20 Best Responses to “Hey” on Instagram

There are many ways to respond to them on Instagram. What you want is a response that either engages, questions, or simply salutes the other person. “Hey” is a version of Hi ” they both are used to call your attention.

We have sampled a lot of feedback on the best ways to respond to her, and this has led us to create this lovely article.  

Responding to a simple “hey” message on Instagram can sometimes leave you wondering how to keep the conversation flowing. In this article, we’ll explore 20 creative responses to help you engage effectively with your Instagram contacts.

How to Respond to “Hey” on Instagram

Hey, How’s it going?

A simple response when someone says hey on Instagram is saying hey, how’s it going? This response doesn’t take much effort.

Its simplicity is enhanced by its friendly and open-ended use. It shows interest in the other person’s well-being. It encourages them to share their current mood or activities.


Speaker: Hey

You: Hey, Kamal how’s it going? 

Hi there What’s on your mind today?

An engaging response to “hey” on Instagram is saying Hi there What’s on your mind today? When you reply this way, it shows them you are ready to have an interesting conversation with them.

This makes them more comfortable sharing information with you.

This response expresses curiosity and invites the other person to share their thoughts or concerns, sparking a meaningful conversation.


Speaker: Hey

You: Hi there What’s on your mind today? You can tell me okay?

Hello, What can I do for you?

A direct way to respond to Hey in your Instagram inbox is by saying “Hello What can I do for you?” This question is the other person’s reason for reaching out. It’s the best reply to get your answers without beating about the bush. 

It’s an acceptable response because it Offers help in a polite way too, showing that you’re there to help or chat about any topic of interest.


Speaker: Hey

You: hello. What can I do for you

Hey, long time no talk. What have you been up to? 

A personal response to Hey on Instagram is saying “Hey, long time no talk! What have you been up to?” use this response when chatting with a long-lost friend. 

It will help rekindle the conversation into an engaging one. 

It does this by Acknowledging the gap in communication and asking about recent activities showing genuine interest in catching up.


Speaker: hey 

You: Hey long time no talk when are we going to catch up? 

Hey, Thanks for reaching out. What’s new with you?

A refreshing response when someone says hey on Instagram is saying ‘Hey thanks for reaching out, what’s new with you? Here, you are grateful to them for texting because you have defaulted on your ends. 

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It’s a subtle way to express gratitude for the message and asking about recent developments keeps the conversation positive and engaging.

I prefer using this when you have lots in common with them. 

They will be comfortable when having a conversation with you just because you have opened with this response.


Speaker: Hey

You: Thanks for reaching out. What’s new with you?

Hi, What’s the latest in your world?

One casual way to respond to He on Instagram is by saying “Hi What’s the latest in your world?

This response also shows an interest in them and their activities. It is a way to get a conversation going from the start. 

It is a great response because it encourages the other person to share personal updates, creating an opportunity for meaningful dialogue. You can easily enter a conversation about themselves.


Speaker: Hey

You: Hi What’s the latest in your world?

Hello, How can I assist you today? 

Another friendly response to Hey on Instagram is saying ‘Hello How can I assist you today?’ If you work in a professional industry such responses are your daily templates. Use this with clients to get the best work done. 

By offering help, you’re opening the door for the other person to discuss any concerns they may have. 

It allows you to get a quick rundown of what truly’s them allowing for faster solutions.

ExampleSpeakerer: hey

You: This is an animal farm customer Carre How can I assist you today?

Hey, stranger How’s life treating you?

An inviting response to Hey on Instagram is saying Hey, stranger How’s life treating you?

Calling them strangers is a euphemism for saying you miss them or they haven’t spoken with you in a while. 

It also shows that you are happy to have heard from them. 

It is a playful and lighthearted response that acknowledges the lack of recent contact and invites the person to share how they’ve been. 

A lost friend will be filled with so many stories that they are eager to tell. And this is the best way to get it out of them. 


Speaker: hey 

You: 8. Hey, stranger How’s life treating you?

Hi, It’s been a while. What’s going on with you?

A welcoming response to Hey on Instagram is saying ‘Hi It’s been a while. 

What’s going on with you?” Directly specifies the fact that you have both been separated, followed with a question about their life

This response recognizes the passage of time since your last interaction while setting a friendly tone for catching up.

You can use this with a person whom you’ve known since childhood. It allows for a creative and engaging conversation.

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Speaker: Hey

You: ‘Hi It’s been a while since I spoke to you. What’s going on with you?’

Hey, What brought you to my DMs today?

One energetic way to answer Hey on Instagram is by saying ‘Hey! What brought you to my DMs today’ This response sounds cheerful and modern. 

It is a lingo that is easily relatable and shows you are cool with them.

This response directly addresses the reason behind their message, encouraging them to share their intentions. If you find yourself talking with a much younger person. This reply is how you find a level ground with them.

example :

Speaker: Hey

You: Hey, what brought you to my DMS today?

Hello, Where is the rest of your message?

An inquisitive response to Hey is saying ‘Hello Where is the rest of your message?’

When someone you do not know sends you a message on Instagram. These responses suggest they need to add more context than just saying “Hey”.

This response expresses curiosity and invites the person to share the reason or context behind their message, leading to a more engaging conversation. If you have no interest in probing them, use such a response to get the information you desire.

Hey, how’s your day going so far?

A familiar response is you saying ‘Hey, how’s your day going so far?’

This reply shows familiarity with the sender. It also inquires about their day, prompting them to dialogue.

Asking about their day is a friendly way to start a conversation and show genuine interest in them.

Hi, What’s the scoop?

An alternative response to Hey on Instagram is saying ‘Hi What’s the scoop?

Used especially when information is expected from the sender. The scoop means summary or details of an event. 

It is a colloquial response that encourages the other person to share any interesting news or updates.

Hello, What can I do to sweeten your day?

An interesting way to respond to Hey on Instagram is by saying ‘Hello What can I do to sweeten your day?’

This response will get a reaction from the sender. They will be eager to share details about themselves within the conversation.

Offering to improve their day, is a considerate way to engage and show you care about their happiness.

Hey, What’s cooking?

A short and friendly response to Hey on Instagram is saying ‘Hey What’s cooking?’ This reply doesn’t refer to food. Rather it means, what activity are they currently involved in. 

This could be from personal tasks to projects at work. 

it relaxes and encourages them to share any exciting plans or activities they have in store.

Hi there How can I be of benefit today?

The best response to Hey when you are a customer care support or a handler for a company Instagram is saying Hi there How can I benefit today?

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Here, you portray professionalism by replying this way. 

This response conveys a willingness to assist with questions or needs they might have.

Hello, Tell me, what’s the buzz?

An intricate stylish way to respond to hey on Instagram is saying ‘Hello! Tell me, what’s the buzz?’

This way you are casually asking them about themselves. Use this when you aren’t looking for any specific answer. 

It is a conversational and engaging way to inquire about their current interests or topics they find exciting.

Hey, I wasn’t expecting this. What’s up?

A response that registers your surprise at their text should say ‘Hey I wasn’t expecting this. What’s up?’ this has the best attention-grabbing rate.

It expresses surprise and curiosity about their message and creates an inviting atmosphere for further discussion.

Hi, What’s the word on the street?

One response that is commonly used amongst a circle of friends is saying ‘Hi What’s the word on the street?’

This can be used within your small-knit circle of friends. It shows that you have an interest in what they have to say.

This response playfully encourages them to share any interesting or trending information they’ve come across.

Hello! It’s nice to hear from you. What’s on your mind?

A sincere-sounding response is saying ‘Hello! It’s nice to hear from you. What’s on your mind?’

When you respond this way, you show them you care for them. Expressing appreciation for the contact and directly asking about their thoughts or concerns helps start a meaningful conversation.

Final verdict

Instagram helps people stay in touch across distances and responding to messages there can seem different from regular text.

This isn’t always the case. From our list, you see there are many ways to have meaningful and delightful conversations on Instagram.

What we have given you are the best openers. They will have you engaging in deep and interesting conversations that flow at a good pace. 

These responses cover a range of tones and intentions, allowing you to choose the one that best suits your communication style and the nature of your conversation on Instagram.

Remember to consider the context and your relationship with the person when selecting your response to ensure a pleasant and engaging interaction.

If you do not feel like responding or need more context, hey, you can always ask the sender for more information. 

Each of these responses serves a different purpose, from expressing interest and catching up to offering help and addressing the context of the message.

Tailor your response based on the specific situation and your relationship with the person you’re messaging on Instagram.

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