25 Best Responses When Someone Says They Are Intrigued By You

If you’re someone who’s used to being around people and socializing, chances are you’ve heard the phrase ‘I’m intrigued by you’ more than a few times. It’s a phrase that’s often used to express interest in another person and can be a great way to start up a conversation.

But what do you say when someone tells you they are intrigued by you? The answer to that question isn’t always easy.

You want to come off as confident and interesting without seeming too aloof or arrogant. It’s a delicate balance, but one that can be achieved if you know the right way to respond. 

That’s why I’ve compiled a list of 25 of the best responses when someone says they are intrigued by you.

From witty and humorous quips to thoughtful and insightful comments, we have all the right words to make sure you make the best possible first impression. So if someone ever says they are intrigued by you, you can know exactly how to respond with the perfect response.

When someone says they are intrigued by you, the best 3 interesting responses to show appreciation for the compliment are, ‘That’s really sweet of you to say.’,

‘I’m flattered.’, and ‘I’m glad I caught your attention.’ These responses show that you understand the compliment and you appreciate it.

They also show that you’re grateful that the person is interested in you. These responses are polite and humble, while still being interesting and memorable.

25 Best Responses When Someone Says They Are Intrigued By You

It’s a common experience to have someone tell you they are intrigued by you. Whether it’s a friend, a family member, a work colleague or a romantic partner, this kind of compliment can leave you feeling flattered and a little bit awkward.

If you’re not sure how to respond, here are 25 witty responses that will help you express your appreciation for the compliment without sounding too self-important.

1. ‘Thanks, I’m glad you’re interested.’

Best Responses When Someone Says They Are Intrigued By You

This response is a warm and appreciative way to acknowledge someone’s interest in you. It conveys a sense of gratitude and humility, showing that you are honored by the attention and appreciate the interest that someone has taken in you.

The statement is simple, yet powerful, and the use of ‘glad’ emphasizes the positive emotion you feel about the situation.

Furthermore, it demonstrates that you are open and welcoming to the interest, which can encourage the other person to continue to engage with you and build a relationship.

In essence, ‘Thanks, I’m glad you’re interested’ is a great way to show that you are approachable, friendly, and appreciative of someone’s interest in you, and it can help foster a strong and positive connection between you and the other person.

2. ‘That’s really sweet of you to say.’ 

This response is a thoughtful and appreciative way to acknowledge someone’s kind words. It conveys a sense of humility and gratitude for the compliment, showing that you are flattered and appreciative of the person’s interest in you.

The use of the word ‘sweet’ adds a touch of warmth and friendliness to the response, making it a friendly and approachable way to show gratitude.

Additionally, the statement is direct and simple, which makes it a sincere and authentic response to someone’s admiration.

Overall, ‘That’s really sweet of you to say’ is a great way to show gratitude and appreciation for someone’s interest in you, while also maintaining a level of modesty and humility.

3. ‘I’m flattered.’ 

This response is a polite and humble way to acknowledge someone’s interest in you. It conveys a sense of appreciation for the compliment and shows that you are honored by their fascination.

The statement is simple and direct, making it an authentic and sincere response to someone’s admiration. Additionally, it conveys a sense of modesty and humility, demonstrating that you do not take the person’s interest in you for granted.

The phrase ‘I’m flattered’ is an excellent way to show gratitude and respect for someone’s admiration while also avoiding the potential awkwardness of appearing overly confident or egotistical. 

4. ‘That’s a nice thing to say.’ 

This response is a polite and humble way to acknowledge someone’s compliment. It conveys a sense of gratitude and appreciation for the person’s kind words, while also showing that you are not overly self-confident or boastful.

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This response strikes a balance between showing gratitude and avoiding arrogance, making it a great way to acknowledge someone’s compliments.

Additionally, it shows that you are respectful and considerate of the person’s thoughts and feelings, which can strengthen the relationship between you and the person.

5. ‘I appreciate that.’

‘I appreciate that.’ is a simple yet powerful response to when someone expresses their intrigue in you. It conveys a genuine gratitude for their interest and acknowledges the compliment in a humble and gracious manner.

This response also projects a sense of confidence and self-awareness, as it shows that you are comfortable with who you are and understand the impact that you have on others.

Additionally, ‘I appreciate that.’ is versatile and can be used in a variety of situations, making it an ideal response to various forms of praise or admiration.

Whether someone is complimenting your personality, your achievements, or your appearance, this response conveys a positive and accepting attitude that can help to foster further positive interactions.

Ultimately, ‘I appreciate that.’ is a timeless expression of gratitude that will always be well-received and leave a lasting impression on those who hear it. 

6. ‘I’m glad I caught your attention.’

This is indeed one of the best responses to when someone expresses their interest in you. It not only acknowledges the person’s intrigue, but also conveys a level of confidence and self-assuredness.

This response indicates that you are aware of your own worth and that you are comfortable with people taking an interest in you.

It also allows the person to know that you are open to further engagement and that you are interested in building a relationship with them.

Additionally, by using this response, you are allowing the person to take the lead in the conversation and setting the tone for future interactions. 

7. ‘I’m happy that I’ve been able to make an impression.’

‘I’m happy that I’ve been able to make an impression.’ is an incredibly humble and self-assured response to someone expressing intrigue about you.

It conveys a sense of gratitude for the other person’s interest in you and demonstrates your confidence in the impact that you have made.

This response implies that you are comfortable in your own skin, and are proud of the impression you have left, yet remain grounded and humble. This kind of response can leave a lasting positive impact on the other person and solidify the connection between you two. 

This response radiates a sense of positivity, humility, and confidence, making it one of the best ways to respond when someone says they are intrigued by you.

8. ‘Thank you for noticing me.’

When someone expresses intrigue about you, ‘Thank you for noticing me’ is a perfect response that showcases gratitude and humility. It acknowledges the fact that someone has taken the time to observe and appreciate who you are, and it shows that you are grateful for their attention.

This response is not only polite, but it also creates a warm and inviting atmosphere that encourages the person to keep interacting with you.

Additionally, saying ‘Thank you for noticing me’ can also be interpreted as a way to let someone know that you have been paying attention to them too.

It is a subtle yet effective way to express your own interest in getting to know the person better, which can lead to further interaction and potential friendship. 

9. ‘It’s nice to know someone is paying attention.’ 

When someone expresses intrigue in you, hearing that ‘It’s nice to know someone is paying attention’ can be one of the best responses. This simple phrase not only acknowledges the other person’s interest in you, but it also communicates gratitude for their attention.

By saying this, you are showing that you are flattered and appreciative of their curiosity about you. The statement conveys a sense of validation, that the person’s interest has not gone unnoticed and is valued.

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This response can make the other person feel appreciated and acknowledged, leading to a deeper connection and mutual respect. Additionally, this response opens the door for further conversation and the possibility of building a meaningful relationship. 

10. ‘That’s really encouraging to hear. 

‘That’s really encouraging to hear’ is a response that exudes confidence, positivity and appreciation. It not only acknowledges the other person’s interest in you but also boosts their self-esteem and gives them a sense of validation.

The phrase has a warm and inviting tone that makes the other person feel welcomed and appreciated. It shows that you are open and receptive to the positive attention and that you value the interaction.

The words ‘really’ and ‘encouraging’ in the response indicate that you are genuinely thrilled to hear their interest in you, which can leave a lasting impression and foster a deeper connection.

It is a powerful response that sends a message of acceptance, respect, and encouragement, which is why it is one of the best responses to when someone says they are intrigued by you.

11. ‘I’m glad you find me interesting.’

‘I’m glad you find me interesting’ is a perfect response to someone who expresses intrigue about you. It is a simple yet powerful statement that shows appreciation, humility, and self-awareness.

It conveys gratitude for the other person’s interest and helps establish a deeper connection. The response is both confident and unassuming, making it ideal for creating a positive and genuine interaction.

It gives the other person a sense of validation, making them feel seen and heard, which in turn leads to a greater sense of trust and respect.

This statement is a great way to engage with someone who finds you fascinating, showing them that you are happy to be the subject of their attention and encouraging them to share more about what specifically draws them to you. 

12. ‘That means a lot.’ 

When someone tells you that they are intrigued by you, it is a compliment that should not be taken lightly. The phrase ‘That means a lot’ is the perfect response to show that you appreciate and understand the significance of this gesture.

This response not only acknowledges the other person’s interest in you, but also demonstrates your gratitude for it. It communicates to them that their opinion matters and that their interest in you is valued.

Furthermore, it fosters a deeper connection between the two of you, as it shows that you are open and receptive to their feelings and emotions.

Whether you are receiving this compliment from a friend, colleague, or romantic interest, the response of ‘That means a lot’ can enhance the relationship and deepen the connection between you.

13. ‘I’m glad that I’m intriguing to you.’ 

When someone says they are intrigued by you, responding with ‘I’m glad that I’m intriguing to you’ shows a level of humility and gratitude.

This response conveys that you are appreciative of their interest in you and also acknowledges their compliment. It can open up a positive dialogue and help to build rapport between the two of you.

14. ‘It’s a pleasure to have your interest.’ 

‘It’s a pleasure to have your interest’ is another way to acknowledge someone’s interest in you. This response showcases your politeness and appreciation for their attention. It also sets the tone for a cordial interaction and can lead to deeper conversations and a potential connection.

15. ‘I’m glad I’ve been able to make an impression on you.’

Best Responses When Someone Says They Are Intrigued By You

‘I’m glad I’ve been able to make an impression on you’ shows that you take pride in being able to leave a lasting impact on someone. It demonstrates that you value their opinion and that you are confident in your ability to stand out.

This response can lead to a deeper understanding of what specifically intrigued the other person and can serve as a platform for further conversations.

16. ‘That’s kind of you to say. I’m intrigued by you too.’ 

‘That’s kind of you to say. I’m intrigued by you too’ is a reciprocal response that indicates mutual interest. This response not only acknowledges their compliment but also shows that you are equally interested in them. It creates a sense of equality and fosters a positive and engaging conversation.

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17. ‘I must be doing something right if I’ve got you intrigued!’ 

This is a lighthearted response that shows a sense of humor and confidence. It conveys a positive outlook and the belief in your own abilities, while also being self-effacing. This response can help to break the ice and create a relaxed and friendly atmosphere.

18. ‘Thanks for noticing. I hope I can keep it up!’ 

This is a response that demonstrates your gratitude and also shows a desire to continue to maintain their interest.

This response not only acknowledges their compliment but also showcases your ambition and drive to be interesting and engaging. It opens up the possibility for future interactions and the opportunity to deepen the connection.

19. ‘It’s nice to know that I’m interesting enough to pique your interest.’

This is a response that conveys appreciation for their attention and interest. It demonstrates a sense of humility and gratitude for their compliment. This response can help to establish a positive relationship and lead to deeper conversations in the future.

20.  ‘What do you find intriguing about me?’ 

If you’d like to know more about what they find attractive or intriguing about you, this is a great response. It shows that you’re interested in learning more and that you’re open to hearing their thoughts.

21. ‘I’m glad that you feel that way.’ 

This is another great way to show your appreciation while still maintaining a level of professionalism and keeping the conversation light.

22. ‘It means a lot to hear that.’ 

This is a great response if you’re looking for a way to show your appreciation without over-committing yourself. It’s heartfelt, but not too forward.

23. ‘I’d love to get to know you better.’ 

This is a great response if you’re feeling interested in getting to know the person more. Just make sure that you’re not coming off too strong, as that could make the other person uncomfortable.

24. ‘It’s nice to know that someone finds me interesting.’ 

This is another great way to show your appreciation without coming off too strong or forward. It’s also a great way to keep the conversation light.

25. ‘I’m honored.’ 

If you find yourself feeling a bit overwhelmed or emotional, this is a great response. It shows that you’re humbled by the compliment and that you appreciate it.

No matter how you choose to respond to someone who is expressing interest in you, make sure that you stay true to yourself and that you make them feel comfortable. After all, it should be an enjoyable experience for both of you!


The best responses to someone who is intrigued by you will depend on the context in which they expressed their interest. Ultimately, the best thing to do is to be honest, open and let them know that you appreciate their interest.

When they say they’re intrigued by you, a few good responses could be that you are flattered, or you can show your interest in getting to know them better. You can also laugh and say that it’s nice to know that you have caught their attention.

Be sure to keep things light, because nobody likes to feel intimidated or pressured. If the person is truly interested in you, then take things slowly and enjoy getting to know them. With a little bit of effort and a positive attitude, you could be on your way to a great relationship.

Additionally, it is important to remember that it is perfectly acceptable to respond with a question of your own.

Asking the person why they are intrigued by you can help you gain an understanding of what it is about you that they find interesting and can lead to a more meaningful conversation.

Ultimately, the key is to remain polite, courteous, and open. Whether you choose to engage in the conversation further or simply express your gratitude, any of the 25 responses listed above can be a perfect fit depending on the context and scenario.


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