15 of the Best Responses to Being Called an NPC

If you have been called an NPC, you need this article. If you don’t know what that means, you really need this article. And if you don’t know how to reply to that … Well that’s why we are here.

If you have ever been called an NPC you are being compared to characters in a game, the ones you would call useless (yes, it’s that bad).

NPC stands for non-playable character and these characters are called non-playable because they have scripted lines and they are mostly irrelevant. They remain in the background and don’t do much.

As slang, NPC means that you are seen as boring and not having an opinion or a mind of your own. You are controlled by other people’s choices and you barely speak for yourself.

It can also mean that you are not cool enough and you find it hard to communicate with people.

Now if you are saddened or offended that you were called an NPC, I got some really good replies for you. Here they are:

15 best replies to being called an NPC

  1. And you are not?
  2. That’s daft. You barely know me
  3. I learned from the best
  4. You probably think that is smart
  5. Takes one to know one
  6. One more time?!
  7. I can say the same for you
  8. I find you to be ver fake, if not the fakest
  9. I may not be the most exciting person, but at least I’m not rude like you.
  10. It’s not my job to entertain you.
  11. I’m sorry you feel that way.
  12. I’m not boring, I’m just not the type of person who feels the need to constantly seek attention.
  13. I’m not here to impress anyone. I’m just being myself.
  14. I’ll try to be more exciting, but I can’t change who I am.
  15. If by that you mean someone who sticks to being themselves then thank you

And you are not?

Responses to Being Called an NPC

This question tells them that you think they are NPCs just like they presume you to be. It might not be a snappy comeback but it’s a good comeback that when said right tells them just how you feel about them.

Think about it, how original is trying to point out someone’s “flaws”?

That’s daft. You barely know me

People think that by picking on others they can avoid people seeing their flaws. They think they look strong and bold when they are really just insecure.

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This reply works well if they just want to pick on someone random and they chose you. This will checkmate their insult, make them feel foolish, and get people to laugh at them while they regret their decision.

When you say this reply, say it impatiently, with disgust as if they are children who are just getting in your way.

I learned from the best

This is a smooth reply. If you are having a great day and someone tries to spoil your mood by calling you an NPC, this reply is a great comeback that will keep you in that mood.

Saying you learned from the best implies that you learned from them which makes them a bigger NPC or the best NPC, and someone who just had a taste of their medicine.

You probably think that is smart

Some people become cocky because of a talent or skill they might have or some position they hold.

It gets into their heads and they feel that running others down keeps them on top and makes them the best.

They are probably afraid of others being better than them so they try to intimidate them by making them look dumb.

You can turn the tables around with this reply. When they hear it, they will understand that you don’t think what they said, or anything they say is smart at all.

Takes one to know one

This reply is similar to calling them the best NPC, except this time, they are on the same level as you, as insignificant or boring as they esteem you to be.

This reply is great for compliments and insults alike and it’s been around forever. It’s an easy one but it works very well. Next time they know not to mess with you.

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One more time?!

If you are big and you want them to be afraid, use this. You will sound like a bully but they will be too scared to answer back.

Most people don’t think it will be cool but with this reaction, they will change their minds and run.

If they do answer back, approach them like you will hurt them and just give them a verbal showdown with some of the replies on this list.

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I’m not one for violence, besides the showdown will send them running.

I can say the same for you

It sounds like what you will say when someone says you look good. It’s a modest compliment, something sake, kind, and easy to miss if you aren’t paying attention.

This will work well if you whisper it to them or if you say it aloud. Either way, they will feel deflated that their attack was thrown back at them.

If you do it for the whispering, do it quickly with a smile and walk away as if nothing happened.

I find you to be ver fake, if not the fakest

Responses to Being Called an NPC

Depending on who is saying it and how they are saying it, you can deduce the exact meaning of NPC they are trying to pass around.

If they are saying this because they feel you are boring and you don’t behave like them, then this reply is perfect.

You can point out how their fake life is obvious. If they are chiding you for not having your thoughts and opinions and just following what is normal and written, you can tell them to buzz because their lives are fake by the unoriginal rules of pretense they live by.

If it’s the latter you have got some work to do.

I may not be the most exciting person, but at least I’m not rude like you

This is a stinger. You will get an enemy because anyone who says this won’t like that response. If you want to teach them to be more of themselves, there are nicer, quieter ways to go about it.

Since they chose this way, reply to them using the same method. This reply is perfect because it doesn’t downgrade you. It’s honest, modest, and perfect for rude people who feel they are better than everyone.

It’s not my job to entertain you

Responses to Being Called an NPC

And it’s true. You don’t work for them, you are living your life so they shouldn’t tell you how to live just so it pleases them.

It also tells them to mind their business. If they like a loud life they should live it. Alone. Without you contributing to it. Nice way to shut them up.

I’m sorry you feel that way

If you feel any of the replies above are too much for you, here is something more interesting. I am not a fan of this because it seems like you are apologizing for being yourself.

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It’s okay to use if they are saying it nicely, or at least without an intention to hurt you.

I’m not boring, I’m just not the type of person who feels the need to constantly seek attention

If you want a step up from the above, try this. It defends you without hurting anyone. People need to understand that there are extroverts and introverts and they are different for a reason.

If you want to top it up, you can say: “I have fun in my ways. It’s different from yours and that doesn’t make me boring”.

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I’m not here to impress anyone. I’m just being myself

About time people knew. Maybe they are trying to establish dominance by intimidating you.

This will tell them you don’t play those silly high school “bully and nerd” games. With that, they will find someone else to bother.

You shouldn’t feel bad for being yourself so say it out loud and proud.

I’ll try to be more exciting, but I can’t change who I am

On a team, in a group, or just any circle that accepts you for you and is looking out for you, this will be said more nicely. If they do say it this way, then this reply is okay to use.

They will understand, give you pointers on a better way to live, and help you work on them. Sweet right?

If by that you mean someone who sticks to being themselves then thank you

Why use their definition? Why let them define you, in fact? You can turn the whole narration into a compliment with this reply.

It’s pretty creative and will take a hint and know that you will return their arrows around and be on your way.

Even if they don’t mean that, if you walk away in a grand style you won’t be around here then say so.


These replies may not be very nice, but so was what they said. If you are going to use them, be sure that you don’t use them in a way you will regret.

Also, try to be more than an NPC. Aim for the main character. It’s your life after all.

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