20 Phrases Like “Break a Leg”

Idioms are wonderful expressions that convey great messages with hidden meanings. It’s a fun way to communicate in English.

For example, “break a leg” is an example of an idiom, and it definitely doesn’t mean you should break a leg in the literal sense.

So, if you’re wondering what this expression means and other alternative phrases you can use, you don’t have to worry.

Fortunately, in this article, I’ll walk you through alternative phrases you can use instead of “break a leg.” In the end, you’ll know the meaning of this expression.

What Is the Meaning of “Break a Leg?”

“Break a leg” is an idiomatic statement that means “good luck.” This odd expression is an archaic term that started in the early days of stage drama and performance.

However, it’s now a popular phrase that’s used outside the theatre world to wish someone success in whatever they want to engage in.

When you say “break a leg to someone,” you aren’t wishing them bad as it sounds. Conversely, you’re telling them to go and do well.

There are countless ideas behind this expression. For instance, there’s a belief that a great performance would cause at least a chair leg to break. Hence, “break a leg” means to have a great show.

Also, a superstition held that if you want something, you should wish for the opposite. So, when performers wanted a great show, they wished for a bad outcome like breaking a leg.

Therefore, “break a leg” means wishing someone well in any event or engagement.

20 Alternatives to the Phrase, “Break a Leg”

There are numerous alternatives to the phrase, “break a leg.” You can wish someone success in several ways including: “good luck,” “have a great show,” “best wishes,” and many beautiful expressions.

That being said, here are 20 alternatives to the phrase, “break a leg.”

  1. Good luck
  2. Best Wishes
  3. Best of luck
  4. Loads of luck
  5. Have a great show
  6. Success all the way
  7. I wish you success
  8. All the best
  9. Bring home the trophy
  10. Blow them away
  11. Go forth and conquer
  12. Knock them dead
  13. Godspeed
  14. May fortune smile on you
  15. Hit the jackpot
  16. You will do well
  17. Get the prize
  18. You’ve got all it takes
  19. Shine bright
  20. Go and win

Good Luck

“Good luck” is one of the commonest expressions used to wish someone to do well on any occasion.

It’s an everyday phrase that’s a good alternative to “break a leg. If you think someone won’t understand the expression, “break a leg,” use “good luck ” instead to make your good wishes clear.

When you wish someone “good luck,” you’re hoping they won’t only succeed by their efforts, but also wishing good fortune upon them.

So, wishing someone “good luck” comes from caring. Although it is also a polite thing to say to someone who’s about to write an exam or go for an interview, whether you know them or not.

However, you should always wish your loved ones good fortune in anything that concerns them.

Best Wishes

“Best wishes” is another wonderful way to wish someone well on any occasion.

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You can use this phrase instead of “break a leg” when you wish for someone to succeed in whatever they’re set to do.

This statement clearly wishes them to perform excellently. Whether it’s an exam, a project, or an event, when you say “best wishes to them,” it shows your thoughts about them.

Best of Luck

“Best of luck ” is another expression to use when you want someone to be successful.

This is a kind of prayer people say to their loved ones or colleagues when they’re about to engage in anything.

It’s a simple way of showing your love and concern and wishing them well in their pursuit. Also, you can use this phrase with someone you’re just meeting as a polite way of showing care.

For instance, a stranger you met just before they go for a performance or a test, you can tell them “best of luck” as a polite way of conversing and showing care.

Loads of Luck

This is another expression that means the same as above. It’s a good way of replacing the expression, “break a leg.”

When you want someone to come out successful in their task, be it an exam or a show, saying loads of luck show your goodwill towards them.

The “loads” here emphasize how badly you want them to do a great performance. So, you can always use this phrase with people you care about. And it’s a casual and kind way to converse with anyone.

Have a Great Show

Here’s a straightforward way of wishing someone well just before they go for their performance.

If it’s the case that someone is about to perform to an audience, either as a musician or any stage performer, this statement is appropriate to use.

Telling them to have a great show, indicates that you want the event to be successful. So, it’s a good alternative to “break a leg” and a cool way of saying a prayer for someone.

Success All the Way

Here’s another expression to use when you want someone to succeed in a task they’re about to perform.

Whether, it’s an exam, an interview, a competition, or a show, this phrase wishes that they succeed from the beginning to the end.

Also, it shows your good thoughts about them, and it’s a short prayer you can say for your loved ones just before they go in for their event.

So, this is a good phrase that can replace “break a leg.”

I Wish You Success

Phrases Like Break a Leg

Wishing someone success is a natural thing to do when one is about going for something important.

“I wish you success” is a common goodwill message people use when they want to wish their friends or colleagues well on their important day.

So, this is a lovely thing to say to your doctor friend before he goes in to perform surgery or to someone before he goes in for an exam.

All the Best

“All the best” is another great phrase to use with someone about engaging in something important.

When your friend is about to go in for an operation, this phrase is proper to use. When your colleague is about to answer a query from the boss, this expression will also suffice.

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So, when you’ve someone going in for something that they depend on to be successful, this is an appropriate expression to use with them.

It’s a good way of expressing your concern and goodwill and prayers for them.

Bring Home the Trophy

This is another wonderful phrase that you can use to replace “break a leg.”

Also, this is an appropriate expression to use when someone is going for something that has a price.

For instance, if it’s the case that your friend is going to a competition, this expression shows you wish for them to emerge a winner.

Also, if it’s a job hunt, you can use the phrase to show you want them to come back with a job. So, this is an adequate expression to use with someone who’s going for an engagement that comes with a reward or prize.

Phrases Like Break a Leg

Blow Them Away

“Blow them away” is another way you can tell someone to go out and succeed. This is an alternative to “break a leg,” as you can use it to tell someone to amaze the audience with their performance.

For instance, it’s a useful expression when someone is about to go for a performance in front of onlookers. Also, you can use it with someone going for an interview.

The phrase shows you want them to impress the judges, audience, or panels so that it’ll favor them in the end.

So, this is a good way of wishing someone well or wishing them an impressive performance.

Go Forth and Conquer

This is another wonderful way to wish someone well. “Go forth and conquer” is a beautiful expression you can use to replace “break a leg.”

In addition, this phrase is a declaration of goodwill to someone who’s set out to win a competition or to perform a function.

So, you can use this phrase to wish them success, and also let them know you’ve good thoughts about them.

Therefore, don’t hesitate to use this expression with someone you want to succeed.

Knock Them Dead

“Knock them dead” is another idiomatic expression that can rightly replace, “break a leg.”

Just like “break a leg” and other idioms, “knock them dead” is a saying that isn’t used literally. In this case, when you tell someone to knock them dead, you’re telling them to do well and greatly impress their audience.

It’s an expression of goodwill, just like “blow them away,” when you tell someone to perform greatly in whatever function they’re set out for.

Phrases Like Break a Leg


“Godspeed” is another term that you can use to express your good wishes to someone.

This expression is usually used when someone is traveling or when parting from someone to send them your good thoughts and wish them well.

However, you can use this word on someone embarking on a task to wish them success. It’s just like saying, “God be with you.” So, this is a good expression that you can use to replace “break a leg.”

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May Fortune Smile on You

“May fortune smile on you” is a prayer of goodwill you can say to someone going for something that’ll mean a lot to them.

When you pray that fortune should smile on someone, you’re wishing that they come out successful in whatever they’re doing.

Also, it’s another way of wishing them good luck, hoping they will be favored. So, this phrase is a good alternative to “break a leg.”

Phrases Like Break a Leg

Hit the Jackpot

When someone hits the jackpot, it means they’ve won a big prize, usually an unexpected one.

Using this expression, you’re telling them to ensure they do well, or be lucky and win the reward. So, it’s a good way of replacing “break a leg.”

You Will Do Well

“You will do well” is another way of telling someone to “break a leg.” Here’s a wonderful expression to use when you want to wish someone success in whatever they want to engage in.

Also, you can use this phrase when you want to reassure someone of their victory. It isn’t that you’ve seen the result, but it’s a good expression you can use to encourage someone to have confidence in themselves and their victory.

Get the Prize

This is another way you can tell someone to “break a leg” when they’re about to go to a competition or any occasion that requires them to be successful.

“Get the prize” here tells them to go and perform well and come out the best. It’s a good way of motivating someone to put in their best, so they can come out victorious.

You’ve Got All It Takes

Here, you’re encouraging someone to believe in themselves. This expression is a wonderful way of wishing someone well when they’re about to embark on a task.

Not only does this statement express your good wishes for them, but it’ll also motivate them to have more confidence in coming out successful.

Shine Bright

“Shine bright” is another good phrase you can use to wish someone well when they set out to perform a task.

It’s a cool and straightforward way of telling someone to go out and do a good job. It’s a wonderful expression you can use instead of “break a leg.”

Go and Win

“Go and win” is another phrase you can use to wish someone well. It’s an expression that shows your good thoughts about someone.

Whether, they’re set out for an exam, an interview, or a competition, this expression is appropriate to use when you wish that they succeed.

Final Words

To “break a leg” mean to perform greatly. So, when you tell someone to break a leg, you’re wishing them success in whatever they’re set out to do.

There are countless expressions you can also use to express your good wishes for someone.

The above are good examples to choose from but aren’t limited to that. Therefore, you can always add other phrases that mean well to people.

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