20 Great Responses to “What Have You Been Up to?” 

Most times, when someone asks what you are up to, the person is interested in knowing what you are working on and if anything is going on that he needs to know.

The best way to respond to such a question is to let the person know what you are up to, if nothing is going on you can let the person know in your response. 

 I explained the 20 best ways to respond in this article, skipping this article will do you no good, ensure you read till the end.

How to Respond to “What Have You Been Up to?”

Nothing much

Nothing much” is one of the commonest ways to respond to “what are you up to.” 

There is nothing wrong in opening up if you have nothing you are working on, nothing interesting is going on in your life at that moment. 

Opening up shows how sincere you are and that you are willing to be vulnerable enough to share with that person what is going on with you.

Example :

  • What have you been up to? 

Response : 

  • Nothing much

A lot

“A lot” is a nice response to “What have you been up to?” 

It is best to use this response if you have not been going through a pleasant time. It sends signals that things are not going well with you, perhaps, if the person is in a place to support I am sure he would not hesitate to show some support. 


  • What are you up to?


  • “A lot.”

It has just been a rat race all through

Another unique way to respond to “What have you been up to?” is “It has just been a rat race all through.” 

The rat race is usually an endless struggle, it is a way of life in which one strives or works hard for that which is pointless. 

Perhaps, the person is stuck in a job that requires you to work excessively hard to get a raise. 

You may be getting paid from the job, but the pay is not sustainable, which makes you keep working hard endlessly just to make ends meet.


  • What have you been up to?


  • It has just been a rat race all through

Nothing, it is not a big deal

It is ideal to say “Nothing, it is not a big deal” as a response to “What have you been up to?” is 

Truly, it is nothing special if you think it is. Perhaps, you do not want the person to bother. Something could be going on but you do not consider it special enough that someone else would be interested to know. 

Here is an example for your perusal :

  • What have you been up to?


  • Nothing, it is not a big deal

Do not bother, I doubt you will be interested

It is a straightforward way of letting the person know that he will not be interested in finding out what you have been up to, you may think it is safer to not even let the person know at all because you know full well that he has no interest in it.

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For example, if you have been working on a new art piece and you know this particular person has no interest in art, there is no need to tell that person about the new art you are working on because you know he has no interest.


  • What have you been up to?


  • Don’t bother, I doubt you will be interested.

Just intense work, that’s what I’ve been up to

A better way to respond to “What have you been up to?” is”Just intense work, that’s what I’ve been up to.”

There are days when you get so engrossed in work that you barely think of anything else. This could be one of those days. You can communicate that in your response to the person. 

Here is another example: 

  • What have you been up to?


  • Just intense work, that’s what I’ve been up to

I have been feeling lazy this morning

“I have been feeling lazy this morning” is another cool way to respond to “What have you been up to?” 

It is not a bad thing to admit that you are feeling lazy sometimes. That could be the first thing you say to the person after “good morning” It happens to a lot of people as well. The good thing is that you can choose to be vulnerable by admitting that you felt lazy this morning. 

You can make use of this example: 

  • What have you been up to?


  • I have been feeling lazy this morning

I just want to go for a walk, care to join?

One other way to respond to “What have you been up to?” Is “I just want to go for a walk, care to join?” 

Would you rather have someone join you to take a walk ? It feels better when you walk with someone. If you feel like you want to have someone go with you, you can invite the person to walk with you.

Example sentence :

  • What have you been up to?

Response :

  • I just want to go for a walk, care to join?

I am about to go have a haircut, don’t you need one too?

“I am about to go have a haircut, don’t you need one too?” sounds cool as a response to “What are you up to?” 

There are days you need to get a haircut because you have a special event to attend.

On those days, you cannot negotiate it, you just have to get the haircut so you can look good. 

That could be what you are up to that moment, if anyone asks you, you should tell them that.

 Check out this example: 

  • What are you up to?


  • I am about to go have a haircut, don’t you need one too?
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Planning a date with a friend

Another unique way to respond is by saying “Planning a date with my friend.” 

Who does not like going on a date? Haha! A lot of people do, if you have a date you should put in your best when it comes to getting ready. 

Probably it’s almost time for your date and someone asks you what you are up to, simply tell the person you are getting ready for your date this evening. 

This example can help:

  • What have you been up to?


  • Planning a date with a friend

I have been learning a new tech skill

The world is gradually evolving and it would do you a lot of good if you evolve with it.

These days, you get to see people transitioning into tech because businesses also need to evolve and the opportunities in tech are becoming endless. 

You can let the person know that you have been learning a new tech skill in your response. 

Here is an example:

  • What have you been up to? 


  • I have been learning a new tech skill

I have been hanging out with my friends from high school

In response to “What have you been up to?” you can say “I have been hanging out with my friends from high school.”

Bonding with old friends can be therapeutic, sometimes you need a day off to spend time with friends and family. It is weird to say you have no friends. You should have at least old friends from high school you can bond with at times. 

Especially friends you had in high school. It could be fun hanging out with them after so many years. If you have been hanging out with them lately, ensure you say it in your response.

This is an example :

  • What have you been up to?


  • I have been hanging out with my friends from high school

Preparing dinner

“Preparing dinner” sounds like the best response to “What are you up to?” 

It could be that you have been working all morning and you haven’t had anything to eat. 

The best thing for you is to go get something to eat and have dinner, you could get famished and not perform at your best because you have not had anything to eat. 

There is no shame in admitting how famished you are, simply let the person know you want to go grab something to eat. 

This is an example sentence:

  • What are you up to?

Response :

  • Preparing dinner

I am preparing for a competition

“I am preparing for a competition” sounds cool as a response to “What have you been up to?” 

When you have a competition coming up, it is best you prepare and put in your best so that you can have a good performance. 

Example : 

  • What have you been up to?


  • I am preparing for a competition

I have been occupied with chores

You can rep“What have you been up to?” by saying “I have been occupied with chores” 

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It is good news when you finally land your desired job. It could even make you so busy that you will not have time for other things. You started a new career so it is expected that it will take time to adjust to it. 


  • What have you been up to?


  • I have been occupied with chores

I have been helping out at an orphanage

A more interesting way to respond to “What have you been up to?” is “I have been helping out at an orphanage.”

When you volunteer, you contribute to making an organization better and helping them achieve a common goal… 

If that is what you have been doing lately, simply let the person know. 


  • What have you been up to?


  • Been helping out at an orphanage

I have been at the library studying

I have been at the library studying” sounds like a nice way to respond to “What have you been up to?”

Studying is good, it is one way to show yourself approved. It is also something you should be proud of doing especially when someone asks you what you are up to. 


  • What have you been up to?


  • I have been at the library studying

Just working to relocate

“Just working to relocate” sounds cool as a response to “what have you been up to?”

Relocating to a new place needs proper planning, it is something you need to put in your best to get the required result. 


  • What have you been up to?


  • Just working to relocate

I have been learning a new language

You can say ‘I have been learning a new language’ as a response to ‘What have you been up to?’

Learning a new language is a good learning curve, it also adds to how valuable you are and opens you up to more opportunities. 

This is something you should let the other person know if he asks what you are up to.


  • What have you been up to?


  • I have been learning a new language

I am just planning my next vacation with my family

‘I am just planning my next vacation with my family’ is a great way to respond to ‘What have you been up to?’

Family is a very important part of one’s life and it is important to take some time out to bond with family. Once in a while go on a vacation with your family to rekindle that family bond. 


  • What have you been up to?


  • I am just planning my next vacation with my family

Parting Words

People often want to know what you are up to and most times, they do so because they are your friends and they also want to know if they can spend time with you. 

If there is anything you are up to at that moment you can let the person know using any of the responses I have shared in this article. 

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