20 Ways to Politely Ask Someone to Check Your Work

There are mixed views on the importance of reviews. There are people who do e like to get criticized so they only believe in their opinions.

There are also people who always need people’s opinions on all they do. There is no perfect advice in this case since nothing works equally for everyone. However, it is always important to see things from the eyes of others too.

You need the reviews of others and, in some cases, you don’t even need to be told. There are several cases where you need to approach a person for this reason.

If you are wondering what to say, below are 20 suggestions and how they may work out for you.

20 Ways To Politely Ask Someone To Check Your Work

  1. I need your help.
  2. Please, can you check my work?
  3. I am having issues with my work
  4. I need someone to review my work.
  5. Please, I need feedback on my work.
  6. Can you help me check something?
  7. Can I borrow your time?
  8. What do you think about this?
  9. Do you have five minutes? I need your help.
  10. Are you busy? I need you to check something for me.
  11. I need your criticism, please.
  12. I need your honest comments. It is important.
  13. Please, can you help me out here? I need…
  14. Go over my work, please.
  15. I’d love you to critique my work
  16. Can you help me check out this …
  17. Please can you take a look at this …
  18. I need you to evaluate my work.
  19. Whenever you’re free can you help me assess this?
  20. I’m done. Please, have a look.

I need your help

Ways to Politely Ask Someone to Check Your Work

You can approach the person who you think can give you the right judgment and criticism, then say this to him or her.

It is good to start the conversation by saying you need his or her help. You can even add a bit of exaggeration, depending on how desperately you need it.

To make the person feel the need, you can say exactly why you need the person to give you feedback on your work.

You will be getting the person’s attention with this. People are usually happy to help when they know they are actually ‘helping’.

Simply looking at something and leaving a comment won’t seem like helping but you can paint it that way.

Please, can you check my work?

You can say this to a colleague, a fellow worker, or just someone who knows about your work. This way, you are sure that the person knows why your work should be checked.

Not just that, the person must also know what exactly is important in your work and what needs to be checked for perfection.

It is advisable to go to someone who is better at doing what you are doing. With that, you won’t only be getting good criticism but also some good advice on how to improve and do it better.

I am having issues with my work

This is one way to talk about your project or whatever it is that needs to be checked. However, you don’t want to scare the person with a possible burden.

You should say this to a colleague, someone better than you, or someone you are sure will be interested in helping.

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Of course, this shows that the person will be helping you out but this statement also implies that the person may have to help you in getting it right.

Some people are interested in helping but not so much. When you tell a better person that you are having issues with your work, he or she will look for the faults.

If the person is unable to tell your faults immediately, then your work may just be good enough.

I need someone to review my work

This is another way to approach a person whose help you need in reviewing your work. You should know that this doesn’t assure or convince the person to help you out.

Reviews should probably be easy but it may still feel like an avoidable burden to some people. It is better to find someone who you are sure will be interested in helping you out.

You can also decide to amplify the importance of your work before saying this. If you are talking to a friend who is less busy, you can get him or her interested in checking your work since you are making it seem like a really big help to you.

Please, I need feedback on my work

This can be used in two different contexts, though it is more correct in one. You can walk to a friend and say this to him or her to check your work for you.

You can also go to your boss or someone to whom you have already shown your work to. It is more correct in this context because you have already shown your work to him or her.

The person has checked your work already and you are only asking for the major and last thing you need from him or her. That is the feedback.

That is the point of showing the person your work in the first place. It is not simply to satisfy the person’s eyes or just impress him or her. You want feedback and, now, you are asking for it.

Can you help me check something?

Ways to Politely Ask Someone to Check Your Work

‘Check’ sounds very quick so it is a good way to start the conversation without making the person feel burdened from just hearing you out.

Even if the work is a very long one to check out, the person will not realize it till he or she is already staring at it. At this point, he or she will be unable to turn you down or, at least, reluctant to do so.

To make sure the person believes it is a short task, you can simply emphasize that it will be quick.

If the task is a very long one and you are not comfortable with lying to the person, it is better to go to someone who will be interested or obligated to check your work for you.

This way, you can comfortably show him or her your long work and expect an honest feedback

Showing your extremely long work to your friends for feedback may not be the right choice. When your friend gets tired, he or she may just skip most parts of it.

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Asides from that, there may be a bit of bias due to the closeness between the both of you. He or she will not want to give a bad review or criticism so you will only get good comments.

Can I borrow your time?

This is a polite way of making your request. This is a great one because you can accept rejection with this.

When you ask this question, you can know if he or she is busy or unwilling to do anything at the moment. To make it even more polite and appropriate, you may even say how long you will be taking his or her time.

When you say you only need close to five minutes, he or she will know how long your task will take and will be more willing to spare the time.

However, the person may not believe in ‘five minutes’. He or she may think you are lying about the shortness of the time and you may be taking longer.

You can also be very honest and say how long you will take. The person can tell you if he or she can’t spare that much time. You may also get a person who is willing to give that much time to your work.

If you force a person to check your work within a short time, you may just get a pleasing but dishonest comment.

What do you think about this?

This is something you can say when showing this to a friend or just anyone beside you. In this case, it is advisable to make sure you are showing work that is easy to review quickly.

If it is a written piece, it should be a short one so the person can read through it quickly.

If it is a long write-up, it is better to have given the person much earlier. Then you can ask this question later to know what he or she thinks.

Do you have five minutes? I need your help

This combines two very good ideas in making a person want to help you out. The first one is the mention and emphasis on time. The second one is the amplification of how much you need the person’s help.

By stating the time, you are showing that you won’t take too long so the person can decide if he or she is able to give that much time.

Also, saying how much you need the person’s assistance will make the person feel like he or she is offering true help.

Are you busy? I need you to check something for me.

Sometimes, asking if a person is busy does not give you an honest response, especially if the person already knows that you are about to ask for help.

By saying the next clause, you are confirming that you need the person’s help but you are saying it is a very easy task.

To convince the person, you can easily add how long the task should take. That way, the person knows you won’t be taking more time than he or she can spare.

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I need your criticism, please.

This is a nice way to present your work to your close friends. They should be more interested in pointing out your faults and giving the appropriate insults for all of your mistakes.

If it is a very long write-up to review, the interest may not be as much. However, you can say this after the person has checked.

I need your honest comments, please. It is important.

You may have to emphasize this if you are talking to a close friend. If it isn’t a close friend, you may not need to say this. It will be unnecessary since the person may have no reason to lie to you.

However, friends at often biased. In some cases, they truly are just unable to see your faults and they only see perfection in you and your work.

Please, can you help me out here? I need…

You can say this while you are working on the project. Saying this shows clearly that you are having issues with whatever you are doing. You should only say this to a person who is obviously less busy.

No one, or very few people, will leave their work to help you out.

Go over my work, please

This is you simply telling a person to check your work in different English words. This doesn’t sound like a request so you should say this to friends only.

In addition, make sure you are referring to a short write-up or a work that’s easy to review.

I’d love you to critique my work

You should say this to someone who is obviously better than you. You will not only have the person willing to help you out but you will also be sure that it’s an honest comment.

You are asking for a full analysis of your work with criticism. This will help you get better.

Can you help me check this out?

Say this if you are working on the project at the moment. You can simply call on someone who is obviously less busy and say this to him or her.

Please, can you take a look at this?

This is similar to the suggestion made earlier. Say this only to someone who isn’t busy.

This doesn’t ask for a full review, however.

I need you to evaluate my work

Say this to a professional who you are sure will take some time to focus on your work. Your friends may not have the time or willingness to give you a comprehensive review of your work.

Whenever you are free, can you help me assess this?

This is a nice question, especially if the person is busy at the moment. You can state why you need the assessment and why it is important so he or she doesn’t forget to check your work.

I’m done. Please, have a look

This statement is correct if you are referring to the person you work for. You are showing the person the work you have done for him or her and you are asking if you have done it well enough.

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