20 of the Best Responses to “No Life”

When someone tells you that you have no life, it means that the person is telling you that you have no social life.

It could be true that you have no social life or it could be that the person knows little to nothing about you. How will you handle it? Or if someone calls you “no life” how will you respond to it?

That is what I wrote in this article, I have explained 20 ways you can reply to someone if the person calls you no life.

20 Best Replies to No Life

  1. Fix your own life first off
  2. Can I borrow yours seems you are not using it
  3. What’s your business with my life
  4. Have a good life, God bless
  5. I hope I get one soon
  6. I think you should tag along with me
  7. What if I actually do?
  8. I’m even better than you
  9. Find something better to say
  10. Talk to me when you have something important to tell me
  11. If you had done something better with your time you’d have been more productive
  12. Can’t you be nice for once
  13. Why are you so blunt
  14. I never expected this from you
  15. Don’t talk to me again
  16. You sound pathetic
  17. That’s exactly how I’m trying to appear
  18. You are too quick to judge
  19. But you know nothing about me
  20. Talk to me only if you are better than me

Fix Your Life First Off

how to respond to no life

This is a savage response and it is a way to put off the person, by telling them to fix their own life first before telling you to get a life.

Most of the people telling you to get a life actually are not doing well themselves, so telling someone like that to fix his own life is such a good response.

Can I Borrow Yours Seems You Ain’t Using It

Another savage response, this would most likely put the person off, someone calling you a no life and you tell the person to borrow you his own life since they aren’t using it themselves, sounds quite ridiculous and would definitely leave the person speechless or defeated.

Related Reading: How to Respond to “Patience Is a Virtue”

What’s your business with my life

This is another way of telling the person to mind his business, most people love to poke their nose and comment on whatever and everything that doesn’t even concern them, so replying in this manner would let them know they have no right to tell you what to do as it isn’t their business at all.

Next time, the person would not say anything that does not concern him. The moment he sees that it is related to you and has nothing to do with him, he will mind his business and not even bother you.

Have a good life, God bless

This is a calm and composed way to put the person off, especially when you don’t want to argue with him or her or if you don’t have the strength to banter.

Just simply telling them to have a good life and God bless, would do a great deal to silence the whole matter and keep everything cool.

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This way, you show him that you do not have so much time to waste and he should not even bother explaining himself to you. When you say God bless, it shows you are also wishing him well.

I hope I get one soon

This is a roast response, you’re simply telling the person that you’d get a life just as soon as they lose theirs, in other words, you are trying to say that you will get a social life when the person loses his.

It may be difficult for someone to lose a social life. This reply is a sarcastic one. You should only use it if you want to sound sarcastic to the person.

I think you should tag along with me

This is a good reply too, you’re telling the person to tag along with you and help you get a life since he/she feels you don’t have one at the moment or that you’re too boring and not social.

So telling them to tag along with you would be of great benefit as they would help change the scenario and this would stop them from further saying you don’t have a life. Maybe teach you how to have a social life.

If the person is capable of teaching you to have a social life, then he should go ahead to do that without thinking too much about it.

What if I actually do

This reply is more like a rhetorical question, you’re countering the person’s claim of you not having a social life, this reply is suitable when the person doesn’t know you so well to know how boring and unsocial you are, you can always reply this way when you’re very much certain that the person doesn’t know much about you.

When you say “what if I actually do”, you make him want to know if you actually have a social life. That way, he may even want to find out if you have a social life or not. You have already made him inquisitive.

I’m even better than you

You’re directly telling the person that you are doing better than him/her, this is a very good reply too as it helps you not to have low self-esteem and it would give you the reassurance that you’re not as bad as they think you are.

This is a reply you can use if you are sure of yourself and you are also sure of the fact that you are better than the person in all ramifications. This reply is very direct and it would make the person start to question himself.

Find something better to say

Telling them this is a good way to counter that statement and say something else, this shows your displeasure and indifference to the statement that you have no life.

The person is obviously saying something that makes no sense to you or the person is saying it in the wrong way.

In your reply, you are simply telling the person that he should find something better to say to you, else you will not even pay attention to him at all.

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Talk to me when you have something better to tell me

You can say this especially when it’s becoming a regular statement from the person, tell him/her to talk to you when they have something better to say sounds so savage and it would definitely put them off guard.

This is a direct reply telling him that you do not like it when people tell you something that makes no sense, you are also telling him directly that he should only talk to you when he has something good to say.

This explains to him how much you care about the quality of things you hear and what you allow others to say to you.

Related Reading: How to Respond to “No Biggie

If you had done something better with your time, you’d have been more productive

This is a suitable reply, especially for those that feel that they can always comment and gossip about someone’s private life.

Telling them this would make them know that had they done something more reasonable with their time or if they had something doing at all, they won’t even be bothered about someone else’s.

This is a simple truth, if you spend your time doing something better, he would have been more productive, instead of using the time to tell you how you do not have a social life.

Next time the person tells you how you do not have a social life, remind him that he should do something better with his time and he will be way better.

Can’t you be nice for once

Perfect response to someone that always says negative things, someone who doesn’t see the positives in what you do or say.

Telling them to be nice for once is such a good reply as it would put to their consciousness the need to be nice and say fewer negative comments.

Some people find it hard to be nice to people, if the person happens to say this to you, remind him how important it is for him to be a nice person.

Why are you so blunt?

A question-like reply telling the person why he or she is so blunt, meaning they say things the way it is without mincing words, by asking them this you are indirectly telling them to be nicer and shouldn’t try to paint things so bad all the time.

When someone is so blunt, it means the person says things just the way they are. Sometimes, the person could say it the wrong way or in a

I never expected this from you

This is you being disappointed at such a statement, you can give this reply especially when the person is so close to you and you’re really surprised that such a statement would be made by him or her.

This reply also means that you hold the person to high standards. You did not expect the person to say such to you.

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Don’t talk to me again

Better still you can just call it quits by telling them not to talk to you anymore, this shows your utter displeasure at such a statement and how bad you feel to be told such.

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With a reply like this, the person will not talk to you again. You simply told the person to not talk to you again because you do not like the way the person talked to you at that time.

You sound pathetic

This is a very cold response and it is suitable when you intend to make the person feel bad for making such a ridiculous statement.

This is a good comeback as well, it will send a message to the person that you are not happy with what he said to you.

That’s how exactly I’m trying to appear

This saying would clear the air and make the person know that you actually are not a “no life” and you’re just appearing to be that way so as to be deceptive or corny

You are too quick to judge

Let the person know that he is too quick to judge and if he really wants to know you, he should take time to see your qualities and the type of things you are able to do, then, he will be able to tell the kind of person you are.

But you know nothing about me

This is a reply telling the person that he knows nothing about you. Tell him this and you will notice that he will start to take his time to work on knowing you better.

Talk to me only if you are better than me

This is a reply you can give if you are sure that the person is not better than you in any way. Tell him to talk to you only if he is better than you.

That way, you are passing a message that you only talk to people who are doing well and you are not ready to associate with that person because he is saying something bad about you when he is not any better.

Related Reading: How to Respond to “I’m Good, Hbu

Final Words

These replies that I have explained in this article will help you when you want to reply to someone who told you you have no life, which also means that you have no social life.

It could also be that you have no social life, but the person told you in a way that seems so embarrassing and you do not like it when people tell you things in an embarrassing way.

If you are in this situation and you do not know what to say, you can make use of any of the replies that I have explained in this article.

You can use any reply based on how you feel about what the person said to you.

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