20 of the Best Responses to “Let’s Do It”

If anyone has said this to you before, how did you respond to it? This phrase sounds quite straightforward. It can be used in its literal meaning. It may also be used to mean something else; something we often avoid naming but others often understand when we infer.

We will address the meanings of this phrase, both literal and figurative, and we will discuss possible responses depending on how you feel about the meaning and what was intended.

Meaning of “Let’s Do It”

As mentioned earlier, the phrase can be used in its literal meaning. A person may also intend the figurative meaning of this phrase.

‘Let’s do it’ is simply an agreement to execute an action that you and the speaker have already agreed on. It may be something that you have said earlier and the speaker is saying you both should do ‘it’.

It is possible for this statement to be made while both of you have not debated on any action earlier. You can simply ask what is being referred to… or you can look into the person’s eyes and tell that he or she is referring to the other meaning of the phrase.

 A person can say ‘Let’s do it’ to refer to a fun romp. It’s that rough play two people of opposite genders often do on the bed with or without protection. We all know what it means and you can tell when it’s what a person is asking for. 

20 Great Responses to “Let’s do it”

Responses To “Let’s do it.”

  1. I thought you’d never ask.
  2. Do what?
  3. I’m not down for that, right now.
  4. Didn’t think you would agree.
  5. Are you sure?
  6. Not here, at least.
  7. Not now.
  8. I was kidding.
  9. I’m not in the mood for that.
  10. That’s a bad idea.
  11. Let’s go.
  12. We should.
  13. Which one?
  14. Can you make yourself clear?
  15. I don’t think we should.
  16. Come again.
  17. It’s not right.
  18. Where?
  19. I knew you’d be up for it.
  20. Perfect. When should we start?

I thought you’d never ask.

We can tell what this one refers to. It shows you are very much interested. If it were a topic that you both have discussed earlier, this response shows that you may have forgotten about it or you may have given up on doing it.

This response shows that you are very interested in carrying out the action, even though you may just forget about it if the other person disagrees with you.

 You can also say this if the person was asking for sensual intercourse. This response implies that you also want it but you didn’t know if your partner would be interested.

  • “Let’s do it, Jake.”
  • “I thought you’d never ask.”

Do what?

It’s usually quite interesting when you play dumb. First, you may actually have no idea what the person is talking about. If you don’t, you probably wouldn’t know how interesting this is. However, you can ask this question so the person says what he or she means.

If the person refuses to say what ‘it’ is, then you should know that your partner is asking for sensual intercourse with you… unless it’s someone you never expect to hear it from.

You can also use this to torture a person if you have talked about the action earlier and the person seemed to have disagreed with you. Just say this and make the person say what he or she means fully.

  • “Let’s do it, Jenny.”
  • “Do what?”
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I’m not down for that, right now.

This may not be an action you suggested. Responding with this would sound quite weird if you were the one who suggested what the person has just agreed to do with you. However, you can say this and say when you think both of you can get it done.

You can also say this if it is a third-party suggestion. It wasn’t your idea so you still have a say whether you are willing to take it or not. This response can also be used if the phrase had a sensual meaning.

 If your partner walks up to you and says the phrase while giving you sensual signs, this response would suggest that you are either busy with something else or simply not interested.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “I’m not down for that, right now.”

Responses To “Let’s do it.”

Didn’t think you’d agree.

You may have brought a suggestion to someone even when you know the chances of getting it done are low. It happens in many cases. We know what response we will get from doing a thing but we still do it and hope to get a different response that suits us. We get lucky, sometimes..

This response suggests that you only tried your luck by raising that idea and you didn’t think the person would agree to take it.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Wow. Yes. I didn’t think you’d agree.”

Are you sure?

As mentioned earlier, there are times when we raise our opinions and ideas, even though we know there are high chances of them being disposed.

We just go ahead and say what we have to say for whoever is willing to listen. Sometimes, you just know that there are so many factors the other person has to consider before agreeing with you.

This response suggests that you care about the person’s opinions and welfare. It may be an idea that you suspect he or she may be uncomfortable with. This question implies that you will be okay if the person chooses to not accept your idea.

It may also not be your suggestion. It may be a third-party suggestion which you know nothing about. Asking this question would show that you don’t have an opinion since you don’t know anything about it.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Are you sure you want us to do it?”

Not here, at least.

This response suggests that the action is one that can be performed immediately or even where you are. The phrase may be referring to a suggestion you made, a third-party suggestion, or the other meaning of the phrase we talked about.

Your response directly tells the person that you are not averse to the idea of performing the action but you are not willing to do it where you are. While this may be any activity like dancing or singing, it mostly sounds like someone’s referring to sensual intercourse… and you are interested; just not in that place.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Not here, at least.”
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Not now.

This response is similar to the earlier one but there is a clear difference. It suggests that it is an action that can be performed at that particular moment. However, you are not willing to perform it at that particular moment for one reason or the other. 

 It may be referring to any activity and it doesn’t necessarily have to be a physical one. You may be talking about starting a business. This response means you are not ready to get into the process but you are interested in it and may do it later.

The person may also be talking about sensual intercourse. You can say this if you are not interested at that moment or if there are things you need to do before getting into that.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Not now.”

I was kidding.

You may have raised a suggestion as a joke. It may be a ridiculous one that you are definitely not interested in. It may also be one that you are interested in but didn’t think you would ever try to execute.

When the person agrees to such an idea, you can express that you only raised the suggestion or idea as a joke. Then you can hear what the person has to say and you both can consider the possibilities of getting it done.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “ was kidding”

I’m not in the mood for that.

 A person may raise a suggestion that you don’t find favorable and another person thinks both of you should do it together. You can express how you feel about the suggestion too. If you don’t think it’s a good one, you can say why you think so. You can also simply mention if you just are not interested in doing it.

 The phrase may also be referring to sensual intercourse. If you are not interested in a romp, you can respond with this.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “I’m not in the mood for that.”

That’s a bad idea.

This response suggests that the idea was definitely not yours and you don’t think it’s a good one. It is either by a third-party or by the same person who has asked that both of you do it.  However, it really may have been your idea but you are just realizing how much of a bad idea it is.

If the phrase referred to sensual intercourse, it means you don’t think it is right to sleep with the person talking. The person may not be your partner… or you both may be in a place where you can’t do it.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “That’s a bad idea.”

Let’s go.

This response shows your eagerness to carry out the idea. In fact, you may have just been waiting to hear the person say yes to the idea so you can both get it done.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Let’s go.”

We should.

After the person has agreed to the idea, you can also show that you agree with the idea. This is more likely to be referring to a third-party suggestion. This response shows that you are willing to get it done.

You can also use this response for a sensual innuendo. The person is asking for a sensual intercourse, this response shows that you are also interested.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “We should”
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Which one?

You can ask this question if you don’t know which idea the person is referring to. Both of you may have raised many ideas in your earlier discussions. In this case, you can’t tell which of the ideas ‘it’ refers to so you just have to ask what the person means by ‘it’.

 In this case, it must be one of the ideas you already agreed with.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Which one?”

Can you make yourself clear?

This question asks what the person means by ‘it’. This response is similar to the earlier one but this sounds more like you are teasing the person.

You may have had the discussion with the person earlier where he or she had refused to accept the idea. You can ask this question so the person is forced to say what ‘it’ means.

  • “Let’s do it”
  • “What exactly? Can you make yourself clear?”

I don’t think we should.

This response directly suggests that you don’t or no longer agree with the idea. It may be a third-party suggestion which the other person agrees to. Saying ‘you don’t think’ implies that you may have your reasons for thinking it’s not a good idea to accept the suggestion.

 It may also have been your suggestion which you are just realizing may not be favorable.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “I don’t think we should.”

Come again.

This is another way of getting the person to say what he or she means by ‘it’. The person may be asking for sensual intercourse and you can just make your partner repeat the statement just as a tease.

 This may be even funnier than telling the person to make himself or herself clear. This will sound like you can’t hear what the person has said to you.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Come again. I didn’t get that.”

It’s not right.

This response suggests that you don’t think the suggestion is a good idea, irrespective of whether it was raised by you or not.

It may also be a response to a sensual request from someone who should not be asking or in a place where you shouldn’t do it.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “It’s not right.”


This question suggests that it is an action that can be performed in many places and you are asking the person to choose where you may get it done.

 It also implies that you are interested as long as you agree on where to get it done.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Where should we?”

I knew you’d be up for it.

 You can say this to acknowledge that you knew the person would agree to take your idea or a third-party idea which you are also interested in.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “I knew you’d be up for it.”

Perfect. When should we start?

 This response shows your eagerness. It may have been your idea or a third-party idea that you agree with. This asks the person when he or she wants the action to begin.

  • “Let’s do it.”
  • “Perfect. When should we start?”


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