20 Other Ways to Say ‘I Am Working On It.’

What do you say in response when you are asked about a project you are currently working on? Or how do you respond when you are given a project which you must begin working on immediately?

 People often say ‘I’m working on it’. This article will provide other ways you can express yourself whether it is on an ongoing project or one you are just about to start working on.

20 Other Ways To Say ‘I Am Working On It’

Other Ways To Say 'I am working on it.’

  1. It’s on the way.
  2. Getting it done.
  3. Finishing up.
  4. Putting in more efforts
  5. Concluding
  6. Reports are being prepared.
  7. Getting to you soon
  8. I will see to it.
  9. It’s underway
  10. Trying as hard as we can
  11. We are progressing
  12. Almost completed.
  13. It has set off
  14. Rounding off
  15. Beginning immediately
  16. Will be done in no time
  17. It is processing.
  18. Trying my best.
  19. Doubling up in speed.
  20. Proceeding

Other Ways To Say 'I am working on it.’

It’s on the way.

 You should say the project is on the way if you are almost done with it. That is what you will be suggesting when you say this. If you don’t want your boss or whoever the questioner is to disturb you frequently on the progress of the project, this will be the right response to give.

 However, you should keep in mind that the person will expect you to deliver the project anytime soon. The person will believe you made this statement because you have almost completed the project. You will have to hasten up your work unless you are truly almost done with the work.

 You can also say this when you are just accepting a project. This will be passing the same message. You will be telling your boss that you will finish in no time. 

  • Hello, Garfield. How’s the project going?
  • It’s on the way, sir.

Getting it done.

Unlike the response suggested earlier, this directly tells your boss or the inquirer that you have almost finished up with the task or the project.

Both statements suggest that you are almost done. However, the previous suggestion may not necessarily be interpreted that way. Your boss will expect to hear from you very soon if you make this statement.

You can also say this when you are about to start a project. In this case, it won’t be necessarily stating that you are almost done or that you will finish up very soon. Rather, it means you have begun the project and you will finish up as soon as you can.

  • Hi, Garfield. Can you work on this as soon as possible?
  • Getting it done, sir.

Finishing up.

This is more like saying you are getting it done. It is even the same, except you are using different English words. This is what you say when you have reached or almost reached the end of your project.

If this is not the case, you may be passing the wrong message and the person will be expecting to get a feedback as soon as possible.

 However, you can still say this if you believe you can work speedily and get to the end of the project before your boss or the inquirer asks about the project again.

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You can’t say this when you are just receiving the project. No one will stop you from saying this but it doesn’t make much sense.

  • Garfield. What’s up with the assignment?
  • I am finishing up with it.

Putting in more efforts.

 This seems more explanatory about what you are going through. It dos not very clear but this tells your boss that you are not just starting. It also clearly implies that you are not almost done.

 From hearing this, one can deduce that you may be having issues with working on the project or it is taking a very long time and you think it may even take a longer time than it already has.

Your boss or your inquirer will not reach a conclusion unless he or she already knows what the problem exactly is. You will be asked what you are going through and you can say which one.

 This response will be viewed as a honest one and you will reduce the risks of being pressurized. You will be making your boss understand what you are going through so you may be given more time to P things done.

However, you may be in a situation where you are needed to meet a very tight deadline and neither you nor your boss can do anything to shift the deadline for the task.

  • Updates on the project, Garfield.
  • I’m putting in more efforts


This will make your boss or inquirer excited. You have indirectly told him or her that you are done. Saying that you are concluding would be taken as though you are only adding extras to the project. If you were hoping to buy more time for yourself, this may be a very bad option for you.

 However, if you really are through with the project, you can say you are already concluding the project, then you have to give feedback to your boss or the inquirer before he or she asks again.

  • How far, Garfield? Are you done with it?
  • I’m concluding.
  • Good. I’ll be expecting.

Reports are being prepared

When you are asked how things are going with a project or task that you are working on, a definite answer will be much more appreciated than simply saying you are working on it. Instead of saying you are working on the project, you can say how far you have gone with the project.

You can provide the feedback needed to let your boss or client be sure that you are actually working. You may also give a date when the feedback will be given. That way, you won’t be pressured till you give your feedback.

You can decide to give your feedback immediately after you are asked or you can tell your boss or inquirer that you are preparing a report. He or she will wait to see the report to know how far you have gone with the project.

  • What’s up with the project?
  • Reports are being prepared, sir.
  • Good. When should I expect to receive it?

Getting to you soon.

 This tells your boss that you will be submitting the project as soon as possible. While this is similar to the other options, it still may not make the inquirer calm. He or she may ask for a specific date to expect your delivery.

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The person may also ask if you are done with the project already. If you will respond to that, you may say you are not done yet but you will finish up with it in no time. This may be a huge problem if you are not done yet and if it may still take a long time before you finish up.

The first statement (Getting to you soon) suggests that you are already preparing to deliver the project. This will be getting your boss excited so it’s better to say something else if you are not prepared to submit the project.

  • How is the project, Gar?
  • Getting to you soon.
  • Are you done with it?
  • I am concluding.

I will see to it.

This response is only expected when you are just receiving the project. By saying this, you are telling your boss that you agree to work on the project and you will make sure it is completed.

You are not promising to deliver the project so quickly. You are also not promising to deliver on a particular time unless your boss has stated a deadline for the project earlier.

This response can also come in when you are asked to check on another person or other people working on a project.

By saying you will see to it, you are promising that you will check on the project and make sure it is completed by the people working on it.

  • Hello, Garfield. Can you check on the media guys? They should deliver the project, tonight.
  • I will see to it, sir.

It’s underway

This is the same as saying ‘it’s on the way’. The two phrases even sound alike. When you say this to your boss, you are implying that you are already working on the project that has been given to you and it is progressing.

This does not suggest that you are almost done or that you will be submitting at any particular time. This should save you from any pressure unless your boss asks for a specific date to expect delivery.

  • Hi, Garfield. The project?
  • It’s underway.
  • Great. When should I expect to receive this?

Trying as hard as we can.

This suggests that you have run into issues with the project you are handling. Your boss or inquirer may be aware of this issue already.

Saying this will let him or her know that it hasn’t been resolved. If your boss doesn’t already know, you can explain what you are dealing with.

Unless there is a deadline that cannot be altered by your boss, you can alleviate the pressure on your head with this.

  • What’s going on with the project, Garfield?
  • We are trying as hard as we can.

We are progressing.

This simple response doesn’t say anything about early delivery. You are telling your boss or inquirer that you are working on the project.

This response may not be taken lightly if the deadline is closing in or if your boss is asking for a specific date.

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Repeating this excessively can make your boss think you are intentionally wasting time.

  • What’s up with the assignment? How is it going?
  • We are progressing, sir.

Almost completed.

This will give your boss some hope that you will be submitting soon. However, this also does not give a specific date for delivery. Your boss may ask how long you think it will take to finish up.

You will have to state a time that is not too far from the present moment. If you lied about the project being almost done, you have to hasten up and meet the deadline you set for yourself.

  • Hey, Garfield. I’m yet to hear from you.
  • The project is almost completed.

It has set off.

You should say this if the project has just started. Even if you have gone quite far, you can say this. It means the project has begun. It should give you more time, just in case you have to waste some time on the project later.

  • Hi. Is the project going smoothly?
  • Yes. It has set off.

Rounding off.

This is another way of saying you are concluding the project. You should be prepared to say when you will be delivering the project. Since you are already rounding off, your boss won’t expect you to ask for much time.

  • Hello, Garfield. How is the project?
  • I’m rounding off.

Beginning immediately.

Obviously, this only comes in when you are just receiving the project. You may be asked to deliver the project quickly. You can respond by saying you will begin working immediately.

  • Gar. Please, can you take on this project? We need it completed by Monday.
  • Alright, sir. I’m beginning immediately.

Will be done in no time.

You can say this before you start the project. You can also say it in the middle of the project.

The pressure you get depends on how close you are to the deadline.

  • We need the project done soon. Gar.
  • I will be done in no time.

It is processing.

This implies that the project is being prepared. It doesn’t give any date for your delivery. It also doesn’t promise to be completed soon.

 It saves you from pressuring yourself unless your boss puts pressure on you.

  • How is it going, Gar?
  • It is processing.

Trying my best

 This suggests that you may be running into an issue. This may be due to a tight deadline or a strenuous task.

  • What’s up with the project?
  • Trying my best.

Doubling up in speed.

This is what you can say when your boss moves the deadline closer or asks you to deliver more quickly. You can say you will double speed.

  • Hello, Garfield. Can you deliver the projects earlier than the time we agreed?
  • Alright. Doubling up in speed.


Whether you are in the middle of the project or just about to start, you can say you are proceeding.

This implies that it is ongoing and you may not be close to concluding yet.

  • How is the project going, Garfield?
  • Proceeding.

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