17 Best Replies to “Hasta La Vista”

Have you ever heard someone say “Hasta La Vista” and wondered what they meant? Hasta La Vista translates to “Until I See You Again” in English, and is a common expression in many Spanish-speaking countries.

While this phrase can be used to say goodbye, there are a few other meanings and contexts it can take on depending on the context.

Is It Rude To Say Hasta La Vista?

The phrase ‘Hasta La Vista’ is a Spanish phrase meaning roughly “until we meet again”.

It can be used as a rhetorical goodbye, or to convey more of a permanent goodbye. In that sense, hasta la vista could be considered rude.

Although, it generally depends on the context in which it is said and the relationship between the two individuals.

For example, if two long-time friends are saying goodbye for the last time before one moves away for good, then Hasta La Vista might be an appropriate way to say goodbye.

In most contexts, it is not considered to be rude to say “Hasta La Vista. However, if the context or tone of voice used when saying this phrase implies disrespect or hostility, then it could potentially be interpreted as rude.

Learn more about Hasta La Vista vs Hasta Luego

17 Correct Replies to Hasta La Vista

Replies to Hasta La Vista

  1. That’s great, looking forward to it
  2. Catch you later
  3. Take care
  4. See you around
  5. Alright then
  6. See you then
  7. Sounds good
  8. Hope it’s soon
  9. Ok bye
  10. Later bye
  11. Farewell
  12. See you soon
  13. See you later
  14. Have a good day
  15. I wish you success
  16. It was nice seeing you
  17. Until then

That’s great. Looking forward to it

The phrase “looking forward to it” is often used as a polite way of expressing enthusiasm about an impending event or activity.

It can be used to show anticipation and eagerness for something that is expected to occur soon. It is generally seen as a positive expression and conveys enthusiasm from the speaker towards the other party.

While Hasta la Vista should be used for final departures only, people often use it casually. Only in a casual case can this response work.

By saying this, you are implying that you are enthusiastic about meeting the person again. You should only consider this response if the person has stated a particular time when he or she hopes to see you.

You can say this to an acquaintance but it would sound pretty weird to say ‘That’s great’.

You would end up showing too much unnatural eagerness unless you have really important reasons to see the person again and there is a plan for both of you to meet.

Catch you later

‘Catch you later’ is a phrase often said during departure and mostly used among friends. From the literal meaning of the words, it implies that you will be meeting with the person at a later time.

The use of ‘Later’ implies that you don’t have plans of meeting but you will definitely meet again.  It may also imply that you have plans of meeting but you are not sure when that would happen.

This is a perfect response to Hasta la vista if the Spanish phrase has been used casually.

Since Hasta La Vista is meant to be used when parting with an acquaintance and saying a final Goodbye, this response may be quite incorrect.

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However, if Hasta La Vista has been said to you by a friend or someone you will definitely meet again, you can simply respond with this.

Take care

This phrase has several meanings but that depends on the context in which the phrase is used. ‘Take care’ can be used instead of ‘Sorry’ in showing sympathy.

In some places, ‘Sorry’ is believed to only be correct when you have played a part in inflicting pain on the person you are talking to. ‘Take care’ can also be used while departing. It can be expanded as ‘Take care of yourself’.

This response is perfect because you can always respond with this. When a person says Hasta la Vista as a final Goodbye, you can say ‘Take care’.

When it’s a friend saying Hasta la Vista, you can also say ‘Take care’, though it sounds very formal.

See you around

‘See you around’ is one of the most commonly used parting words but is only used informally. You won’t be hearing this in an informal conversation.

From the literal interpretation of the phrase, it is clearly incorrect to incorporate this in a formal conversation.

The phrase implies that you are talking to a person who stays nearby or will be nearby for a while.

By saying this, you are telling the person that you hope to meet with the person by chance again since you are very close.

This is a correct response when you are ending a conversation with a friend but it will be incorrect if you or the person is going somewhere distant from where you both are at the moment of the conversation.

You can also say this to an acquaintance if you think the person will still be nearby after you end the conversation.

However, when you are talking to someone you may not see again or someone that is traveling, this response will be incorrect.

Alright then

Replies to Hasta La Vista

‘Alright then’ is a phrase whose meaning can be derived from the context in which it is used.

You can say this while parting. By saying this, you may be implying that the conversation is over and you both may have nothing else to talk about. You can say this to imply that you agree with what a person has said.

When a conversation ends with Hasta la Vista, saying ‘Alright then’ means you agree that the conversation has ended and it is time to depart. It works perfectly in all contexts that Hasta la Vista may be used.

See you then

This is very much similar to the response suggested earlier but there is a big difference. Just like Alright then, saying this means you agree with what the other person has said.

However, while Alright then can work in all contexts where Hasta La Vista may be used, this option only works when a time has been agreed upon for you both to meet.

When you say See you then, you are implying that you will be meeting with the person in a place or at a time that you both have agreed upon earlier.

You can say this to anyone, whether an acquaintance or a close friend, but there has to be an agreed time for you both to meet.

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If you are leaving a person without hope of seeing him or her again, this would be incorrect or it would sound like a joke.

Sounds good

This response is definitely sarcastic, irrespective of the situation in which Hasta La Vista has been used.

In a formal situation, it is clear to both of you that you won’t be meeting again. Saying this may sound like you don’t want to meet with the person ever again.

This may seem hostile but it is dependent on how you say it. If you say it rightly, you may just get the person to laugh or make a similar joke about his or her departure.

In a casual situation, the literal meaning of Hasta La Vista will come to mind. You can consider this sarcastic when someone you see every day says [See you in Heaven] or [Till the afterlife].

You can respond sarcastically by saying [Sounds good]. You may even make it funnier by adding [Go wait for me].

Hope it’s soon

Whether a person says Hasta La Vista casually or formally, this response should fit perfectly in. However, it may still be incorrect or weird if there is already an agreed time for both of you to meet again.

If Hasta La Vista is used as it literally means, saying ‘Hope it’s soon’ implies that you would like to meet the person again even if there is no hope that it will ever happen.

If Hasta La Vista is used casually by a friend, this response will only be correct if the time for both of you to meet has not been agreed upon. However, if a time has already been stated, you may be sounding absurd.

Ok Bye

This is another response that suggests agreement. It works in all contexts that Hasta La Vista may be used in.

If you are leaving an acquaintance or a friend you may never meet again, you can say Ok Bye after the person says Hasta La Vista.

If you are leaving someone you know you will see again, saying Ok Bye will also work perfectly.

Later Bye

This is an official response for See you later and Goodbye. You can use this when you are not sure of when you will be seeing the person again but you know you both will be meeting again soon.

This response would be incorrect if Hasta La Vista is used officially. When saying Goodbye to someone you know you may never meet again, you don’t think you would be seeing the person later so this response won’t be fitting into the situation.


This is an English synonym for Goodbye. While you can say Goodbye when separating from anyone and in virtually any situation, this is mostly used in journeys.

You can choose to say this to a friend whom you will surely meet again. You can also say this to someone whom you may never cross paths with again.

However, this is often used to mean [Wish you success in your journey] so you should only use this when it is the other person that is leaving. If you are the one traveling, the other person can say Farewell.

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Also, you should only say this if you are sure that the other person is going on a long journey and may not return early or may not meet with you ever again.

See you soon

Spanish citizens must get to say Goodbye a lot to have so many expressions that are specially for departures. One of them is Nos Vemos means See you in English or See you soon.

You can always say See you soon but it is mostly correct when you are approaching or going to meet the person you are talking to.

However, nothing stops you from saying this while leaving a person. In that case, it would mean you would be seeing the person again at a known or unknown time.

You may consider using the Spanish expression; Nos Vemos.

See you later

Once again, we have another Spanish word that translates to Goodbye in English; Hasta Luego.

It literally means See you later which is technically different from Hasta La Vista which means Until I see you again or Until we meet again.

This should only be used when you know you will be meeting the person again, even though neither of you have plans of meeting.

While Soon means the time of meeting is very near, Later means the time or meeting is either far or unknown

Have a good day

You can say this in Spanish;  Que tengas un buen diá. You should respond to Hasta La Vista with this if you are sure that you won’t be meeting with the person anymore in that day.

You can also say this if you think you both won’t ever meet again.

Saying Have a good day to a friend can sound dismissive if he or she thinks you both still have time to hang out. Using the Spanish translation instead would be more fun.

Wish you success

The Spanish translation of this is Te deseo exito. You can always respond to Hasta la Vista with this but it may sound weird if you are talking to a friend whom you may be meeting again in the next few minutes.

It is more suitable when you are talking to someone who is going on a journey. It may be an acquaintance whom you will never meet again. It may also be a friend.

It was nice seeing you

This parting statement is no news to most people. This is something we say to friends whom we meet by chance.

If you come across a friend whom you haven’t met in a long time, you can say this in response to Hasta la Vista, even if you may never meet again after that time.

Until then

This is similar to the English translation of Hasta La Vista (Until we meet again). By responding with Until then, you are implying that you agree with what the person has said.

You can use this if Hasta La Vista is coming from a close friend or from someone whom you may never meet again.

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