How to Respond to “Patience Is a Virtue” | 18 Great Responses

This is definitely the umpteenth time you are hearing – or reading – this clause and you probably have no idea what it means. The meaning is quite simple.

Virtually everyone knows the meaning of the clause as I do but you should agree that it’s one of those clauses you don’t know how to respond to.

Yes. It’s just one of those clauses that sound quite awkward and a response can even be more awkward. When thinking of a response to this clause or anything said to you, you should consider the meaning first.

Meaning of Patience Is A Virtue

When you hear Patience is a virtue, a person is trying to tell you that Patience is not a trait possessed by everyone and it is a commendable quality in anyone who possesses it.

From the definition of Virtue, we can conclude that Patience is considered an act of discipline, and no one is born with it.

That is what the saying means. The meaning should make it less awkward to respond to. Maybe not. However, you only require a natural response, depending on how and when the clause is said to you.

18 Ways to Respond to Patience Is a Virtue

How to Respond to Patience Is a Virtue

  1. I completely agree. Patience is a virtue
  2. Being patient is important
  3. I’m working on myself.
  4. So what?
  5. Not me, though. I’ve been trying to change.
  6. I guess it’s worth it after all.
  7. Tell that to yourself.
  8. You know I didn’t have to wait this long.
  9. I’m not there yet.
  10. Did you just learn that?
  11. I learned that a long time ago.
  12. Not always. I don’t agree.
  13. With you, it’s just stupidity.
  14. Punctuality is a virtue too.
  15. Is that the point you are trying to prove?
  16. Why am I hearing that?
  17. It is. I don’t have it.
  18. Why don’t you enlighten me?

I completely agree. Patience is a virtue

The saying usually comes like an answer to a question you did not even think of asking. It is a message which you can choose to ignore.

You don’t have to know the meaning of the clause before responding with the statement suggested above. It will sound like you are ignoring the statement.

Even if you understand what it means, you can say this. This works even better if it has been said as an insult.

A person can say Patience is a virtue after he/she has made you wait for a long time before giving you what you need.

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By saying this, you are saying you know what the clause means, you agree with the meaning, and you don’t give a middle finger about it.

Being Patient is important

 Patience is truly a virtue. This is a natural response. There is no point in thinking too deeply or trying to find a clever comeback unless it has been directed against you.

A person can simply mention this clause to prove a point that is not about you. If you are sure of that, you can respond with this statement and listen to what he or she has to say.

I’m working on myself.

A person can call out your high level of impatience without saying it directly to you. One of the ways to pass the message is to say Patience is a virtue. This can be taken as an insult but you don’t have to.

If you are a coolheaded person, you can respond with this sentence. This is important if you are talking to a friend unless you feel attacked by the statement.

So what?

If you are a hotheaded person, you will probably say this before you think about it.

It may be a necessary response after all. When a person mentions the clause, it may be to calm you down or claim to be right after delaying you for a long time.

By saying this clause, the person may be planning to make you wait for a longer time than you already have.

Ask this rhetorical question to show you know the saying already and you don’t give two pennies about it.

Not me, though. I’ve been trying to change

As mentioned earlier, you don’t have to be hotheaded in your response. However, that depends on the message that is being passed or to whom you are talking.

The saying, Patience is a virtue, can come up in a light conversation. Before letting the conversation continue, you can say this to point out your weakness in that aspect.

You can also choose to let the conversation continue. However, chipping in your ideas and contributing to a conversation shows your interest in the discussion or in the person you are talking to.

I guess it’s worth it after all

The meaning of this statement is quite clear. This implies that you understand the benefits of patience.

The addition of After all suggests that you or the other person have recently experienced the subject matter. In other words, you have had to be patient for a while and you are reaping the benefits of it.

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Only in this case will the suggested response make perfect sense.

Tell that to yourself

Whether the statement was said to attack you or not, you can respond with this if it applies to the person talking.

Many people condemn some characteristics of other people but fail to realize when they are exhibiting the same wrong acts. Similarly, the person condemning impatience may be a very impatient fellow.

You know I didn’t have to wait this long

This is something you may say when the long period of waiting is over. A person can say the clause to you in this case and you can choose the suggested response above if you think the patience was unnecessary.

You may agree that Patience can be an unnecessary delay in many cases. If you think your situation is one of those cases, you can simply say this and mention the best way you could have gotten what you wanted without having to wait for so long.

I’m not there yet

Patience is a virtue sounds very positive but it isn’t always that way. This explains why it may get angry responses at times.

When a person says this clause to you and you are sure you are being referred to, you can say this to acknowledge that you are not patient enough.

While the clause, Patience is a virtue, can be literal or sarcastic, this response can fit into both situations.

When the clause is being used to commend your patience, you can say this to appear modest. When the clause is being used to criticize your impatience, you can say this to show you understand.

Did you just learn that?

This is a rhetorical question. It probably doesn’t sound like it but you should not expect an answer after asking this question. It is a stylish way to appear carefree.

If you think the clause has been said to indirectly criticize your impatience, this response will show that you already know it and you don’t need to be told. You can also say this if you think the clause has nothing to do with you.

I learned that a long time ago

This will sound quite absurd if the clause has been used to criticize your impatience. However, you can say this if the clause comes up within a conversation.

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After saying this, you may be expected to say how you have learned the lesson.

Not always. I don’t agree

Nothing stops you from starting an argument but you have to be prepared to argue your point. Truly, patience is not the solution in every case.

In some cases, you have to make your move as fast and early as you can.

With you, it’s just stupidity

Well, Patience is a virtue, can be an indirect insult to your extremely low level of patience. It may also not directly apply to your patience.

We get impatient with some people because we know they are always trying to outsmart others.

That kind of person can also mention the clause just to lure you into relaxing. You can respond with this statement to show that you’re not stupid.

Punctuality is a virtue too

Impatience is usually understandable if you have had to wait for a long time already. When a person has made you wait for a while and still tries to paint you as an impatient person, you can say this.

Is that the point you are trying to prove?

This question shuns the clause. You can say this if you think the clause is unnecessary or your patience is unnecessary.

The clause can be used to aid bullying. When a person forces you to be patient unnecessarily just to delay or tease you, you can ask this question to show that you are not enjoying the joke.

Why am I hearing that?

If you don’t think the clause makes sense at the moment, you can say this. However, if it is in the middle of a conversation, you don’t have to since the person may have something else to say.

It is. I don’t have it

This is a carefree way to respond if the statement has been said against you. You can say this so you don’t appear guilty of the accusation, especially if you think you are intentionally delayed.

Why don’t you enlighten me?

This sounds sarcastic. It works perfectly if you find some sarcasm in the situation. The person talking may be a very impatient person.

You may be truly impatient but this rhetorical question shows that you don’t care.

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