20 of the Best Responses to “Anything for You”

This may be one of the sweetest phrases you can find in English language. I don’t think there’s one man who hates to hear this phrase being said to him. Unfortunately, women or girls seem to hear it more. 

When a person says ‘Anything for you’, he or she has probably done you a favor or is about to do you a favor. This phrase then implies that he or she will do anything for your sake. You only have to say what you want and he/she will get it done.

Below are 20 ways we suggest you may respond with when a person says ‘Anything for you.’

20 Great Responses to ‘Anything for You’

  1. Thank you so much.
  2. Are you planning something?
  3. Sounds like a brewing love story to me.
  4. I’m not entirely gay, you know.
  5. Anything?
  6. I really appreciate this.
  7. Are you sure about that?
  8. You won’t go to space for me
  9. Swear on your grandmother’s last tooth.
  10. Thanks but I don’t need anything from you now.
  11. I bet you will.
  12. I really am okay. Thanks.
  13. It’s unnecessary to bother you.
  14. I don’t think so.
  15. You’re so sweet
  16. Alright. I’ll tell you when I need anything stress-free
  17. Am I dying?
  18. I don’t deserve you
  19. You’re not going to die for me, after all
  20. Okay. Let me think about it.

Responses To ‘Anything for you.’

Thank you so much.

When a person promises to do anything for you, you can respond by saying ‘Thank you so much’.

I can assure you that this may be the most expected response from you; to show appreciation. When the person says ‘Anything for you’, he or she may be asking you to make a request.

The person may also have done something you appreciate already and, in response to you saying ‘Thank you’, he or she is responding with ‘Anything for you’. In other words, the person does not need you to thank him or her and is even willing to do more for your sake.

 Whether the person has said this after doing you a favor or is asking you to make a request, you can say ‘Thank you so much’ in response.

Are you planning something?

You can ask this question if the person mentions the phrase in a weird way. Of course, this question would be unnecessary if he or she has done you a favor already. In that case, the person is only saying the phrase to make you feel free about asking for his or her favor again.

However, a person can walk up to you and start promising to be able to do anything for you. When the person makes this statement, you can ask this question to know his or her intentions.

Most times, this question comes from a person who is in love with the other person. This is why girls get asked this question more often than guys do.

Sounds like a brewing love story to me.

Well, no one goes around freely promising to do anything for anyone. I can promise to help you out with a thing or the other but that doesn’t make me able to help you with just anything you ask for. 

While it is impossible to be able to do everything that a person asks, 90% of the guys who say this to girls often mean it. Yes. The feeling of Love does that to people. No feeling does it better than Love.

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You can simply point this out as a joke. This may get the moment awkward for both of you if it is actually true. If you don’t want to get into that talk, you may skip this option. The safest option is to say this to someone of the same gender, as long as you’re sure he or she is not homosexual.

Responses To ‘Anything for you.’

I’m not entirely gay, you know.

I have probably not mentioned this earlier but you can hear this from a brother or a sister. You can also hear it from just a very close friend. While this is mostly heard from people who harbor romantic feelings, it does not necessarily suggest a brewing love story.

 If and only if you are sure this person is not having love feelings for you, you can respond with this statement. It will be seen as a great joke and neither of you will feel the awkwardness which the statement (i.e. ‘Anything for you’) may have caused.

 In addition, you can only say this to someone of the same gender or else the joke will not be seen.


Nothing stops you from a simple confirmation even though you already heard clearly what the person said. Note that this question is not simply for confirming what the person said earlier. Rather, it is for warning the person who has given you the ticket to making any request.

When you ask this question, the person will get the hint. By repeating ‘Anything’, you are warning the person that you will use the opportunity to the maximum level by demanding virtually every great thing your mind can think of.

I really appreciate this.

This is another way of simply showing gratitude for the statement. While the statement may come from just anyone, whoever it is coming from, you should know that he or she cares about you.

This is one of the most common statements you may hear when you are sick or in a delicate situation and it will always come from people who love you, care about you, and want your happiness.

You may have shown appreciation for what has been done for you before the person makes this statement, it doesn’t stop you from showing further appreciation. The appreciation will not be for the favor you have already received but for the care he/she is promising to show you.

Are you sure about that?

This is similar to repeating the statement. It may sound like you are making a confirmation but it is an indirect warning which will be clearly seen. 

The person has promised to do anything for you. In other words, you can make requests from him or her and the person will be very willing to oblige. By repeatedly asking the question, you are telling the person you may be a terror. You are telling him or her to think twice about the promise.

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This does not necessarily mean you will misuse the opportunity but it will be found funny.

You won’t go to space for me

 When the person starts talking about doing anything for you, you should know that it’s just the feeling of love speaking. Of course, the person may mean it at the moment of speaking.

You have probably said this to one or two people and you really intend to satisfy them as long as you live. However, you can only satisfy a person when you have what it takes. The truth is a person may not always have what it takes and cannot always be prepared.

 In response, you can begin to mention a myriad of things he or she cannot do for your sake. Some people may be willing to die for your sake. However, some things will be truly beyond their power.

Swear on your grandmother’s last tooth.

 This is funny mostly because of the insignificant object. This is similar to repeating what the person said as a warning. The difference is that you are trying to make it an official promise here.

 Once the person swears on anything at all, you can remind him or her of the promise that was made. This response is indirectly telling the person that you will make requests but it does not suggest how great your requests will be.

Thanks but I don’t need anything from you now.

This sounds quite corporate but it may sound a bit cold too. A smile on your face can only do so much in making your response feel less cold and dismissive.

If a person walks up to you and promises to do anything for your sake, you can respond with this. It may break the person’s heart if he or she is in love with you. While giving is a show of love, receiving is seen as a show of love too.

In other words, if you reject the offer by saying this, you may be indirectly telling the person that you don’t like him or her back or you simply don’t get the hint that he or she is in love with you.

 If it’s someone you are already romantically involved with, this response should pose no problem. Just make sure not to say this all the time.

I bet you will.

You can say this back to your boyfriend or girlfriend. If you mean it, you can pull him or her closer and plant a kiss on the lips or wherever you want to 

 You may also not mean it. You may say this as a sarcastic way of doubting how much the person can do for your sake.

I really am okay. Thanks.

 A person can promise to do anything for you and say it repeatedly after you have already been asked for what you want. The person may believe you are reluctant with making a request only because you think he or she will be unable to do it.

 In this case, the statement is to assure you that he or she will do anything you ask. This response helps you stand your ground without sounding dismissive m

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It’s unnecessary to bother you.

 You can say this if you are just so sure that the person will not be able to do all you ask of him or her. You can mention that you don’t think it’s necessary to bother him or her.

 It may also be because you can do it yourself or you have someone else who can. You can explain this to the person after this response.

I don’t think so.

This simply implies that you doubt the promise that the person has made to you.

You may also start to mention things that will be impossible for the person to do for your sake. You can make this sound as funny as possible. After joking about it, you should show appreciation.

You’re so sweet

The statement is a sweet one, as mentioned earlier. You can just say that, then you can say ‘thank you’ and mention that you are okay. You may also say you will call him or her when you need something.

In some cases, the speaker is not in love with you. He or she may just be a worker in the restaurant or hotel you are in and the statement is just to make you feel free in the environment.

Alright. I’ll tell you when I need anything stress-free

 If it is someone whom you suspect may have romantic feelings for you, you can respond with this and add ‘Thank you’.

 This response implies that you accept the person’s offer to do anything you ask. You are also promising to only call the person when you know it won’t get him or her stressed out.

Am I dying?

 You can say this loud joke if it is coming from someone you see every day. Of course, you will find it absurd to hear something so sweet from someone you talk to every day.

 This response will show that you are surprised to hear the statement.

I don’t deserve you

 Say this to your spouse or fiancé when he or she promises to do anything for your sake. This is another way of showing appreciation. You may also add ‘thank you’ if you feel like it.

You’re not going to die for me, after all

 This is one of the things the person may be unable to do for your sake. Some people are actually willing to die for your sake so don’t be shocked or doubtful if the person disputes this.

 This will sound like a joke. You should also appreciate the person for the offer.

Okay. Let me think about it.

If the person says ‘Anything for you’, he or she may be asking you to make a request right away. You are free to ask for whatever you desire so you may just take your time to think about it.

While the person may not say his or her limit, you should know there’s a limit and thinking is necessary so you don’t make wrong requests.

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