20 Appropriate Response to “Is That So?”

“Is that so?” Why is this statement so special? Let’s find out.

Ever had a time when in the middle of a conversation, someone exclaims in shock the statement “is that so”? What response did you give back to that action?

This seemingly simple question can be interpreted in different ways, and it is important to choose an even better response depending on the context and mood of the conversation.

Let’s get to the real meat.

20 Best Responses to “is that so?”

Responses like “yes it is”, “it seems that way”, or “well, it’s not that simple” will help you navigate the question “is that so” with confidence and clarity.

Without further ado, we present to you 20 appropriate responses to it’s that so:

Yes it is

This direct response confirms the validity of a previously stated statement, without any additional commentary.

This is appropriate if the statement is uncontroversial and does not demand an additional explanation.

An example is when a person reports an Incident involving someone who breached a law to a superior and upon being asked “is that so”, the appropriate response would be to say: “yes it is”.

By responding directly to the “is that so question”, you are stating that all the facts and evidence presented are true and have been thoroughly scrutinized and can be used for further investigations.

It seems that way

Slightly different from the first In terms of certainty, nonetheless still stands as an appropriate response to “is that so”.

This response conveys agreement with the statement, but with a slight tone of uncertainty.  This appropriate response is used if the statement is somewhat surprising or unexpected.

You are in the middle of an activity engrossed, oblivious to your surroundings when one of your colleagues asks you about an event that was way past if it happened or not, considering the scenario and your uncertainty, responding with an ” it seems so ” wouldn’t make you a liar.

No, actually

Response to Is That So

Here comes the opposite.

This response indicates disagreement with the statement, without necessarily providing an alternative perspective.

Used as an appropriate response if the statement was incorrect or misleading.

Sometimes the statement “is that so” is used by one who wants you to take sides with them or to support their opinion without putting into consideration the general outcome to you or other parties involved.

It is advisable to give in serious thought to whatever is being proposed and in case its outcome portends danger, the best reply is to decline politely.

That’s not quite right

Just when they assume you agree a hundred percent with their opinion and you give this reply: “That’s not quite right”.

This response indicates disagreement with the whole statement and suggests some additional information missing.

This reply is given if the statement was oversimplified or lacked important context.

That’s one way of looking at it

At least you’re neither debunking the statement completely. The beauty of this kind of reply is that it gives room to come up with your suggestion.

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This response agrees with the validity of the statement while suggesting other perspectives to consider. This reply is best used if the statement is controversial or open to interpretation.

If during a project presentation, some aspect of the project sounds unclear and the project manager interprets inaccurately these parts and seeks to know if the clause is as stated, to one defending the project, using the response above will be highly suggested.

Well, it’s not that simple

I bet it isn’t as simple as it looks. Think about those who find everything easy peasy asking the question “is that so” without considering the complexity of the subject matter, then you would appreciate the reply given above.

This response suggests that the statement is overly simplistic and requires further explanation.

The reply is best given if the statement is reductionist or failed to capture the complexity of the situation.

After a thorough design and time-consuming effort towards creating a masterpiece, an outsider without the knowledge of how that came about tries to simplify this tough task and seek your approval, it is best to let them know that it isn’t as simple as they assume.

I’m not sure

Maybe sitting on the fence isn’t a bad deal after all. Used this response to an “is that so either when you’re uncertain or want to check in with other details.

This response indicates uncertainty or lack of knowledge about the statement. The reply is appropriate if the statement was outside your scope of expertise or if you simply didn’t have enough information to form an opinion.

Say you were given a chance to form an opinion in a fashion field, and a question regarding the field is thrown at you, it is in your best interest to let them know that you’re not sure you could answer due to it not being your field of specialization.

It’s hard to say

Have you been in a tight corner where you are expected to respond to an “is that so” question without understanding the root or the fundamental of the question shot at you, then the reply “it’s hard to say” will be valuable?

This response depicts an ambiguity or lack of clarity about the statement and is an appropriate response if the statement is vague or if there were multiple interpretations.

The answer to why a certain group of people would prefer a kind of meal over another will be hard to say as taste differs as well as interest, hence an “it’s hard to say will be the best reply to such a question.

That’s interesting

While not a direct answer, this reply concurs with the speaker’s statement as it does not necessarily involve giving any suggestions.

This response also indicates that the statement has piqued your curiosity, without necessarily agreeing or disagreeing with it and will have you seeking more explanation.

The statement “is that so” is best replied with a “that’s interesting” as an appropriate response if the statement was unexpected or thought-provoking.

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Tell me more

Taking a more straightforward approach to seek additional information the reply “tell me more” fits in this context to an “is that so” question.

This response appeals to the speaker to provide additional information or context about the statement. Maybe an adventure on a trip they had undertaken or some event that happened before your appearance.

The response is suitable if the statement was unclear or if you wanted to learn more about the speaker’s perspective.

I see what you mean

After all is said and done, you finally understand all that is said and want to give your response to their “is that so” statement, an ” I see what you mean” is the best answer at this point.

This response indicates understanding and agreement with the statement and that you are convinced beyond reasonable doubt of the speaker’s submission.

An appropriate response is used if the statement was clear and uncontroversial, hence not needing any deliberation.

That’s a good point

More like an agreement to a suggestion than an answer to a question, “that’s a good point” is a good answer in this case to an ” is that so” statement.

This response indicates that you agree with the statement and find it persuasive, the statement “is that so” is used just to foster a concord and not necessarily seek any suggestion from one listening.

This might be an appropriate response if the statement is well-reasoned, insightful, and persuasive

I’m not sure I agree

There is a way you could disagree and yet many would agree with you, if this is what you want when it comes to an “is that so” statement, then “I’m not sure I agree” is a better response.

This response indicates disagreement with the statement, without necessarily being confrontational, hence providing leeway for negotiation.

Being an appropriate response if the statement was contentious or open to debate.

Can you explain that further?

No better way to seek clarity to an “is that so” question than responding with a “can you explain further?”

This response invites the speaker to elaborate on the statement and provide additional information.

It could be a postulation or a random theory you have a hard time grasping or agreeing to, asking for further details only makes it better.

Use this response if the statement is complex or difficult to comprehend.

I hadn’t thought of it that way.

We aren’t always going to be right or have the answers at our fingertips at times, and if this sounds like you, then admit to not thinking in the light of the question “is that so”.

This response indicates that the statement has provided a new perspective or insight one which you may have unconsciously overlooked.

“I hadn’t thought of it that way” as a  response is used if the statement was unexpected and at the same time proves to be a better alternative.

Are you kidding me?

How do you tell if your speaker is only joking right after they make an “is that so” statement if you don’t inquire? Are you kidding me?

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Apart from the fact that the reply expresses surprise over an unbelievable statement, this response can also be used to get more understanding of what was said or done.

At a round table with friends and family, someone makes a very grandiose statement that not only sounds unbelievable but funny, be that as it may, an “are you kidding me” can come in handy to spice up the conversation.

We’d have to do it

Nothing is ongoing bringing the mind of a mind already made up, even if you’re asked repeatedly “is that so” you stand your ground with “we’d have to do it”. Phew!

This reply portrays tenacity and audacity, like come what may the probability of reneging on an incoming action is prohibited, it could be filing for a court case or tendering a resignation.

Use this reply when you have had enough and you are ready to throw in the towel.

Sorry to disappoint

Imagine the hurt on the face of the one to whom this response is directed when they ask “is that so”, if this reply would save a situation likely to turn dirty, so be it.

Sorry to disappoint as a reply to an “is that so” statement is used when there’s looming danger ahead and though an agreement has been reached, the need to backtrack becomes inevitable.

Sad as it may sound, it is best used when the resultant effect of an action carries dire consequences than originally foreseen.

What were you expecting?

Maybe they didn’t grasp what you meant initially, asking them what they were expecting saves any other confrontation from happening.

It could be a surprise trip to the zoo when your loved one thinks it’s somewhere on the beach, getting that board game rather than the video game your child asks for, etc. Anything that doesn’t tally with what they anticipated.

Use this response when you sense an ingratitude or a frown from the person whom you took by surprise while you go on to explain your reason.

Let me be!

Tired of the nag and want to call it to quit? At a stage where nothing matters to you as per your job? Is the incessant pestering becoming unbearable, I guess it’s time they let you be.

This reply is used when you’re out of patience and would want to call it off with whatever it is you have had with your speaker- a job, a failing relationship, a heated argument, etc. Just when you have had enough.

Final Words

It is frustrating not to have an answer or a reply to certain questions demanding immediate answers, unfortunately “that happens to be among them.

Tired of not knowing what to say to an “is that so” statement, this piece has the 20 best reply to this statement, and it’s expected that henceforth, an answer to give will not prove difficult anymore. Until then, Adios!

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