20 of the Best Responses to ‘Purr’

What Does Purr Mean On Instagram? Purr is a way of expressing approval on Instagram. You can liken it to when a feline purrs as its way of showing happiness.

If you have a feline you will be able to understand this analogy better. When you touch your cat in a pleasant manner and you listen closely, you will notice that your cat will start to purr as a way of showing happiness.

The same thing is applicable to Instagram. If you are texting and someone, especially a female, responds with a purr, you know that she is showing excitement.

Purr has the same meaning on other social media platforms as well.

What Does Purr Mean On Snapchat

While exchanging snaps on Snapchat and you notice that the person is using purr, you should know by now that the person is simply expressing excitement or approval while texting.

Ladies do these often, especially when a guy says something that gets them excited while exchanging snaps on Snapchat.

What Does Purr Mean On Tiktok

Creators on Tiktok tend to use purr when they approve what someone else says, especially when it is from their fellow creators. It can also be used as a way of giving encouragement to someone.

For example, when a creator posts that he got a new apartment for himself, other creators can respond with ‘’purr’’. That is another way of saying ‘’great job’’ or ‘’well done’’.

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20 Appropriate Responses To Purr

Whatever platform you are on and someone sends you a purr or replies to you that way, you need to have a way of replying to the person so that the person will relate well to what you are saying.

That is why I wrote this article. I will show you the 20 best responses you can use when someone says ‘’purr’’.

This will help you always to know what to say when the person says ‘’purr’’. Take a look at the various responses you can use:

  1. Aww, that was sweet of you
  2. Thank you
  3. Do not make me blush
  4. I like that you took the time to appreciate me
  5. I worked hard for this
  6. Well, I know you would say that
  7. Could you explain what ‘’purr’’ means
  8. I am speechless
  9. You seem like a nice person, I like that about you
  10. Thank you for showing kindness
  11. I wish there were more people like you, the world would have been a better place
  12. You seem so expressive
  13. Someone told me that before, I hope it is what I think it is
  14. I thought only cats do that, I never knew one could use it while texting
  15. I am happy I was able to make you happy
  16. Thank you for your encouragement
  17. How come you find it easy to express yourself
  18. It is hard to get this kind of honesty
  19. You say that a lot, can you take a break?
  20. You sound like my cat

Aww, that was sweet of you

You can use this reply only if the person is saying ‘’purr’’ to congratulate and encourage you on something.

For example, if you told the person that you just got a new house or that you just got promoted in your place of work and the person says ‘’purr’’ as a way of congratulating you and telling you well done.

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You can say that it is so sweet of that person. The person will even be happy to get such a reply, especially if it were from TikTok, Tiktok creators do this a lot.

Thank you

Responses to Purr

This is a simple reply that you can give when someone says purr. That way, the person will understand that you appreciate what he told you.

You can use this reply if the person said ‘’purr’’ on Snapchat when you both were texting and exchanging snaps.

Do not make me blush

This is a reply you can use if you are the type that blushes easily when someone compliments you.

The fact that you are telling the person to not make you blush means that you are being sincere with the person.

The person may be complimenting you and it could make you blush or feel shy in a way.

I like that you took the time to appreciate me

This is a reply showing that you do not get as much appreciation from people like that person gave you. You are simply thanking the person for appreciating you.

That way, you will pass a message to the person that you valued his time.

I worked hard for this

This is a reply you can use if the person said ‘’purr’’ as a way of congratulating you on something that happened or a new feat you just achieved.

That way, you can reply to the person by telling him how hard you worked for what the person is complimenting you on.

This way, the person will understand that you are a hard worker and you also merit the rewards you get based on the work you put in.

Well, I know you would say that

This is a reply you can use if you already know the person and you both have been friends for a while. Then you can give this reply if you already know that the person would say that.

It can also be used if you notice that the person has been using this in most of your conversations and you expected the person to use it at that time.

If you use this reply, you will also let the person know how predictable he is. That way, he can choose to reduce the rate at which he says it while texting.

Could you explain what ‘’purr’’ means

This is a simple reply you can use if you do not know what “purr” means in a conversation or if you just heard it from the person for the first time.

There’s nothing wrong with you saying you do not know something. If you do not know, you can simply ask and the person will tell you what it means.

If it is something you like to use while texting, you can also adopt it and start saying it while you are texting on Snapchat or Instagram.

But it is best to use it only when you understand fully when it can be used and if the person has also explained it to you.

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I am speechless

This is a reply showing that you do not have so much to say after the person said ‘’purr’’ in your conversation.

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Sometimes, being speechless can come from the fact that you are so excited about what happened and you do not really know what to say.

Or it could also mean that you are so surprised at what happened to you. If you feel speechless in any way, do not fail to let the person know in your reply.

You seem like a nice person, I like that about you

It takes a nice person to say something nice about you or even show you how happy they are for you, especially if you are a TikTok creator.

Tiktok creators seem to say ‘’purr’’ when they want to approve you of something that you did that seems so good,

If the person says something like this to you, you can reply this way and let the person know that he is nice and you like that about the person.

When you thank the person this way, he will understand how it means so much to you. The person will also feel connected with you because you like something about him.

Thank you for showing kindness

You are simply thanking the person for being so nice to you. Maybe you barely have people who are so nice to you and the moment you see that the person is being nice to you, simply tell the person.

The moment you thank the person for showing kindness, the person will not hesitate from showing you such kindness again.

Thanking the person for his kindness makes the person do better next time.

I wish there were more people like you, the world would have been a better place

This reply shows that you have met a lot of people and that person seems like the kindest person you have seen in a while and you wish that you had more people like that who are kind.

You are simply telling the person that the world would have been a better place only if we had more people who were as kind as that particular person.

Truly, if we had kinder people, the world would have been a better place to live.

You seem so expressive

Some people do not find it easy when they want to express themselves, but if you are able to express yourself with ease, you should be an expressive person.

If you like that about the person you should let him know in your reply.

Some people find it easy to express themselves if you notice someone like this, you should let him know in your reply.

Someone told me that before, I hope it is what I think it is

This is a reply showing that you are not so sure of what ‘’purr’’ means. And in your reply, you want to let the person know that you hope it is not what you think.

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If you knew what it was, you would not say such in your reply. You also let the person know that someone has told you such before which shows that you have heard the word before but you were not clear about what it meant.

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I thought only cats do that, I never knew one could use it while texting

This reply shows that you have heard of that before, but you do not know that it can be used while texting. Now that the person used it while texting, you already know that it can be used while texting.

If you understand how it is to be used while texting, you can start using it if you feel like it.

I am happy I was able to make you happy

If the person said ‘’purr’’ out of excitement or as a way of showing approval of the person while texting.

It shows how happy the person was. In your reply, you can say that you are glad you were able to make the person happy.

Thank you for your encouragement

This is a short way of thanking the person for encouraging you for what you did.

Use this reply if the person said ‘’purr’’ on Tiktok. Creators on Tiktok tend to use ‘’purr’’ as a way of approving or encouraging someone who must have achieved a good feat.

 How come you find it easy to express yourself

This is a reply showing that the person finds it easy to express himself. Once you notice that the person finds it easy to express himself, immediately let the person know.

If the person expresses himself in a good way, you should encourage it.

It is hard to get this kind of honesty

Sometimes it is hard to know someone who is honest enough to tell you how they feel. If you get such a person, do not fail to let the person know how much you value that person.

You say that a lot, can you take a break?

You can use this reply if you already know that the person says ‘’purr’’ a lot while texting and it is almost becoming annoying. If it gets so annoying, simply tell the person to take a break.

You sound like my cat

Originally, cats purr, but humans use it while texting to show approval or excitement.

This reply is a bit sarcastic, you can joke about it and say that the person sounds like your cat because the person said “purr”.

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In Parting

After reading through this article, you will be able to know what exactly you are to say when someone uses ‘’purr’’ while texting.

It is easier if you already know the meaning, but if you do not already know the meaning, you can either check for the meaning yourself or reply so that the person can tell you the meaning.

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