20 Best Replies to “Try Me”

When someone says they me, they are either calling upon you to trust them with something or they mean it in a threatening manner.

For example, when you tell someone they can’t keep a secret someone can say, try me. Or if you tell someone you are capable of causing damage or some other harm, they can say, try me. But what do you say in return after someone says try me?

When someone says try me, you can reply by saying, “well let me see what you can do.” Or you can say, “I don’t have to.” You can also reply by saying, No, carry on as you were.

A very good reply if “try me” is a threat is, there’s “no need for violence.”

In this article, you will find 20 best replies to try me.

20 best responses to “try me”

1. No, I Won’t

This is the number reply to try me. Especially if it seems the request is a threat. There are situations where someone can say try me to you.

Rather than get into a scuffle that may lead to injuries for you, be direct in your reply and say, no. As the saying goes, the best defense is not to offend.

Look at the examples  below:

Try me
No, I won’t. I’m actually okay.

Try me
Bro, no, I won’t be trying you.

2. No, I’d Rather Try…

If you have a choice, simply mention it to the person. If the person wants you to try them with a secret for example but you’re afraid the person can’t be trusted, use this response.

This reply is best for situations where there is no threat. You can keep it going by telling the person you’d rather give the information to someone else whom you trust.

See the examples below:

Try me
No, I’d rather try Felix. I trust him better

Try me
No, I’d rather try Jesus.

3. And If I Don’t?

This reply is one of the best for, try me. You can use this reply if the person who says try me is threatening you. Be cautious though when giving this reply.

Let it be when you are sure it’s safe and legal to send some pressure back to the other person. Avoid conflicts by all means.

Say this reply only if you are trying to prove a legal point that doesn’t involve physical violence.

For example:

Try me
And if I don’t?

Try me
And if I don’t, what will you do?

4. No, There Won’t Be Any Violence

This reply further helps you assert your rejection of violence if you suspect the person saying, try me, is dangerous.

It is also the best reply if the exchange is happening in public or where you are speaking on behalf of someone else.

See the examples below:

Try me
No, there won’t be any violence here tonight

Try me
No, no one is trying you, no violence here

5. I’m Ready And Willing!

Here’s another best reply where you are showing audacity to someone who says, try me. You are letting the person know you are game and willing to rock, as the case may be.

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As already stated, avoid fights by all means. But there’s nothing wrong with showing you are not a pushover sometimes. And this reply is an opportunity to show that you can throw hands.

See the examples below:

Try me
Oh I’m ready and willing

Try me
I’m ready and willing to try you

6. Let’s See What You’ve Got!

Best Replies to Try Me

You can reply by saying, let me see what you’ve got. This reply can apply in many situations. It can be during a class exercise and someone says they can solve a math question.

If you are a teacher and your student says, try me, you can say, let’s see what you’ve got.

Examples include:

Try me
Let’s see what you’ve got

Try me
Alright, Corey, let’s see what you’ve got.

7. I’m Up For The Challenge

When someone threatens you with try me, say, I’m up for the challenge. The reply is best for many situations but most especially a threatening one.

It can also be used in situations that involve competitions. If your opponent says try me, say, I’m up for the challenge and proceed to roll up your sleeves. See examples.

Try me
Well, I’m up for the challenge

Try me
Yes, I will. I’m up for the challenge

8. Give It Your Best Shot!

If you are being threatened by someone who you know is weaker, you can say, give it your best shot. The person has said try me because you probably threatened them first.

It’s wrong to go around threatening people you are bigger than. But when push comes to shove, you may have to prove your mettle too.

In this case, asking the person to give it their best shot means you are ready to be challenged. For example:

Try me
Yeah, give it your best shot

Try me
Okay, let me see you give it your best shot

9. Let’s Put It To The Test

If someone says try me, after you have made it known you don’t trust them with any information, you can say, let’s put it to the test.

In this case, you are putting either their integrity or honesty to test. You can use this reply in almost all circumstances.

See these examples:

Try me
Alright, let’s put this thing to the test, shall we

Try me
Yeah, let’s put it to the test

Best Replies to Try Me

10. Bring It On!

People say “bring it on” when they are ready for an all-out confrontation. When someone says try me, they’re probably ready for an open confrontation as well.

If you want to call the person’s bluff you can say, bring it on. See below for examples.

Try me
Bring it on, buddy.

Try me
Oh yeah. Bring it on.

11. I Won’t Back Down

If someone says, try me, the best reply is, I won’t back down. This reply comes in handy when you are being threatened to do what is wrong.

Or where you are being threatened to stop doing what you believe to be right. People who work in the area of civil rights can face this type of situation.

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It can also be at your workplace. Practically any situation where your honesty or honor is being questioned.

See these examples:

Try me
Alright. I won’t back down, no matter what you say.

Try me
Yeah, but I won’t back down

12. I’m Not Afraid Of A Challenge

Often, when someone says, try me, they want to scare you from doing something. They are interested in seeing something stop. This is usually the case with civil rights activists.

A little check with history can help you recall a few men and women who have had to fight their way through rejection or opposition.

Even your own experience can attest to this where you have had to show you’re not afraid to take up a challenge.

This is one of the best replies: I’m not afraid of a challenge.

Best Replies to Try Me


Try me
You can’t stop me. I’m not afraid of a challenge.

Try me
I’m going ahead with it. I’m not afraid of a challenge

13. I’m Game If You Are

This reply is one of the best ones if you want to show the other person you are up to the challenge. Sometimes if someone says, try me, they don’t actually want you to try them.

They just want to see you cower in fear and back off. You can call the person’s bluff by saying, I’m game if you are.


Try me
Oh, I’m game if you are.

Try me
Bring it on. I’m game if you are.

14. I’m Ready To Prove Myself

In a more benign situation where you are not in literal danger, you can reply by saying, I’m ready to prove myself.

In this situation, you are not in imminent danger. It can be in a work situation where the boss challenges you with a task to prove your inefficiency.

If the boss says try me, you say, I’m ready to prove myself. See examples below:

Try me
I’m ready to prove myself

Try me
I will. I’m ready to prove myself

15. Let’s See If You Can Handle Me

This reply is best for when it is obvious that you are equal size to the person who says, try me. It can also be when you are obviously an efficient person at your job but someone is calling that into question.

So, if that person says, try me, you say, let’s see if you can handle me.

For example:

Try me
Okay, let’s see if you can handle me

Try me
Really? Okay, let’s see if you can handle me

16. I Welcome The Challenge

Best Replies to Try Me

And you can say, I welcome the challenge in reply when someone says, try me. This is appropriate because when someone says try me, it is a call to arms, so to speak. But it’s not always said in a negative light.

Tone difference and the circumstances will allow you to know if you are in danger from the person who says, try me.

See the examples below.

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Try me
I welcome the challenge

Try me
Thank you. I welcome the challenge

17. I’m Prepared To Show You What I’m Made Of

This reply is one of the best ones you can give when someone says, try me. It can be useful in all situations where someone says, try me. It works for both negative and positive situations.

It is a polite version of most of the responses in this list. With the appropriate tone, this can be said to a doubting boss or friend.

For example:

Try me
I’m prepared to show you what I’m made of

Try me
I definitely will because I’m prepared to show you what I’m made of

18. I’m Ready To Prove To You What I Can Do

In a situation where your skill is called into question and you have repeatedly tried to prove yourself, you can use this reply.

If someone insists that you can’t do something, the person can dare you: try me. This reply above is one of the best you can give. See the examples below.

Try me
I’m ready to prove to you what I can do

Try me
I have skills, and I’m ready to prove to you what I can do

19. I’m Not One To Shy Away From A Challenge

Best Replies to Try Me

If someone says, try me, you can let them know you’re not one to shy away from a challenge.

This reply is best for when your strength, skill, or pedigree is called in debate. Avoid violence as much as you can. Yet, keep in mind that you can also prove yourself with nonphysical means.

It can be an opportunity to do something better. Some of the situations where this reply is the best include, the workplace, school, or among friends when playing a game.

The tone of the person or the circumstances will also help you to choose the best reply.

See these examples:

Try me
I will because I’m not one to shy away from a challenge

Try me
Yes. I’m not one to shy away from a challenge

20. Let’s See Who Comes Out On Top

This is one of the best replies here. And it is one of the most appropriate to say when someone says, try me.

This reply is best for situations involving a confrontation. If all diplomatic efforts fail and you have to go physical with a person who says, try me, you can tell them, let’s see who comes out on top.


Try me
Well, let’s get this over with. Let’s see who comes out on top

Try me
Let’s do this. Let’s see who comes out on top

Final Thoughts

There are many situations that will make it impossible to not associate with people. The more these situations, the more likely someone will one day tell you, try me.

This list contains the best replies you can give. You don’t have to memorize them all. All you need to do is understand the principles.

Also, tone can make a great difference between escalating a situation or calming it down. Use the right tone along with these best replies.

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