20 Best Replies to “I Want to Be With You Forever”

Crafting the best response to ‘I want to be with you’ is dependent on what you make out of the statement. Having a special person in your life is the dream of a lot of people.

They tend to conclude who fits their expectations even without being in a real-time relationship with the person.

This could be the case you find yourself in, where someone says they want to be with you. However, your response depends on whether or not you feel the same way about it.

Aside from that, you can choose to act indifferent towards the person’s request if you so wish to. In this article, we’ll be discussing the 20 best replies to ‘I want to be with you forever’. Stay with me as you learn more!

20 Best Replies to “I Want to Be With You Forever”

Anyone who says to you ‘I want to be with you’ is simply telling you that you’re a force they’ll like to reckon with. It could be that you have a nice attitude, money, status, or intellect.

Each of these qualities sets you aside as a desirable person, making people attracted to you.

Some of the best replies to ‘I want to be with you’ include: ‘I’m flattered, but I don’t see us as an intimate match’, ‘I’m open to exploring our bond, but I don’t want to rush into anything’, and ‘I’m not ready for anything serious at the moment’.

Without further ado, let’s get into the meat of this post, starting with a highlight of the responses to ‘I want to be with you’ and remarks on each of these replies.

  1. I appreciate your feelings, but I think it’s important for us to take things slow and get to know each other better first
  2. I love your sweet talks, but I’m not ready for a relationship right now
  3. I’m sorry, but I don’t see us as an intimate match
  4. Let’s take some time to think about this and talk more before making any decisions
  5. I’m not sure if I’m ready for a commitment like that right now
  6. I value your friendship, but I don’t see us as anything more than that
  7. I appreciate your honesty, but I don’t feel the same way
  8. I think we should focus on building a strong foundation before considering intimacy
  9. I’m open to exploring our bond, but I don’t want to rush into anything
  10. I’m not interested in pursuing an intimate relationship at this time, but I value your friendship
  11. Let’s take things slow and see where this goes
  12. I think we should get to know each other better before making any commitments
  13. I’m not looking for a relationship right now, but I appreciate your interest
  14. I’m not ready for anything serious at the moment
  15. I’m not sure if we’re compatible in that way, but we can give it a shot
  16. I think we should keep things casual for now and see if our feelings develop
  17. I’m not looking for anything involving commitment at this time
  18. I appreciate your feelings, but I need some time to think about what I want
  19. I’m flattered by your courage, but I don’t think we’re the right fit for each other
  20. Let’s take things one step at a time and see where it goes
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1. I Appreciate Your Feelings, but I Think It’s Important for Us to Take Things Slow and Get to Know Each Other Better First

Are you an intentional person, who would love to take things in steps rather than jumping into the main course? If so, then you can use this line of response to serve anyone who tells you ‘I want to be with you’. The idea behind this response is that it lets the person at the receiving end realize that you are conscious of the implications of an intimate, and would want to step into such an arrangement without first getting to know the person very well.

In light of that, this response seeks to address the issue by letting the person know that it’s important that y’all take things slow.

2. I Love Your Sweet Talks, but I’m Not Ready for a Relationship Right Now

It is flattering for someone in the course of a conversation to tell you ‘I want to be with you’. This would be the case if you’re a girl and a guy whom you’ve been having talks with for some time now ends up telling you that he wants to be with you, in intimate terms.

If you’re not open to such associations, especially with him, you can use this line of response to let the person know. This line posits that you love the person’s sweet talking, but is uninterested in obliging their request.

3. I’m sorry, but I Don’t See Us as an Intimate Match

Politeness plays a major role in setting you aside from other people, even when you’re faced with a situation that irks you. To that effect, it would be nice of you to make use of this line of response when someone says to you ‘I want to be with you’.

This response opens with an apology, which is an indication of politeness in this regard. Furthermore, it goes on to refute the person’s request by saying that you don’t see the two of you as an intimate match.

4. Let’s Take Some Time to Think about This and Talk More before Making Any Decisions

Most relationships that fail do so because the parties involved rushed into the arrangement without first ruminating on their strengths and weaknesses as individuals.

A lot of people are of the view that spending many hours thinking about what you feel about someone does not translate to emotional intelligence, but rather an uncertainty that will go on if you continue to wallow in deep thoughts.

Therefore, their resolve becomes to dive into relationships hoping to enjoy the jolly ride. Unfortunately, it doesn’t always end like that as many people also fall out within a few months or years.

Because of this, you should use this line to point out the need for proper thought no matter how long it takes.

5. I’m Not Sure if I’m Ready for a Commitment Like That Right Now

Do you feel uncertain about your involvement in an intimate relationship? If that’s the case, then you should be plain about that to the person.

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Telling them that you’re unsure about what you’re going to do in a relationship is a good start. At least, they’ll know you’re not snubbing them or anything.

6. I Value Your Friendship, but I Don’t See Us as Anything More Than That

If you want to remain ‘just friends’ with the person who said to you ‘I want to be with you’, you should use this line of response to clear them on that.

Since clarity abhors confusion, the person will be more informed about your stand and equally the reason for your choice of decision.

7. I Appreciate Your Honesty, but I Don’t Feel the Same Way

It is not only brave for someone to tell you they want to be with you; it is also a big deal of honesty for someone to tell you such. So, when it happens you can choose to recognize this virtue of theirs and equally air your view on what you think about their request.

Here, you’re telling the person that you appreciate their sincerity but you don’t see any forging ahead with their request.

8. I Think We Should Focus On Building a Strong Foundation before Considering Intimacy

Instead of abruptly countering the person who says they want to be with you, you can as well suggest the best way for you guys to coexist.

Seeing and replying from this angle shows how considerate you are, and how much you want to have them around, but not as intimate partners, yet.

9. I’m Open to Exploring Our Bond, but I Don’t Want to Rush Into Anything

This is one of the best responses in this list, and that is because it offers an alternative form of association with the person who says they want to be with you.

With this response, you’re agreeing to explore your bond with the person but you don’t want to rush into anything intimate with them.

10. I’m Not Interested in Pursuing an Intimate Relationship at This Time, but I Value Your Friendship

There’s a similarity between this particular line of response and a previous one in this list. The main difference is that the previous line doesn’t give hope to the person that you may have a rethink, but this one does.

However, you’re letting the person know that since you value your friendship with them, you’re not interested in having anything intimate with them.

11. Let’s Take Things Slow and See Where This Goes

How to respond to I Want to Be With You Forever

I love this line of response because it allows something to happen between you and the person, but did that with a condition. The condition, in this case, is that you guys will take things slow and then proceed further if it matures completely.

12. I Think We Should Get To Know Each Other Better Before Making Any Commitments

The central message in this line of reply is bonding outside the walls of intimate relationships. This type of association will help you connect more with the person before giving it a label.

13. I’m Not Looking for a Relationship Right Now, but I Appreciate Your Interest

You can reject the person’s request with grace and fondness rather than going out of your way to become rude. To achieve this, you need a good line of reply and that’s what this particular one offers you.

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14. I’m Not Ready for Anything Serious at the Moment

Intimacy and relationship are often misunderstood by people to mean the same thing. They’re not the same thing; rather apply to the same people, regardless of their gender orientation.

Here, you’re simply telling the person that you’re not ready for anything serious at the moment.

15. I’m Not Sure if We’re Compatible in That Way, but We Can Give It a Shot

You can give hope to the person who says they want to be with you if you so wish to. But this will be against every other flaw which they may have. However, you can get that done using this line of response.

16. I Think We Should Keep Things Casual for Now and See if Our Feelings Develop

This would be you suggesting a casual relationship in place of intimacy, but with the clause that you can develop feelings for the person who requested as time goes on.

17. I’m Not Looking for Anything Involving Commitment at This Time

If you just want to have fun with someone and maybe get intimate with them depending on what you tolerate, then you can use this line to let them know where you stand on the issue of obliging their request.

18. I Appreciate Your Feelings, but I Need Some Time to Think About What I Want

If you need more time to think through what would be your decision when someone says they want to be with you, you should let them know about that.

In that case, you can incorporate your challenge in your response to them. I’m sure they’ll oblige you.

19. I’m Flattered by Your Courage, but I Don’t Think We’re the Right Fit for Each Other

We’ve already established that it is courageous for someone to tell you they want to be with you. Therefore, when you’re faced with the situation, you can employ this line of response to acknowledge their courage but also explain to them your stand and choice.

20. I’ve Been Waiting for You to Put Words to What You Feel

How to respond to I Want to Be With You Forever

Have you been waiting for the person who says they want to be with you to say something? If that’s the case, you can reveal that to the person by using this line.

This response invariably comes as an affirmative response to the speaker, because it appears you’ve already been waiting for them to just say the word.

Providing a viable response ‘I want to be with you forever’ tends to be a sensitive procedure because the request is a matter of the heart. And as such should be treated with maximum discretion.

In the course of this article, I’ve provided you with the 20 best replies to ‘I want to be with you forever’.

These replies are carved out from the best well of thoughts and will be useful in your hands.

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