30 Best Responses to “Sounds like a Plan”

I always felt that some of the meaning of things in the English language goes for their literal meaning.

Well, that was the case of my presumption until someone said ‘sounds like a plan’ after I just told them I want to go grab a cup of coffee and eat some burger afterward.

I was perplexed because I didn’t tell him that I’m planning to build a castle, so where is the ‘plan’ coming from?

You might be in the same state of confusion. If so, then I’m humbly at your rescue. In this article, I will be walking you through what it means when someone says sounds like a plan and plausible responses to such idiomatic expressions. Keep reading on!

What Does Sounds Like a Plan Mean?

What comes to your mind when someone says sounds like a plan? Do you see it as a form of accolade or do you just go blank with thoughts of what to think?

However, ‘sounds like a plan’ is an idiomatic expression that means an agreement over a proposal or suggestion.

Moving on, the phrase “Sounds like a plan” is an informal way of saying ‘we can work with this’ or ‘we can do with this’.

Usually notified with the AmE sign in some encyclopedia, sounds like a plan is undoubtedly mostly used in American societies.

30 Best Ways to Respond to Sounds like a Plan

Here are the best 30 replies to sounds like a plan.

  1. I knew you would concur
  2. I’m as elated as you are
  3. I thought very hard about it, you know
  4. Funnily enough, it didn’t just come by easily
  5. Do you have any other plans in place?
  6. What do you mean by that?
  7. I hope it works out as believed
  8. Don’t try messing it up
  9. Yes, it does. Except, I won’t be taking you on it
  10. I’m very positive about it
  11. You have to bring on your best form
  12. And it’s just between the two of us
  13. It doesn’t just end there, you should add up to it
  14. I had a strong conviction it will mature
  15. You don’t have to say
  16. I know, right?
  17. Give me my accolades already
  18. But there’s an exception
  19. So, what’s your budget?
  20. For the record, it wasn’t my idea
  21. Let’s freaking get this done already
  22. Believing in the process; that’s all we need
  23. To crown it all, we have all the time in the world to get it done
  24. What would you have done without me
  25. Actions speak louder than words
  26. I like how you never get things twisted
  27. Stay positive always, that’s the code
  28. You don’t have a choice, nor do you?
  29. Glad you can come to terms with me
  30. Be my guest

I Knew You Would Concur

As you must know, I’m creative and it comes with a lot of building and mental structuring processes. When I come up with any plan and relate it to someone, I usually get ratings that sound like a plan.

When they do, guess what becomes my response after hearing such a warming remark… I’ve often seen myself saying I knew you would agree or concur.

Whichever way it is, you can’t deny that this response does magic in making sure that you send back a positive reaction to the person who had said to you ‘sounds like a plan’.

I’m as elated as you are

When I come up with a new project strategy, I usually have this untold joy in my heart and it is fueled by the windmill of fulfillment for a successful creative process.

Therefore, when I relate my idea to the convener of the project and their remark is ‘sounds like a plan’, my joy is made fuller.

Out of this joy, I’m often left with replying as I feel inside. That would be when I can say that I’m elated or happy as the person is. You might ask, how do I know the person is happy?

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The thing is, a client who isn’t satisfied with your work won’t tell you it sounds like a plan. If you’re looking out for the same phrase or line that would help you voice out your emotions then you shouldn’t skip this for anything else.

I Thought Very Hard About It, You Know

Responses to Sounds like a Plan

I don’t miss out on giving myself accolades for a job well done, and you shouldn’t sleep on that too. What does it add to my life, you might ask? The answer to that would be “confidence”.

Giving you some credit for a good delivery boosts your image and confidence. It is even a motivating factor to do more.

Perhaps, you just finished a project and had just done a presentation on it. And you probably got ‘sounds like a plan’ as a remark from the supervisor, you can reply by saying the above-mentioned line.

It shows you’re resourceful and you also acknowledge the fact that you’re resourceful.

Funnily enough, It Didn’t Just Come By Easily

Since you’re giving yourself the accolade you deserve, don’t forget to mention how the thought process came to life.

While explaining any of my moves to one of my bosses, I make sure not to take out the fact that the seed thoughts that brought about the whole beautiful project didn’t just appear from the fog on the morning dew.

And in all my years of doing this, it has done more good than harm to me. While some persons see it as an unnecessary detail, others see it as a mode of edification.

By edifying, I mean it helps in adding value to my work as it is probably a gem to come by easily.

Do You Have Any Other Plans in Place?

I’m an all-inclusive type of person, and even while walking people through things they need to do or say, I also like exploring beyond the regular.

On that note, it will interest you to know that asking questions as a response to sounds like a plan, is not entirely a bad move.

Why’s that, you may likely ask? The reason is that it opens new windows of realization. There are things you’ll likely get more insights into whenever you ask questions…the right questions to be precise.

So, when you get the remark of sounds like a plan, after presenting an idea to someone, you shouldn’t fail to ask if they have any other thing to add. This makes for a more participatory partnership than one-sided work from you.

What Do You Mean by That?

Responses to Sounds like a Plan

This question looks unnecessary to be used for a response when someone acknowledges your idea by saying sounds like a plan. And this is because the person may assume you already know what he or she means.

But in the case of confusion, you are not forbidden from asking questions, no matter how stupid they may sound.

So, you can use the above line of the question as a viable response to sounds like a plan. At least, it could avail you a chance of getting to know exactly what the person means, as they may not be particularly saying “let’s do this”.

I Hope It Works Out as I Believed

After a successful project or idea presentation, and you get a remark that sounds like a plan, it shows that there are plans to further with the idea or suggestion.

At that moment, the best natural response would be to show positivity toward the success of the project, whatever it may be.

Consequently, that’s what this line of response seeks to achieve as you’re trying to convey your optimism through it.

Don’t Try Messing It Up

Even after acknowledging the possibility of a plan becoming fruitful, some folks still want to make it hard to get achieved. At that point, you need to come in and make things right by using this line of response.

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Yes, It Does. Except, I Won’t Be Taking You on It

This response has to be the smoothest one on this list because it comes off as plain and blunt. You’re simply telling the person who’s saying ‘let’ do this’ that you’re not going to take them on the project.

I’m Very Positive About It

When somebody says to you ‘sounds like a plan’ and it means ‘let’s do this’; you have to show the energy you’re operating on.

I don’t just walk into a fight unprepared mentally, because I’m going to lose out on that. So, proclaiming that you’re positive about the journey is a good response and start.

You Have to Bring On Your Best Form

One way I have scaled through difficult times is by telling myself that it will be hard. Nothing good comes easy, else it is not going to last.

Hence, in the case of a good response, you can tell the other person to come to the game with their best form because it will test you guys.

And It’s Just between the Two of Us

After telling someone about something of importance and they say sounds like a plan…you have the responsibility of telling them that it’s confidential. This way, you protect your interest and theirs.

It Doesn’t Just End There, You Should Add Up to It

I would always reiterate the essence of having more ideas on the table than having just one. If you’re about the same energy, then you have to understand why you need to implement this particular response.

I Had a Strong a Conviction It Will Mature

Most times, the thoughts in my head do not live to the light of the day and when that happens I feel bad. But each time I get them out of my head and elaborate them to people, I always get nice remarks.

I hear things like sounds like a plan, and I don’t forget to mention the above line as the response. You too can jump on that.

You Don’t Have to Say

If you already know that what you told the person who said ‘sounds like a plan’, you don’t have to let them keep repeating it. Simply saying this response saves you the stress.

I Know, Right?

Just like the previous point of response, you can also use this to show that you’re in the know of the person’s comments already.

Give Me My Accolades Already

You have your right to demand you get your accolades for pulling up a great intellectual asset that you just communicated to the person who said ‘sounds like a plan’.

But there’s an Exception

Life in its totality is a façade, so there’s always room for exceptions. And no one will do that for you if you don’t step up to it. Using this line of response, you’re a step towards achieving that.

So, What’s Your Budget?

Responses to Sounds like a Plan

Let’s assume you told someone of the best way you can help drive their traffic online for his website, and he or she says that sounds like a plan.

The next thing would be to discuss the cost of rendering your services, wouldn’t it be so? This response is your meal ticket to securing that job and cashing in on it.

For the Record, It Wasn’t My Idea

Allocating credits to other contributors to a plan is a good idea for you to follow suit with. It brings you more dignity than letdown and that’s what this line of response avails you.

Let’s Freaking Get This Done Already

For every plan or blueprint, there is a motivating factor that puts the work into the field. In this case, what you need to get started is a call to action. You don’t have to look far because this response is all you need.

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Believing in the Process; that’s all we need

Being optimistic is a hard virtue to wield, especially when all odds point towards the impossible. I have met so many dead ends but it didn’t stop me from thriving further. However, you’ll need a reply like this one to stay in sync with positivity regarding the plan.

To Crown It All, We Have All the Time in the World to Get It Done

I do joke with time sometimes, but that doesn’t mean I don’t get the task done or sorted out. I see it as my little instability which can be resolved.

This response goes a lot of ways. It could be just grabbing a mac and cheese with a friend for lunch or just coffee.

Whatever it may be that you’ve suggested to your friend prompting him or her to say ‘sounds like a plan’ can be replied with this line.

What Would You Have Done Without Me?

Are you looking for a hard rhetoric question to pose as a response to someone who says ‘sounds like a plan’? if so, then you have it right here.

You’re asking the person what they would’ve done if you hadn’t brought the smart idea which made them make the statement.

Actions Speak Louder Than Words

If you’re out for a subtle way of telling the person who said ‘sounds like a plan’ that they have to put in the work. Then you should jump on this line.

I Like How You Never Get Things Twisted

Getting things twisted doesn’t mean growth. It compromises the idea of ‘let’s do this’ which is conveyed by the phrase ‘sounds like a plan’. So, you might want to mention it as a response.

Stay Positive Always, That’s the Code

Just like the previous response, you might also want to use this as a response if you don’t mind because I don’t mind. It is more like a mantra than a response and it hints at the need to stay positive, always.

You Don’t Have a Choice, nor Do You?

If the person you told about your ideas and comments you by saying ‘sounds like a plan’ is actually out of options before you came through, you can use this as a response.

Meanwhile, you should make sure the person in question is a friend or at least an acquaintance because the response doesn’t sound formal in any way.

Glad You Can Come to Terms with Me

When someone says ‘sounds like a plan’, it doesn’t only mean they are out to work with you but also indicates their support and alliance with you.

If that wasn’t the case at other times, you can use this line to relive the person’s memory of either writing you off or not believing in your dreams.

Be My Guest

There is not much word to this last but not the least response. It is just a welcome phrase to the quest which the utter of ‘sounds like a plan’ has agreed to.


The energy of ‘let’s get this done already’ which lives in the phrase ‘sounds like a plan’ makes it a good pick for optimistic replies. On that note, I have done a great job in presenting my best 30 collections of responses to sounds like a plan.

Well before that, I already explained what the phrase means.

You might want to pick your best phrasal response from the list based on how you perceive the line ‘sounds like a plan. Don’t forget to drop your reactions in the comment box below.

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