20 Alternatives to “Please Feel Free to Contact Me”

Do you feel comfortable with people reaching out to you for specific reasons? If you do, how do you communicate with them that it is okay for them to contact you?

What circumstances would make you encourage someone to reach out to you? For some people, it would be when they have applied for a job, and they want to let the recruiters how and when they can be reachable.

It could also be you occupy a leadership position, and you want your subordinates to know that it is okay to contact you should they encounter any difficulties.

The most common way to tell a person to reach out to you is to say, Please feel free to contact me. It is mostly written at the end of a mail or a text message.

Aside from using the basic Please feel free to contact me, are there other ways to encourage a person to reach out to you? Listed in this article are twenty (20) alternative ways you can tell a person to contact you.

20 Different Ways To Say “Please Feel Free to Contact Me”

Don’t hesitate to contact me

This is an awesome alternative to the statement Please feel free to contact me. They are similar in their meaning and command. They both encourage the hearer to do the needful without fear or hesitation.

From both phrases, the hearer knows that it is okay to send a message to the speaker through the means the speaker has outlined. This means that for someone to use any of these phrases, they must have left a means for the other person to contact them.

Be sure to let me know

The statement Be sure to let me know is another great alternative to Please feel free to contact me. Unlike the latter, it is not a plea but a subtle command.

For a person to use this effectively, he or she should be in a position of leadership. Even when used otherwise, it should be used intelligently. A good example is when a person says, “If there are any changes, be sure to let me know.

Get in touch with me

The phrase Get in touch with me is another subtle way of telling a person Please feel free to contact me. Just like the aforementioned, it is not necessarily a plea but a soft command.

It is usually made by a person who is in a position of power or leadership like a boss. The hearer is bound to follow that command and contact the boss if the need arises.

Any questions?

Another way to tell a person Please feel free to contact me is to say Let me know if you have any questions. When you encourage someone to get in touch with you, it is because you are willing to bring clarity or confirmation where the person is confused.

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The slight difference between these two phrases is that the former is formal and is usually included in emails while the latter is both semi-formal and informal, and is used after a person has finished giving instructions on a subject matter.

Don’t delay in contacting me

Another creative way to tell a person Please feel free to contact me is to say Don’t delay in contacting me. The difference between these two phrases is the urgency one communicates.

The former allows the hearer the liberty to send a message at any time, while the latter implores the hearer to immediately send a message once a problem is detected.

Reach out if you have any concerns

If a person does not want to use the phrase Please feel free to contact me, he or she can simply say Reach out if you have any concerns. While the former does not specify the reason for the contact, the latter is on the premise that the person has concerns.

Nevertheless, they both encourage the hearer to send a message with the assurance that they will receive a reply. It is very necessary to include this phrase when addressing someone important.

Don’t forget to share your concerns

The statement Don’t forget to share your concerns is a great alternative to Please feel free to contact me. The latter phrase specifies the reason why a person should send a message.

It may have been that the speaker has given some instructions or given an enlightening speech. While trying to carry out the instructions, the hearer may forget that he can ask for guidance. This phrase Don’t forget to share your concerns reminds him to do so.

You can contact me if you wish

If you are searching for an alternative way to say Please feel free to contact me then you can simply use this better replacement You can contact me if you wish.

The latter phrase gives the hearer the choice to reach out or not to reach out. It shows that necessity is not laid on the hearer and depending on how smooth the situation goes, there may be no need.

Meanwhile, while saying the former phrase, the speaker knows the other person will definitely have questions or will need clarification on some matters, so he has made it clear that he/she is open to giving answers or clarity where the need arises.

Any concerns?

If you wish to say Please feel free to contact me in another way, you can say Let me know if you have any concerns. It’s a way of assuring the person that you are speaking with that their concerns will be handled if they talk to you about it.

This is mostly used when you are in a position to help such people. You could be a boss or just occupying a leadership position. It also lets the person know that you are reachable in every way.

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Don’t be afraid to inform me.

Even when you tell a person to reach out to you in case of any problem, some of them still feel reluctant to do so. In that situation, it will be suitable to use the statement Don’t be afraid to inform me.

Using this phrase will therefore mitigate their fears and make them feel comfortable with bringing whatever concerns they have with you. It is a good alternative to the phrase Please feel free to contact me.

Always reach out without wasting time

The phrase Always reach out without wasting time is a good replacement for the statement Please feel free to contact me. While the latter is a one-time instruction targeted at a specific subject, the former is an instruction that guarantees continuous obedience.

The phrase Always reach out without wasting time assures the hearer that it is okay to send a message to you if there is a problem. It also encourages them to do so without hesitation or delay.

Call me

The phrase Call me is a simple command that gives the hearer specific instructions on exactly how to reach out to you. It is a great alternative for the statement Please feel free to contact me.

It lets the person know the exact way you want to be contacted. It may also be that the urgency of the matter would require that they call you or that it may just be your preference.

E-mail me

Another alternative to the statement Please feel free to contact me is E-mail me. This command also specifies how the speaker wishes to be contacted. While some people prefer to be called, this speaker wants to be emailed.

For introverts, this could be the best option for them as they do not like the inconvenience of phone calls. Aside from introverts, this could also be a better option for someone who feels like a phone call would be a great disturbance.

Send me a text message

Another way to tell a person to Feel free to contact me is to say Send me a text message. This instruction is direct and specific. The person speaking is letting the other person know the means through which he/she can be contacted.

It may be that he/she is in a meeting and the only way to reply to any concerns speedily is through text message as replying through phone call or mail would delay the response.

Come to the office whenever you wish to see me

Now another method you can use to tell a person Please feel free to contact me is to say Come to the office whenever you wish to see me. For the latter phrase to be effective, the hearer must know where your office is located.

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If he/she does not know, then you would have to leave some form of direction for them. This also means that you are always present at the office and that you prefer to be contacted physically.

It is also the best method to deal with formal and official matters.

Send me a mail and I’ll respond as soon as possible

The phrase Send me a mail and I’ll respond as soon as possible is a good replacement for the statement Please feel free to contact me. In the latter phrase, the mail referred to here is the one sent physically not e-mail.

People who prefer to be contacted this way are those who are off social media either temporarily or permanently. Some people take breaks from social media sometimes and the only way you can contact them is to send them a mail.

My house is open to you

Another creative way that a person can say Please feel free to contact me is to use the statement My house is open to you.

It must be noted that not everyone feels comfortable opening their house up to strangers. So, it’s either that the person being spoken to is a friend or family or that the speaker works from home and is open to receiving visitors/guests in her home.

I will await your response

The statement I will await your response is a good replacement for the phrase Please feel free to contact me. The latter statement shows that you have said something to someone, and you are expecting their reply.

It does not specify the particular means you wish to get such a reply, which means the person can use any method available to them.

Inform me if you need assistance

When supervising or instructing a person, you would make yourself reachable to them in case they have questions or need assistance on what to do.

When such is the case, the best statement to use Please feel free to contact me is instead of Inform me if you need assistance. The latter phrase also communicates that you are available both physically and otherwise.

Remember that I’m here if you need clarity

It is good to remind the person that you are speaking to that if they need help or clarity, they should reach out to you.

Ironically, it may actually be your job to help them out.

To end with

Now that we have given you alternatives to saying Please feel free to contact me, you can easily make your pick from the list and use it when necessary. It makes your vocabulary more creative and professional.

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