15 Other Ways to Say No Need to Pay to a Close Friend or Relative

Taking over a bill from a relative, friend or even stranger is a kind gesture. However, it is possible to be perceived differently by the other person if your intentions aren’t communicated. 

Sometimes, they need more convincing, other times they have personal policies against accepting help or handouts.

If you are going to take over someone’s bill, it is important to do this with kindness and warm gestures. Informing first also helps to prepare them or consider your offer.

Lots of people feel uncomfortable when you pick up the bill after them. It could be at the mall, bar, coffee shop, or any place.

You should use the right steps when approaching them to prevent them from taking offence. Inform them and ensure your choice of words has enough sway and respect in them. 

We have done extensive research and made a list of all the best alternative ways to say no need to pay a close relative. 

We have well-formatted each alternative to suit the most complex and simple opportunities where you need to take over a bill. 

You can use them within different relationship dynamics and or individuals. So let us dive into each of them. 

We have helped you explain possible ways each of them can be used effectively. Examples have been added to provide more insight into their usage.

Best Ways to Say No Need to Pay to a Close Friend or Relative

1. ‘It’s on the house next time you pay’

An alternative way to say no need to pay to a friend or person is saying ‘It’s on the house next time you pay’.

This works effectively when you run an establishment with paid services. This subtly tells them you will not take payment from them, and they can pay next time. 

We use this phrase in hospitality to show that the service or item is being provided for free, with no charge. It tells the customer you appreciate their patronage. It is very effective in cultivating customer loyalty to a brand.


  • Speaker: what’s my bill, please
  • you: ‘It’s on the house next time you pay

2. ‘Consider it a gift from me to you’

One other way to say no need to pay is by saying ‘Consider it a gift from me to you’. This is used to show kindness towards the other person. They either have a debt to settle or something of value to pay. And this statement absolves them of such burden. 

By describing it as a gift, you’re conveying that you’re giving it freely expecting nothing in return. This means they don’t have to pay what they owe to you. This is an alternative way to pardon anyone who owes you something.


  • Speaker: I still haven’t paid back the loan I took
  • You: ‘Consider it a gift from me to you’
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3. ‘This one’s my treat everyone let’s have fun’

One fun; alternative way to say no need to pay is saying ‘This one’s my treat everyone let’s have fun’. This means you have paid for the expenses of the other person. Mostly a group of people such as your friends.

What this means is that you’re treating your family member or relative to something, and you’ll be covering the cost. Use this when you want to spoil them with fun activities such as going to the park or ordering takeout.


  • Speaker: we have been thinking of going out for some dinner
  • Response: This one’s my treat everyone let’s have fun

4. ‘Don’t worry about the bill I’ll handle it’

One simple way to say no need to pay is by saying ‘Don’t worry about the bill I’ll handle it’. This is the most straightforward way to inform a person you are handling their bills.

It is a direct way to help the other person without them asking. It is modest and doesn’t portray you as being obnoxious or inconsiderate.

This phrase reassures them they don’t need to concern themselves with the cost; you’ll take care of it. If you need or see someone in need of help and you are willing, use this phrase to show genuine concern. 


  • Speaker: I can’t seem to find my wallet
  • You: don’t worry about the bill I’ll handle it

5. ‘It’s My shout this time’

Hanging out with a group of friends and it’s your turn to pay the bills. This is another way to say no need to pay. It’s a sign that you will be the one paying for the hangout. This phrase may seem strange but it’s pretty common among young folks. 

The “Shout” here refers to covering expenses, and you’re letting them know it’s your turn to pay. This shows fair play and dedication to your friends. So use this phrase to announce your turn at handling the bills.


  • Speaker: hey let’s Pay up, the bill is here
  • You: ‘It’s My shout this time’

6. ‘Hey No need to reach for your wallet’

A subtle way of saying no need to pay to friends or family is saying ‘Hey No need to reach for your wallet’. It’s common to have your card or bills stashed in your wallet.

Most people take out their wallets when completing a payment and preventing them from doing so signifies your intention to cover the cost.

This phrase implies they don’t need to take out their wallet or purse because you’ve already handled the payment. So if you want to show you will handle the bills without being arrogant. This phrase is the best option for you.


  • Speaker: tell me how much it costs
  • You: ‘Hey No need to reach for your wallet’
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7. ‘I’ve got this covered’

If you want to say no need to pay another way say ‘I’ve got this covered’. This is a popular phrase that shows you are going to handle all payments.

If you have intentions of covering the expenses at a bar, restaurant or even paying for things online. Saying this means you will take over the expenses from them.

You’re assuring them you’ve taken care of the payment or expenses. With this statement, everyone will know you can handle the bill.

It gives them peace of mind and they will appreciate you for it. Next time you are out, say this instead of no need to pay.


  • Speaker: hey who’s going to pay for this
  • You: ‘I’ve got this covered’

8. ‘Hey Let me take care of it’

A generous way to say no need to pay is saying ‘Hey Let me take care of it’. This way you are showing your generosity.

Especially if you are a generous person, this is how you handle the bill without making others feel left out. It’s a gentle phrase used to help others, especially when handling finances.

This shows your willingness to handle the situation, including paying for something, without their involvement.

9. ‘You don’t owe me anything’

A sincere way to say no need to pay to a family friend is saying ‘You don’t owe me anything’. This is useful when you have other people trying to pay for your expenses. We also use it when other people feel they owe you a magnificent gesture in return.

This phrase teaches them you are not expecting them to pay for it on your behalf. It also shows they do not owe you anything. Even if they owe you something, this means they no longer have to pay. 

This emphasizes that you’re not expecting any form of repayment or reimbursement.


  • Speaker: I want to pay them last time
  • You: ‘You don’t owe me anything’

10. ‘It’s my pleasure, no payment required’

Another way to say no need to say is saying ‘It’s my pleasure, no payment required’. When you run a store or a marketplace.

You can choose to let a friend or relative shop for free. Doing this is your choice and the phrase ‘It’s my pleasure, no payment required’ is the best way to tell them this.

You’re expressing that you’re happy to provide whatever it is, and there’s no need for them to pay for it. This tells them you are doing it pro Bono. 


  • Speaker: how much is my total bill
  • You: ‘It’s my pleasure, no payment required’

11. This one’s on me

A straightforward way to say no need to pay is saying ’This one’s on me’. It is a popular way to accept the expenses of other people including yourself. This one is on me, which means you have taken over the cost of whatever has been bought.

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This phrase is more You’re letting them know that this expense is your responsibility, and they don’t need to worry about it. Do this to let your friends know you care so much about them. Handling bills is another love language between close relatives.


  • Speaker: the cheque please
  • You: ‘Don’t pay You’re my guest today’

12. ‘Don’t pay You’re my guest today’

Another way to say no need to pay is saying ‘Don’t pay You’re my guest today. Accepting a person or a family member as your guest means they will experience free hospitality from you. It’s a sign that you have sorted out all the things they will need.

This phrase refers to them as your guests, you’re showing that you’ll be covering their expenses as a host would.

13. ‘I won’t accept your money’

A more candid way of saying no need to pay is saying ‘I won’t accept your money’. You have to use more subtle tones to convey this to them. Is best suited when you own a service they have used and want to pay for it.

This phrase You’re clarifying that you won’t take any money from them for the expense. It’s used with family or friends if you want to show kindness or elevate a minor burden. 


  • Speaker: I want to pay for this
  • You: ‘I won’t accept your money’

14. I’m treating you, no need to pay

If you want to handle the expense of a close relative, one way to say this is saying I’m treating you, no need to pay. This is an exciting way to inform them you are treating them to a nice and pleasurable time. 

This phrase conveys that you’re treating them to something and that they don’t need to contribute financially. They will be joyful because you have shown them kindness.

15. You can consider this a freebie

If you need another way to say no need to pay You can consider this a freebie. This is a cheerful way to show you are handling the bills they have incurred. What this means is they will not pay for anything they bought.

This light-hearted phrase suggests that what you’re providing comes with no cost or obligation.

Final Verdict

These expressions all communicate your generosity and willingness to cover expenses without expecting your family or close relatives to pay. They’re suitable for situations where you want to treat them or show your appreciation.

These phrases convey your generosity and the intention to cover the expenses without expecting payment from your family or close relatives.

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