How To Respond To “Yurr” (Best 20 Responses)

“Yurr” is a slang commonly used in New York and New Jersey as a way of saying “wassup” or as a way of greeting your friends. It can also be used as a way of saying ‘’hi’’ to your friends or greeting them. 

In other words, ‘’yurr’’ can also be used to say ‘’yes’’ to someone. This means that if you are texting someone or you are in a conversation with the person and you do not want to say yes, you can simply say ‘’yurr’’. That way, you have said the same thing but you just used slang. 

It can be used in different contexts, but you need to know the right context to use it so that you do not use it wrongly. If someone tells you ‘’yurr’’ and you do not know the right way to reply to the person, you should read on. I will explain to you the various ways you can reply when says yurr. 

20 best replies to “Yurr”

When the person means ‘’wassup’’

  • Hello
  • Howdy
  • How do you know me?
  • How are you doing?
  • Hello, I would like to know you more
  • Nothing much, just doing some work
  • Let us talk when I am less busy
  • Nothing much, just the same old me
  • I am not in a good mood
  • I am so happy, and I do not know why

When the person means ‘’yes’’

  • Really?
  • Thank you for agreeing
  • Okay, so what next?
  • How come you agreed so easy
  • You should have at least asked questions before saying yes
  • Yep, I will be happy too!
  • Cool, you got it
  • No Problem!
  • I like that, I will be happy that you want  to help
  • How do you say yes when you barely know me?

How To Respond To “Yurr”

When the person means ‘’wassup’’


When someone says ‘’yurr’’ and the person is trying to say ‘’wassup’’, you can reply by telling the person hello! That way, you are also trying to greet the person back. If the person says wassup, he is trying to ask you how you are doing or greet you, you can simply say ‘’hello’’. 

That is a simple way to greet the person in return. You need to know what the person means before using this reply. 


If the person meant ‘’wassup’’, which also means ‘’how are you doing’’, you can simply tell the person ‘’howdy’’. It is another way of saying ‘’hello, how are you doing?’’ That way, the person will understand that you are trying to greet back or return the greeting that he gave. 

This is another simple reply that you can use. With this reply, you will be able to communicate easily with the person. 

How do you know me?

Someone you just met for the first time will not tell you ‘’wassup’’ at first, he may say something like ‘’hi’’ or even try to be more formal but if the person says ‘’wassup’’, then it means that you both must have known each other for a while. 

In a situation like this, you can reply by asking the person ‘’how do you know me’’. Most times, only someone you already know will talk to you by saying ‘’wassup’’.

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You are not wrong if you reply by asking if the person knows you. This is because you did not expect me to greet you that way. If the person truly knows you

How are you doing?

When the person tells you ‘’wassup, you can go ahead and reply to the person by asking ‘’how are you doing’’, that is a way of showing the person that you also care and that you do not just want to greet the person and move on.

When you show the person that you care, he will even be willing to know you more.  When the person tells you how he is doing, you will be able to get a deeper connection with the person and you both will start to talk more. 

Hello, I would like to know you more

You can simply tell the person that you would like to know the person more. If the person said ‘’wassup’’, simply reply by saying ‘’hello’’ I would like to know you more. That shows you have an interest in knowing more about the person and you do not just want to greet the person and move on. 

That way, the person will understand how deeply interested you are in knowing more about him. This is a good reply that you can use. 

Nothing much, just doing some work

‘’Wassup’’ could mean that the person is trying to ask what you are doing. You can let the person know that you are busy with something or that you can’t talk now. That way, you have already told the person what you are doing and you have also communicated with the person as well. 

Let us talk when I am less busy

If the person says ‘’wassup’’ as a way of telling you that you both should hang out or you both should meet, you can simply tell him that you both should talk when you are less busy.

You should only use this reply if you are genuinely busy and you do not want anything or anybody to distract you at that point. 

Nothing much, just the same old me

The person could be trying to ask if there is anything new going on around you. If there is nothing new, you can simply tell the person that nothing much is going on and that it is just the same old you. 

I am not in a good mood

When the person says ‘’wassup’’, he is also asking you how you are doing. Once the person asks you and you want to tell the person how you are doing, you can simply tell him that you are not in a good mood if you are truly not in a good mood. It is good that you are able to tell the person exactly how you feel. 

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I am so happy, and I do not know why

You can also use this reply if you are so happy and you want the person to be informed that you are happy.

If that is the situation, simply tell the person that you are happy and you will be able to tell from the person’s reply that he understands your reply. 

When the person means ‘’yes’’


When the person says ‘’yurr’’ as a way of saying ‘’yes’’  you can reply by saying ‘’really?” This shows you want to know if the person is sure about what he is saying. 

That way, you are communicating to the person that you are surprised that the person said yes fast. When you say ‘’really’’, you will be able to get a reply from the person if he really meant what he said. 

Thank you for agreeing

If what the person agreed to do was in your favor, it will make sense to tell the person thank you. That way, the person will understand that you appreciate what he did. 

This is a simple way to appreciate the person for saying yes. 

Okay, so what next?

If the person said yes to your request, you can reply by saying ‘’okay, so what next?”. This shows that you are trying to know what next even though the person has already said yes. 

That way, you are being proactive and you also want to know what it is that the person is trying to say. When you use this reply, you should be expecting the person to tell you what next. 

How come you agreed so easily?

It could happen that you asked for something you think will be a bit difficult to get, only for the person to say yes to you without even thinking too much about it. 

When you ask the person how come he agreed so easily, he will give you an answer and he will be able to tell you the reason why he agreed so fast. 

With a reply like this, you should expect to get all the answers that you want. On a normal day, the person may not be able to reply easily to such a request, but now that the person has agreed easily. 

You should have at least asked questions before saying yes

This shows that the person did not care to ask enough questions before saying yes. In your reply, you can simply tell the person that he should have at least asked questions before he agrees. 

When you tell the person that he should have asked questions before saying yes. It will draw his attention to the fact that he should have asked questions. 

Yep, I will be happy too!

If the person is telling you yes, you can reply by telling the person “yep, I will be happy too”.

It could be that the person said yes to something you feel so happy about, if you are really happy about it you can simply tell the person that you will be happy too. That way, the person will notice how happy you are about what he said to you. 

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Cool, you got it

This is a simple way to tell the person that you also agree with the fact that you are happy that he said yes. When you say “cool”, it shows how happy you are about the response. This is a good reply that you can use. 

No Problem!

It is simple, no problem! That is what you are trying to communicate to the person. If he said yes, then you should believe him and tell him no problem!

When you say no problem, it means that you have no issue with what the person said. This is also a good reply that you can use. 

I like that, I will be happy if you want to help

You can use this reply if you told someone to help you with a favor and the person said yes. Let the person know in your reply that you are happy that he wants to help you.

This will show how grateful you are that the person wants to offer you some help. Usually, you will be happy when someone agrees to help you out on something.

When you use this reply, the person will be able to get the message. Sometimes, when people help you, it feels so good that the person is able to take some time out to help you.

How do you say yes when you barely know me?

Sometimes, people can be so nice that they can say yes to you even without knowing anything about you. 

If you do not know the person and you asked the person for a favor then the person said yes without knowing you, then you need to ask the person how he was able to say yes to you without knowing anything about you. 

Final Words

When someone says “yurr”, it could mean different things. It could mean that the person is saying “wassup” or the person could be trying to say “yes”.

It is good you know the meaning before you even get to know the right way to reply. If you do not first know the meaning, you will not know how to reply.

There are different meanings to “yurr”, depending on the context there are different ways to reply to the person. There is a way to reply to the person if the person meant “wassup” or if the person means “yes”. 

That is why I wrote this article, it will put you through the various ways you can reply when someone says “yurr”.

The next time you are in a conversation with someone, it could even be in text, and the person says “yurr”, after reading through this article, you should already know the best way to reply to the person. 

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