15 Good Responses To “You Have Pretty Eyes”

Are you looking for the perfect response to give when someone says, “You have pretty eyes”? Well, the right thing to say will depend on what you want to achieve. 

Do you want to respond to the compliment with a flirtatious undertone? Or do you find it embarrassing and would like for the person to stop?

“Thank you” is the best response to a compliment, and it applies when someone says you have pretty eyes. You can say “thank you” and add a compliment too (but make sure it’s genuine). But if you’re looking to flirt, you can say “Thanks, your kind can have them too.”

Generally speaking, “You have pretty eyes” is somewhat an invitation to flirt, so there’s no risk that the person will react negatively if you respond in such a manner.

Still, there are ways you can keep the response grateful, short, and simple. Here are the best options:

Check Out these 15 Good Responses To “You Have Pretty Eyes”

 15 Good Responses To “You Have Pretty Eyes”

1. “Thank you! Feel free to stare into them for a while.”

“Thank you! “You may stare into them for a while if you like” is a good response, especially when you want to reply with a flirty undertone, which the person is probably expecting.

By first saying “thank you,” you appreciate the compliment, and then you move on to add a flirtatious remark, allowing the person to feel welcomed.

Statement: You have pretty eyes

Your response: Thank you, John. You may stare at them for a while if you like.

Then you smile while looking at the person.

It is a smooth way to keep the momentum going instead of a bland thank you.”

2. “That’s a cliché compliment. If you’d like to go out with me, you can just ask.”

When someone tells you that you have pretty eyes, they may mean it as a genuine compliment. But you could find it rather embarrassing.

Tell them “that’s a cliché compliment” to pull the plug without sounding judgmental, then initiate the next line of conversation by asking them their real intent behind the compliment.

Statement: You have pretty eyes

Your response:  Ugh! I know where this is going, and that’s a cliché compliment. Just ask, If you’d like to go out with me.

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3. “Thank you! I appreciate the compliment.”

You don’t necessarily have to be clever when replying to a compliment of this kind. If you are looking for something simple and short to say that will express your gratitude for the compliment without any flirty denotation, then say “Thank you!” I appreciate the compliment.”

A perfectly straightforward response always works well for compliments.

Statement: You’ve got pretty eyes

Your response: Thank you! I appreciate the compliment.

4. “Thank you! You’re pretty cute yourself.”

When someone compliments your eyes, it sends the message that they find you attractive and they like you. 

Another simple way to respond is to appreciate the compliment by saying “thank you.” Then, out of the abundance of your courteous mind, say something nice about them in return; however, it must be genuine.

Statement: You have pretty eyes

Your response: Thank you! You’re pretty cute yourself

You can also look for any other nice qualities they have and genuinely compliment them on them.

5. “How sweet of you to say that, thanks a lot!”

 15 Good Responses To “You Have Pretty Eyes”

The golden rule of thumb for responding to a compliment is to embrace it. Let them know how sweet their words are, and then appreciate them for the observation. 

This response implies that you see them as nice people and that you are not embarrassed by the remark.

Statement: You have pretty eyes

Your response: How sweet of you to say that. Thanks a lot.

You can substitute “sweet” for any other adjective to suit the setting. For example, “how pleasing,”  “how delightful,”  and so on.

6. “Thank you. I’ve always loved your hair too, but never dared to say it. It’s lovely”

“Thank you. I’ve always loved your hair too but never dared to say it. “It’s lovely” is another smart way to respond when someone compliments your eyes or any facial features.

 It means you are responding to a compliment with a pleasing compliment about the person.

You have to be honest about what you admire about the person. It could be something other than the hair. The person’s outfit? Jewellery? Accent?

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Just don’t make it sound like you are frantically searching for a nice thing to say about the person. That would be quite generic.

7. “I see you too, your eyes are gorgeous!”

This is a smooth response to use when they also have pretty eye colors that you admire. You can use this reply to suck up to the person. 

You can say, “I see you too; your eyes are gorgeous!” you want to move the conversation back to the other person.

It is a way of giving them a compliment in return.

Statement: You’ve got pretty eyes

Your response: Thank you, I see you too; your eyes are gorgeous!

8. “And they’re undressing you as we speak”

When someone compliments your eyes, a simple thank you may be the obvious response, but if you are single and attracted to the person, there is no harm in fanning the flames.

The person has invited you to a flirty conversation by complimenting your eyes. If you want to keep the momentum, you can say “And they’re undressing you as we speak”

Statement: You’ve got pretty eyes

Your response: And they’re undressing you as we speak

Alert: A smart-ass response such as this may make the person feel awkward. They may not be able to handle it.

So it is important to consider your relationship with the person, the context, and the setting before using this line.

10. “Jealous much”?

 15 Good Responses To “You Have Pretty Eyes”

Saying “jealous much”? after someone tells you that you have pretty eyes will help keep the conversation going, as opposed to how a simple “thank you” will kill the momentum.

By supposing the person is jealous, it won’t be taken literally. It is a good response to use if you want to tease the person further for complimenting you.

11. “And I adore your sense of observation.”

Again, saying something you like about the person is an easy yet perfect way to respond to a compliment. This response is perfect if you want to reply positively to express your gratitude for the compliment.

Statement: You have pretty eyes

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Your response: Thank you. I must say, you have a great sense of observation.

12. “That’s a lovely compliment. I’ll take it.”

You don’t always have to redirect the conversation when someone compliments your eyes. Embrace it and thank the person for the kind words. “That’s a lovely compliment. I’ll take it” is a nice, short, and simple way to pay a non-competing compliment in return.

 13. “Haha, you have a way with words. Thank you for noticing.”

Smiling or laughing as a reaction to this compliment is also a nice, non-verbal response. 

But there’s nothing rude about confirming the person’s assessment by appreciating their observation. This is where you say “thank you for noticing”

Saying that the person has a way with words implies that you adore their charm and gift of the gab.

14. “I’ve been told that before, but it always makes me smile to hear it again.”

“You have pretty eyes” is a common compliment. It has become a popular pickup line that people say for strangers. If the compliment comes from a stranger, you can evoke self-esteem and confidence by saying “you get that a lot”

However, you aren’t downplaying their effort to make you smile. So you add that such a compliment is a sweet one. 

This makes the person happy to say nice things about you.

15. “Really? I’ve never thought about it that way. Thank you for noticing.”

15 Good Responses To “You Have Pretty Eyes”

Finally, nothing beats spontaneity when responding to a compliment of this nature. Say “Really? I’ve never thought about it that way. “Thank you for noticing” to express how flattered you are and how heartfelt the compliment is.

Statement: You have pretty eyes

Your response: Really? I’ve never thought about it that way. Thank you for noticing

In Summary

“You have pretty eyes,” which is usually said as a compliment.

The general way to respond to this is to say thank you, smile, and gently steer the conversation away from your appearance and back to the purpose of being with that person at that moment.

There are, however, other creative, subtle flirty responses to consider.

… especially if you’re single and attracted to the person 🙂


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