20 Polite Ways To Say “No Need To Reply” 

Sometimes, when you are in a conversation with someone and you do not want the person to reply you or you do not want to reply the person, you have to say it in such a way that it will sound harsh to the person or you do not want to hurt the person by the tone of your voice, the best you can do is to be polite. 

When you talk to the person in a polite manner, he will even tend to listen to you more and do what you say.

But when you tell the person in a harsh way, the person may be less eager to listen to you. That is why I have written this article. It will help you if you are in a situation where you are talking to someone and you want to tell the person that there is no need to reply.

These polite replies that I have shared will help you out. check them out.

Here are 20 Polite Ways to Say “No Need to Reply”

20 Polite Ways To Say "No Need To Reply" 

  1. I will rather not say anything to you
  2. Silence can sometimes be a good answer
  3. I’d keep mute
  4. I can’t say anything at this point
  5. Don’t you think it would be better if I said nothing to you?
  6. Do not be upset if I do not answer, I have nothing to say to you
  7. I would have loved to give a reply, but I have second thoughts, I won’t say anything
  8. You always expect me to give a reply, but this time around I won’t give any
  9. I do not like talking too much
  10. You are stressing me with too many questions, I won’t talk
  11. I am considerate, you do not need to give any reply
  12. I understand you are trying to be nice, but I did not ask for any explanation
  13. I already have my answer, you do not need to reply
  14. I expected your reply but it took you so long, no need to reply to me
  15. I am glad you understand that you do not need to reply, it is not needed at this point
  16. Regrettably, you don’t have to reply
  17. That was kind of you, you should not reply
  18. I wish someone could speak on my behalf, but I cannot reply
  19. Sounds like a nice idea to hear your reply, but no need to reply
  20. Ask me in a month, I will have a reply by then

I will rather not say anything to you

This is a polite reply that you can use. You are simply telling the person that you do not want to reply because you believe that there is no need to reply to what the person is saying or what you both are talking about. 

Silence can sometimes be a good answer

Apart from being polite, this reply is also a wise one. When you do not want to talk or you want to tell the person that there is no need to reply, you can just tell him that silence can sometimes be a good answer.

You are indirectly telling the person that you would rather keep mute. 

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I’d keep mute

This is a straightforward reply telling the person that you will rather keep mute and that you are not going to talk about it at all. 

This way, you are being polite to the person and the person will understand you. 

I can’t say anything at this point

You just tell the person in a simple way that you have nothing to say and you choose to not say anything. This is a simple and direct reply.

Don’t you think it would be better if I said nothing to you?

This is a polite way of asking if it will be better if you said nothing to the person and kept mute. Instead of directly telling the person in a harsh way, you can just ask if it will be better if you said nothing.

Do not be upset if I do not answer, I have nothing to say to you

The way you told the person to not be upset shows that you are trying to be polite and kind and you do not want the person to get angry because you do not have anything to say or because there is no need for you to reply.

Some people consider it offensive when you do not want to say anything to them. 

I would have loved to give a reply, but I have second thoughts, I won’t say anything

This shows that you almost gave a reply, but you want to politely tell the person that you do not want to give any reply at all. 

You are concerned about how the person feels about your reply and that is why you are trying to be polite. 

You always expect me to give a reply, but this time around I won’t give any

This shows that you already know that the person loves it when you give replies. But this time around you figured out that there is no need for any reply and you want to tell the person in a polite way. 

I do not like talking to much

This is a way of telling the person that you do not like talking too much and you would prefer to not even say anything at all.

With this reply, the person will be able to get the message that you are trying to pass across without sounding rude. 

You are stressing me with too many questions, I won’t talk

The person may be bothering you with so many questions but you do not want to talk too much and because you do not want to talk you can go ahead to tell the person in a polite way that he is stressing you and you do not want to talk too much. 

That way, he will get the message that you do not want to reply 

I am considerate, you do not need to give any reply

This is a reply you can use if you understand that something must have happened that prevented the person from replying, you can give this reply and let the person know that you are a considerate person he does not need to give any reply. 

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I understand you are trying to be nice, but I did not ask for any explanation

This shows that the person is trying to explain himself and trying to be nice at the same time.

Despite the fact that the person is trying to be nice, you should let him know that there is no need to be nice, and neither is there any need to reply.

But you are polite enough to let the person know that he is trying to be nice but you did not ask for any explanation either. That way, you already pass the message in a polite way. 

I already have my answer, you do not need to reply

It could be that you were asking the person a question and you expected the person to answer you in due time, but along the line, you already knew the answer to the question, in a situation like this you can simply tell the person in a polite way that he does not need to reply. 

I expected your reply but it took you so long, no need to reply to me

This reply shows that you were expecting a reply from the person but because it took so long for the person to reply, you had to resort to telling the person that there is no need to reply.

You waited so long for a reply but you got none, now you had to tell the person politely that since you waited so long for a reply and got none, there is no need to give any other reply. 

I am glad you understand that you do not need to reply, it is not needed at this point

If the person was able to understand that he may not necessarily need to reply at that point, then it is a good one because you may not need to explain to him that there is no need to reply.

The fact that the person is able to understand that he does not need to reply is a good thing, that way you do not need to stress yourself so much with talking. Let him know in a polite way that there is no need to reply. 

Regrettably, you don’t have to reply

This is a polite way of saying that you regret the fact that the person does not have to reply to you. No matter what the person has to say, there will be no need at all for him to reply to you.

That way, the person will understand that there is no need to reply at all. This is a polite way to tell the person that there is no need to reply. 

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That was kind of you, you should not reply

Maybe the person has already told you why he decided to not give any reply. Then you had to let the person know that there is no need to reply and it was really kind of him.

The moment you tell him that it was really kind of him, he will understand that you are being polite about it. This is a good reply that you can use.

I wish someone could speak on my behalf, but I cannot reply

This is a reply that you can use if you notice that you want to speak but someone is already there to speak on your behalf.

You wished you could speak on your behalf but since you can’t, you have to tell the person that you cannot reply and you wish you could speak instead of someone else speaking on your behalf. 

That way, the person will get the message and understand that you are not able to speak on your behalf. 

That sounds like a nice idea, but no need to reply

You can use this reply if the person was trying to tell you something but you figured out that there was no need to reply to the person. 

You can politely say that what the person is saying sounds like a nice idea but all the same there is no need for you to reply, if truly it was a nice idea, you should tell the person that.

This is a polite way that you can tell someone that there is no need to reply at all. 

Ask me in a month, I will have a reply by then

Use this reply if you do not have anything to say or you deliberately do not want to say anything to the person. 

Because you are aware that you have nothing to say to the person, you can politely tell the person to ask you in a month’s time, and by then you will have a reply for the person. 

You may not exactly have a reply in a month’s time, but because you do not want to give the person a reply at that moment, you just have to tell the person to ask in a month.

This is a polite way to say that you do not have to reply. 

Final Words

Things like these are usually hard to explain, when you want to tell someone that there is no need to reply, you have to say it in a polite way so that the person does not get offended by what you said. 

That is why I wrote this article, to explain to you the various ways you can politely tell someone that there is no need to reply. 

If you are in a situation where you need to tell someone that there is no need to reply, you can make use of any of the replies that I have explained in this article. 

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