Would You Ever Be FWB | Meaning

Being in a relationship is one of the most beautiful things in the world. In recent times around the early 2000s, relationship settings saw a revolution, and terms like sneaky links and friends with benefits were popularized.

Ever since, the traditional dating setup has been constantly threatened with people on its side migrating over to these new unconventional ones –  friends with benefits (FWB) inclusive.

Friends with benefit (FWB) is a mutual private relationship between two consenting adults whereby commitment is not prioritized and in some cases, not even recognized.

In this article, I will be giving you all the details on the topic – would you ever be FWB meaning? To know more, keep reading on!

Would You Ever Be FWB Meaning

‘Would you ever be FWB?’ is a proposal directed to someone to become friends with benefits from them. It involves typically, a non-platonic relationship that is mostly the opposite gender or in some cases, the same sex as the case may be.

Here, the parties involved consent to the relationship while keeping it open and fluid. Notably, no mention or conversations are leading up to commitment in a FWB. This is because the relationship is meant to dissolve at any time.

This is where things often get messy in this type of relationship as emotions always somehow find their way into the setup. And when it does, one party falls in love and the arrangement often falls apart if the feeling is not mutual.

However, ‘Would you ever be FWB’ is just a question used to ask someone to enter into an FWB relationship with them.

The intended answer in this situation is usually either a Yes or No. With yes being that you want to be FWB with the questioner and No being that you would pass.

This type of relationship is most popular among young adults born and raised in big cities with high-rise buildings and also suburbs. In these places, traditional dating and mating formulas are seen as outdated and unexciting.

So when someone asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB’, you now know what it means. Let’s get to how to respond.

15 Would You Ever Be FWB Reply

Having explained what ‘would you ever be FWB’ means, it will be wise to examine the best replies to throw in when you find yourself in a situation like this.

Some of the best replies to ‘Would you ever be FWB’ include ‘Only if the rules stay untampered’, ‘I want more than just that, I’m not getting any younger’, ‘I’m a fan of love, I wouldn’t’, ‘Sounds about right, relationship sucks’, and ‘I see you despise commitment’.

If you observe closely, you will see that the replies here are not only ‘yes’ and ‘no’. And that is because you need to be more intentional with whatever reply you choose to give – whether positive or non-compliance. However, below is a highlight of 15 would you ever be FWB reply?

  • Yes, maybe. With you? Definitely not!
  • I’m a fan of love, I wouldn’t
  • Yes, please. Who’s asking?
  • Not probably, I’m into long-term relationships
  • Only if the rules stay unhampered
  • I see you despise commitment
  • I’m too emotional to not catch feelings
  • I see you’re speaking my mind
  • Anything casual works for me at this point
  • Hell yeah, no heart is going to get broken
  • I want more than just that, I’m not getting younger
  • I’m a Christian, and I’m advised against it
  • I knew you were not going to settle
  • Welcome to the party, princess
  • Sounds about right, relationship sucks
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1. Yes, maybe. But Definitely Not With You

‘Yes, maybe. But definitely not with you’ is a viable line of response to put up when someone asks you ‘would you ever be FWB’. This is so because you tend to say more than just ‘yes’ and ‘no’ if you choose to go with this line of response.

Here, you’re saying something very different and unique. You’re implying that you can be in a FWB type of relationship, but that decision is also dependent on whom you’re doing that with.

In this line, you’re saying that you are definitely not going to try out this style of relationship with the person who asked you the question.

To a degree, this is a somewhat sarcastic response that you can offer to the person in question. Therefore, you can only apply this if you want to shush the person who asked you the question.  

2.  I’m a Fan of Love, I Wouldn’t

‘I’m a fan of love, I wouldn’t’ is a line of response that reaffirms your clinginess to love. In this case, you’re positing that you are a huge fan of love, affection, and emotion, and as such wouldn’t find it wise to ever be FWB with the person who asked you the question.

This is also because it is counterproductive and counterintuitive to do that, knowing full well you will catch feelings and get attached to the other person.

To avoid putting yourself in the position of a hopeless romantic, you should go with this line of response to dissociate yourself from any sort of affair that falls under FWB.

3. Yes, Please. Who’s asking?

‘Yes, please. Who’s asking?’ is a line of question that can serve as your response when someone asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB?’ With this line, you’re both answering in affirmation and as well sarcastically asking the person to tell you who’s asking.

This response has you discrediting the person who asked you the question as a viable partner for you to go into an FWB with. I’m pretty sure he or she will be left feeling off and strange after you drop this bomb of a reply.

4. Not Probably, I’m into Long Term Relationships

‘Not probably, I’m into long-term relationships’ is a rather non-consenting reply that you can serve when someone asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB’. Here, you’re telling the person that you’re not probably going to ever be FWB with anyone because you’d prefer a long-term relationship over it.

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The issue may be the fact that most FWB relationships are shallow and not strong enough. Hence, if you’re not about that life and someone comes to you with a proposal, you can reply to them using this line of response.

5. Only if the Rules Stay Unhampered

‘Only if the rules stay unhampered’ is an intentional reply to ‘Would you ever be FWB’ which you shouldn’t miss out on.

With this line of response, you’re asserting that you can only enter an FWB relationship with someone, perhaps the person who asked you the question, only if the rules of the affair stay unfettered.

This shows the level of conscientiousness you wish to observe if at all you’re going to be in such a relationship. I guess by the time you say this response; the person you’re answering will understand your terms and conditions and weigh if they can stick to them.

6. I See You Despise Commitment

Would You Ever Be FWB Meaning

‘I see you despise commitment’ is a strong claim you can convert to your line of response when someone asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB’. The purpose of this response is to bring to awareness your thoughts that the person you’re answering doesn’t like commitment.

This goes to length to point out how observant and thoughtful you are. And if the other person is keen, they will understand the basis of your response and revert even better.

7.  I’m Too Emotional to Not Catch Feelings

‘I’m too emotional not to catch feelings’ is a brainy line of response that you can direct to someone who asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB’. Here, you’re telling the person that you’re too emotional to not catch feelings.

That is to say that you won’t be able to sustain a FWB relationship as a result of how prone you are to catching feelings.

Regardless, this response is a good way of telling someone that you can’t be in FWB. If the person who asked you the question is understandable, they’ll consider you uninterested in such a scheme.

8. I See You’re Speaking My Mind

‘I see you’re speaking my mind’ is another interesting reply to ‘Would you ever be FWB’. Here, you are telling the person that they are speaking your mind. That means you’re positive about being FWB with the person that’s asking you the question.

In a way, this response also means you’ve been meaning to find a good way to ask this same question that was directed to you. But since the person said it first, you’re only telling them that they are speaking your mind which is a fine line of response.

9. Anything Casual Works for Me at This Point

‘Anything casual works for me at this point’ is an intentional line of response you can put up when someone asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB’. Here, you’re telling the person that you don’t mind anything casual provided commitment isn’t a thing in the relationship.

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10.  Hell Yeah, No Heart Is Going To Get Broken

‘Hell yeah, no heart is going to be broken’ is a line of response suitable for ‘Would you ever be FWB’. With this said the person should understand that you are giving a thumbs up to their quest to get you into a FWB style of relationship.

11.  I Want More Than Just That, I’m Not Getting Younger

‘I want more than just that, I’m not getting younger’ comes up as a more assertive reply in this article.

It performs an important role in letting the other person know that an FWB doesn’t sit well with you and you want something serious, given your age. This reply works best if you’re a single older lady or guy.

12.  I’m a Christian, I’m Advised against It

Would You Ever Be FWB Meaning

‘I’m a Christian, I’m advised against it’ is a reply that has a religious bearing. What I mean by this is that with this line, you’re informing the other person that your belief as a Christian abhors you from being involved in FWB.

13.  I Knew You Were Not Going To Settle

‘I knew you were not going to settle’ is a funny reply when someone asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB’. Here, you’re jokingly telling the person you’re answering to that you always knew they were not going to settle in a relationship, other than engaging in arrangements like FWB.

14.  Welcome to the Party, Princess

‘Welcome to the party, princess’ can be your preferred reply to ‘Would you ever be FWB’. You can use it as a guy to show that you accept being FWB with the person who directed the question to you.

Here, you’re calling the person “princess” which suggests the person is probably a female. That means, when a girl asks you ‘Would you ever be FWB’ and you want the same thing, you can use this response to say yes to them.

15.  Sounds about Right, Relationship Sucks

‘Sounds about right, relationship sucks’ is a nice response to ‘Would you ever be FWB’ meaning. Here, you’re telling the person that entering a FWB sounds right and the relationship sucks as well.

With this response, it is clear you’re agreeing to be FWB with the person who directed the question to you.

Final Word

Here we are, at the very end of this post which discussed everything about ‘would you ever be FWB meaning’.

From explaining and detailing what FWB means to highlighting and explaining 15 best would-you-ever-be FWB replies.

So far, this post has been nothing short of insightful and interesting as it left no stone unturned in bringing clarity to your doorsteps concerning the meaning of ‘Would you ever be FWB’ as well as the best replies when someone says it to you.

All you have to do to get your desired result is to find a suitable line of response and make use of it when the need arises.

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