20 Similar Phrases to “The Jig Is Up”

Have you ever been in a situation where someone tries to play a ploy on you and you got to know beforehand?

Presumably, you might’ve been in that situation and you expressed that you’re no longer prone to their trick by saying ‘the jig is up’.

While this phrase sounds pretty much cool, it has been used in a few instances making it less understandable for a lot of people.

This means you’ll need an alternative phrase to express the same feeling while still maintaining the same stance.

To find out more, keep reading on as I walk you through the jig is up similar phrases.

20 Similar Phrases for the Jig Is Up

Since we’re talking about a ruse that has been seen through, we’ll be considering a couple of terms that point in that direction.

The history of the term ‘jig’ dates back to the Elizabethan era when it was used to define some kind of dance in the courtyard.

But out on the streets, it meant another thing. It was slang for a practical joke or trick.

Therefore, ‘the jig is up’ means the joke has been revealed so much that it no longer wields the strength to fool or mislead anyone.

It will take technicality for you to figure out the right alternative phrase, although there are a few common ones.

Well, I’ve got you covered, because below is my best collection of 20 similar phrases to ‘the jig is up’.

  1. All is up with your plans
  2. All over and done with
  3. Be a goner
  4. End of the show
  5. It’s game over
  6. Don’t cry over spilled milk
  7. Your cover has been busted
  8. The game is up
  9. That’s all for
  10. I didn’t/won’t fall for that
  11. I’ve seen through you
  12. It’s gone goose with your plans
  13. Game is through
  14. Trick’s been discovered, and it’s really fun
  15. The scheme has been foiled
  16. No need; the tale has been told
  17. End of foolery
  18. It’s all up
  19. It’s domino with him
  20. I now know the illusions

All Is up with Your Plans

It is easily the first alternative phrase to ‘the jig is up’ in this list, and that’s because it comes with the easiest of words to memorize and understand.

When someone is “up”, that thing has come to an abrupt end. It has been vanquished, or better still, it has stopped existing.

As regards the bone of content, this phrase fits in very well as a replacement for the jig is up. It posits that the jig (trick) which is the person’s plan of foolery toward you has come to an end.

Whether or not it was busted by you or someone else is not the case, as the main thing is that you just confirmed that the hidden ploy is now in your knowledge.

All Over and Done With

Using plain words, this phrase only sends one message and that is; the ploy has been exposed.

Saying that something is ‘all over and done with’ means that it has either been revealed or finished. In that regard, we can presume that a trick that you discovered before it was pulled on you is already finished.

The only difference it has from actual instances is that it was finished even before the plotter thought of executing it.

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Be a Goner

Just as telling someone ‘be gone’, this phrase also does the work of ‘the jig is up’. This is because you’re now telling whoever it is that planned the ruse that they should stay away from you.

This is like finding out that you’ve been dating an infidel partner for 5 years, and you just found out even before they tried tricking you into believing it’s all a lie.

What do you do? You stay away from them and also make sure they do the same.

To get them out of your way, you can simply tell them ‘be a goner’ just as you can say ‘the jig is up’. It all means that their ploy to trick you into believing their story didn’t work out so they should ‘get lost’.

End of the Show

This phrase is another line that is similar to the jig is up. It would’ve been a huge show if the person who plans to trick you succeeds with their plan.

This is because your dignity and integrity as a person may be put to test and eventually debased if the plans had worked.

Since it didn’t pull through, then the show has ended. It ended before it even started and that’s a good one because everything you hold dear would’ve been at stake.

It’s Game Over

Similar Phrases to The Jig Is Up

Most tricks I know all come in the form of games. Most are riddled games and others come plain yet can pull your legs to a great extent.

Well, you got to know about the game before it was pulled on you, which also points to the fact that it is over…even before the person behind it pushes play to the whole event.

Its game over sounds relatively similar to ‘the jig is up’ and that makes it a good candidate if you’re considering a phrase that you can use as an alternative for ‘the jig is up’.

Don’t Cry Over Spilt Milk

This phrase means that you’re telling the person who plotted the tricks that they shouldn’t cry over ‘spilled milk’.

The spilled milk mentioned here is the secret of the trick which you have discovered.

Telling the person not to cry over their failed ruse is kind of a sarcastic way of informing them that you now know their ploy, therefore, there’s no need for them to try to trick you again.

I’m sure the person who you’ll say this will leave their mouth agape for some while in shock at the audacity in your voice.

This phrase also shows how smart you are for deciphering the ploy on time and debasing the person almost immediately.

These qualities make it proficient enough to be a similar phrase to ‘the jig is up’, and subsequently make it a viable alternative for it if need be.

Your Cover Has Been Busted

Indeed, it will be a case of busted cover if you get to find out that someone has an intending trick against you.

And it would have to be the person’s cover that was busted. In that sense, the person’s cover is the illusion that surrounds the ruse they intend to play on you.

Since you now know the details of their ploy, suffice it to say you’ve blown their cover.

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Picture a situation where someone plans to prank you in your apartment but you have access to security cameras on your phone and you were able to watch them set up their costume and all the other details on your device.

That right there is an intended trick that has been exposed because you’ve blown the person’s cover by seeing through their plan on your mobile device.

The Game Is Up

If you’re looking for a more street-like phrase that is similar to ‘the jig is up’, then you have it right here.

For what it’s worth, ‘the jig is up’ sounds too formal and intellectual, no wonder its origin can be traced back to the Elizabethan era when literature and formalities were seen as a prerequisite for a nobleman or woman.

But that narrative is different with this particular phrase, which sounds a bit loose and mainstream.

I bet you’ve heard people say this when they win a bet against someone. Well, this phrase also means that a person’s plans have been floored or better put, discovered.

Imagine a hide-and-seek game where a player tricks the other person on where they are by posing like a mannequin and then they’re seen by the person.

The one who found out the trick even before he was fooled by it is likely to say ‘the game is up’.

That’s All For

Another phrase similar to ‘the jig is up’ is this one right? It means that you show no sign of surprise to the person’s intending trick because you already know what it’s all about.

I Didn’t/Won’t Fall for That

How about we come out to sound somewhat plain and clearer? This line is a good alternative instead of saying ‘the jig is up’.

It means that I have an idea of what the person’s trick would be so you have a rather strong feeling that you won’t fall for any of that.

I’ve seen through You

Similar Phrases to The Jig Is Up

When you say that you’ve seen through someone, it means that you know something about the person which they haven’t mentioned to you.

It is more like saying, ‘I know what you’re thinking’. Trust me; you’ll have the person who’s plotting the trick thinking when they even told you about it or who blew their cover.

This phrase is quite intriguing, as you can make the person afraid of you for pulling that line of them.

It’s Gone Goose With Your Plans

Something that has ‘gone goose with’ is done and dotted. It is finished or even doomed. In that regard, you’re saying the person’s ploy is now doomed, meaning it can’t be effective on you again.

Game Is Through

When a game is through, that game is over. But in this scenario, the game was over even before it kicked off. This makes this phrase similar to ‘the jig is up’.

Trick’s been discovered, and it’s Really Fun

I used plain language on this phrase, and that makes it a good pick for similar phrases to ‘the jig is up’.

You’re simply asserting that you’ve disclosed the trick and it was fun while you did that.

The Scheme Has Been Foiled

As simple as it appears here; this phrase means that the person’s plan has failed. And it failed just because you found out about it. This is a straight-up phrase similar to ‘the jig is up’.

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No Need; Tale Has Been Told

There’s a bit of a show on how you got to know about the ruse in this phrase.

You tend to imply that there’s no need for the plotter to continue with their ploy because you’ve already been alerted through tale-telling.

End of Foolery

You’ll agree with me that it is a complete ploy of foolery when someone intends to trick you into something.

They’re just fooling with your mind by inducing you with some kind of illusion that clouds your normal judgment.

In most cases, the person behind the plan has an objective of making you look stupid after doing things in his or her bid just as they’ve thought out with their tricks on you.

Well, this phrase right here shows that you hesitate from being used as a pawn in the person’s little game of chess.

Saying ‘end of foolery’ indicates that you are now immune to the person’s plan of tricks probably because you now know what their plans look like.

It’s All Up

In the situation of an intending trick on you, simply saying ‘it’s all up’ is a quick way to debase the effort of the person who intends to run the ruse on you.

This is because this line sends a straight message that you now know the person’s ploy.

‘It’s all up’ means the plans are all over…and that would be because you have discovered them.

The angle from which this phrase sees the situation makes it a good replacement for ‘the jig is up’ because the former phrase shares a similarity with the latter one.

It’s Domino with Him

The domino effect refers to a situation where there’s an unpleasant outcome. Therefore, when you say ‘it’s domino with him’, you mean to say that the person’s plan to trick has ended badly.

And this would be possible because you already discovered it before it came to fruition.

I Now Know the Illusions

It is quite illusionary to be tricked because you’re plunged into a mental state that doesn’t seem clear from the get-go. It takes the ability to induce a fake illusion for you to put someone on a ruse.

So, when you discover the plan behind the intended trick, it is as good as you knowing the illusions that would’ve preceded if the trick pulled through.

All of these antics which I just deciphered are what make this line a viable phrase that is similar to ‘the jig is up’ and you can employ it as an alternative instead of saying the former phrase if the need be.


Finding similar phrases to any less-used phrases is a good way of making it easier for anyone to employ the alternative phrases in texts or speech without the fear of being misunderstood or less understood.

To curb the lack of clarity that would’ve ensued if you say ‘the jig is up’, I came up with a list of my best 20 phrases that can be used instead.

It’s left for you to pick a line in this list, and use it directly in your speech or text. You might want to kindly let us know your thoughts in the comment box below.

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