30 Best Replies to “Who Are You?”

There’s a great pleasure to be had when meeting new people. Usually, what follows is the question about identity where you are required to identify yourself by name, nationality, or occupation.

When people ask who you are, they can sometimes want to know more than just your name. They want to know where you live, what you do for a living, and so on.

What “Who are you?” Can Mean?

When someone asks, “Who are you?” it can mean the following:

  • What’s your name?
  • What’s your family name?
  • Where’re you from?
  • What are your principles?
  • Can you tell me about your morality?

You can reply to “who are you” by saying:

  • I’m Jerry, the plumber you asked for
  • I’m human like you, bro
  • I’m American. How about you?

People will also ask, “Who are you?” if you are knocking at their door. We have all asked this question when we hear a knock at the door and we aren’t expecting anyone.

This question also comes up when you ask for information both at an office or in other official places. You would be asked, who are you, in such a situation in order to be able to do their job properly or render better services to you.

Now, here are 30 best replies to “Who are you?”

In the replies, the imaginary person called Jerry would be answering the question.

1. I Am Jerry. It’s Good To Meet You.

You can answer the question, “Who are you?” using this response.

You say this in direct response to the question especially in a situation when you are meeting the other person for the first time. This response is also a great one if you sense that the person is asking for your name. And also if you sense the person may be apprehensive of who you are.


  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry. It’s good to meet you, Brad.

  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry. Meeting you gives me pleasure.

2. A Human Like You, Bro

If you are knocking at someone’s door and they yell from inside their home, “Who are you?” You can also use this reply when you want to make the other person feel safe.

In areas where security is a concern, you may have to say something like this.


  • Who are you?

Hey, I’m human like you, bro, can I come in?

  • Who are you?

I’m a human being and I’m calling to share a message with you.

Best Replies to Who Are You

3. I am Jerry, the Plumber…

This reply is also a direct response to the question, “Who are you?”

It is a good one in a situation where you are expected in a place and you sense the other person wants to know it’s you before they let you in.


  • Who are you?

Hi, I’m Jerry, the plumber.

  • Who are you?

Hi, I’m Jerry, the woodcutter

4. I am American. How About You?

Here you state who you are, that is, your country of origin. Then you go further to ask the other person who he or she is too. This is the fair and best way to respond to, “Who are you?”


  • Who are you?

Hi, I’m an American. How about you?

  • Who are you?

Well, I’m Jerry, an American. Who are you too?

5. I am Jerry, Mary’s friend. Do you know her?

Sometimes you want to provide as much background with your answer. When the person asking you, Who are you, is someone you know and who also knows you, it is not out of place to mention the name of a mutual friend you share.


  • Who are you?

My name is Jerry, Mary’s friend. Are you familiar with her?

  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry. Do you know Mary? She’s my friend by the way.

6. I am Jerry, And I’m Very Interested In Climate Change

Some interviewers ask, “Who are you?” Sometimes they mean, what are your interests? What piques your curiosity?

Depending on the subject under discussion, it is good to give a response to give the listener some idea into your hobbies, or vocation.


  • Who are you?

My name is Jerry, I’m interested in climate change

  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry, someone who loves to see the world do better about climate change

7. I love Traveling, And Mountain Climbing

When people ask who you are, it may also mean they want to know what hobbies you enjoy engaging in. Simply mention your hobbies.

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A good response is to simply tell the person how much you love doing those things.


  • Who are you?

Well, I love mountain climbing and swimming

  • Who are you?

As you can see, I love kayaking

8. A Dreamer is who I am

If you are in a circle of poetry or literary friends, how about answering the question by saying the above?

The question, “Who are you?” sounds like a demand for an answer. It requires equal force in reply. The answer you will give should command respect too. So go ahead and say it proudly that you are a dreamer, with a smile.


  • Who are you?

I, Jerry, am a dreamer.

  • Who are you?

I dream for a living, seeing as I’m a writer

9. You Can Say I’m A Survivor

You have the right to say this in response if the question requires it. It depends on the discussion that’s going on.

Maybe the other person notices peculiar scars on your skin. This response will be a great one to say if they ask, “Who are you?”


  • Who are you

A survivor, that’s who I am

  • Who are you?

I am Jerry, and I have been through so much suffering

10. I Love To Learn New And Interesting Things

If someone asks who you are it can also mean they want to know what your interests are. They want to know if you love learning new things and sharing them with others.

In this case, you can be vague by mentioning that you love learning. This pushes the discussion even further.


  • Who are you?

Well, I’m someone who has a great love for learning

  • Who are you?

They call me Jerry, and love learning new and interesting things

11. I’m Jerry, A Cook

Here is another variation for when you are providing specifics for your identity. If you are in a place where cooks are needed and someone asks, who are you?


  • Who are you?

My name is Jerry, a cook

  • Who are you?

I am Jerry, the painter.

Best Replies to Who Are You

12. I’m Someone Who Believes In Spirituality

As you can see there are a plethora of ways to answer this question, “Who are you?” This is one of the best ones.

The person who asks this question may want to know how you feel about religion or morals. As stated already the question can be deeper than an inquiry about your name.


  • Who are you?

I’m someone who values spirituality

  • Who are you?

I’m someone who believes in spirituality

13. I am Jerry, A Curious Intellectual

A curious intellectual is someone who loves learning new things. He asks questions a lot and loves contributing to intellectual discussions.

If someone thinks you’re asking too many questions, they can ask who you are because they sense your authority.


  • Who are you?

I’m a curious intellectual

  • Who are you?

My name is Jerry, a curious intellectual

14. I’m Jerry, A Person Who Values Honesty In Others

With this response, you let the person know your name and a little fact about you. You can use this response if you sense that you need to put the other person at ease in an argument.

By telling the person you value honesty, you either make them feel you value them as an honest person or not.


  • Who are you?

A man who values honesty in others

  • Who are you?

Jerry, a man who values honesty in people

15. I Am The Parent Of Two Children

People often respond with this sentence when asked who they are. Some say it proudly, and others use this response in a pompous way.

Whatever the case, it is one of the best responses because it is assertive. People sometimes ask who you are in a derogatory manner. I’d this happens, use this response.


  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry, a father of three kids!

  • Who are you?

I’m a father of four kids, by the way!

16. Jerry, A Genuine Caretaker

You can answer this question by adding the word genuine to what you are. The word genuine qualifies who you are.

The other person already knows you are a caretaker, a carpenter, a woodworker or a doctor. But they also need to know you’re a genuine one, not a quack.


  • Who are you?

I’m a genuine bricklayer

  • Who are you?

I’m a genuine plumber

17. Who Is Asking?

You have heard this line in movies. This is a famous line that people have used in films where the good guy asks the bad one, “Who are you?” and the other guy says, who’s asking? You can have fun with this line too.

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  • Who are you?

Who’s asking?

  • Who are you?

It depends on who’s asking? Who are you too?

18. I am Jerry, What Else Do You Want To Know?

Here you answer by telling the other person your name. But you don’t go further. You ask what else the person wants to know.

You are trying not to get ahead of yourself by assuming what they want to know. You’d rather the person asks more questions before divulging more information about yourself.


  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry. What else do you want to know?

  • Who are you?

My name is Jerry, I own this place. What other questions about me do you have?

19. I Am A Volunteer

If you are into volunteer work, don’t be ashamed to let the other person know this is what you do. It could also be community service.

If someone asks, “Who are you?” you can reply with this response.


  • Who are you?

I’m a volunteer for the UN

  • Who are you?

I’m a volunteer for UNESCO

20. I’m A Man Who Doesn’t Give Up

As you can see it is possible to give an answer to, “Who are you?” without saying your name. At times, simply providing a description of your person is enough response.

This response is also fitting when you feel the other person doesn’t deserve your response but would still love to leave a mark on their heart.


  • Who are you?

A man that fights and doesn’t give up easily

  • Who are you?

I’m a man who is a fighter

21. Why Do You Ask?

You can reply to the question with one of your own. We are all curious beings. If someone asks who you are, you can ask them in return.

This can be a security measure if you are afraid of giving away information about yourself. This sparks your own curiosity about the person.

It is not out of place to ask who the person is too. If you feel that it may be unwise to give out your personal information, simply ask: why do you ask?


  • Who are you?

Why do you ask?

  • Who are you?

May I know why you ask?

22. Why, Are You The Police?

The police in some countries have the authority to ask for your name or valid personal identification. In other countries, you are not obligated to give police information about yourself if you are not under arrest.

If you ever find yourself being questioned by someone you suspect of shady things, this response is the best one to give.

Also asking if the person is the police helps you determine if it’s safe to speak with the other person.


  • Who are you?

Are you a policeman?

  • Who are you?

Why do you ask? Are you the police?

Best Replies to Who Are You

23. I Am A Student Of Life

This is a very valid response you can give when someone asks who you are. Especially when you consider that it is true for all humans. We learn every day. The internet alone contains inexhaustible information.

Nature itself offers new things to teach us every morning. The sunrise alone is a mystical school with all it’s freshness, and it’s new every day.

Every time we meet people, we have the opportunity to learn something from them. So if someone asks, “Who are you?” say, I’m a student of life.

This response about covers all the bases for more questions.


  • Who are you?

I’m a student of life itself

  • Who are you?

I’m nothing but a student of life

24. What Have I Done Now?

If you are one who causes trouble or has been accused of causing disturbances many times, you can be asked, “Who are you?”

The person who asks this question is not inquiring about your name. You have just been a pain in the neck and they are exasperated about having you around.

But if you feel like you are innocent this time, you can ask the person: what have I done now?


  • Who are you?

Oh, darn it, what have I done now?

  • Who are you?

What am I being accused of now?

25. I’m A Big Deal

If you feel like you must brag about yourself for reasons known to you, then this reply is your go-to. If someone asks, “Who are you?” This is in a lighter mood though. Friends can say this to each other.

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People can ask, “Who are you?” while joking or ribbing each other. When you give this response, do it with a smile. By your expression, let the listener know you are not being haughty.


  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry, and I’m a big deal.

  • Who are you?

I’m Jerry, and I’m a really big deal in this town

26. I’m Who I Say I am

If someone asks, “Who are you?” It may be because they doubt your pedigree, your lineage, or your skill.

So, when you answer by saying, I’m who I say I am, you are letting on that your identity isn’t unquestionable.

For instance, you tell someone you are a martial artist who has fought in many competitions. If the person doubts you, you can end a demonstration with the words, “I’m who I say I am.”


  • Who are you?

I’m a martial artist. I’m who I say I am

  • Who are you?

I’ve done this for ten years. I’m who I say I am

27. I Own This Place

If you sense the questioner is in doubt about your ownership of a place, like a shop, a property, real estate, or just about anything you may claim to own, you can use this response to assert your ownership. People can mean ownership when they ask, “Who are you?”

Read the room, the tone, and the expression on the person’s face to know what the true intention is. If you are standing on a property as the owner, simply say you own the place.


  • Who are you?

Who am I? I own this place!

  • Who are you?

What do you mean? I own this property!

28. I’d Rather Not Say

If you are doing an undercover investigation about something, or the police in your country don’t have the right to ask for your identity, this is a great way to answer the question: who are you?

This response is good for when you want to protect yourself or others close to you. It is also a good response in phone calls and social media texting.

Or, when you meet complete strangers. You can respectfully decline to divulge your personal information.


  • Who are you?

I’d rather not tell you, sir

  • Who are you?

29. Let Me See Some ID

This response is a further way to reply to police or anyone you don’t want to share your personal information with.

With this response, you are seeking to get the personal information first before giving yours.

So, when someone asks, “Who are you?” you can ask them for identification. When they give you their name or ID card, you will be more comfortable to part with your own details too.


  • Who are you?

I’d like to see some identification before I answer your question

  • Who are you?

Do you mind showing some ID?

30. I Know My Rights!

You can yell this response in the face of someone who’s not supposed to ask you for identification. There are situations where someone in authority might ask who you are.

Telling them you know your rights can help to quell tension. Also if a cop is trying to make you give information forcefully, you can say, “I know my rights.”

Usually, this response makes the cop mellow and use a more humane approach. Hopefully, you won’t have to use this response as you should be law-abiding at all times.

And bear in mind that it’s the best thing to obey a policeman. Doing otherwise makes them think you’re not innocent.

That said, this is definitely one of the coolest and best ways to respond: who are you?


  • Who are you?

Leave me alone. I know my rights

  • Who are you?

I know my rights!

These are some of the best ways to reply “Who are you?” They can be used in most situations.

Always watch out for context, and to read the room before responding to questions. Most people ask questions with good intentions.

If someone asks, who are you, be sure to listen for context to be able to give the correct answer. This article has presented the best responses ever and they are easy to remember and use.

The examples are also easy to master

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