How Do You Respond to Looking Forward to It? | 27 Best Replies

There are expressions in English that many people have a hard time responding to. ‘Looking forward to it,’ is one of those expressions. Often when someone says those words to us, we respond by saying ‘thank you.’

There’s nothing wrong with that response. But you can do better than that by getting more creative with your reply.

In this article, you will learn of many other ways to respond to ‘Looking forward to it.’

What Does “Looking Forward to It” Mean?

The word, looking forward to it, is a non-obtrusive way of saying you would like to be a part of something. It can also mean you would like to see something happen, work out, or fall apart.

It can be used both negatively or positively. You can look forward to seeing something good happen. Or to something bad happening.

At any rate, whatever your response would depend very much on if it is something you want to be a part of or not.

Certainly, most of us would not look forward to something falling apart and hurting us or others. As the responses in this article will show, the context will determine much of how you respond.

27 Best Replies to Looking Forward to It

You can respond with any of the following options:

Me Too

How Do You Respond to Looking Forward to It

You can say, me too if the outcome the speaker is looking forward to is something you’d like to be a part of too.

It could be the end of anything; graduation, a party, the election, or just about anything positive.

And of course, if you are into the weird or wild side of life, it can also be something negative.

Bottom line is, you are also looking forward to whatever it is, you just don’t want to use the same words as the other person.

I Can’t Wait Too…

Furthermore, you can be specific about the stuff the other person says they’re looking forward to and say you also can’t wait to – attend the concert, see the new car, to join the road trip, and so forth.

There is no shortage of applications with this response. Even when the other person is referring to something somewhat negative, like maybe a drunk driving crash.

You are leaving a party and one of the guys is about to dip in his car instead of letting you drive. You can say you can’t wait to see the crash you predicted coming to pass.

Don’t drink and drive though. And you shouldn’t allow a drunk fellow to drive themselves.

I’m Excited To…(Too)

Here is another variation of the previous response. You can say this, I’m excited to attend the concert too, and accompany it with the right expression.

You can use this reply in an animated discussion where the person says they’re looking forward to something.

One of the benefits of this response is it imbues the discussion with more life and excitement. This response is as positive as anyone on this list.

I’ll See You There Then

How Do You Respond to Looking Forward to It

You can reply by letting the person know you don’t only look forward to the specific thing, but you also intend to be there.

This reply is appropriate if the thing spoken about is an event like a concert, a wedding party, or other events. Your expression can range from extreme to mid-excitement.

This expression can be used also in other contexts that have anything to do with a specific location.

It Will Be A Pleasure For Me As Well

With this response, you show that you are also interested in the subject matter and would want to see the outcome the other person is looking forward to.

This is a polite version of some of the options on this list and the suggestion that it would be a pleasure is what makes it so.

We often add the word pleasure to make the other person feel that we are not taking them or the activity for granted. It means we would very much like to be at that event.

I’m Counting Down The Days Now

Here’s another to show that you truly are in support of the sentiments of someone who says, ‘I look forward to it.’ Here you are letting the speaker know he isn’t the only one looking forward to the stuff or event.

On your part, you are marking off the days on your calendar. You probably have the event’s date programmed in your alarm system on your mobile phone or pager.

You say this reply with an equal amount of excitement. This is an appropriate response if the other person is a familiar person or a friend.

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This is a common expression that can stand alone too. It doesn’t have to be a response. It serves the same purpose as when you say, I’m looking forward to it.

I’m Looking Forward To It Too

You expected this option in this list, didn’t you? Of course, you can repeat the same words back to the speaker if you are interested in the same stuff they’re talking about.

It’s the easiest reply here to remember. And you won’t be breaking any law if you say it.

Oh Great

Nod and say, Oh great. This reply allows you to have fun with the speaker if they’re your friend. Especially if you and the speaker are used to being sarcastic in your conversations.

This response allows you to display a wide range of expressions as you say it. You can nod, roll your eyes, or just about whatever you want to do. It all depends on the context.

If you think there’s nothing to really look forward to about the subject matter, you can say, ‘oh great, there you go again.’

Yeah, Likewise

If you’re into sarcasm with your friends then this response should be fun. You can say this while pursing your lips and rolling your eyes.

You can follow it up with some more ribbing, adding funny stuff that you and your friend are familiar with. You are letting the other person know you are looking forward to the event too, but you have no real intention to attend.

On the flip side, you can be serious about looking forward to the event too. Context is always important. And usually, if the other person is your friend they’ll know when you are being sarcastic or serious.

I’ll Be Seeing You There Then, Right…

And then the other person would say, of course. You can give this response if your intention is to be a part of what the other person is looking forward to.

This is one of the most direct replies you can give to someone who says they’re looking forward to something.

You should give this reply if you know exactly what they’re talking about, and it is something you are a part of. The words can be accompanied by an expression of happiness and excitement.

The Feeling Is Mutual, Bro…

In this context, the event is likely a small one that involves a select number of people. It is an exclusive event that only you and the other person know about.

This reply is intended to keep the subject secret especially if you are having this discussion in public. Office friends often talk this way.

Or college students. Depending on the circumstances, keep your expression blank when you use this reply.

I Eagerly Anticipate It

How Do You Respond to Looking Forward to It

This response is basically the same as when someone says, ‘I look forward to it.’ But you use this response because you don’t want to merely repeat the other person’s words to them.

In both instances, the two persons eagerly await the arrival of an event. The word, eagerly, allows you to follow up this response with an expression of excitement.

I’m Happy To Hear This

Sometimes the person who says they’re looking forward to it, wants you to commit in some way to the upcoming event.

But if you’d like to maintain your neutrality in the matter or you simply don’t want to commit just yet, you can say, I’m happy to hear it.

In this case, you aren’t really addressing the fact of the subject matter. You are only happy about the person’s optimism.

Use this response if the person in question is not someone you’d rather not be associated with or the event is not one you want to attend.

And if the event has everything to do with you, use this response if you don’t want the person to be in attendance.

I’m Sorry, But I Can’t Be There…

How Do You Respond to Looking Forward to It

With this response, you express your desire to not be a part of the party or event. You may have discerned that the person who says, I’m looking forward to it, is also expecting you at the event.

You are politely turning down the apparent invitation. Is this response proper? Well, much depends on your relationship with the other fellow.

What’s important is making known your stand by stating it clearly.

I’m Sorry But I Have Other Commitments

This reply takes your stand on the matter even further by stating a specific reason why you aren’t looking forward to whatever like the other fellow. And the reason is you have ‘other commitments.’

People are allowed to turn down appointments. And it’s better than making promises you are unable to keep. This is also a polite way to turn down the expectation even if you have no true commitments.

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You can appear sincere when saying this reply by making a face that shows disappointment.

This response would be appropriate if you know when the person said they’re looking forward to it, they also meant they expect you to be in attendance.

Or someone may say they look forward to having lunch, going to a concert with you, and so on. Just say: I’m sorry but I have other commitments.

How Do You Respond to Looking Forward to It

I Appreciate The Opportunity

This response can follow if you and the other person have just arranged to do something very important. Then after the person says they’re looking forward to it, you can reply that you appreciate the opportunity.

This is a polite response you give because you agree with the other person.

It Would Be Nice To See You Again

Let’s say this conversation happens over the phone or while texting. You and the person have just arranged to meet – it could be for different purposes like for business, or a romantic night.

The person says I’m looking forward to it. You can reply: it would be nice to see you again. If you are both texting, you can add an appropriate emoji.

I Have High Expectations For The Meeting Too

So you have just struck a deal to meet with your investors. Or with this lady or guy. A day or two before the meeting you receive a call or text from the other person that ends with, I’m looking forward to it.

The above reply is apt. Just say, ‘I have high expectations for the meeting with you.’ It is polite, and it is positive.

Although it may end up creating pressure for the other person especially if this is the first date. So, let the circumstances dictate what you say afterward to put the other person at ease.

I’m All Pumped For It

This response is good when having a face-to-face conversation. The person tells you they are looking forward to it. You rub your palms together, and with a broad smile you say, I’m all pumped for it.

This carries the sense of being in the gym, pumping iron, and getting ready to get into action. This reply unconsciously gives the hearer the impression that you are totally committed to the meeting or whatever you are both looking forward to.

You show with this response that the other person is not alone in their expectations.

That’s Awesome!

It’s all part of the excitement, the anticipation for the thing you look forward to. When you reply with these words you let your face glow with the expression of gladness.

When you say, that’s awesome, you make reference to (1) the fact that the person anticipates the event and is looking forward to it, (2) the fact that you look forward to it too, and (3) you are happy about the idea of the event itself.

This response is appropriate too even if you have no particular interest in the event itself. But that you can see the enthusiasm of the other person and how pumped they are is enough to be excited for them.

What Are You Talking About?

This response is for a situation where you don’t have an idea what the other person looks forward to. Or where you are already in a situation or event and you wonder if the person is talking about that or a different situation.

For instance, if you are at a concert you and your friend have looked forward to for weeks and now he’s saying he ‘looks forward to it.’ You have to ask if there’s another concert coming up.

This is a legitimate question. Pushed by excitement, someone may tell you they’re looking forward to something you know nothing about. If you don’t want to go along, you can simply ask for clarification.


Yes. In this day and age, it takes even the littlest thing to trigger folks. For this reason, give a response that is terse but not insulting.

This is where the anodyne word, ‘okay,’ comes in. ‘Okay’, can be used to tell someone off, to keep a conversation going, or to let someone know you don’t care about what they’re saying one way or the other.

This one-syllabic, four-letter word can save you a lot of trouble, and when used with the appropriate body language cues and facial expression, it can be the best response on this list.

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You can say okay, and the person would simply leave you alone, or the person can be prompted to provide further reasons why they look forward to whatever.

When Can I…?

When someone says they look forward to it, you can nod and say, ‘So when can I…?’, then attach the appropriate response depending on the arrangement you have.

It can be the person is looking forward to a business meeting. You can ask, ‘so when can I meet you?’ ‘Where can I meet you?’ and so on.

This is the best response if what the other person is looking forward to is something you were a part of setting up but there are elements of the event you need clarification on.

Thank You

It’s not out of place to simply thank the person who says, ‘looking forward to it.’ This is a good response if the event directly involves you.

For instance, if the person says he or she is looking forward to seeing you the next time, you can smile and tell them, thank you.

With this response, the interest is on what you bring to the awaited event, no matter how small.

And your response is a sign of gratitude to the person for looking forward to something that has to do with you.

What Is It About?

You could be feigning ignorance about this event when you ask, ‘What is it about?’ or you could be trying to avoid the whole thing altogether.

Maybe this is something you are not looking forward to and your idea of dodging it is by faking ignorance.

Hopefully, the person will get the hint that you’re trying to cancel the meeting. You can also follow this reply up with, ‘I’m sorry but I have other commitments.’ Or, ‘I really looked forward to it too, but my plans have changed…’

And this response can be genuinely from a place of forgetfulness. Maybe you have several other engagements that involve this person and you really want to know the specific one.

An appropriate expression would be to spread your hands with your eyebrows raised far up your forehead.

Can We Postpone?

In further trying to avoid the engagement you can give this direct reply. No preambles. Just a request to postpone because you would not be available for the event.

Now, the appropriate expression would depend much on what you’re trying to achieve: do you want to just skip the event until a later time, or do you want to completely not be available, forever?

The best medium to use this response is over the phone or while texting.

If you’re an introvert, being around even people you care about can cause exhaustion for you, according to the official blog of the Australian Institute of Professional Counselors.

This is one way to avoid an engagement the other person is looking forward to. So for your own mental health care, you can just ask for a postponement.

Whoa, Calm Down

Have you ever had to do something with an over-excited person? It can be exhausting, and you don’t even have to be an introvert.

If the person has been on your case all day, just reminding you of how they are looking forward to it, then you can stop them in the middle of the hallway and tell them to chill.

It’s alright to be excited though without heckling the other person. This situation can occur anywhere; at work, at school, or even at the games.

And it can be about just about anything from a soccer game to an interview that doesn’t even have anything to do with you.

When you use this response be sure to not go overboard with your resistance. Be calm but firm if this event isn’t something you are keen about.

Be respectful if the person is a colleague at work or school. There’s no need to bring them down mentally.

If you are still interested in the event but only wish they take it easy with the reminder, then be clear in saying so.

Final Thoughts

Imagine what conversations would sound like if there was only one response to, ‘I’m looking forward to it.’

In this article, you have been presented with various other ways to respond when someone says they’re looking forward to something.

Overall, let your responses be guided by appropriate social etiquette. Do not forget the context, your emojis, and those invaluable facial expressions.

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