20 Appropriate Responses to “You’re Out of My League”

Love is a beautiful thing and everyone wants to feel among it. However, someone can tell you “You’re out of my league” when you try to instigate something between you two.

This shocking and hurtful proclamation can touch anybody, whether you’re a boy or a girl.

Unfortunately, my private research and study have shown that the guys are at better risk of getting this type of response from girls as they’re presumed to be the “hunters” in the dating pool.

If you get one of these as a response from a girl you like and you’re so hurt that all that comes to your mind is to reply to her, then you’re at the right place.

In this article, I’ll be discussing the 20 appropriate responses to “You’re out of my league”. Stay tuned!

How to Respond to “You’re Out of My League”

As a guy, knowing what to say and how to say it when a girl rejects you by saying “You’re out of my league” happens to be one of the best circumstances where having a comeback makes sense the most.

It doesn’t only save you from being tagged a nerd; it also shows that you’re not a duckling who would retreat after being rejected.

Some of the responses which you can throw in when someone says you are out of my league are; “it’s all in your head because cool leagues don’t let people like you get membership”, “I saw your league banner under the sea, don’t drown now too”, “well, I’m never without options”, and “trust me, you won’t be missed”.

Moving on, below is the highlight of the 20 appropriate responses to “You’re out of my league”. Let’s get into them right away.

  1. Oh! Your league of semi-halfwits?
  2. It’s a pity you didn’t make it into mine
  3. Your unrecognized league, yeah?
  4. I’m good enough to know that if there were to be a league of persons, then I’m on top of that
  5. It’s all in your head because cool leagues don’t let people like you get membership
  6. Thanks for showing me that it was going to be a vain emotional investment with you
  7. You scream… ‘insecurities’
  8. In my head, you’re not even in your presumed league
  9. If being goofy is your league, I’m glad I didn’t make it in
  10. It must be really lonely; on that team alone
  11. It has always been your loss
  12. This is much better, I was not going to put up with your awful attitude
  13. You sound too shallow, I’d rather stay off your league
  14. I saw your league banner under the sea, don’t drown now too
  15. Your mom approved my membership in her league
  16. Well, I’m never without options
  17. I wasn’t thinking of associating with a 2-digit IQ folks
  18. Trust me, you won’t be missed
  19. You need to redesign your league banner; it looks outdated
  20. Looks like you’ve mistaken me for someone who plays games like you
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1. Oh! You’re League of Semi-halfwits?

This is one of the responses on this list that will likely make the person who says to you “You’re out of my league” regret letting those words out of their mouths.

Here, you’re now referring to their presumed ‘league’ to be a league of semi-halfwits. This is a big laugh because even if the person wants to be something, they still can’t be whole in it.

2. It’s a Pity You didn’t Make It into Mine

Just as the person says you’re out of their league, you can as well serve them with their ingredients. To do so, you need a line of response like this one.

Here, you’re telling the person that it is a pity they didn’t also make it into your league. I’m sure they’ll understand that you’re in for no silly games when they hear this from you.

3. Your Unrecognized League, Yeah?

You can as well decimate the person who says to you “You’re out of my league” by using this line of response.

This response seeks to make the person understand that their presumed high league is unknown to you, hence, unrecognized.

While this may feel hurtful to them, you owe them no obligation of feeling remorseful.

4. I’m good enough to know that if there were to be a League of Persons, Then I’m on Top of That

When you’re looking for responses to “you’re out of my league”, you should go for lines that exalt you at all costs, especially at the cost of making the person at the receiving end feel dejected.

This will be the perfect payback because that is the same thing they’re trying to do by saying you’re out of their league.

5. It’s All in Your Head Because Cool Leagues don’t let people like You Get Membership

If you’re confident in yourself and what you can do, you’ll understand that any attempt of someone to demean you shouldn’t bother you because you have the upper hand.

However, when someone tries to make you feel less of yourself, you can put them in the right place by using this line of response.

This right here means that although the person has a league, it is not a cool league because you’re not part of it.

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6. Thanks for Showing Me That It Was Going to Be a Vain Emotional Investment with You

Sometimes, when a girl rejects you as a guy, the best option is to move on with your life and not persist.

The persistence leads to other things like depression, and even if she does accepts to date you, it is all in the name of pity.

Therefore, when a girl tells you that you’re out of her league, you should have this line as your response because it saves you from a lot of insults in the nearest future.

7. You Scream… ‘Insecurities’

Without a doubt, we can deduce that it will be the foremost work of being insecure for someone to tell you “You’re out of my league”.

The person is afraid that you could be too much for them to handle, hence, the need to tell you off.

If you feel uncomfortable with that, you can reply with this line.

8. In My Head, You’re Not Even in Your Presumed League

This response doesn’t need simplifying because it is well explained on its own. You’re just telling the person that you don’t find their name in the league of their presumption.

9. If Being Goofy Is Your League, I’m Glad I Didn’t Make It In

If you notice that the person who says you’re out of their league is goofy, you can reply to them with this line of response.

10. It Must Be Really Lonely; On That Team Alone

Here, you’re implying that the person who says you’re out of their league is likely there alone. So, this is you showing pity on them for being so lonely and embittered.

11. It Has Always Been Your Loss

Responses to You're Out of My League

There’s this unpopular opinion that is propagated by a lot of patriarchs, and without tagging with any school of thought, I’d like to borrow the saying that ‘man is the prize’.

You can leverage this to get your response when a girl says you’re out of her league.

12. This Is Much Better, I Was Not Going to Put Up With Your Awful Attitude

Sometimes, a bad remark about us helps us realize some things which we were blind to. This could be the case when someone says you’re out of their league.

In light of this, you can use this line to reply to the person and clear your mind.

13. You Sound Too Shallow, I’d Rather Stay off Your League

Shallowness is quite a bad character for someone to have. If you sense that the person who says that you’re out of their league is shallow in thoughts, you can use this line of response to school them properly.

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14. I Saw Your League Banner under the Sea, Don’t Drown Now Too

This is a funny response, and you can also employ it as a response to You’re out of my league.

15. Your Mom Approved My Membership in Her League

Now, you’re bringing the person’s mom to the subject. I know a lot of people have a love for their moms, so using this line would hurt them.

However, they’ll be facing the same thing you passed through in their hands.

16. Well, I’m Never without Options

If you want the person who said you’re out of their league to jitter, you can employ this line of response too.

17. I Wasn’t Thinking of Associating With a 2-Digit IQ Folks

In the calculation of IQ, the higher the number of digits the higher the IQ rate. To posit that the person who said you’re out of their league has only two digits, means they’re senseless to have said that to you.

18. Trust Me, You Won’t Be Missed

Responses to You're Out of My League

When someone says you’re not in their league, they’re saying that to make you feel less. However, you can tell them to look the other way because they won’t even be missed.

19. You Need to Redesign Your League Banner; It Looks Outdated

With this response, you tend to posit that the person who says you’re out of their league is outdated to have said that to you.

20. Looks like You’ve Mistaken Me for Someone Who Plays Games like You

First, some sort of games are played in most of the leagues around, so if the person says that you’re out of their league it means you’re not a player like them.

In light of that, you can use this line to let them know you care less.

Wrapping Up

One of the foremost intents, when someone says you’re out of their league, is to make you doubt your authenticity.

Nonetheless, you shouldn’t pay heed to any of their actions because they amount to nothing. I say this because, with the right line of response, you can bounce back from any kind of emotional blackmail.

In this article, I’ve discussed the responses to “You’re out of my league”. Consequently, do well to discretely apply the replies in this post.

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