30 Exam is Over Images

We all have different feelings after writing an exam or a series of exams. It usually leads to celebration for some people and some just feel scared about what they put down as answers.

Other students are simply carefree. Immediately the exams are over, they just want to move on with life.

Below are exam-themed images, expressing joy and other feelings associated with completing an examination paper.

30 Exam is Over Images

  1. Finally, exams are over
  2. Done and dusted
  3. Exams are over. Now, results.
  4. Exam in God’s hands
  5. Bye to the final papers.
  6. Time to party.
  7. Exam is finally over. We can breathe.
  8. I can’t believe the exams are over already.
  9. Exam is over?
  10. We are free… for now.
  11. Exam is over… Exam is coming.
  12. Exam papers in the trash.
  13. We killed it.
  14. Success on the way.
  15. Exam is over. Back to routine.
  16. Exam is over. Calls for celebration.
  17. The Exams went great.
  18. Who else murdered their exams?
  19. Nothing better than a perfect result.
  20. Exam drained me.
  21. I made the exams cry.
  22. Exams were Perfect.
  23. Exam vs Me.
  24. Exam periods are fun.
  25. Exams got tired of me.
  26. I passed my exams.
  27. How did your exams go?
  28. Guess your exam scores.
  29. I survived the exams.
  30. Exams didn’t think that we would make it 

Finally, exams are over.

Exam is Over Themed Images

You should put this image on your WhatsApp status or social media account, immediately you step out of the examination hall. You can add a nice caption that expresses how you feel, plus a relief emoji.

Done and dusted

Exam is Over Themed Images

This does it. When you are done with your exam, and not just done but also confident on how well you performed, who stops you from beating your chest and boasting about it. No one dares to.

It was your exam. It was your answers. It will be your victory… but you shouldn’t break your heart when the results are out. Maybe you shouldn’t boast but when its done and dusted, be happy.

Exams are over. Now, results

Exam is Over Themed Images

Well, maybe we shouldn’t be too excited. If you will agree with me, it is one thing to write exams and it is a whole other thing to get good results. It is not impossible to be confident about your exams but it isn’t always so.

You can express your joy of having finished the exam but remember you were exactly sure of all the answers you put down.

Exam in God’s hands

Exam is Over Themed Images

Okay. We should put it in God’s hands. Even if you don’t believe in the divine being, you may be forced to have faith for just one moment, especially in a situation where you are on the cusp of success and you can see barriers clearly.

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When your exams are promotional and you are unsure of whether you performed well or not, you can say a prayer.

Bye to the final papers.

Exam is Over Themed Images

The final papers, exactly. What is the point of rejoicing at the end of one exam paper if you still have five or six more ahead of you? Leave the reasons behind.

There may be joy in completing one exam in a list of so many exams but there is usually much more joy when you are able to finish  all of the exams. That is when the joy and relaxation sets in.

Time to party

Exam is Over Themed Images

If you don’t party, maybe this is not for you. I don’t party either. We just let the rich kids do their thing. Party, write exams, and party again.

When you are done with your exams, you may want to celebrate a little. It wouldn’t hurt to join the rich kids or your mates in celebrating that moment when you get to rest without worries. Celebrate however you think you can.

Exam is finally over. We can breathe

Exam is Over Themed Images

Of course, you can breathe. Have you ever been in a situation where it feels like you can’t breathe but your nostrils are working just fine?  I almost forgot we’ve all written exams at one point in our lives.

It is okay if you have never felt so stressed out and scared during an exam. You are brilliant so no surprise! If you had issues with your exams or just the environment, this theme is for you. Breathe.

I can’t believe the exams are over already

Exam is Over Themed Images

Sometimes, I can’t believe the exams are over. Yes, I said it. I am not dull either. I am also a very brilliant person like you and I used to love exams so much.

Not only do you get to read but there’s usually fewer things to do. With enough preparation, the exam questions fail to trouble you and you clear it like it’s a piece of cake. Then you walk out of the examination hall in no time. Time flies quickly as you enjoy the moment.

Exam is over?

Exam is Over Themed Images

If you enjoyed the exams, you will also ask yourself this question. Why is the exam period over already? Post this on your social media and add a crying emoji as part of the caption. Your classmates will probably storm at you.

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That would be your joke but it is true for some. Examination periods may be one of the sweetest parts of being in school. Some are just unhappy because they don’t want to stay home.

We are free… for now.

Exam is Over Themed Images

We can celebrate our freedom while we still can. The ‘for now’ seems ironic and ominous. While your mates are probably rejoicing at the fact that they just completed their exams and they should rest, you have reminded them that there will be more to come.

Exam is over… Exam is coming.

Exam is Over Themed Images

Remind your boisterous classmates how short their happiness is over the exams. As long as they are still in school, there will be more examinations to test them before they move further. This will feel much sweeter if the completed examinations is less as important as the coming one.

Exam papers in the trash.

Exam is Over Themed Images

Post this on social media with an animated image of you walking away. This has several meanings but you can give it whichever meaning suits you.

It could mean you already finished with the exams and left it behind… it could also mean you wrote total nonsense in your answer sheets.

We killed it.

Exam is Over Themed Images

You can post this if you already got your exam results and they were good. If not, you can still post this to show your confidence or faith. When you say you killed it, it means you performed extremely well.

Success on the way.

Exam is Over Themed Images

This is another show of Faith. After exams, we may celebrate but it is usually better to wait for the exams to justify our celebration. If the results don’t turn out good, you have to wait for the next one before you celebrate.

Exam is over. Back to routine.

Exam is Over Themed Images

When there is an exam on the way, it usually affects a person’s  daily routine. You have to make some time to prepare for the exam.

You may also have to stop doing some things or start sleeping early just so you can stay focused on the coming exams. However, you get to resume your daily routine, immediately the exam is over.

Exam is over. Calls for celebration.

Exam is Over Themed Images

When an exam is over, it calls for celebration unless there is a tougher exam on the way. It doesn’t stop you from posting this as a joke and watching your mates react to it.

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The Exams went great.

Exam is Over Themed Images

Post this on your social media account and add a smiley face, like you are honest about it. Everyone knows you’re not unless you are the brilliant nerd.

Who else murdered their exams?

Exam is Over Themed Images

You can post this after you get your fantastic results for the exams. A person is expected to celebrate this moment, rather than the mere completion of an exam, unless the results are not as good as expected.

Nothing better than a perfect result.

Exam is Over Themed Images

Of course, there is nothing better than a perfect result. Not everyone will be happy to hear you say this and smile so comfortably though. You may be considered arrogant if you boast about your results online but you can say this when your friends’ results are not so bad.

Exam drained me.

Exam is Over Themed Images

This may be the most honest one from you. When you are not fully prepared for the exams, you may end up having an extraordinary ache in your head while trying to think of answers.

I made the exams cry

Exam is Over Themed Images

400;”>This is a funny one but it’s not inverted if that is what you think. Say this if you are confident about what you wrote in your exams. Consider this a way of boasting without being crucified for it.

Exams were perfect

Exam is Over Themed Images

With a smiley-face caption, post this on your social media or just share with friends and family. Some exams require their good wishes.

Exam vs Me

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Here is a cool way to show how the Exams got you beaten up.

Exam periods are fun

Exam is Over Themed Images

This is so true even if you and a million others don’t agree. Not everyone finds exam periods fun but they usually are.

Exams got tired of me

Exam is Over Themed Images

Here is another joke to help you get away with boasting about your performance.

I passed my exams

Exam is Over Themed Images

Show this to your family and friends who will be happy for you. Some exams matter than others and they go beyond the school walls.

How did your exams go?

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You can simply throw this questions to your friends and discuss how you all feel about the exams.

Guess your exam scores.

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This is another nice discussion among your friends after the exams are over.

I survived the exams

Exam is Over Themed Images

This may be an exaggeration but exams usually feel that scary, at times.

Exams didn’t think that we would make it.

Exam is Over Themed Images

Joke with the exams among your friends who equally passed their exams.

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