitude for life.

As a mantra and a life motto, ‘more life’  is meant to bring peace, joy, and a higher appreciation of life.

It encourages people to be more proactive and to make the most out of the life they have. It also serves as a reminder to stay positive and optimistic, even in tough times and difficult situations.

Moreover, ‘more life’  is associated with something spiritual and deep, an appreciation for beauty and hope.

The phrase conveys a sense of love and spirituality and the belief that there is more to life than the tangible and material things we can see and touch.

It serves as a reminder to be grateful for all that life has to offer and to keep striving to live a more meaningful and fulfilling life.

20 appropriate responses to ‘more life’

Let’s take a look at 20 creative ways to respond to ‘more life!’

  • ‘Thanks, you too!’
  • ‘I’m working on it – trying to eat healthily and stay active.’
  • ‘Absolutely – bring on the adventure!’
  • ‘I’m always down for more life.’
  • ‘I’m with you – I want to live every day to the fullest.’
  • ‘I’ll drink to that!’
  • ‘Here’s to many more years of good health and happiness.’
  • ‘I’ll take all the life I can get.
  • ‘Cheers to more life and all the memories we’ll make together.’
  • ‘I’m trying to make the most of every moment.’
  • ‘I’m all about living life to the fullest.’
  • ‘I’m grateful for every day that I get to experience.’
  • ‘I’m on board with living life to the fullest – let’s do it!’
  • ‘I agree – more life is always a good thing.’
  • ‘Count me in – I want to live a long and fulfilling life.’
  • ‘I’m with you – here’s to many more years of good health and happiness.’
  • ‘I’m all for it – let’s make the most of every day.’
  • ‘I’m all for embracing more life – bring it on!’
  • ‘I’m down for whatever – let’s go out and live it up!’
  • ‘I’m always up for more life – let’s do this!’

‘Thanks, you too!’

Best Responses to More Life

When someone tells you ‘more life’ as a greeting or well wish, a great response is ‘Thanks, you too!’

This is because ‘more life’ signifies a positive exchange of energy and good vibes, and ‘Thanks, you too!’ further extends the good feelings.

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If a friend of mine said ‘more life’  to me before they have to leave, I’d smile and reply ‘Thanks, you too’.

This is a polite way of saying that I accept their good wishes and am extending the same to them.

‘I’m working on it – trying to eat healthily and stay active.’

I’m working on it – trying to eat healthily and stay active is a response to ‘more life’ that carries a message of hope and resiliency.

This response reflects the idea of being more mindful of one’s actions and living a healthier lifestyle.

‘Absolutely – bring on the adventure!’

When I hear someone say ‘more life,’ the only thing I can think to respond with is ‘Absolutely – bring on the adventure!’

To me, this response implies a few key things: a willingness to embrace new experiences, a zest for living in the moment, and a positive outlook on life.

‘I’m always down for more life.’

When someone replies to ‘more life’, it often suggests that more time has been invested in a project or that more energy is needed to work towards a goal.

To respond with ‘I’m always down for more life’ is to express an eagerness to embrace any opportunity or challenge that may come your way, no matter what it may be and how difficult it could be.

‘I’m with you – I want to live every day to the fullest.

When someone responds to ‘more life’ with ‘I’m with you – I want to live every day to the fullest,’ they are expressing a commitment to making the most out of life and embracing life’s many opportunities with enthusiasm.

To me, living every day to the fullest means actively seeking out experiences and relationships that I will find meaningful and enjoyable.

‘I’ll drink to that!’

Best Responses to More Life

When responding to the phrase ‘more life’, one of the most common responses is ‘I’ll drink to that!’. This response indicates the speaker’s desire for a better, more meaningful, and fulfilling life.

I often use this phrase as a reminder to take the time to enjoy life and appreciate the experience of living and also to value each moment and live life to the fullest.

‘Here’s to many more years of good health and happiness.’

‘Here’s to many more years of good health and happiness’ is a great way to respond to ‘more life.’ It expresses gratitude and appreciation.

Personally, it represents both a forward-looking wish for the future and a reminder to be mindful of the present.

This sentiment can be a source of motivation because it is a positive outlook, wishing not only the best for myself, but also for those around me.

‘I’ll take all the life I can get.’

‘I’ll take all the life I can get’ is a perfect response to the phrase ‘more life’. The response means they are acknowledging their own urgency and thirst for life to the fullest.

This reply implies that the person is eager to take advantage of every opportunity available, to enjoy every moment in life, to dance in its joys, and learn from its sorrows.

‘Cheers to more life and all the memories we’ll make together.’

A perfect response to ‘more life’ might be: ‘Cheers to more life and all the memories we’ll make together!’

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This phrase acknowledges the blessing of life and the wonderful memories that will be made in the future. It conveys the sentiment of joy and appreciation for the life that we are living.

‘I’m trying to make the most of every moment.’

When I hear the phrase ‘more life’, I  might respond with ‘I’m trying to make the most of every moment.’

Doing so means that I’m focused on proactive actions such as making joy a priority, being intentional in conversations with others, and embracing uncertainty.

‘I’m all about living life to the fullest.’

Best Responses to More Life

When people say ‘more life’  to me, my response is usually that I’m all about living life to the fullest.

This means aggressively trying to make the best of the time I have and make sure that I’m always taking opportunities to learn and grow.

I do this by taking time to actively participate in activities that bring me out of my comfort zone, reaching out to people who can provide wisdom and teach me something new, and putting thought into how I’m spending my time on a daily basis.

‘I’m grateful for every day that I get to experience.’

I’m grateful for every day that I get to experience. This phrase is a reminder that I should appreciate the little moments, no matter how small they may be.

Life is often unpredictable and full of surprises, so it is important to take a step back and give thanks for each day.

‘I’m on board with living life to the fullest – let’s do it!’

‘I’m on board with living life to the fullest – let’s do it!’ is a perfect response to ‘more life.’  It is an affirmation that life is full of opportunities to explore and experience.

For me, this means taking the initiative to seize the day and make the most of it.

‘I agree – more life is always a good thing.’

When I reply ‘more life’ with ‘I agree – more life is always a good thing’ I’m advocating for living life to its fullest, both literally and figuratively.

Taking care of one’s physical health, pushing boundaries, and having a positive outlook on life can allow for new experiences and opportunities which can improve elements of life that may have been stagnant or allowed to become stunted before.

In short, having ‘more life’  is never a bad thing, and can be worth taking the time to try.

‘Count me in – I want to live a long and fulfilling life.’

The response ‘count me in – I want to live a long and fulfilling life’ is a great response to ‘more life.’ This statement conveys a sense of hope, motivation, and purpose.

One way to live a long and fulfilling life is to prioritize your physical and mental health. This can mean making sure to get adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and working out regularly.

‘I’m with you – here’s to many more years of good health and happiness.’

‘I’m with you – here’s to many more years of good health and happiness.’ is also a response to ‘more life.’

This cheerful response lets the other person know that I’m wishing them the best in life and that I value our friendship.

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It’s a statement that goes beyond a typical ‘good luck’ or ‘take care’ and conveys a genuine desire that they have many more years of good health and happiness.

‘I’m all for it – let’s make the most of every day.’

Best Responses to More Life

I’m all for it – let’s make the most of every day is the perfect response to the phrase ‘more life.’ I believe life is a journey and it is up to us to make the most of it by staying proactive and being aware of what is around us.

We can start to live life to the fullest by seizing the day; in other words, we should actively go out and do things that bring us joy and bring us closer to the life we dream of.

It is important to remember that life is made up of little moments – from the mundane to the exciting.

If we take the time to recognize and make the most of every day, we can be one step closer to living life to its fullest.

‘I’m all for embracing more life – bring it on!’

My response to the phrase ‘more life’ is a wholehearted ‘I’m all for embracing more life – bring it on!’

This response implies that I am excited and eager to take on new experiences and opportunities that life has to offer.

For me, ‘more life’ means to seize the day and make the most of every moment. It is all about embracing the gifts and challenges that life presents and making it a point to be open to new perspectives, and new ways of living and growing.

‘I’m down for whatever – let’s go out and live it up!’

I’m down for whatever – let’s go out and live it up! is a response to more life that suggests a sense of adventure and openness to things and experiences.

This response implies that the speaker is ready to be spontaneous, to seize the moment, and to make the most out of life through creative endeavors.

The response encourages the listener to seize the moment, pursue spontaneity, and tap into their creative side.

It also shows a readiness to take risks and a willingness to tackle any task that comes their way.

‘I’m always up for more life – let’s do this!’

‘I’m always up for more life – let’s do this!’ is an uplifting and enthusiastic response to the phrase ‘more life’.

This expression implies that one is open and excited to embrace whatever new experiences and opportunities life sends their way.

In the context of having a conversation, this phrase can indicate that the speaker is ready to move forward with a plan or take on a potentially challenging task.


In the end, when it comes to the phrase ‘more life,’ the possibilities for perfect responses are endless.

Whether you are responding in person, or through other forms of communication, the key is to answer in a way that shows your appreciation of what the phrase represents.

From expressions of gratitude, there are many ways to respond to ‘more life’ with a perfect response.

With enough creativity and positivity, anyone can craft an appropriate response that will leave a lasting impression.

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