How to Respond to “No Cap” | 15 Best Responses

What exactly does “No Cap” mean? No cap is slang that means “no lies”, it also means “for reals”. This is a way of saying that the person is not lying.

It is often used in conversations among friends or mostly while texting on social media. You can use it to let someone know that you are not lying or that what you are saying is the truth.

When next you are in a conversation with your friends and they do not believe what you are saying, you can simply emphasize by saying “no cap”.

That way, they would understand that you are telling the truth and they will tend to believe you.

If you are in a situation where someone told you no cap and you are not sure how to reply, these replies that I have written in this article will help you to know the best type of responses that you can give.

15 Best Responses to “No Cap”

How to Respond to "No Cap"

  1. That’s right
  2. You are on point
  3. You seem to say the truth always
  4. How sure are you?
  5. I don’t believe you
  6. If you say so
  7. Let me believe you
  8. I will give you the benefit of doubt
  9. Sorry, I can’t believe you, you tell lies a lot
  10.  I will only believe you’re not capping when I see it
  11.  You have a track record of honesty, so I believe you
  12. Nobody likes being lied to
  13. Even if you are not capping, no one will believe you
  14. If it happens to be a lie, I’m sure you know the consequences
  15. People tend to believe everything you say, how do you do it?

That’s right

If the person says No Cap, and you are sure that what the person is saying is true and he is right, you can simply reply by saying “that’s right”.

That way, the person understands that you understand that what he is saying is true and you believe him.

You are on point

This is a way of saying that the person is on point. That way, you believe the person, and the person is known for saying things that matter and are on point.

This is another way of saying that you believe the person. This is. Simple reply that is easy to understand.

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You seem to say the truth always

This is a reply you can give if that person is known for saying the truth all the time. It could be others that could confirm it, or if you know the person, you should be able to confirm it yourself.

If it happens that the person tells the truth a lot, you can go ahead to let him know in this reply. That way you are indirectly telling him that what he says is true, and he understands that you believe him even if you did not say it directly.

How sure are you?

This shows that you do not believe the person and you would like to know if the person is sure about what he is saying.

When you ask the person how sure he is, you will be able to tell from his response. This is a good reply that you can give. It will help the person to filter what he says and not say things that he is not sure of.

I don’t believe you

This is a reply you can give when you are sure that the person is not saying the truth.

Even after he says no cap, you can go ahead to tell him that you do not believe him because you know he is not telling the truth.

That way, he knows that he will no longer be able to deceive people or even lie to them even after saying no cap. This reply will also help you know if the person is saying the truth or not.

If you say so

This is a neutral answer that you have. You neither believe nor doubt the person, that is why you said so.

If the person said no cap and you are not sure if you are to believe the person or not, simply tell him if you say so.

That way, you are not revealing if you believe him or not, it is like you are neutral.

Let me believe you

This is a reply telling the person that you just want to believe him. It could be that you just want to believe him because other people barely believe him and you want to be the first person to because you trust him.

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This reply will in some way give the person confidence and allow him to say the truth even when others do not believe him.

I will give you the benefit of doubt

If you give someone the benefit of doubt, you pretend that you believe the person or that they know that what he is saying is true even when you are not sure of it.

In a situation like this, you only want to test if the person says the truth. After giving him the benefit of doubt you discover that he is saying the truth. If he was telling the truth, then you can begin to trust him.

Sorry, I can’t believe you, you tell lies a lot

This is a reply you can give if you notice that the person tells a lot of lies and there is nothing the person can say for you to believe.

If he says no cap, simply tell him that you can’t believe him because he tells a lot of lies. That way, he will understand the gravity of what he has done.

I will only believe you’re not capping when I see it

This reply says that you will only believe the person if you see the evidence. When the person tells you no cap, it is not enough for you to believe, you still want to see with your eyes for you to believe.

That way, the person will have to show you proof that he is not capping since that is the only way you will be able to believe him.

You have a track record of honesty, so I believe you

This shows that the person says the truth a lot and he also has a track record of telling the truth in the past.

That way, you can easily believe the person without any atom of doubt. This way, when the person tells you no cap, you will easily believe him.

Nobody likes being lied to

This is a reply telling the person that nobody likes being lied to and it will be better if he tells you the truth.

That way he is trying to tell lies because you have told him that nobody likes being lied to, and he will be compelled to not lie to you.

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The moment he tells you no cap, you may believe him.

Even if you are not capping, no one will believe you

This could be because this person has told so many lies to the extent that even if he is telling the truth no one will still believe him.

When he says, no cap, tell him that no one will believe him even if he is not capping, this shows his terrible track record of lies in the past. It has come back to haunt him.

If it happens to be a lie, I’m sure you know the consequences

This way you are threatening the person in a way to make sure that he is telling the truth. When he says no cap, you are expected to believe that he is telling the truth.

If he says no cap, tell him that there are consequences if what he says happens to be a lie, let him know of these consequences. That way, he will be compelled to say the truth.

People tend to believe everything you say, how do you do it?

This is a way of telling the person that people tend to believe him a lot. In this reply, you are asking him how he is able to make people believe him.

Not everyone has this ability, that is why it is important you ask him so that he can let you know. When he tells you, you will have a clearer picture of how he does it to make people believe what he says.

Summing Up

Whichever reply you choose to use works, you can also use replies based on if you know that person is telling lies or not.

If you happen to be in a situation where someone tells you no cap and you have no idea what to reply, simply make use of any of these replies, it makes it easier for you. You do not need to think too much about what to say.

These replies will also help you know when the person is saying the truth or not. It works all the time.

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