20 Synonyms to ‘Looking Forward to Seeing You’

There are other ways to say ‘looking forward to seeing you’. However, ‘looking forward to seeing you’ is a phrase that shows a longing to see someone, perhaps, after a long while or out of sheer fondness.

When you say this, it means you want to see someone so bad you can’t keep it to yourself. While the phrase itself seems complete and highly effective, there’s no doubt that there are alternatives or what I’d prefer to call synonyms in the course of this post.

These synonyms project the same message as saying ‘looking forward to seeing you’ but the difference lies in the diction – choice of words and either they project a more intense message or a mild one.

In this post, I’ll be focusing on explaining 20 synonyms to looking forward to seeing you, stay with me!

Best 20 Synonyms to Looking Forward To Seeing You

There are cool synonyms for saying ‘looking forward to seeing you’ and some of them include ‘Hoping to see you’, ‘Longing to finally meet you’, ‘Expecting to see you soon’, and ‘I’m counting down to seeing you.’

Judging from the aforementioned synonyms to ‘looking forward to seeing you’, you can see that these alternatives say more while also meaning the same as ‘looking forward to seeing you’. The good news is there is more, and here they are below.

1. Expecting To See You Soon

‘Expecting to see you soon’ takes the shine as the first synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ in this post. However, there’s no alphabetical arrangement of any sort in this article.

When you say ‘expecting to see you soon’ you are saying the same thing as ‘looking forward to seeing you’. Although the difference lies in the choice of words, you can’t disagree that this phrase makes for a good synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’.

Albeit, you can use this in the same breath as saying ‘looking forward to seeing you’, but it lays more emphasis on expectations.

2. Excited To Meet You

‘Excited to meet you’ is another impressive synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ which you shouldn’t neglect.

This one introduces a type of feeling attached to meeting or seeing someone. It means that such a feeling is at stake given the fact that you get to meet the person in question.

The feeling here is that of excitement and you are insinuating that you will feel like this if the person you’re anxious to meet eventually meets with you.

Likewise, this line of phrase also emphasizes the intensity of the anxiousness in you to meet the person in question. You can say this synonym while accompanying it with a bright countenance.

3. Longing to Finally Meet You

‘Longing to finally meet you’ is a good synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’. It is not your regular phrase out there, but that doesn’t discredit it as a better alternative instead of saying ‘looking forward to seeing you’ every other time.

With this line, you’re telling the person that you crave their presence. That means you must’ve deemed them an important figure in your life and you long so much to meet them. This phrase will get you a resounding result if you say it with a cheerful face and bright eyes.

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4. I’d Love to See You

‘I’d love to see you’ is one of those synonyms for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ that doesn’t intensify the urgency in your voice when you want to tell someone that you want to see them.

Instead, it comes as a mild and somewhat more appealing way of asking for someone’s presence.

Usually, you can say this to your opposite gender to show that you miss them and would love to see the person if the opportunity avails itself.

I’m pretty sure the person will see this line of statement as an appealing one and make efforts to oblige your request as they may be.

5. I’m Eager to Meet with You

‘I’m eager to meet with you’ can serve as a synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’. The use of ‘eager’ in the sentence shows urgency and enthusiasm to see or meet with the person.

Here, you’re telling the person that you are eager and anxious to meet with the person. It just shows how quickly you’d want to meet with them, and I’m pretty sure the person will understand this if you put it correctly.

6. Waiting Patiently To See You

‘Waiting patiently to see you’ is another impressive synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ which you can make use of. Here, this line emphasizes the patient to show the degree of urgency in seeing the person.

It’s pretty understandable that you mostly exercise patience towards people who matter. On that note, I can safely assert that this synonym works best if you’re directing it to someone you value a lot.

The line shows that you not only value the person in question, but you are even patient enough to see them. This way, ‘waiting patiently to see you’ becomes a viable alternative to ‘looking forward to seeing you’.

7. Hoping To See You

‘Hoping to see you’ is an even more flexible synonym to ‘looking forward to seeing you’. I say so because it doesn’t do anything short of telling the person that you’re highly expectant of them – you hope to see them.

And this is the same message ‘looking forward to seeing you’ conveys.

You will also notice that this line is shorter and goes straight to the point, so much so that you don’t need another explanation to make things clearer.

Therefore, if you want to keep things jiffy and get along with other things quickly, you will need this line to do that.

8. I Envision Meeting You

‘I envision meeting you’ can be a great choice of synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’. That will only be possible if you get to use it in real time.

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With this line, you’re telling the person in question that you have deep thoughts about meeting with them. These deep thoughts would then become visions or aspirations.

If the circumstance surrounding your meeting with the person is formal, then you can make use of this line to complement the tone of your statement.

9. Watching Forward To Seeing You

‘Watching forward to seeing you’ as a synonym to ‘looking forward to seeing you’ is slightly distinct from the original line. Here, the word “watching” is used instead of “looking” as seen in the original text.

However, this slight difference doesn’t alter the efficiency of the line in conveying the message it is supposed to convey.

10.  I Anticipate Meeting You in Person

‘I anticipate meeting you in person’ is an equally fine pick if you’re looking for plausible synonyms for ‘looking forward to seeing you’. And this owes to the fact that it makes it clear that you want to meet with the person in person, and you anticipate doing that in no distant time.

This way, you tend to sound and appear more intentional than usual. I’m pretty sure the person you’re directing this to will grasp the anxiousness in your voice quickly.

11.  I Can’t Wait To See You

Synonyms to Looking Forward to Seeing You

‘I can’t wait to see you’ can serve as a good synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’. With this line, you’re telling the person that you can’t wait to see them. You’re just reiterating the same point as in saying ‘looking forward to seeing you’.

The only difference is that there’s an element of desperation in the tone of this particular line. If you prefer to use this synonym, bear in mind that you may come off desperate, clingy, or even creepy but it depends on the circumstance you use it and who interprets it.

12.  I’m Counting Down To Seeing You

‘I’m counting down to seeing you’ is a cool synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ which you can use. This is because of how elaborate this line is.

With this line, you’re telling the person that you’re taking your time to wait to see them, and as you do that you are also taking record of how long it has been and it is still going to take.

This line would be preferable if you have any sort of relationship with the person you’re directing the message to.

13.  My Hopes Are High on Seeing You

‘My hopes are high on seeing you’ is another way to say ‘looking forward to seeing you’. Just like this line means that you’re hopeful about meeting the person, it passes the same message as when you say ‘My hopes are high on seeing you’.

You can utilize this line of statement to inform someone that you are hoping that you get to see them someday.

14.  I Await to see You

‘I await seeing you’ is a synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ that does the same thing as the original text.

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Here, you’re saying that you are awaiting the person’s presence. If you use this line, it means that you have mildly increased the intensity of your quest to see the person in question.

15.  I’m Highly Expectant about Seeing You

‘I’m highly expectant about seeing you’ is an effective alternative to ‘looking forward to seeing you’. With this, you can tell someone that you want to see them and you’re highly expectant about that.

I’m pretty sure the person will see the reason for your statement and act accordingly. If you choose to use this line, it means you have a keen choice of words, and that in turn speaks about your personality.

16.  I’m Keen on Seeing You Someday

‘I’m keen on seeing you someday’ is just about one of the best synonyms for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ that you can’t afford to miss out on.

By using this line, you’re insinuating that you want to see the person someday and you’re keen or focused on that. The energy in this line is different from the others, hence, its uniqueness.

17.  I’m Running out of Patience for Your Return

‘I’m running out of patience for your return’ is a brainy line of a statement that you can use instead of saying ‘looking forward to seeing you’.

This is so because it has you implying that you are running out of time and patience to see the person. This means you long for the person’s return so badly that you become vocal about it.

18.  See You Soon

‘See you soon’ can serve as a good replacement for ‘looking forward to seeing you’, especially when you don’t want to say much but mean more. If you want to keep it short and simple, this is the way to go.

19.  See You Then

Synonyms to Looking Forward to Seeing You

‘See you then’ just like the previous line is short and straight to the point, which is what you need to be able to convey the same message as saying ‘looking forward to seeing you’.

20.  I’m Enthusiastic About Seeing You

‘I’m enthusiastic about seeing you’ is a fine choice of synonym for ‘looking forward to seeing you’. With this, you’re telling the person that you are enthusiastic i.e. you’re hopeful about seeing him or her someday.

Final Words

Here we are, at the end of this article that focused on 20 synonyms for ‘looking forward to seeing you’.

Collating the best synonyms for ‘looking forward to seeing you’ is a tad challenging because you need to be cautious about including a phrase that does not completely convey the main message as the original text.

However, the synonyms in this article are spot on and don’t disappoint.

Do well to use them anytime soon to get your desired result and don’t forget to bookmark this page just in case you need a fallback.


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