10 Ways to Politely Ask for Money from Co-workers for a Retirement Gift

Retirement gifts are a great way to show love and support to a retired co-worker that’s leaving an establishment.

However, if you’ve been placed in charge of getting the gift, how do you get the contributions for that? How do you ask your co-workers for money without breathing down anyone’s neck?

Don’t worry, there are countless ways you can pitch your request without sounding rude or coming off the wrong way. In this article, I’ll be discussing 10 polite ways to as for money from co-workers for a retirement gift.

How to Ask for Money from Co-workers for a Retirement Gift

There are different ways you can politely ask your co-workers for a retirement gift. First, you must check the company’s policy on gifting. You can then form a committee and discuss what type of gift to get.

Also, you can send your request via email or meet your coworkers in person while still looking for suggestions for a gift.

Below, I’ll explain in detail 10 ways to ask coworkers for money for a retirement gift.

Check the Company’s Policy on Gifts

Government and some private organizations have policies guiding gifting; whether a birthday, farewell, or retirement gift.

Some of these firms may be very strict about how much you can request from co-workers. So, to be on the safe side, visit the company’s policy again or check with HR on how you can go about it.

This guide can aid in your planning, making it easier to raise the money more quickly.

Form a Committee

While it isn’t compulsory to have a committee, you can form one to make planning easier.

Some firms may have a committee in place from the onset, which makes it all the easier. And if you’ve been placed in charge, you can fall back on the committee if there’s one, or form yours.

With the committee, you can discuss the type of gift and how much to task co-workers. Also, you can appoint those to go to the market and to meet with co-workers in person when necessary.

So, having a committee can help raise the money more quickly.

Discuss a Gift

With your committee, you can discuss the type of gift you can get the retiring coworker.

Having two or more people have a say on the type of gift to get is better. It’ll provide a wide range of options, helping you get the best gift.

Also, you should have an exact amount in mind before tasking your co-workers. With your committee, you should discuss the amount that’ll be used to purchase the gift before looking at things you can buy that won’t be more than the specified amount.

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Also, have in mind the number of people that’d be contributing and their capability, so you don’t task them above their capacity.

Make Your Request Through Email

If you’ve decided on the amount to ask your coworkers, the next step is to request the contributions.

Making your request through email makes it easier to get the message across to your co-workers without having to meet them in person.

Also, it makes it easier and quicker to send messages to a large number of people. Ensure you’re polite and straightforward.

Here’s an example of emails you can send to your co-workers to ask for a retirement gift:

Hi Co-workers,
Our friend and colleague, Gabriel, is retiring in a few weeks. We’re planning a farewell party for him and will also be getting him a gift. To this effect, we’re contributing $10 each to help get him something wonderful. You can send your contributions via…
Hello Colleagues,
Our dear boss, Prisca, is retiring next month. While we’re sad to see her go, we’re excited to present her with a gift to say thank you for all she’s done for us. This is a surprise arrangement, so you can send in whatever you’ve via…
Hello Co-workers,
We’re planning a little celebration for Jude to mark his upcoming retirement next Friday. We’re planning to get him a ticket to the “Angel’s Concert” that same weekend. On this note, we’re to contribute $5- $10. Kindly send in your contribution to my office. You can drop it off with my secretary if I’m not on seat.
Dear Colleagues,
Our friend and colleague, Santos, is retiring next month. It’s sad to see him go, but we want to make that day memorable for him and for us too. On that note, we’ll be having a small celebration and also getting him a present to say thank you for all he has done for us here. We’re asking all of us to contribute whatever we’ve, to make it a success. Kindly, send in your support via…
Hello Co-workers,
We’ll be having a small gathering next week to celebrate one of us who’s retiring and leaving us next week Thursday. Landon has been a great part of this organization. And while we’re sad to see him go, we’re excited he has a new life waiting for him. Also, we’re planning to get him a gift to always remind him of us here. We’re contributing $7 each. Send in yours as soon as you can to help us plan well.

Ask Co-workers for Suggestions on the Gift You Can Get

If you don’t have a committee in place and you’re finding it hard to come up with the type of gift to get your retiring colleague, you can ask your co-workers for a suggestion.

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Asking for their opinion will involve them in the process and also help you in getting the best gift.

Also, you can make this request to them in person or while sending them an email. In addition, keep in mind the amount you’d be spending and let them know in the message.

Ask in Person

If you don’t want to make your request through email, you can ask your colleagues in person to contribute.

Although asking them directly for a contribution can be awkward, it can be very effective in getting them to cooperate.

When placed in an awkward position, your colleagues may find it hard to say no.  So, try this tactic instead of sending them messages via email if you’ve got a committee that can assist you, or if it’s a small firm that you can easily go around.

Also, make your request polite and straightforward while conversing with them to help them understand what they’re contributing.

 Here are examples to guide you:

  • We’re getting Mark a gift to Mark his retirement. Would you be okay with contributing $6 to that effect?
  • We’re getting Gabriel a ticket to his favorite TV show this weekend as a retirement present. While there’s no obligation to contribute, I wanted to check and see if you’ve something to that effect
  • Since our boss is retiring, we’re planning a farewell party for him. We’re planning to get him a gift. Would you be okay contributing any amount? Also, you can suggest what we can get him for $300.

Set a Deadline

While you don’t want to pressure your co-workers, setting a deadline is important to be successful. Don’t sound like they’ve to give you the money immediately, but make them know when you’ll be needing their contribution.

This step will enable you to have enough time to plan and execute your plan successfully.

You might say:

  • I know things can get very tight here, but I’d appreciate it if I received your contribution by month’s end
  • Could you send in your contribution by the weekend? This will enable us to plan effectively
  • It would be nice if you brought in your contribution by the 15th. Feel free to drop it on my table or with my secretary if you can’t find me on the seat

Be Understanding

Be understanding when your co-workers can’t make contributions. Make them understand that their contributions are very appreciated, but it’s okay when they can’t spare something at the moment.

Sometimes things can get tough and not everyone would be willing to spare a few dollars at that moment.

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You could say something like:

  • It has been a tough year, so I understand if you can’t make any contributions now
  • All contributions are highly appreciated, but I understand if you can’t make one now.

Send a Reminder Email

If after your first email or meeting with your colleague in person and some haven’t made contributions yet, send a reminder email to them.

It could be that they forgot. So, a reminder email will hasten things up. However, if you’d be sending a group email, appreciate those who’ve contributed and gently remind others who haven’t without mentioning anyone’s name.

Moreover, a reminder email will work better instead of meeting with those who haven’t contributed in person. That’s not to say you can’t meet anyone in person to remind them.

Here are samples to guide you:

Hello Colleagues,
I hope you’re having a great day. This is a gentle reminder that Paul’s retirement is in a week and we haven’t met our target. Kindly send in your contribution of $12 as soon as you can to help us plan well
Dear Colleagues,
I want to appreciate those who’ve responded in light of Mary’s retirement gift. However, we’re still in need of donations to help us meet our target. Kindly drop yours on my desk if you haven’t. Thanks and have a great day
Hi Co-workers,
Concerning Lucy’s retirement party this Friday, we’re yet to get your response on the contribution for a retirement present. We’re still soliciting your help with any amount. Kindly drop in yours on my table or with my secretary

Check in with Co-workers if you Haven’t Met the Target

You can meet up with a few of your colleagues if you’re short of the amount you need. This situation can happen anytime and it’s not out of place to meet up with a few reliable colleagues who wouldn’t mind chipping in a few extra dollars.

You could say something like: 

  • Hi Faith, sorry to bother you. We haven’t met the target for Mary’s retirement gift. Do you mind contributing a little more?
  • Hello Sam, we were able to come up with $20 for Stephen’s retirement gift. Would you be comfortable sending a little extra?

End Note

Asking coworkers for money for a retirement gift isn’t rocket science. However, if it’s your first time you may find it hard to come up with polite ways to handle this task.

This article has helped with different ways and steps you can ask your colleagues for money for retirement gifts without coming off the wrong way.

So, feel free to appropriately employ the steps above to get a retirement gift for your colleague.

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