10 Best Ways to Respond to “Cuando Es Tu Cumpleanos”

The Spanish expression “Cuando Es tu Cumpleanos” translates to “When is your birthday?” in English. The Spanish word for “when” is cuando, the verb “to be” is is, and the pronoun “your” is tu.

The Spanish word for “birthday” is “cumpleanos.” We all look forward to birthdays because they are wonderful occasions.

Asking about birthdays in Spanish would be a good approach to get the party started if your pals are bilingual in the language.

In order to respond to an inquiry about your birthday in English, you often say, “My birthday is on—,” followed by the relevant date.  

However, if you read this post and don’t know Spanish, you have a fantastic chance to contribute an answer. Here are the top 10 responses to the question “When is your birthday?”

Ways to Respond to Cuando Es Tu Cumpleanos

1. “Mi Cumpleaos Es El” The English translation of “Mi Cumpleaos Es El” is “My Birthday Is The —.”

It is frequently used to specify a person’s birthday day or date. Someone can remark “Mi cumpleaos es el 15 de julio,” which translates to “My birthday is the 15th of July,” if their birthday is on that day.

Here are a few scenarios in which “Mi cumpleaos es el” might be employed:

  • My birthday comes up on the 18th of May
  • My birthday is the 6th of October
  • My birthday is the 5th of November
  • Will you attend my birthday on the 8th of June
  • Her birthday is the 6th of August

2.”Celebro Mi Cumpleaños El—”

Spanish speakers use the expression “Celebro Mi Cumpleaos El,” which means “I celebrate my birthday on” or “I celebrate my birthday the.”

Celebro is the first-person singular form of the verb “celebrar,” which means “to celebrate,” and cumpleanos is the Spanish word for “birthday.” The definite article “the” has a male single form called el.

Here are some examples of sentences that could include the phrase “Celebro Mi Cumpleaos El” in them:

  • I celebrate my birthday on July 27th.
  • When do you celebrate your birthday next year?
  • I will celebrate my birthday next weekend on Saturday night.
  • My cousin and I celebrate our birthdays in the same month. She celebrates her birthday on April 26th and I celebrate mine on October 26th!

3. “El (insert date) Es Mi Día De Cumpleaños.”

When Spanish people say, “El es mi da de cumpleaos,” they mean, “It’s my birthday.”

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The phrase “El es mi da de cumpleaos” can be used in the following sentences:

  • Today is my birthday. It is my birthday!
  • Do you remember that it is my birthday?
  • I’m so excited because it is my birthday.
  • I want to celebrate my birthday because it is my birthday!

4. Mi cumpleaños es el (insert date) en el mes de (insert year).

The above statement in Spanish means, “My birthday is on (insert date) in the month of (enter year).”

Note that with this response you show not just the date – month and day – but also the year of the birthday.

With this response, you provide extra information which assumes you haven’t celebrated the birthday yet. Since the person asks, you are only providing data for it.

You probably would invite the person to attend the birthday party later in the year when it occurs. Below are examples of how to use this response:

  • My birthday is on July 25th
  • When is your birthday? My birthday is on November 11th).
  • Happy birthday! Today is my birthday, March 12th).
  • My birthday is on January 3rd, so I am a Capricorn).

5. Febrero es mi mes de cumpleaños

If someone asks you “when is your birthday” in Spanish, this is one way to respond. “Febrero” is Spanish for February, “mi” is Spanish for “my”, “El compleanos” is birthday, and “El mes” is “month.”

With this response you let the person know the month of the birthday straight away. Granted, this is a mouthful. But with practice you can say this in Spanish.

But of course, just knowing what the other person is saying is enough to keep the conversation going. You can just go ahead and reply in English as shown in the examples below:

  • October is the month of my birthday and my day is the 13th.
  • July is the month of my birthday and my day is the 20th.)
  • February is the month of my birthday and my day is the 4th.)

6. El 3 de abril es el día en que celebro mi cumpleaños.

In English, the above response means, “April 3 is the day I celebrate my birthday. “El Abril” is April in Spanish, “de” is the, “El dia” means day. “Celebra” means celebrate and of course, El compleanos means birthday. In your case you can remove the month and add what’s appropriate for you.

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Do this if you want to respond in Spanish. But if you want to stick to an English response here are some examples of sentences that might contain this phrase:

  • June 15th is the day that I celebrate my birthday.
  • August 5th is the day that I celebrate my birthday.
  • November 30th is the day that I celebrate my birthday.
  • January 1st is the day that I celebrate my birthday.
  • December 22nd is the day that I celebrate my birthday.

7. Mi cumpleaños en (insert date) es un momento emocionante para mí.

The above response means, my birthday which comes up on, (insert date), is an exciting time for me. “Emocionante” is Spanish for “exciting”.

This response is apt for when someone asks for information about when you’re celebrating your birthday. Now you may not want to reply in Spanish too especially if you have no proficiency in the language.

While another Spanish speaker would happily reply in Spanish, you can just reply in English. Getting to know some Spanish is in order so you can understand what the other person is saying.

Here are some examples of how to use the response in sentences:

  • My birthday is on January 10th and I am thrilled to celebrate it.
  • My birthday is on August 22nd and I am very excited to celebrate it.
  • My birthday is on July 1st and I am very thrilled to celebrate it.
  • My birthday is on March 6th and I am very thrilled to celebrate it.

8. Celebraré mi cumpleaños con amigos y familiares el (insert date)

If you are interested in speaking Spanish in return then you can respond with the above sentence. It means, “I will celebrate my birthday with friends and family on (insert date).”

Depending on the context you can respond this way, adding details about those who will celebrate with you, friends, and family.

These little details will surely delight your listener. You can even invite them to join the party if they are available.

Some of the words will strike you as familiar: celebrare is Spanish for celebrate, familiares is Spanish word for family.

And amigos is a Spanish word for friend. If you are a movie goer you would have heard the word amigo.

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Here are a few instances of how you might employ this phrase in conversation:

  • January 7th is when I celebrate my birthday with friends and family. Do you want to come to the party?”
  • My birthday is July 15th. So July 15th is when I celebrate my birthday with friends and family.”
  • “When is your birthday? December 5th is when I celebrate my birthday with friends and family.”

9. “Estaré celebrando mi cumpleaños el (insertar fecha) y será enorme.”

This response here means, “I’ll be celebrating my birthday on (insert date) and it will be huge.” This response adds context, adding some flavor to the conversation.

This response allows your listener to visualize what your birthday would be like. The Spanish word, “enorme” means huge in English.

Here are a few examples of sentences that incorporate this phrase:

  • My birthday is July 15th and it will be huge. Do you want to come?
  • My birthday is March 28th and I always celebrate it with a huge party. What gift do you suggest?

10. “El (insert date) es mi día de cumpleaños y espero que puedas venir a la fiesta que estoy planeando.”

The phrase above roughly translates to, “My birthday is (insert date) and I hope you’ll be able to attend the party I’m organizing.”

With this response you are not just informing the person about the birthday, you are also inviting him to attend.

Here are a few sentences that could employ this phrase:

  • “Hello! I wanted to remind you that next weekend is my birthday. Saturday is my birthday and I hope you can come to the party I am planning. I hope to see you there!”
  • “Hello friend! Do you have plans for the weekend of August 15th? August 15th is my birthday and I hope you can come to the party I am planning. It would be great to have you there!”

Final Thoughts

The Spanish language is lovely. After reading this article, you ought to be able to respond when someone asks, “When is your birthday?”

This list has presented the best responses you can give to this question. Being multilingual is something you may want to aim for.

This allows you to understand other languages and be able to give appropriate responses even if you can’t speak that language fluently.

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